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I didn't bring extra money with me because you didn't tell me we were going to dinner after the movie.. EXERCISE II : Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences 1.[r]


Conditional sentencesConditional sentences

Type : FUTURE POSSIBLE ( Diễn tả khả xảy tương lai)

A/ Dạng bản:

If + S + V(simple present), S + V(simple future) Ex: If I have time, I will go

B/ Những trường hợp khác:

1/ If + S + V(simple present) , Imperative (mệnh lệnh) Ex:If you go to the post office, please mail this letter for me 2/ Imperative (mệnh lệnh) + or + S + V(simple future). Ex: Prepare the lesson carefully or you will get a bad mark

= If you don't prepare the lesson carefully, you will get a bad mark 3/ If + S + V(simple present) , S + V(simple present)

→ diễn tả thật hiển nhiên (If=When=Whenever) Ex: If you mix blue and yellow, you get green

4 If not = Unless (trừ khi)

Ex: If you don't hurry, you'll be late for school => Unless you hurry, you'll be late for school

5 As long as/ So long as/ Provided (that)/ Providing (that)/ On condition that + Clause ( Miễn là/ với điều kiện)

Ex: As long as you drive carefully, you can use my car = If you drive carefully, you can use my car

II/ Type 2: PRESENT UNREAL (Diễn tả tình khơng có thật tương lai)

A/ Dạng bản:

If + S + V(past subjunctive/ simple past), S + would/ could/ might + bare inf Eg: I don't win a lot of money, so I can't spend most of it travelling round the world → If I won a lot of money, I could spend most of it travelling round the world Eg: I am short; that's why I won't be a pilot

→If I were/ was taller, I would be a pilot

*past subjunctive:Quá khứ bàng thái cách/ Quá khứ giả định - To be: chia "Were" cho tất ngơi

- Khơng phải "To be : chia giống q khứ đơn B/ Những trường hợp khác:

1/ The variation of the If-clause: (Biến thể mệnh đề If) If + S + V(past continuous), S + would/ could/ might + bare inf

Eg: If you were driving from London to Glasgow, which way would you go? 2/ The variation of the main clause: (Biến thể mệnh đề chính)

If + S + V(past subjunctive/ simple past), S + would/ could/ might + be + V-ing Eg: I am not on holiday; I am not touring Italy

→ If I were / was on holiday, I would be touring Italy 3/ Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 2:

- Bỏ If

- Đưa "Were" trước chủ ngữ


III/ Type 3: PAST UNREAL (Diễn tả tình khơng có thật q khứ) A/ Dạng bản:

If + S + had + PP , S + would/ could/ might + have + PP Eg: I didn't tell her any good news because I wasn't here early

→If I had been here earlier, I would have told her some good news B/ Những trường hợp khác:

1/ The variation of the main clause: (Biến thể mệnh đề chính) If + S + had + PP , S + would/ could/ might + have + been + V-ing Eg: Mr.Pike's son was there; that's why I wasn't sitting in front

→If Mr.Pike's son hadn't been there, I would have been sitting in front 2/ The variation of the If-clause: (Biến thể mệnh đề If)

If + S + had + been + V-ing , S + would/ could/ might + have + PP Eg: I was wearing a seat belt, so I didn't have a bad accident

=> If I hadn't been wearing a seat belt, I would have had a bad accident 3/ Câu điều kiện pha trộn: Loại III + Loại II

Eg: He isn't a rich man now because he didn't take my advice →If he had taken my advice, he would be a rich man now 4/ Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 3:

- Bỏ If

- Had + S (not) + P.P

Eg:If I hadn't been careful, I would have had an accident last night =>Had I not been careful, I would have had an accident last night Exercise 1: Make conditional sentences

1 She got married at such an early age, so she isn’t at university now She works in the evening She has no time to play with her children

3 As she is often absent from class, she can’t keep pace with her classmates It’s very cold, so we can’t go swimming

5 You drink too much coffee; that’s why you can’t sleep We don’t have a big house We can’t invite friends to stay

7 The flats are not clearly numbered, so it is very difficult to find anyone I couldn’t write to Alice because I didn’t know her address

9 We got lost because we didn’t have a map

10 The farmers didn’t have enough rain , so they could not grow rice 11 His friends were late, so they missed the train

12 Make me some coffee, and I’ll give you one of my biscuits 13 You won’t ask the teacher He won’t explain the lesson to you 14 City life isn’t enjoyable because everything is very expensive

15 I didn't bring extra money with me because you didn't tell me we were going to dinner after the movie

EXERCISE II : Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences 1. If I ……….a lot of money now, I ………… a new car

a have /will buy b have / would buy c had/ will buy d had/ would buy 2. If I ………you, I ……….do that

a am/ will b were /would c were/ will d had been/ would 3. If I were offered the job, I think I ……… it


4. I would be very surprised if he………

a refuses b refused c had refused d would refuse 5. Many people would be out of work if that factory……… down

a closes b had closed c closed d would close 6. If she sold her car, she ………… much money

a gets b would get c will get d would have got 7. They would be disappointed if we………

a hadn’t come b wouldn’t come c don’t come d didn’t come 8. We ‘ll get wet if we ………….out

a go b b did go c went d had gone

9. If I go shopping, I ………some food

a buy b will buy c would buy d would have bought 10. If I find it, I ………you

a will tell b would tell c had told d told 11. If I had known you were in hospital, I …………to see you

a will go b would go c went d would have gone 12. If I …………him, I would have said hello to him

a had seen b see c saw d would see

13. I………… out if I hadn’t been so tired

a will go b went c would have goned would go 14. If I ……… a camera, I would have taken some pictures

a have b had c would have d had had 15. You won’t pass the examination………you study more a as long as b unless c if d whether 16 It would have been a good crop through

a if the storm didn't sweep b would a storm not have swept c had a storm not swept d didn't a storm sweep

17 If I the competition, I on a world cruise

a win/ will go b had won/ would have gone

c won/ would go d won/ would have gone

18 If someone…………in here with a gun, I would be very frightened a would walk b walks c had walked d walked 19 What would happen if you ……… to work tomorrow?

a don’t go b didn’t go c won’t go d wouldn’t go 20 If I had enough money, I ……… abroad to improve my English

a will go b should go c would go d should have go to ANSWER:

Exercise 1: Make conditional sentences

1 If she hadn't got married at such an early age, she would be at university now If she didn't work in the evening, she would/ could/ might have time to play with her children

3 If she wasn't/ weren't often absent from class, she could keep pace with her classmates


7 If the flats were clearly numbered, it would be very difficult to find someone I could have written to Alice if I had known her address

9 We wouldn't have got lost if we had had a map

10 If the farmers had had enough rain , they could have grown rice 11 If his friends hadn't been late, they wouldn't have missed the train 12 If you make me some coffee, I’ll give you one of my biscuits

13 If you ask the teacher, he will explain the lesson to you

14 City life would be enjoyable everything weren't/ wasn't very expensive

15 I would have brought extra money with me if you had told me we were going to dinner after the movie

EXERCISE II : Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences

Ngày đăng: 26/05/2021, 09:47

