Adobe ® Photoshop ® CS in 10 Simple Steps or Less Micah Laaker and Christopher Schmitt Adobe ® Photoshop ® CS in 10 Simple Steps or Less Micah Laaker and Christopher Schmitt Adobe® Photoshop® CS in 10 Simple Steps or Less Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 Copyright © 2004 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Available from Publisher ISBN: 0-7645-4237-0 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1O/QY/RS/QT/IN No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sec- tions 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Cen- ter, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. 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Credits Acquisitions Editor Sharon Cox Development Editor Scott Amerman Technical Editor Ramona Pruitt Copy Editor Travis Henderson Editorial Manager Kathryn A. Malm Vice President & Executive Group Publisher Richard Swadley Vice President and Executive Publisher Robert Ipsen Vice President and Publisher Joseph B. Wikert Executive Editorial Director Mary Bednarek Project Coordinator Nancee Reeves Graphics and Production Specialists Beth Brooks Jennifer Heleine LeAndra Hosier Kristin McMullan Lynsey Osborn Heather Pope Quality Control Technicians John Greenough Angel Perez Book Designer Kathie S. Schnorr Proofreading and Indexing TECHBOOKS Production Services To CP — Micah Laaker For Gail — Christopher Schmitt Acknowledgments From Micah Laaker: This book would not have been possible if it weren’t for the hard work and efforts of a number of people. First, a thank you goes out to David Fugate from Waterside for getting things rolling, and to Michael Morrison for providing the introduction (as well as being an amazing author and game developer). Second, much appreciation goes out to my co-author, Christopher Schmitt, and the Wiley team, namely Sharon Cox, Scott Amerman, and Ramona Pruitt, who worked hard to shape this book and make it a reality. No acknowledgment would be accurate without an incredibly heartfelt thank-you to my wife, the beauti- ful and amazing Carrie Patton Laaker. Her support and assistance in making and completing this book have been tremendous. Thank you. Special thanks go out to my family and friends for all their love and support through the years, especially the Rev. Dr. Damon & Mary Laaker, Sarah & Tom Emery, Amanda Laaker, and Aaron Steckelberg. You couldn’t picture a more wonderful, encouraging bunch, and their support has been unwavering. Also, a huge thank-you is extended to all the amazing teachers I’ve learned from and been challenged by at the University of Kansas and Omaha Public Schools, especially Patrick Dooley, Barry Fitzgerald, Tom Eblen, Kim Cooper, Mike Krainak, and Kathleen Bradley, amongst dozens of other downright incredible people. It is fantastic, supportive, and challenging teachers like these who continue to make our public education institutions a treasure. And, of course, I want to express my thanks to the good folks at Adobe Systems, Inc. (especially Kevin Cheng for his eleventh-hour help), for continuing to develop and refine the legacy of the Knoll brothers, whose product is truly a staple of my livelihood. As an expression of my gratitude for having all these wonderful people in my life, all after-tax profits I have received from this book’s advance will go to the Rev. Dr. Damon & Mary Laaker Scholarship Fund ( )and the Heifer Project ( through the A Penny A Day program. For more information about this program, please visit From Christopher Schmitt: I recall the first time I used Photoshop. While being filled with awe at such an amazing tool, I also had a head full of questions about the many Photoshop commands and features available. That’s why I want to thank Micah for helping to co-write this educational tool. Through his invaluable contributions, we have created a truly wonderful educational tool to eliminate those types of questions for new users as well as old. I’m thankful for the steering by David Fugate at Waterside as well as the hard work and contributions from Scott Amerman, Sharon Cox, and Romana Pruitt. Their support helped guide the book to what you see in your hands now. A special thanks to Mat, Brook, and Tim at Gen X Images for their support and stock photo contribu- tions. It’s always great to have excellent source material when demonstrating a complex application like Photoshop. Thanks, too, to Richard Grillotti ( ) for donating digital photographs so I could work on the Camera Raw task as well some fresh new images for a few of the filter pages. And for helping me to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground, a special thanks to Dee Lalley, Dave and Margot Schmitt, and the rest of my family. Thank you! vi Acknowledgments About the Authors Micah Laaker is the creative director of Fearless Concepts, an interactive design and development firm in New York. As head of the creative department, Micah leads the conceptual and visual direction of music and entertainment projects. Having worked in the interactive field for more than seven years, he has provided his entertainment, corporate, and not-for-profit clients with a range of graphic design, illus- tration, and multimedia services. Micah was instrumental in the founding and operations of the research and development department at Iguana Studios, a leading New York–based design firm. Thanks to the resources of Iguana and with the support of Adobe Systems, Inc., he was able to coordinate the development of the first commercial SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) project: the redesign of Supplementing this development, Micah has written extensively detailing practical applications of SVG, including “SAMS Teach Yourself SVG in 24 Hours,” and continues to lecture and teach university classes about online vector graphics and interactive production technologies. His clients have included the ACLU, Island Def Jam Music Group, Disney Channel, Sprint PCS, Lockheed Martin, and Adobe Systems. Micah has won numerous awards for both creative and Web development, including the 2002 London International Advertising Awards Gold Award and the 2001 Industrial Design Society of America’s Industrial Design Excellence Gold Award. You can read more about Micah’s professional work and experience at . Christopher Schmitt has been involved in Web projects since 1993. He is the principal of, Inc., a new media publishing and design firm in Tallahassee, Florida. Christopher graduated in 1997 with a Fine Arts degree with emphasis on Graphic Design from Florida State University. While an undergraduate, Christopher interned for both David Siegel and Lynda Weinman in the mid-90s, wrote for local newspapers about Web sites and design, and won the presti- gious High Five award. He has written for Web Techniques, A List Apart, Digital Web, and Web Reference and contributed four chapters to XML, HTML XHTML Magic. He wrote Designing CSS Web Pages ( ), a book about contemporary Web page layouts through Cascading Style Sheets, Dynamic HTML, PNG, and SVG. [...]... Duplicating, Saving, and Deleting Paths Task 98: Exporting a Path to Adobe Illustrator Part 7: Transformations Task 99: Resizing and Resampling an Image Using the Image Size Command Task 100 : Increasing or Decreasing an Image’s Canvas Area Task 101 : Flipping an Image Vertically or Horizontally Task 102 : Rotating an Image Task 103 : Eliminating an Unnecessary Image Area by Cropping Task 104 : Using the... Creating Tool Presets to Streamline your Workflow Task 34: Using the Preset Manager to Access and Organize All Preset Types Task 35: Customizing and Saving Your Workspace Part 3: Color Essentials Task 36: Establishing and Customizing Initial Color Settings Task 37: Calibrating a Macintosh Monitor Task 38: Calibrating a Windows Monitor Task 39: Setting Foreground and Background Colors Using the Color... Task 105 : Scaling an Image or Image Area Task 106 : Skewing and Distorting an Image or Image Area One Corner at a Time Task 107 : Applying One-Point Perspective to an Image Task 108 : Working with Video Format Pixel Aspect Ratios Part 8: Painting Essentials Task 109 : Using the Brush Preset Picker to Choose and Load Brush Tips Task 110: Painting and Drawing with the Brush and Pencil Tools Task 111: Using... Using the Color Palette to Choose Colors Task 41: Adding, Renaming, and Deleting Colors from the Swatch Palette Task 42: Creating, Saving, and Loading Swatch Libraries Task 43: Using the Eyedropper Tool to Sample Single Colors or Areas of Color Task 44: Using the Color Sampler Tool to Place Color Sample Readout Markers Task 45: Converting an Image into a Different Color Mode Task 46: Proofing Colors... Specifying and Adjusting Type Parameters Task 197: Moving, Aligning, and Justifying Type Task 198: Resizing and Transforming Type Task 199: Checking and Correcting Spelling; Finding and Replacing Text Task 200: Managing and Transforming Paragraph Type Task 201: Dressing up an Image with Warped Type Task 202: Placing Text on a Path Task 203: Customizing a Text Logo with Shape Type Task 204: Combining Text... other important basics of color management Part 4: Color Adjustments Do you have an image showing a horse of a different color? This part introduces you to the many ways you can color correct your artwork in Photoshop CS Introduction xxi Part 5: Selections For the most part, if you want to modify a photo or some other artwork in Photoshop CS, you first have to select it Whether a simple rectangle or a... Characteristics, Moving, Resizing, and Locking Slices Task 260: Selecting, Saving, Loading, and Deleting Slices Task 261: Dividing, Combining, and Duplicating Slices Task 262: Specifying Slice Background Color Task 263: Assigning URLs to Slices Task 264: Linking and Unlinking Slices Task 265: Applying Different Optimizations to User Slices Task 266: Creating a Layer-based Image Map Task 267: Creating a Tool-Based... Cropping and Straightening Photos Automatically Task 238: Creating Seamless Panoramas with Photomerge Task 239: Using Scripts Part 16: Print Essentials Task 240: Setting Printer and Page Setup Options Task 241: Using the Print with Preview Command Task 242: Printing Using Color Management Task 243: Using the Proof Setups Task 244: Identifying and Correcting Out-of-Gamut Colors Task 245: Creating a... cross-reference Notes provide additional information or help in working with Photoshop Tips point out an interesting idea or technique that will save you time, effort, money, or all three! Cautions are used to alert you to potential problems that you might run into when working with Photoshop Although this book is divided into tasks to make it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for, few tasks don’t rely on... 146: Changing the Quick Mask Options Task 147: Storing Masks in Channels for Later Use Task 148: Using the Channel Options in the Save Selection Dialog Box Task 149: Using the Channel Mixer to Create Interesting Color Effects Part 11: Layer Essentials Task 150: Creating a Basic Layered Image Task 151: Organizing Your Layers by Naming and Color Coding Task 152: Selecting, Moving, and Duplicating Layers . Adobe ® Photoshop ® CS in 10 Simple Steps or Less Micah Laaker and Christopher Schmitt Adobe ® Photoshop ® CS in 10 Simple Steps or Less Micah. Christopher Schmitt Adobe Photoshop CS in 10 Simple Steps or Less Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 104 75 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256