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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO ĐẠO THANH HÓA TRƯỜNG THPT YÊN ĐỊNH SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM CREATING THE INTEREST IN LEARNING ENGLISH FOR STUDENTS 11 THROUGH WARM-UP ACTIVITIES AT YEN DINH HIGH SCHOOL Người thực hiện: Dương Thị Linh Chức vụ: Giáo viên SKKN thuộc lĩnh vực: Tiếng Anh THANH HOÁ NĂM 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Objectives of the study 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Methodology of the study .2 DEVELOPMENT .3 2.1 Practical basis 2.2 Research content 2.2.1 Use videos and songs 2.2.2 Hot chair game 2.2.3 Guess the word game using pictures or flashcards .8 2.2.4 Solve crosswords .9 2.2.5 Use mindmap 12 2.2.6 Word of mouth 13 2.3 Research results .14 CONCLUSION 15 3.1 Limitations of the study 15 3.2 Suggestions for further research 15 REFERENCES 17 APPENDIX 19 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale According to the national foreign language project, foreign language teaching should be based on the principle of being "student-centered" Therefore, as a foreign language teacher, the attractive and effective communication of lesson content so that students can absorb the lesson as quickly as possible is my biggest wish To this well, in addition to combining teaching methods We also have to know how to create the excitement for students in the learning process by warming up before each lesson under the motto "Playing in learning", which will make a good impression, attracting students in the process of absorbing new knowledge A class will not be successful if students are not interested at the beginning of a topic Therefore, teachers need to try to start a lesson with engaging activities to help students perceive and create background knowledge for learners When we create warm-up forms, it will help students promote positivity, be more self-aware in learning in accordance with the spirit of teaching according to new methods, that is, students play an active role, inquiring, thinking, creating, teachers suggest and stimulate students' initiative and creativity Consequently, creating and building games to direct students to the content of the lesson topic is an art of the teacher Although this is an optional part of the classroom teaching process, it plays an active part in teaching in a new way Depending on the characteristics of each skill such as listening - speaking - reading - writing, we will have different the warm-up games to engage students in the process of acquiring knowledge Using the different warm-up activities can be a way to make a difference in class performance and keep students curious, focus more attention on the lesson, providing learners with goals and motivation For this reason, I decided to choose the topic of "Creating the interest in learning English for grade 11 students through warm-up activities at Yen Dinh High School" Hopefully, this research can bring some benefits to English learners as well as English teachers across our country 1.2 Objectives of the study This major objective of the study is an attempt to identify problems faced by the 11th-grade students at Yen Dinh High School This research would concentrate on these matters below: The way students self-study on their own The most common problems they encounter The strategies which help them to get over and succeed in listening 1.3 Scope of the study This study carried out among the 11C7 and 11C8 Students at Yen Dinh during the school year 2021-2022 1.4 Methodology of the study By definition, the warm-up phase is a preliminary first phase that helps students feel comfortable and sets a positive mood for learning According to Robertson (2000): "Warm-up is a short activity for the beginning of a lesson", he asserts that warm-up are the different types of activities that help students begin to form thoughts during the lesson, review the material presented first and become more interested in the lesson So a warm up activity is used to start a class with some interesting task to help students get comfortable in the classroom formation and help students start thinking about the lesson topic In addition, Hoang (2000) identified the main characteristics of a warm-up activity Warm-up can be used to allow students to review language learned in the previous lesson The warm-up activity must be related to the lesson topic Thus, it is an extremely practical to set up general warm-up forms before each lesson to help students want to learn and reduce the students' anxiety and boredom before each lesson Smith (2008) shows some principles for designing a warm-up activity He also suggested that a warm-up activity should take place at the beginning of the class It will help the teacher to capture the attention of the students Warm-up should be interesting so that students are motivated from the start The warm-up activity should be related to the lesson topic so that in subsequent stages, students can more easily participate in different activities Below is the rule diagram of the warm up operation DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Practical basis In terms of teachers, currently, in the perception of teaching methods, many teachers still think that it's not necessary to have warm-up activities before each lesson As a result, many teachers only focus on going straight to the lesson's core, making students not really understand and grasp the background knowledge for that lesson topic From limited awareness and methods, teachers not innovate and learn about interesting warm-up tips or activities for students, create the motivation to love the subject more In terms of facilities, teaching materials for students have not been fully invested such as dictionaries, books, tapes, cassette players, projector lamps, etc And most of them don't have contact with native speakers, so it also causes some limitations in their response to English, they can't listen and understand communication well On the part of students, students are not passionate about the subject, many students often show fatigue and are not enthusiastic about participating in activities in the class Students' background knowledge on some topics in the English textbook curriculum in general and grade 11, in particular, is still very weak Through the survey at the beginning of the year of two classes 11C7 and 11C8 of Yen Dinh High School, the percentage of students who well in English is not high, specifically as follows: Class Ranked Academic Excellent Quite good Average Bad 11C7 1% 15 % 69 % 15 % 11C8 0% 5% 60 % 35 % 2.2 Research content An English lesson will be really effective if the teacher knows how to make the listening time lively, interesting and engaging for students Hence, teachers must prepare well for warm up forms In fact, whether a lesson is effective or not depends on how most students participate while warming up, so in the classroom, creating many forms of warm-up will attract students to the class, promoting the students' initiative and positivity throughout the process of participating in learning activities Here are some forms of organizing warm-up activities that I have successfully applied in the 2021-2022 school year for grade 11 students at Yen Dinh High School  Use videos and songs  Hot chair game  Guess the word game using pictures or flashcards  Solve crosswords  Use mind map  Word of mouth 2.2.1 Use videos and songs Short videos will increase student engagement, which will help promote the background knowledge of the lesson topic If students are interested in learning materials, they will process information and remember better Videos offer flexibility as they can pause, rewind or skip specific passages for discussion or detailed review This is a great way to familiarize students with the topic Teachers can use the resources of youtube or some other website For example, in Unit 4: “Volunteer work”, the teacher shows a video and then asks some questions as follows: - What are the people doing? - How meaningful is volunteer work? - How often you involve in volunteer work? After the discussion, the students gained more vocabulary and understanding and some daily volunteer work At this point, the teacher will lead the students to the lesson's topic Similar to the topic of Unit 11: "Sources of energy", teachers can also let students listen to songs about energy sources for 2-3 minutes Then divide the class into main groups, they will discuss and memorize the energy sources mentioned in the song and run up to the board to record their answers The group with the most correct and fastest answers will be the winner (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClrFW2Y2Bv8) (https://youtu.be/UZol5vMDhe4) 2.2.2 Hot chair game This game is fun and easy to organize with different lesson themes The organizational process is as follows: - Divide students into two or more teams or groups Students name their groups - Get two or three chairs with your back to the table Each team appoints a member to sit on the hot seat, with his back to the board Then the teacher writes a word or phrase on the board For example, in Unit 12: “The Asian Games”, volleyball, soccer, basketball, cycling, football, aquatic sports, athletics, and weightlifting, … - The students were then given 30 seconds to try to explain the word on the board to their group members Students must not use words on the board to explain but must explain with definitions or body language The group with the most correct answers will be the winner 2.2.3 Guess the word game using pictures or flashcards In the process of language teaching and learning, the role of using pictures has become the best choice in teaching English, especially in warm-up activities Pictures are very important to help students learn and memorize English It is said that vision has 22 important functions as an aid to simplify learning because it captures students' attention, and helps stimulate them to focus more on the topic A picture is worth a thousand words That shows the importance and effectiveness of the pictures in conveying the message So, as classroom teachers, we should make full use of that strength, because pictures will make your lectures more vivid, and help students participate in the lesson more enthusiastically and interestingly For example, in Unit 16: “The wonders of the world”, the teacher gives some pictures and asks students to answer the following questions: - Where is it? - What you know about it?  Deploy more seminars to create conditions for teachers to have the opportunity to exchange and learn from experiences through seminars  As a foreign language environment, skills must be practiced according to the characteristics of teaching methods, so it's necessary to have a department room to avoid making noise in the neighboring classrooms as well as not being affected by noise from outside (can be combined with other departments)  Introduce relevant documents for teachers to refer to, learn and apply XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ Thanh Hóa, ngày 20 tháng năm 2022 Tơi xin cam đoan SKKN viết, khơng chép nội dung người khác Người thực Dương Thị Linh REFERENCES Mitchell, R & Myles, F (2004), Second Language Learning Theories, New York: Oxford University Press A.Scott, Wendy & H.Ytreberg, Lisbeth (2004) Teaching English to children UK: Longman Cameron, L (2005), Teaching languages to young learners, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Nation, P (1990), Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, New York: Newbury House Rixon, S (1984), How to use games in language teaching, HongKong: Macmillan Publishers Ltd Wright, A., Betteridge, D., & Buckby, M (2005), Games for language learning (6rd ed.), New York: Cambridge University Press 11 English textbook National publisher www Youtube.com DANH MỤC SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ĐÃ ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM NGÀNH GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO CẤP TỈNH XẾP LOẠI TỪ C TRỞ LÊN Họ tên tác giả: Dương Thị Linh Chức vụ đơn vị công tác: Giáo viên – Trường THPT Yên Định TT Tên đề tài SKKN How to teach a reading lesson effectively grade 11 at Yen Dinh high school Kết Cấp đánh giá xếp Năm học đánh giá loại đánh giá xếp xếp loại loại QĐ số :1362 / QĐSGD&ĐT ngày 5/ 11 / 2021 C 2021 APPENDIX HOBBIES & FREE TIME ACTIVITIES Write the names under the correct pictures: INCLUDEPI CTURE INCLUDEPI INCLUDEPI CTURE CTURE "http://officei "http://officei "http://officei mg.vo.msecn mg.vo.msecn d.net/en- d.net/en- us/images/M us/images/M us/images/MH nd.net/en900298895.jp us/images/ g" \* MERGEFOR MERGEFOR MERGEFOR MATINET MATINET INCLUDEPI CTURE CTURE d.net/en- us/images/M us/images/M H900286628 H900196172.j \* jpg" \* pg" MERGEFOR MERGEFOR MATINET MATINET INCLUDEPI INCLUDEPI CTURE CTURE "http://officei "http://officei mg.vo.msecn mg.vo.msecn d.net/en- d.net/en- us/images/M us/images/M H900286628 H900196172.j MH9003584 07.jpg" \* MATINET MERGEFO INCLUDEPI RMATINET CTURE INCLUDEP "http://officei "http://officei "http://officei mg.vo.msecn mg.vo.msecn d.net/en- PICTURE mg.vo.msecnd "http://office img.vo.msec net/en- H900286628 H900196172.j \* jpg" \* pg" INCLUDEPI INCLUDE ICTURE mg.vo.msecnd "http://office img.vo.msec net/enCANOEING FOOTBALL us/images/MH nd.net/en900298895.jp us/images/ g" \* MH9003584 07.jpg" \* JUGGLING MERGEFOR GARDENING MATINET MERGEFO INCLUDEPI RMATINET CTURE INCLUDEP YOGA ICTURE SKATING "http://officei BINDING mg.vo.msecnd "http://office img.vo.msec net/en- TABLE TENNIS SKIING us/images/MH nd.net/en900298895.jp us/images/ g" \* MH9003584 INCLUDEPI CTURE INCLUDEPI INCLUDEPI CTURE "http://officei CTURE mg.vo.msecn "http://officei "http://officei d.net/en- mg.vo.msecn mg.vo.msecnd us/images/M d.net/en- net/en- H900294322 us/images/M jpg" \* H900293788.j us/images/MH \* MERGEFOR pg" MERGEFOR MATINET g" \* INCLUDEPI MATINET CTURE INCLUDEPI 900303647.jp MERGEFOR MATINET INCLUDEPI CTURE "http://officei CTURE mg.vo.msecn "http://officei "http://officei d.net/en- mg.vo.msecn mg.vo.msecnd us/images/M d.net/en- net/en- H900294322 us/images/M jpg" \* H900293788.j us/images/MH \* MERGEFOR pg" MERGEFOR MATINET g" \* 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"http://office us/images/MH us/images/ 900199048.jp MH9002412 g" \* 37.jpg" \* MERGEFOR MERGEFO MATINET RMATINET INCLUDEPI INCLUDEP CTURE ICTURE "http://officei "http://officei mg.vo.msecn mg.vo.msecnd img.vo.msec net/ennd.net/en- d.net/enus/images/M H900334504.j pg" \* MERGEFOR MATINET INCLUDEPI CTURE "http://office us/images/MH us/images/ 900199048.jp MH9002412 g" \* 37.jpg" \* MERGEFOR MERGEFO MATINET RMATINET INCLUDEPI INCLUDEP CTURE ICTURE "http://officei "http://officei mg.vo.msecn mg.vo.msecnd img.vo.msec net/ennd.net/en- d.net/enus/images/M H900334504.j pg" \* "http://office us/images/MH us/images/ 900199048.jp MH9002412 INCLUDEPI CTURE INCLUDEPI CTURE "http://officei "http://officei mg.vo.msecn mg.vo.msecn d.net/en- d.net/en- us/images/M us/images/M H900358457 H900304017.j jpg" \* pg" \* INCLUDEPI CTURE "http://officei INCLUDE PICTURE "http://office mg.vo.msecnd img.vo.msec nd.net/en.net/enus/images/MH us/images/ 900391044.jp MH9002416 g" \* 21.jpg" \* MERGEFOR MERGEFOR 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"http://officei ICTURE "http://office mg.vo.msecnd img.vo.msec nd.net/en.net/enus/images/MH us/images/ 900301482.jp MH9004405 g" \* 46.jpg" \* MERGEFOR MERGEFO MATINET RMATINET INCLUDEPI INCLUDEP CTURE "http://officei ICTURE "http://office mg.vo.msecnd img.vo.msec nd.net/en.net/enus/images/MH us/images/ 900301482.jp MH9004405 46.jpg" \* 29 30 31 32 KEY: BADMINTON 18 BOWLING PHOTOGRAPHY 19 DARTS GARDENING 20 FISHING KNITTING 21 CYCLING SKATING 22 READING CAMPING 23 JUGGLING SAILING 24 SKIING FOOTBALL 25 WEIGHT LIFTING PAINTING 26 JOGGING 10 DIVING 27 PARACHUTING 11 HANG GLIDING 28 COOKING 12 POTTERY 29 CARDS 13 BINDING 30 SWIMMING 14 FENCING 31 TABLE TENNIS 15 CANOEING 32 YOGA 16 BILLIARDS 17 SEWING ... activities Here are some forms of organizing warm- up activities that I have successfully applied in the 20 21 -20 22 school year for grade 11 students at Yen Dinh High School  Use videos and songs... classroom The warm- up can then be used to motivate students so that they become interested in learning Furthermore, teachers can use the warm- up feature to grab students' attention at the start of the. .. vocabulary for students 2. 3 Research results I have applied these measures in the 20 21 -20 22 school year and the results obtained in grades: 11C7 and 11C8 show that the student's learning quality has increased

Ngày đăng: 05/06/2022, 10:07

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