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Write a short text about you and your school, similar to the ones you have just read about Jessie, Steve and Jack’s.[r]


Jessie is 12 and she is in the 7th form She attends Appleton High School, one of the biggest and most modern schools in New York with 2700 students and 220 teachers

Jessie’s lessons begin at 08:25 and finish at 14:35 She has eight subjects Integrated Science, which includes Biology, Physics and Chemistry, is her favourite She is particularly keen on the latter – Chemistry French is the subject she likes the least Well not exactly, because she even likes the way it sounds; however, she finds French grammar so difficult, especially the verbs This term she’s going to join the French Club Jessie loves her school Everything is new and modern The classrooms are big, the gymnasiums have good showers and the canteen is very spacious and tidy The facilities she likes best are the students’ room, with lots of games, computers, magazines and videos, and the indoor swimming pool, of course!

Steve and Jack are 11 and they are also in the 7th form They attend Queen Victory Comprehensive School, a big, old school in London with 2200 students and 190 teachers

Steve and Jack are in the same class Their school day begins with the Assembly at 8:45 Their lessons begin at 09:00 and finish at 16:30 They have nine subjects Physical Education is their favourite, but Steve also likes Chemistry a lot Jack finds it interesting, but he likes Geography better

Steve and Jack don’t think much of their school Everything is so old and unattractive The gymnasium is badly equipped and there is never warm water in the showers The classrooms are tidy, but the chairs are very uncomfortable The facilities they like best are the sports fields and the library They have both joined the sports club and they love the games between schools B Now read the first part of the text carefully (Jessie’s school) and

complete these sentences.

1 Appleton High School has got _ 2 isIntegrated Science

3 Jessie is going to join the French Club because _ _ 4 Jessica’s school facilities are _ C Reread the 2nd part of the text and say whether these statements

are True or False Correct the false ones by quoting from the text. 1 Steve and Jack are younger than Jessie _

School Name…

Reading Comprehension – 7th Form

A Scan the text to find out who the statements on the left refer to. .

1 I live in the USA

a) Jessie b) Steve c) Jack

2 I am 11 years

old a) Jessie b) Steve c) Jack

3 I am in the 7th form.

a) Jessie b) Steve c) Jack

4. I am not good

at French a) Jessie b) Steve c) Jack

5. I like Geography a) Jessie b) Steve c) Jack

6 I like the school

facilities a) Jessie b) Steve c) Jack

7 I belong to the


2 Steve and Jack’s school is not as modern as Jessie’s school _ 3 Steve and Jack don’t have lessons together _ 4 Steve and Jack must register at 09:00 _ _ 5 Both Steve and Jack like Physical Education a lot _ _ 6 Jack prefers Chemistry to Geography _ _ 7 Steve and Jack usually have a hot shower after Physical Education class _ _ D Answer these questions on the text.

1 What does Jessie think of her school? Justify your answer 2 Do Steve and Jack like their school? Why/ Why not? 3 What about you? Do you like your school? State your reasons E Say what these words refer to in the text.

1 which (line – 1st part of the text)



Write a short text about you and your school, similar to the ones you have just read about Jessie, Steve and Jack’s Don’t forget to mention:

outside structure

inside structure – school facilities students and teachers

time school begins/finishes

extra-curricular activities the school offers you

Ngày đăng: 27/05/2021, 04:18

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