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Create interest in learning english for primary school students to develop language knowledge through organizing games

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QUANG XUONG EDUCATION & TRAINING OFFICE QUANG TRACH PRIMARY SCHOOL INITIATIVE CREATE INTEREST IN LEARNING ENGLISH FOR PRIMARY STUDENTS TO DEVELOP LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE THROUGH ORGANIZING GAMES The implementer: Le Thi Thao Position: Teacher Work unit: Quang Trach Primary School Initiative experienced subject: English QUANG XUONG 2021 INDEX CONTENT PAGE INTRODUCTION 1.1.Reason to choose the topic 1.2.Aims of the research 1.3.Scope and object of the research 1.4.Methods of the search 2 CONTENT 2.1 Theoretical background 2.1.1 Practical background 2.1.2 Scientific background 2.2 The reality of the issue 2.3 Solutions 2.3.1.Create interest in learning English through organizing games when teaching and reviewing vocabulary 2.3.2 Create interest in learning English through organizing games when teaching and acting phonetic 2.3.3 Create interest in learning English through organizing games when teaching and reinforcing sentence patterns 10 2.4 Effectiveness of the initiative 12 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Conclusion 14 3.2 Recommendations 15 REFERENCES INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reason to choose the topic We all know excitement is an attribute of human psychology personality.Excitement plays a very important role in learning and working M.Gorki once said: "Genius is born of a love for work" Along with selfawareness, excitement makes cognitive positivity, helping students learn to achieve high results, capable of arousing the source of creativity English has become a necessity in daily communication, at work and in the process of scientific research English is used as a common language in the world Through this common language that people all over the planet mutual understanding , mutual exchange of scientific achievements, culture, sport, art and civilization of human progress Our country is on track to integration and development, therefore English is the key to open the door between our country's integration with the countries of the world Because English has such importance in recent years, the Party, State, Government and the Ministry of Education and Training has been always interested and focused on innovative teaching methods, innovative books faculty for English teaching and learning most effectively Therefore, English in general and English at primary level in particular also need to have stronger innovations, promoting students' activeness, creative initiative, and student-centered teaching methods The teacher should excite the children by engaging them in learning activities It is these things that raised my concerns: How to improve the quality of the subject? How can help students be interested, passionate about learning, excited when learning lessons? Is there any way to create excitement about creative exploration, deep memory and apply language knowledge learned into communication practice? From the fact that I was directly teaching 5th grade English at Quang Trach Primary School, I found that the application of games to teaching will stimulate students to get more excited and deepen their knowledge, gradually will form good English communicative skills and reflexes Since then, I decided to test the application of measures to "Create interest in learning English for primary school students to develop language knowledge through organizing games" for students in class 5A, 5B at Quang Trach Primary School in the 2020-2021 school year and has initially brought positive results 1.2 Aims of the research : To contribute to renovating teaching methods for primary English in the direction of promoting students' activeness, initiative and creativity, enhancing individual activities in coordination with exchange learning Form and practice skills to apply knowledge in communication process Create interest in learning English for students, offer a communicative games to apply English words learned in the game, in order for them not to be discouraged from the subject, have a sense of learning to play, play to learn Games in english class not only help children acquire knowledge and words, but also help them consolidate and deepen their knowledge further 1.3 Scope and object of the research Being a teacher directly teaching at Quang Trach Primary School - Quang Xuong District - Thanh Hoa Province From the school's teaching and learning, I personally feel the need to create for children a passion for learning, love the subject Own language differences with other subjects It not only teaches language knowledge but also including a deep knowledge society, customs, traditions, culture and lifestyle of the human being through language.From the actual situation of teaching and learning in our school,I research to find out how to create interest in learning English for primary school students to develop language knowledge for pupils in grade in the 2020-2021 school year at Quang Trach primary school 1.4 Method of the research: To conduct this topic I used the following research methods: Method of observation: I have observed class time Thereby to grasp students' expressions of interest Method of dialogue,interview: I have learned from my colleagues 'experiences over the years about learning about students' interest in learning their aspirations in learning Material reseach method: I have studied textbooks and homework to see how they absorb and apply theory into practice Thereby grasping the general level of the class is also individual Method of survey and statistics: In order to collect widely the data from which to discover problems that need to be solved In addition, I also use a number of other methods CONTENT 2.1 Theoretical background: 2.1.1 Practical background According to the general education program of the Ministry of Education and Training, the content of the English general education program is to take the communication direction as the main direction At primary level, teaching English helps students initially form and develop their communication skills through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, focusing more on listening and speaking skills Through the actual teaching process, I find that in order to meet the educational objectives in the new situation requires teachers to change the way of organizing teaching - learning activities, teachers not only firmly grasp their subject's knowledge They also need to know how to diversify activities that attract students' attention and interest in learning, thereby helping them memorize and reflect language faster and more effectively In which, using games to organize teaching activities to improve the effectiveness of English teaching period is very necessary 2.1.2 Scientific background: *) Psychological characteristics of primary school students: + Inability to focus for a long time + Children are active, eager to know new things, then they become bored quickly + They learn quickly, imitate quickly and forget quickly + Children love to learn through listening, watching, imitating and doing activities + Children are very active, creative and especially interested in communicating In order to have a good quality English class, giving students an inspiration when learning lessons, the teacher must really have unique and attractive methods Especially for primary school students Therefore, in teaching, teachers have to use a lot of teaching aids, increase practice, organize games alternately to reinforce knowledge 2.2 The reality of the issue : English at primary school is a unique subject, unlike other subjects that are outside class time, children rarely practice or receive help from their families My school is in a rural area, the socio-economic conditions are still difficult Besides studying in books, they have little access to electronic materials such as software, books, etc English stories, newspapers Infrastructure, equipment for teaching - learning is not fully equipped During my own teaching hours as well as my colleagues' time, I noticed one thing: most of them did not pay attention and invest time in foreign language subjects The preparation of the post is still sketchy and coping According to the degree of gradual increase of difficulty, if they not have a firm grasp of knowledge, they will not be able to the homework From that, there will be psychology of learning English During class hours, most of them are passive, lack of flexibility, are afraid of reading - speaking English, not actively participating in learning activities such as speaking, or expressing personal feelings, opinions, sometimes, the state of relying on only receiving available knowledge Facing such a situation, I have conducted a survey on the learning quality and interest of students in grades 5A and 5B at Quang Trach primary school in the 2020-2021 school year and the results are as follows - The level of student's interest in learning Number of students Before applying initiative Interest in learning Number of students actively participating in learning activities Number of students inactively participating in learning activities 88 No % 40 45,5 48 54,5 - The completion level of the students Number of students 88 Surveying the quality Well done Completed Uncompleted Before applying initiative (survey at the beginning of the year) No % 23 26,2 48 54,5 17 19,3 Table 1: Results before conducting research ANALYSIS RESULTS After the survey, I was really worried to see that their results were not high The number of students who well is very small and especially they are not actively participating in learning activities than they actively participate in learning activities I find that the reason is that they not remember the word, the pronunciation of the word and the pattern of the sentence they have learned So I realized that I had to change the way of organizing teaching - learning activities, to diversify activities that attracted attention and interest in learning, thereby helping them memorize and reflect language language faster and more efficiently So the use of games to organize teaching activities to improve the effectiveness of teaching period is very necessary As a direct teacher in the classroom, I realize the importance and effectiveness of this activity, so I look forward to sharing my experiences of organizing games in class 2.3 Solutions : On that basis, by understanding and learning through a lot of information, in the process of teaching English to primary school students, I have integrated activities and games to create excitement for learning children For example, applying the games to the course of the lesson is as follows 2.3.1 Create interest in learning English through organizing games when teaching and reviewing vocabulary In order to help students memorize, practice and reinforce learned vocabulary, we can use simple repetition with fun games, creating a happy learning environment that increases student excitement in terms of learning, they are always ready to attend class Here are games to reinforce and increase students' vocabulary: - Slap the board - Jumbled words - Rub out and remember - Hangman - Networks - Bingo - Matching - Word building - Gesture/Mime/TPR - Crossword - Missing flashcard game - Missing letters …… * Some examples of the organization of games when teaching and reviewing vocabulary a) Slap the board Ex: In English 5- unit 15 - Lesson - part 1-2-3 - Purpose: + Practice reading and strengthening skills to listen to learned words and recognize word faces + Practice quick reflexes in children - Preparation: I introduce the game name and draw some different shapes on the board: circle, triangle, square, rectangle, diamond, ellipse Then write down some of the new words they've learned in the pictures above writer architec tht strong gym pilot scare d - The rules of the game: I divide the class into two teams and name each team, each team appointed member to play with the other team friends of the two teams into rows that stand in front of the table at a certain distance I read a big word among the words on the board, the two of them surrender to the team quickly beat the letters that I just read on the table, who smashed quickly and right would bring it to the team point Continue with other pairs, ending is enough words that I have raised before reading  - At the end of the game: Plus a team of many points, the team wins, which team will win a sticker / copy for each member NOTE: This game can also append a good friend to read the words that are just recorded on the board for the two you heard and smashed into the image b) Networks In English 5- Unit - Lesson 1- part 1-2-3 Maths English Vietnamese Science Subject PE  - Purpose: Checking the student's vocabulary knowledge, creating an exciting air in the first study, the end of the lesson - Preparing: I drew suns with sunbeams and divided into teams (each team appointed to friends) simultaneously for every single chalk team - How to play: When listening to the start of the start, the children in each team quickly on the board writing one from any of the weather topics learned, only one word is only one word for each time (can be up several times) Then pass the chalk to another The game ends within 3-5 minutes - Ending the game: Praise and reward a congratulatory applast for the team to write right and more words than that team wins NOTE: writing the same word can only get one point Students participate in group games c)Rub out and remember - Purpose: Test and practice word memory skills for students Example: in English - Unit 11 - Lesson 1- part 1-2-3 - matter - a sore throat - a toothache - a stomach ache - an earache - Preparation: After the vocabulary lesson, I took turns delete the words on the board but not in order After removing English, I point to Vietnamese words and students read English words in unison Continue until all the words on the board have been erased and the students have memorized the new words Team Vietnamese Vấn đề Team Đau Đau tai Đau họng Đau bụng - How to play: I divide the class into two teams and name each team, each team in turn sends friends to play with friends of the other team friends of two bosses in rows stand in front of the board at a certain distance I had the class shout "one, two, three, go!" - When listening to the start signal, the children in each team quickly go up to the board to write any word, write only one word at a time (can be multiplied) and then pass the chalk to another friend, so on continue until the teams complete the words on the board The game ends within 3-5 minutes - End of game: Group that writes many words will be rewarded with sticker / star Students are always excited about participating in games In addition to the game on I also organized other games in the lesson process and saw effectively like: Matching; Jumbled Words; Bingo; Hangman 2.3.2 Create interest in learning English through organizing games when teaching and acting phonetic To remember the pronunciation, the negative sound from here is a effective game: - Syllabic clap - Slap the board - Simon say - Make a chant - Listen and mime/ find/ draw/ colour - Phonic sound …… * Some examples of organizing games when teaching and strengthening phonetic a) Syllabic clap - Purpose: Help students identify the sound of words Example in English - Unit 1- Lesson - Part 1-2-3 - How to play: teachers read words Holding the hand when reading a negative syllable sound, cutting hands when reading the syllabus is not negative City / ‘siti/ *clap (/si/) *clap (/ti/) Village /ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ *clap (/ˈvɪ/) *clap (/l.ɪdʒ/) Mountains /ˈmaʊntɪnz/ *clap (/maʊn/) *clap (/tɪnz/) Tower /‘taʊər/*clap (/taʊ/) *clap (/ər/) Students read and applause according to them Then teachers read only words Students remember and clap high with negative syllabus It is possible for students to play together in small groups and nests b) Phonic sound - Purpose: Help students identify syllables of words - How to play: Example: teaching words: Children / `` tfildrən / Make / meik / Look / luk / The teacher reads the sample several times, the student repeats it Then the teacher reads the first syllable or whatever syllable wants students to review Teacher : /tf/ => Student : /` tfildrən/ /m/ => /meik/ /l/ /luk/ => The teacher might ask the students to find other words that contain sounds related to the syllable learned in the lesson In addition to the above games, I also organize other games to practice phonics in the lesson progress such as: Simon say, Line True or False 2.3.3 Create interest in learning English through organizing games when teaching and reinforcing sentence patterns For primary school students, the explanation of grammar formulas is quite abstract, to help students memorize sentence patterns needs to organize fun, meaningful, attention-grabbing activities and must be repeated many times Therefore, the organization of game activities in the practice of sentence model also brings remarkable effects These are some games I used to reinforce and practice sentence patterns Chain drill race Talk and write Pass the ball Magic Bag Game Whispering game ……………… * Some examples of the organization of games when teaching and reinforcing sentence patterns a) Chain drill race - Purpose: Practice, practice the learned sentence model Example: in English 5- unit 1- Lesson - part 1-2-3 - Preparation: some content flashcards in the lesson or extended content - How to play: Each range or row in the range is a team I have given each first student in row a card and asked the question in the practice exercise containing the content in the card S1: What's the city like? S2: It's big and busy The student answers, then passes the card to the student behind him or her and asks the same question Continue asking and answering until the last member of 10 the team The member will eventually pass the card on to the teacher and also ask the same questions and answer the content on the card The team that completes first and correctly wins Note: each team will have similar questions but different cards - Ending the game: Praise the friends, group that answered correctly and quickly Teacher commented on the mistakes students made Bonus stars / stickers for groups fast and right Students are excited when participating in group games b) Pass the ball - Purpose: Practice the learned sentence pattern - Preparation: balls (or an object such as a ruler, pen ) - How to play: Divide the class into groups and hand out balls to each group (1 with question mark and answer) The whole class sings a song in unison or the teacher plays a piece of music When there is a teacher's signal (tap the ruler or stop the music), the students who hold the ball with the question mark of group will ask student holding the answer ball of group and vice versa Example: in English - unit 15 - Lesson 2- part 1-2-3 ? Why would you like to be………….? 11 + Because I’d like to… - Ending the game: Praise the friends, group that answered correctly and quickly Teacher commented on the mistakes students made Bonus stars / stickers for groups fast and right In addition, the games "talk and write", "Whispering game", "Magic bag game" are also very useful and interesting Small meaningful rewards contribute to the excitement of participating in the games Reward students for successful completion of the game 2.4 Effectiveness of the initiative After the lessons that I organize the games, I see that the students initially promote the "5 self": self-study, self-assessment, self-confidence, selfawareness, and self-control They are more courageous, agile, and have better reflexes to memorize words Teamwork skills are also more proficient, they know how to divide the work together Moreover, they are more passionate about learning, not under much psychological pressure, fear of lack of confidence For individual students, who are less interested in learning, they become more interested in learning The interest in activities is evident in participating in group games 12 The initiative is suitable for many ages and especially for primary school students: Young children always love to play and move, the organization of games in the lesson process that will attract them to actively and actively learn Below are the results after integrating the games into the classroom 5A and 5B teaching process in 2020-2021 school year as follows: - - The level of student's interest in learning Number of students 88 Attitude Number of students actively participating in learning activities Number of students inactively participating in learning activities After applying initiative (first survey) No % After applying initiative(second survey) No % 61 69 76 86,4 27 31 12 13,6 From the change in their interest in learning the subject, their learning results have changed significantly compared to the original when no measures have been applied The completion level of the students Number of students 88 Surveying the quality Well done Completed Uncompleted After applying initiative (first survey) No % 32 36,4 50 56,8 6,8 After applying initiative(second survey) No % 48 55 40 45 0 13 Students actively express their opinions and are excited to participate in games From the above survey results, it can be seen that through teaching a number of compiled lesson plans that integrate games into classroom 5A and 5B teaching activities, I see that the students are especially interested in each lesson They actively participate in learning activities, are confident and have applied their learned knowledge in real life better That proves that the measures in the initiative have been remarkably effective The results have also been monitored by the school administration and recognized by the school administration CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 CONCLUSION From practice, the lessons are combined with games into activities: warm-up, consolidation, review in the lesson process, the lesson is always happening vividly and easily to understand, students memorize vocabulary From this result, it can be seen that students will increasingly love the subject and will have enough confidence to communicate in English promote positivity and creativity in students' learning, contribute to improving the quality of comprehensive education Organizing games in English lessons is very necessary, but teachers need to have skills to organize and guide the children to play properly and synchronously, to maximize the role of students When organizing learning games, it is necessary to rely on the content of the lessons, and the time in each class, to choose or design suitable games With the experiences learned from the years of teaching at primary school, especially the lessons learned after attending class visits by fellow comrades at the same school as well as attending the time of fellow comrades With the wholehearted help of the school administrators, the professional group of Quang Trach primary School - Quang Xuong District, I have had a number of “Experience to create interest in learning English for primary school students to develop knowledge of language through organizing of games ” 3.2 RECOMMENDATIONS Suggested levels created favorable conditions for facilities, modern equipment, specifications classrooms, number of students arranged in layers just right for teachers to cover classes are comprehensive, conditional students more practice I would like to sincerely thank the members of the school administration, to those in the professional group of Quang Trach primary School for helping me complete this initiative I look forward to the guidance of the professional comrades of the Department of Education and Training, the comments of colleagues to make my teaching experience richer and more effective 14 I sincerely thank! Certified by the principal Quang Trach, April 10th , 2021 I hereby declare that this is my initiative to write, not copy other people's content The implementer Le Thi Thao REFERENCES Ministry of Education and Training English-Teacher’s book, English textbooks Ministry of Education and Training (2003) English language teaching Method 15 Quang Xuong Education and Training office Training materials for teaching english in primary school M Lewis and Jimmy Hill (1990) - Practical Techniques of language teaching Lon Don Little Wood.W (1981) - communicative language teaching A Practical English Grammar - Thomson AJ - Martinet V A 16 ... 2.3.1 .Create interest in learning English through organizing games when teaching and reviewing vocabulary 2.3.2 Create interest in learning English through organizing games when teaching and acting... measures to "Create interest in learning English for primary school students to develop language knowledge through organizing games" for students in class 5A, 5B at Quang Trach Primary School in the... through language. From the actual situation of teaching and learning in our school, I research to find out how to create interest in learning English for primary school students to develop language knowledge

Ngày đăng: 23/05/2021, 09:07

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