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Sử dụng graphene đa lớp làm chất mang xúc tác trong phản ứng hydro hóa cinnamaldehyde nhằm thu được hydrocinnamaldehyde với độ chọn lọc cao

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Trong bài viết này vật liệu graphene đa lớp được chế tạo từ ruột bút chì bằng phương pháp bóc tách cơ học và được ứng dụng làm chất mang cho hạt nano palladium.

T p chí Khoa h c Cơng ngh 116 (2017) 081-086 u Trì i h c Bách khoa - i h N ng - 54 Nguy n Tòa so n: 25-4-2016; ch p nh ng - Liên Chi u -12-2016 ng Tóm t t V t li c nghiên c u s d ng nhi c khác p niên v a qua nh vào nh ng tính ch t c a chúng nghiên c u FLG c ch t o t ru t bút chì b ng c c ng d ng làm ch t mang cho h t nano palladium (Pd) Xúc tác Pd/FLG ng m t s h p ph - gi i h p ph ng nhi lý s li u theo lý thuy t BET, kính hi n t quét (SEM), kính hi n t truy n qua (TEM) quang ph Raman K t qu ng d ng xúc tác cho ph n ng hydro hóa cinnamaldehyde (CAL) c hydrocinnamaldehyde (HCAL) v ch n l c cao 94% chuy n hóa b ng 80% ch n l c cao nghiên c u có th n t hai lý khác nhau, c h t graphite hóa cao c a ch t mang FLG (IG/ID = 5,7), th hai có th c c a h t nano Pd mang l i T khóa: FLG; Pd/FLG; Raman; SEM; TEM; hydro hóa CAL Abstract Few layer graphene (FLG) materials have been applied in different areas for over last decade thanks to their novel properties In this work, FLG was produced from pencil lead by mechemical exfoliation method, this material was used as catalyst support for palladium (Pd) nanoparticles Pd/FLG catalyst was characterised by several techniques including nitrogen adsorption - desorption isotherms (BET), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Raman spectrum The catalyst was tested for the selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde (CAL) and the result showed a high selectivity towards the C=C bond, over 94% of hydrocinnamaldehyde (HCAL) obtained at 80% of CAL conversion The high selectivity to HCAL in this work would be related to two different aspects, the first is the high graphitization degrees of FLG (IG/ID = 5,7), the second is the particle size of Pd Keywords: FLG; Pd/FLG; Raman; SEM; TEM; Cinnamaldehyde hydrogenation * * a ch liên h : Tel: (+84) 932 445 199 Email: thtri@dut.udn.vn T p chí Khoa h c Công ngh 116 (2017) 081-086 2.1 o p - ch t mang cho xúc tác k t qu nghiên c u 2 2 T p chí Khoa h c Cơng ngh 116 (2017) 081-086 2.4 Hydro hóa ch n l c cinnamaldehyde 2.2 T ng h p xúc tác Pd/FLG 2 o 2.3 c tính c a s n ph m G D, G D x T p chí Khoa h c Cơng ngh 116 (2017) 081-086 G D CAL o 3.1 a ch t mang xúc tác Pd/FLG -1 -1 G D 3.2 Hydro hóa ch n l c cinnamaldehyde T p chí Khoa h c Cơng ngh 116 (2017) 081-086 G D G D [1] Feng Jiang, Jian Cai, Bing Liu, Yuebing Xu and Xiaohao Liu, Hydrogenation of Cinnamaldehyde over Supported Pallad Vol.6, (2016) p.75541-75551 T p chí Khoa h c Cơng ngh 116 (2017) 081-086 [2] n of cinnamaldehyde in the presence of PdAu/C catalysts prepared by the reverse -inCatalysis A: General 487, (2014) p.1-15 [3] G.C Bond, Catalysis of Metals, Academic Press, London, 1962 [4] Marjolein L Toebes, T Alexander Nijhuis, Jan Hájek, Johannes H Bitter, A Jos van Dillen,Dmitry hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde over carbon nano ber-supported platinum catalysts: Kinetic 60, (2005) p.5682-5695 [5] Arie J Plomp, Heli Vuori, A Outi I Krause, Krijn P carbon nano ber supported Pt and Ru catalysts for the [11] Bao-Hui Zhao, Jian-Gang Chen, Xuan Liu, ZhongWen Liu, Zhengping Hao, Jianliang Xiao, and ZhaoTie Liu, Selective Hydrogenation of Cinnamaldehyde over Pt and Pd Supported on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes in a CO2-Expanded Alcoholic Medium Ind Eng Chem Res.,Vol.51(34), (2012) p.11112-11121 [12] Yuankui Zhang, Shijian Liao, Yun Xu, Daorong Yu, General 192, (2000) p.247-251 [13] Masayuki Shirai, Tomonari Tanaka, Masahiko Arai, -, -unsaturated aldehyde to unsaturated alcohol with supported Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 168, (2001) p 99-103 [14] Jian Ru Gong, Graphene - Catalysis A: General 351, (2008) p.9-15 [6] Marjolein L Toebes, Frans F Prinsloo, A Jos van Dillen, Johannes H Bitter, and Krijn P de Jong, uence of oxygen-containing surface groups on the activity and selectivity of carbon nano bersupported ruthenium catalysts in the hydrogenation of , (2013) p.78-87 [7] hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde over Pd/SiO2 Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 203, (2003) p.231-239 [8] Vol.40, (1998) p.81-126 Hydrogenation of -Sci Eng., Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, 2011 [15] I Janowska, F Vigneron, D Begin, O Ersen, P Bernhardt, T Romero, M.J Ledoux, C Pham-Huu, make few-layer graphene p.30923116 [16] Mustafa Lotya, Yenny Hernandez, Paul J King, Ronan J Smith, Valeria Nicolosi, Lisa S Karlsson, Fiona M Blighe, Sukanta De, ZhimingWang, I T McGovern, Georg S Duesberg and Jonathan N Coleman Liquid phase production of graphene by exfoliation of graphite in surfactant/water solutions J Am Chem Soc, Vol.131, (2009) p.3611-3620 [17] H.S.S Ramakrishna Matte, K S Subrahmanyam and [9] Jieshan Qiu, Hongzhe Zhang, Xiuna Wang, Hongmei hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde over carbon nanotube supported Pd-R React Kinet Catal Lett., Vol 88, No 2, (2006) p.269-275 [10] Qing Han, Yunfei Liu, Dong Wang, Fulong Yuan, nanosheets with different graphitization degrees as a support of noble metals on selective hydrogenation of Synthesis, Janeza r Nanotechnol, Vol 1, (2011) p.3-13 [18] Yongchao Si and Edward T Samulski, Chem Mater, Vol.20, (2008) p.6792-6797 [19] Dong Wang, Yujun Zhu, Chungui Tian, Lei Wang, Wei Zhou, Yongli Dong, Haijing Yan, and Honggang Palladium for the Selective Hydrogenation of p.98356-98364 Vol.8, (2016) p.1718-1726 ... (2017) 081-086 2.1 o p - ch t mang cho xúc tác k t qu nghiên c u 2 2 T p chí Khoa h c Công ngh 116 (2017) 081-086 2.4 Hydro hóa ch n l c cinnamaldehyde 2.2 T ng h p xúc tác Pd/FLG 2 o 2.3 c tính... ch t mang xúc tác Pd/FLG -1 -1 G D 3.2 Hydro hóa ch n l c cinnamaldehyde T p chí Khoa h c Công ngh 116 (2017) 081-086 G D G D [1] Feng Jiang, Jian Cai, Bing Liu, Yuebing Xu and Xiaohao Liu, Hydrogenation... in the hydrogenation of , (2013) p.78-87 [7] hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde over Pd/SiO2 Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 203, (2003) p.231-239 [8] Vol.40, (1998) p.81-126 Hydrogenation

Ngày đăng: 26/05/2021, 21:32


