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PASSIVE on Present and past continuous tense.. 1 He is playing video games at the moment.[r]


Mệnh đề quan hệ

- By Đào Quang Chiến 2012

I.Nối các cặp câu sau sử dụng trạng từ quan hệ : “When, where, whose” 1.December is a month It is the coldest in the USA in this month

……… 2.John will never forget the day He met Mary for the first time on that day

……… 3.Da Nang is a city I was born and grew up there

……… 4.London is a big city We spent our vacation there

……… 5.The room is very nice I’m living in that room

……… 6.India is a country The earthquake occurred in this country last month

……… 7.The place was really beautiful We spent our holiday there

……… 8.The time is over We loved each other very much on that time

……… 9.The day is so boring to me We don’t meet each other on that day

……… 10.Do you know the name of the hotel ? John is staying at that hotel

……… 11.The school is smaller than mine You work here

……… 12.Spring is the most beautiful season Flowers are in full bloom in that season

……… 13.We have not decided the day We’ll go to London on that day

……… 14.The days were the saddest ones I lived far from home on those days

……… 15.The book is a telephone directory We can look up telephone numbers in this book

……… 16.The pupils study hard Their parents pay much attention to their school work

……… 17.The author is an American You are reading his book

……… 18.The girl feels happy Her husband has just won a big prize

……… 19.We will tell you about the boy You met his parents last night

……… 20.Do you know the woman ? Her daughter has won the contest

……… 21.The boy is a friend of mine You are using his dictionary

……… 22.The people were nice We visited their house yesterday

……… 23.I like the house Its walls were made of glass


……… 25.I read about the child His life was saved by her pet dog

……… 26.The building is very old He lives in that building

……… 27.I’ll never forget the day I saw you on that day

……… 28.The city was beautiful We spent our vacation in that city

……… 29.Monday is the day We will come on that day

……… 30.That is the restaurant I will meet you at that restaurant

……… 31.9.15 is the time My plane arrives at that time

……… 32.The town is small I grew up in that town

……… 33.1960 is the year The revolution took place in that year

……… 34.That is the drawer I keep my jewelry in that drawer

……… 35.July is the month The weather is usually hot in that month

……… 36.There’s the man His wallet was stolen

……… 37.I’m the owner You stayed in my flat

……… 38.I met the woman Her husband is the president of the corporation

……… 39.I come from a country Its history goes back thousands years

……… 40.The professor is excellent I am taking her course

……… 41.Mark Twain is an author You like his books best

……… 42.The man called the police His wife is my teacher

……… 43.The student writes well I’ve read her composition

……… 44.The man is my father I respect his opinions

……… 45.What is the name of the man You borrowed his car

……… 46.We visited the school My father taught there

……… 47.The thirteenth of March ,2005 was the day I held the wedding on that day

……… 48.Vang is a village I was born and grew up here


Câu bị động - Passive


1 They carry those shelves to our library

2 People see John at the bus stop every morning 3.They put those newspapers on the reading table He sells this book

5 They an important research in this library 6.My sister finds that book on the shelf

7 People play football all over the world They speak French and English in Cananda 9.People don’t keep those books for reference 10.The principal doesn’t write this letter


Paul and Peter watched the football match Shakespeare wrote Hamlet

3 Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 Anna painted the Wilsons' house

5 The American team won the cup Philip took a picture of the sea

7 My mother saw Mike at the supermarket Freddy Mercury sang 'We Will Rock You' My parents read 'Da Vinci Code'

10 My brother found a purse in the street

III PASSIVE on Present and past continuous tense

1 He is playing video games at the moment

2 I am helping Hoa and Lan with doing homework at the present My parents are watching TV now

4 They are playing soccer at the stadium now Yesterday, I was reading books when she came They are doing maths exercises mow

7 Lan was washing clothes when it rained The Browns were visiting Ngoc Son Temple

9 My dad was watering the garden while my mum was cooking dinner 10 She is reading a novel now


1 We have discussed the matter all day long She has found her pen

3 My sister has started a new job We have seen Tom since Monday

5.They have just built a new church near my house Someone has changed the room

7 They haven’t bought the flowers yet 8.We have seen her since last week We have phoned her

10 Mary has just made a new dress for her doll


1 He will invite you to the party 2.They will build a new house 3.The teacher will tell a story

4 They will hold a meeting before May Day She will correct our mistakes

6 I will visit my parents They will that work


9 She will watch the news

10.They will offer you a new camera 27 My friend can answer this question

28 They must something before it’s too late 29 They may use this room for the class 30 People can’t make tea with cold water

Exercise2 Rewrite the following setences,

1 People speak English all over the world

English You must this work right away

This work She sold her house last year

Her house We will meet him at the airport

He 5.Somebody has taken my briefcase

My briefcase … They plant rice in that country

Rice He is asking me a lot of questions

I You should open the wine about an hour before using it

The wine

9 They performed Christmas songs for people in town

Christmas songs

10 My mother is cooking the food in the kitchen

The food 11 They should build a bridge across the river

The bridge ……… 12 Someone is using the computer at the moment

The computer ……… 13 Someone repaired her car yesterday

Her car ……… 14 People must not leave their bikes in the hall

Their bikes ……… 15 They has packed the books

The books ………

16People expect that taxes will be reduced soon

It ………

Taxes ………

17.People say that the monument is over 2000 years old

It ………

The monument ……… 18.People expect that the president will resign

It ………

The president ……… 19.People think the fire started at about o’clock

It ………

The fire ……… 20 Journalists reported that seven people had been injured in the fire

It ………

Seven people ……… 21.People say the bridge is unsafe

It ………


Ngày đăng: 23/05/2021, 01:52

