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Bai Tap He 2012 2

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Good teachers know that children need (a firm discipline / firm discipline).. Due to (an adverse weather condition / adverse weather condition / adverse weather conditions) the train 3.[r]



SUMMER COURSE 2012 [2] ADJECTIVES OR ADVERBS Choose the correct word to complete each sentence

[1] I can't (honest / honestly) say what time I'll be home Looking after the kids is extremely (tired / tiring / tiredly)

3 Until recently the civil war had been (large / largely) ignored by the outside world All the information will be treated (confidential / confidentially)

5 If the action in a film is too (slow-moving / slowly-moving)

6 I get fed up with it Why does he never anything (right / rightly) ? I was standing just (near / nearly) enough to hear what they were saying She (narrow / narrowly) missed winning an Oscar

9 Check that the ladder's (firm / firmly) before you climb up it 10 Please seal the envelope (firm / firmly) before posting it

[2] The (fast / fastly) train to London takes less than an hour She likes everything (neat / neatly) and tidy

3 The poison took (instant / instantly) effect

4 The child was playing (dangerous / dangerously) near to the edge of the swimming pool I was (scarce / scarcely) able to move my arm after the accident

6 The snow fell (silent / silently)

7 Have I pronounced your name (correct / correctly) ?

8 The new building was rather (boring / bored / boringly) and conventional I'm sorry, madam, the restaurant is (full / fully) booked

10 The opposition had a (narrow / narrowly) defeat [3]

1 If you're going to walk long distances you need (proper / properly) walking boots The traffic was quite (light / lightly) so we got through London quickly

3 I've never played ice hockey - it's far too (dangerous / dangerously) I need a break, a (complete / completely) change of scene

5 The election campaign was not conducted very (clean / cleanly) You must put matters (right / rightly) by telling the truth

7 She's got some very (interested / interesting / interestingly) things to say on the subject We thought the book had been very (good / well) researched

9 The ground's impossible to dig - it's as (hard / hardly) as stone

10 It was my first time abroad and the language, the food, everything was so (strange / strangely) [4]

1 In some cities you don't feel (safe / safely) going out alone at night It was a largely (peaceful / peacefully) demonstration

3 The world's financial markets are ever more (close / closely) linked I want an explanation, but keep it (simple / simply)

5 Their house is (beautiful / beautifully) decorated

6 Actors and actresses need to be (clear / clearly) speakers My head feels (awful / awfully) - I think I must have flu The film has a (bored / boredly / boringly) predictable ending


2 [5] The accident was (clear / clearly) the lorry driver's fault Divide the mixture (even / evenly) between the baking pans

3 We resurfaced the kitchen floor because it wasn't (even / evenly) enough for Dad's wheelchair These will be the first (genuine / genuinely) free elections in the country

5 The house was (safe / safely) locked up

6 She was too (polite / politely) to point out my mistake In the smaller villages, it's (most / mostly) very quiet at night His clothes are all (neat / neatly) folded in their drawers He died (peaceful / peacefully) in his sleep

10 I had two glasses of wine at lunch and it's made me feel really (sleepy / sleepily ) [6]

1 I'm (interested / interesting / interestingly) to know why he left the job so suddenly I'm not surprised he failed his exam - he didn't exactly try very (hard / hardly ) ! If it is a (genuine / genuinely) Michelangelo drawing, it will sell for millions

4 My piano playing has improved (significant / significantly) since I've had a new teacher She walked into a (bright / brightly) lit room

6 He sleeps (light / lightly) and always hears the baby when she cries The traffic is moving very (slow / slowly) ahead of us

8 You'll have to excuse Joanna - she's feeling rather (tiring / tired / tiredly) and emotional at the moment I noticed how (slow / slowly) her movements were

10 He'd (complete / completely) changed - I didn't recognize him [7]

1 The (easiest / easily) thing is for us to take the train home He was very (cool / coolly) and calm about the mishap Hospitals need to be kept (clean / cleanly )

4 He had a (sudden / suddenly) heart attack while he was on holiday

5 (Interested / Interestedly / Interestingly) enough, he never actually said that he was innocent

6 There has been a (significant / significantly) increase in the number of women students at Cambridge University in recent years Her cherry pie always looks (good / well) and tastes delicious

8 You could (hard / hardly) stand up because the wind was so strong I've made a guess but I don't know if it's the (correct / correctly) answer

10 The kids loved the fair, but they enjoyed the bumper cars (most / mostly) of all [8]

1 She just (sudden / suddenly) decided that she'd had enough and she left him I only had time for a (quick / quickly) glance at the paper this morning I've (near / nearly) finished that book you lent me

4 The empty house was completely (silent / silently ) (Scarce / Scarcely) resources should be used sensibly She stumbled (sleepy / sleepily) into the bathroom

7 There was a (fresh / freshly) fall of snow during the night He spoke (tiring / tired / tiredly) of his ordeal

9 All information will be treated as strictly (confidential / confidentially) 10 I think it's unlikely that we'll move in the (near / nearly) future

[9] We really ought to leave (immediate / immediately ) They quite (right / rightly) complained to the manager



5 The company's financial situation is looking rather (bad / badly) at the moment They dealt with the problem (quick / quickly / fast) and efficiently

7 I love the smell of (fresh / freshly) baked bread

8 He was getting (bored / boring / boringly) of doing the same thing every day Don't fill your glass too (full / fully) or you'll only spill it

10 The teacher explained the point as (simple / simply) as she could [10]

1 He told them (polite / politely) to leave him in peace I'd like you to give me an (honest / honestly) answer

3 An (immediate / immediately) effect of the war has been a breakdown of law and order None of the passengers had been (bad / badly) injured in the accident

5 She was (strange / strangely) calm - I found it quite disturbing I can't ski (awful / awfully) well

7 Ever since the illness I get tired very (easy / easily) Our car has only (recent / recently) been repaired Ann makes (beautiful / beautifully) cakes

10 The article described (recent / recently) developments in the search for a cure for AIDS


Choose the correct form of the noun to complete each sentence [1]

1 She has given me (a new recipe / new recipe) for fruit cake Patricia is on (a holiday / holiday / holidays) next week

3 Several train passengers received serious (injury / injuries) in the crash Spicy food is (a feature / feature) of the local cuisine

5 I have a lot of reading (assignment / assignments) to complete before the end of term She put on a (short / shorts / pair of shorts) and a T-shirt

7 In Los Angeles many companies encourage their employees to use alternative (transportations / means of transportation), rather than the car

9 The weather forecast is for (rain / a rain / rains) 10 I'm going to have my (hair / hairs) cut

11 I made (some omelette / an omelette) and shared it between us [2]

1 Good teachers know that children need (a firm discipline / firm discipline)

2 Due to (an adverse weather condition / adverse weather condition / adverse weather conditions) the train service has been slowed down considerably

3 Johnny got the house quite cheap but he had to a lot of (work / works) on it The audience greeted the song with (laughter / laughters)

5 We can get to the city by public (transport / transports)

6 I forgot to put the (rubbish / rubbishes / rubbishs) out for collection this morning I ate rather a lot of (pasta / pastas) for lunch

8 They met Tom on their (arrival / arrivals) in America

9 You really should take more (exercise / exercises) now you spend all day sitting in an office 10 I'm training to be (a surgeon / surgeon)

[3] I have (cereal / cereals) for breakfast every morning

2 The restaurant specialises in (a fresh fish / fresh fish / fresh fishes) and seafood She was in (terrible mood / a terrible mood) yesterday



5 Buses are the main form of (transportations / transportation) in the area He spent the afternoon doing (job / jobs) around the house

7 I've had (really good idea / a really good idea)

8 How much you charge for (accommodation / an accommodation)

9 He was well-known for his violent and threatening (behaviour / behaviours) 10 Are there (much school / many schools) in the local area?

[4] Do you bake your own (bread / breads)?

2 John took (much photograph / many photographs) of the cathedral

3 About a fifth of the country's income is in the form of overseas (aid / aids) The rioters threw (stick / sticks / pieces of stick) and stones at the police Would you like some toasted (sandwich / sandwiches)?

6 We will need some (trainings / training) before we can use the new system How much does (tuition / tuitions) cost?

8 You book the ticket and I'll bring the (luggage / luggages) Jan is married with three young (childs / children / childrens)

10 Only three (clothing / clothings / items of clothing) may be taken into the changing rooms at any one time [5]

1 Monkeys and other primates not have (language / a language) as humans I don't know what to wear tonight - have you got any (suggestion / suggestions)? Her handbag was made of (cloth / cloths)

4 Would you like to see the (wine / wines) list, sir?

5 Can you give me (a direction / the direction / directions) to your house?

6 The form was terribly complicated and I had a lot of (trouble / troubles) with it Modern packaging is often excessive, and produces a lot of (waste / wastes) You can't watch TV until you've done all your (homework / homeworks)

9 The players have to turn up for (training / a training / trainings) three times a week 10 People in England often have roast (beef / beefs / piece of beef) for lunch on Sundays


1 How many (person / persons / people) turned up for the party in the end?

2 The soldiers had to carry their (equipment / equipments) on their backs for miles He sat on the (edges / edge) of his chair

4 Do you have any (information / informations) about train times? Do you have any (experience / experiences) of working with children?

6 There were five (paper / papers / pieces of paper) on the table with a word written on each one He runs a (fruit and vegetable / fruits and vegetables) stall in the market

8 Will passengers please make sure that they take all their personal (possession / possessions) with them on leaving the train

9 There's a shortage of cheap (accommodation / accommodations) here in Cambridge 10 I put a few personal (belonging / belongings) in a bag and left the house for the last time

[7] His words caused us great (sadness / sadnesses)

2 The mansion is set in 90 acres of beautiful, unspoilt (countryside / countrysides) She gave me some good (advice / advices / piece of advice)

4 His son was having difficulty with his studies, so Frank paid for him to have extra (tuition / tuitions) I ordered a pizza with (salami / salamis)

6 He's doing (research / researches) into the environment

7 We must take (action / an action / actions) to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas We need another (soap / chunk of soap / bar of soap) in the bathroom

9 Five enemy (aircraft / aircrafts) have been shot down over the coast


5 [8]

1 The number of (employee / employees) in the company has increased tenfold over the past decade Fighting (crime / crimes) is a difficult task

3 Are there (many children / much children) at the nursery? I'd like my children to learn about other (culture / cultures)

5 The (staff / staffs) are not very happy about the latest pay increase There were several (accident / accidents) caused by the icy conditions Was there (a lot of traffic / a lot of traffics / many traffics) on your journey? I've got (a cold / cold) - I must have caught it from you

9 (Woman / Womans / Women) first got the vote in Britain in 1918 10 I was off work because I had (a flu / flu)

[9] Are there any (question / questions) you would like to ask?

2 I helped myself to another (bread / layer of bread / slice of bread) and butter They have a lot of antique (furniture / furnitures / piece of furniture)

4 There is (visitor / a visitor) waiting to see you Where does Dad keep all his gardening (tool / tools)?

6 There was too (many violence / much violence) in the movie I wanted the (experiences / experience) of travelling the world We had a lot of (stuffs / stuff) to carry

9 The area received thousands of dollars in foreign (aid / aids) 10 We stayed in a small village in the (mountain / mountains)

[10] Your work has been (an inspiration / inspiration) to me

2 How many (baggage / baggages / pieces of baggage) you have? I don't have (many nightmares / much nightmares)

4 Cats are supposed to have nine (life / lifes / lives)

5 There is a huge market for slimming (aid / aids) such as pills and special drinks King Henry VIII had six (wife / wifes / wives)

7 I tried (different route / a different route) to get to his house I need to buy some new (suitcase / suitcases) for my holiday

9 At one end of the room there was a huge window made from a single (glass / pane of glass / slab of glass) 10 I've sent off for the (detail / details) of a job I saw advertised in the paper

[11] (A prison / Prison) was the ideal punishment for her

2 The work increases our (knowledge / knowledges) about how the body fights disease They are doing some fascinating (research / researches) into the language of dolphins In our family, we share the (housework / houseworks) between us

5 The first task is to clean up the (pollution / pollutions) left behind by the factories Eddie ate six (bacon / bacons / rashers of bacon) and two eggs for breakfast They are suffering from (serious lack of / a serious lack of) medical supplies He's starting to get a few grey (hair / hairs) now

9 Is there (room / a room) for all of us to fit in? 10 They think she put (a curse / curse) on their family


1 The number of thefts of motor (vehicle / vehicles) rose by a third last year Their offices have small upholstered (sofa / sofas) and comfortable chairs I need (advice / an advice) on what to next



6 The doctor said that she was making (a good progress / good progress / good progresses) and she would probably be out of hospital by next week

7 The book has (exercise / exercises) at the end of every chapter Do you want any help bringing your (stuff / stuffs) in from the van? My hobby is (painting / paintings)

10 There's a lot of (painting / paintings) in the gallery [13]

1 Please report any accidents to (a staff / a person of staff / a member of staff) Have you heard the (new / news) about Tina and Tom?

3 They're getting divorced

4 He did not have (much possessions / many possessions) She's doing the (housework / houseworks)

6 It is sometimes difficult to persuade farmers to wear the proper protective (clothing / clothings) The city faces worsening social and economic (problem / problems)

8 English is (difficult language / a difficult language) I was filled with (joys / joy)

9 Every week our French teacher gives us a list of (vocabulary / vocabularies / vocabulary item) to learn 10 It will cost about £2 million to repair the (damage / damages) to the factory which was caused by the fire

[14] I have to wear (a glass / glass / glasses) for reading

2 The priority has to be greater investment in public (transport / transports)

3 We don't yet have (much information / many informations) about what happened Wool comes from (sheep / sheeps)

5 It's very old but it's been so well kept that it's in (a perfect condition / perfect condition / perfect conditions) The film is now available on (DVD / a DVD)

7 What (software / softwares) you have? He had (fever / a fever) in the night

9 Make sure you wear (glove / gloves) when you go outside

10 I have no (knowledge / knowledges / piece of knowledge) of how a car works IDIOMS


All of these phrases below are common idioms Can you guess the missing words? Then check your answers

1 like father, like… two heads are better than …

3 boys will be… easy come, easy …

5 first come, first… the end justifies the …

7 don’t judge a book by its … where there’s a will there’s a… [2]

The idioms below can be used in short versions as well as their full versions Match the beginnings with the correct ends

1 Two’s company a but the flesh is weak=

2 An eye for an eye b three’s a crowd

3 The proof of the pudding c that blows nobody any good If you can’t stand the heat d and a tooth for a tooth

5 When in Rome e is a friend indeed

6 It’s an ill wind f is in the eating A friend in need g get out of the kitchen The spirit is willing h as the Romans

If you can’t get a fix on them, here are the answers:

Ngày đăng: 26/05/2021, 18:09

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