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The winds that usually blow form East to West stop, then blow in the opposite direction.. Good afternoon lady and gentlemen.[r]


ma trận đề kiểm tra học kỳ ii Năm học 2011-2012

M«n: TiÕng Anh 9

Chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Tổng


I/ Listening Listen a


talking about a festival in Wales ( 100-120 words) Số câu: 5 Số điểm: 2.0

Số câu: 5 Số điểm: 2 (20%)

II/ Reading - Read a

passage about El Nino (acid rain) ( 150-180 words)

Số câu: 4 Số điểm: 2.0

Số câu: 4 Số điểm: 2 (20%) III/

Language focus & Language funtion

- Matching A with B

-Phonetic - Suggested + Ving

- There will be a…

- Relative clause (Who)

- If conditional type I

- Adj/Noun - There will be

Số câu: 10 Số điểm: 2.5

Số câu: 4

Số điểm: 1.0 Số câu: 14Số điểm: 3.5 (35%)

IV/ Writing - Write a

story about a speech about how

to save

energy in bathroom (80 –100 words) Số câu: 5 Số điểm:2.5

Số câu: 5 Số điểm:2.5 (25%) Tổng Số câu: 10

Số điểm: 2.5 (25%)

Số câu: 13 Số điểm: 5.0 (50%)

Số câu: 5 Số điểm: 2.5 ( 25%)


Năm học 2011-2012 Môn: Tiếng Anh 9 (Thêi gian lµm bµi: 45 phót)

I Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. (1pts)

1 a teenage b garbage c carriage d shortage a house b high c hoe d hour a creature b meaning c appear d peaceful a groom b flood c typhoon d spoon

II. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete each of the following senteces(1,5pts)

1 If Lan comes here tomorrow, I……… phone you

a can b will c could d would Mary suggested ……… At home for a change

a to stay b stay c staying d stayed

3 According to the weather forecast, there will be a ……… a storm b rain c snow d sun

4 Do you know the chidren ………… live in that house a who b whom c which d they

5 ……… air is one of the many problems we have to solve a Pollution b Polluted c Polluting d Pollute

6 Could you give me some ………?

a inform b informations c information d informative

III Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B (1,0pts) A B

1 The radio says there may be snow today You’d better bring your boots just in case

2 It’s too bad you didn’t tell me about the floods in Hue

a I only found out myself just now

b I was planning to just that Hi, Cindy Have you taken many

pictures of the strom?

c Next time wear long sleeves when you work in the garden

4 These mosquito bites are killing me I just can’t stop scratching

d I have taken millions of them IV Read the passage and then answer the questions below(2.0pts)

El Nino is a strage weather change In Spanish, El Nino means “ the Christ child” since it often occurs around Christmas, form December to March


opposite direction This change makes the ocean currents reserve ( đảo ngược) The warm and high water in Indonesia gets colder and drop to lowerlevel The coast of Southern American receive higher levels of warm ocean water Terrible rainstorms cause floods in the South Aerican coastal countries At the same time, dry weather and low water level cause drought in the Westerm Pacific nations In 1982,

thousands of people lost their lives and thousand of others were homeless when a terrible El Nino occurred

1 Why does El Nino mea “ The Chist Chid” in Spanish?

2 How often does the world’s largest weather system over the Pacific Ocean change?

3 How the winds usually blow?

4 Where dry weather and low water level cause drought?

V Write a speech about how to save energy in the barthroom using the cues ( 2.5pts)

1 Aternoon lady and gentlemen

2 Today/ I/ tell/ you/ how/ save energy/ bathroom

3 Most/ us use/ much energy/ You/ reduce energy there - turn/ the light before leaving

- take/ shower/ instead of/ use/ tub - turn off/ faucets if/ you/ not use/ them

4 If/ follow/ simle ruler/ you/ save energy/ save money

VI Listen to the passage and complete the setences by choosing the best option (a, b, c or d) (2pts)

1 Both welsh and English are spoken by……… of the population a 10% b 20% c 30% d 60% There is a festival for both Welsh and English in……

a August b September c October d November Each Festival is attended by about ……… people

a 1,600 b 16,000 c 160,000 d 1,600,000 There are competitions to find the best………

a singers b singers and poets c singers, poets and writers The Festivals is organized for…………


hớng dẫn chấm đề kiểm tra học kỳ ii Năm học 2011-2012

M«n: TiÕng Anh 9 (Thêi gian lµm bµi: 45 phót)

I (1pt – 0.25 for each)

1.a 2.d c b II. 1,5 pts (0,25 pt / right sentence)

b c 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.c III. 1,0 pt ( 0,25 pt/ right sentence)

1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c IV (2,0 pts – 0,5 for each)

- Học sinh đưa câu trả lời ngắn - Nếu sai động từ trừ 0,25 đ

- Nếu thiếu giới từ, mạo từ, sai tả, … trừ 0,1 đ

1 ( El Nino means “ The Christ child”) beauce/ since it often occurs around Christmas

2 Once every four years, ( the world largest weather system over the Pacific Ocean changes

3 The winds that usually blow form East to West stop, then blow in the opposite direction

4 ( Dry weather and low water level cause drought) in the Western Pacific nations V (2,5pts)- 0,5 for each

- Nếu sai động từ trừ toàn số điểm

- Nếu thiếu giới từ, mạo từ, sai tả, … trừ 0,1 đ Dear………

1 Good afternoon lady and gentlemen

2 Today I am going to tell you about how to save energy in the bathroom

3 Most of us use too much energy in the bathroom You can reduce energy there by - Turning off the lights before living

- Taking a shower instead off usinf a tub - Turning off the faucets if you don’t use them

4 If you follow these simple rules, not only will you save energy but also you’ll save money

VI (2.0 pts – 0,4 for each)



(Giáo viên đọc lần với tốc độ vừa phải)

* Tape transcript

Wales has a population of about three million English is the main language and only twenty percent speak both Welsh and English Every year in August there is a festival for both Welsh and Englis It takes place in a different town each year so everyone has a chance to go for it Local people spend years making plans for the festival when it is organized in their town

Each Festival is attended by about 160,000 people They travel not only form nearby towns and vilages but also form the rest of the British Isles and even fro abroad There are competitions to find the best singers, poets, writers and


ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ II Năm học: 2011 – 2012

Mơn: Tiếng Anh 9

(Dành cho học sinh khuyết tật)

Thời gian: 45 phút

I Match the question in column A with the coredct answers in column B: (4,0 pts) A

1 How are you?

2 How long have they lived here ? When is the Lunar New year ? What should we before going

to bed ?

5 Did John pass the exam ?

6 Have you ever seen any films on UFOs ?

B a No, he didn’t b I’m fine, thank you

c We should turn off the lights d Yes, I have

e They have lived heresince last year

f Late January or early February II Choose the best answer to complete the sentences: (6,0pts)

1 There are a lot of parties (in/ at/ on/ for ) Christmas

2 The word ( hurricane/ tornado/ typhoon/ tsunami ) means “big wind “ in China

3 On Passover, Jewish people celebrate freedom ( on/ to/ for/ from ) slavery I enjoyed ( to take/ taking/ to taking/ being taken ) to the countryside Who is (good/ better/ the best/ well) player in team?

6 The teacher said with a smile ( on/ in/ over/ above ) her face We are so proud ( in/ with/ of/ at ) her for telling the truth

8 The boy forgot (buy/ to buy / buying/ bought ) the news paper for his father We are all (delighted/ relieved/ afraid / certain) that you passed your English




Môn: Tiếng Anh 9

(Đề dành cho học sinh khuyết tật) I Matching: 4,0 pts (0,8 pt/ right sentence)

1 e f c a d II Choose the best answer: 6,0 pts (0,6 pt/ right sentence)

Ngày đăng: 24/05/2021, 12:52


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