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On Tieng Anh thi vao lop 10 Test 30

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II- Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently form that of the other words in each group:. 36.[r]



I- Choose the best answer

1 She is very busy _ her housework A with B for C of D by

2 I will never forget _ him on a rainy day A to meet B meet C meeting D met

3 I was interested in _ a shop girl A to be B being C be D been

4 She is really tired of looking _ the “Situations Vacant” column A for B in C up D through

5 He queues _ money every Thursday A for B to get C of D up

6 As soon as the game begins, people start shouting and cheering for one side or _

A other B the other C one another D each other

7 we can find out new source of energy, our life will certainly be destroyed A if B when C unless D even though

8 Mercury is the smallest member the 10 planets A in B of C than D among

9 Mary is _ of the two sisters A the smallest B small C the smaller D smaller

10 A person who studies life of plants and animals is called a A physicist B biologist C philosopher D politician

11 Work hard you will fail the exams A if B or C unless D and

12 If she younger, she would take some exercise A is B was C be D were

13 Fresh air is of great to our health A use B used C useful D usage

14 There is a big gate _ the front of our school A in B at C on D out

15 She smiled _ me A with B to C towards D at

16 He was accused _ stealing a Honda A of B in C to D with

17 Vietnam becomes to foreign tourists

A most and most B much and more attractive C the more attractive D more and more attractive

18 Joe is _ of the two students A the quietest B quieter C the quieter D quietest

19 “Which team you support?” “We’d like .”

A the Tigers win B that the Tigers win C the Tigers will win D the Tigers to win

20 If they had enough time, they _ head south A will B can C Must D might

21 “What did you last night?”

“I watched TV, practiced the violin, and my homework.” A made B C done D did

22 _ all the cities I have visited, I like New York the best A Of B From C Out D With


24 Let’s have our waiter _ some coffee A bring B to bring C bringing D brought

25 All planes _ before departure.A will checked B will has checked C will be checked D will been checked

26 If I get a pole, I’ll go fishing A can B could C may D might

27 If you had a chance, _ you go fishing? A did B may C would D do

28 Gold in California in the nineteenth century

A was discovered B has been discovered C was discover D they discovered

29 shoes are always of various types A Woman’s B Womans’ C Women’s D Womens’

30 “How much money did you spend?”

“As much as there _”A were B has C was D have

31 There _ a lot of news about it on TV last night A was B had C is D were

32 They didn’t steal anything They stole _A anything B not anything C not nothing D nothing

33 His friends are rich, but are poor A me B friends of me C mine D my

34 Tom asked Ann and _ about the new theatre A I B my C me D self

35 Tom is going to lose _ job A him B his C he D he’s

36 When I last saw him, he _ in London A has lived B is living C was living D has been living

37 Since he I have heard nothing from him A he had left B he left C he has left D he was left

38 “Would you like to go to the band concert?”

“Thanks, but I it already.” A had seen B have been seeing C have seen D did see

39 Next month we have two - holiday A week B weeks C weeks’ D week’s

40 _ of the students in my class could solve the problem yesterday A None B Neither C Either D Not much

41 Give me information, please A farther B further C many D not

42 I have books of my own A no B not C any D much

43 He is A a three years old boy B a three year old boy C three years boy D three year boy

44 I’ve always found Fred to be a _ person A politely B impolitely C not polite D polite

45 “I’m looking for something to eat.”

“There is _ meat in the fridge.” A a little of B a little C a few D some few

46 How we need in the winter?

A How many woods B How many wood C How much of wood D How much wood

47 We have heard about you A so many news B so much news C a lot news D few news

48 was it wrapped up in? A newspaper A Where B Who C How D What


A long they will be B they will be C long will they be D long they be

50 Monkeys can’t sing, _?A can they B can’t they C can it D can’t it

II- Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently form that of the other words in each group:

36 A relaxed B enjoyed C arrived D gathered

37 A foot B school C soon D food

38 A busy B visit C result D countryside 39 A grow B grocery C home D together

40 A travel B palace C family D banyan

41 A luck B much C future D difficult

42 A attend B reputation C dormitory D dictionary

43 A close B know C program D scholarship 44 A radio B stay C language D information

45 A sure B say C some D sentence

46 A easy B learn C read D speak

47 A city B come C campus D conversation 48 A correct B improve C polite D favorite

49 A choose B school C book D afternoon

50 A supply B academy C difficulty D necessary

51 A change B fame C man D sale

52 A comfort B long C son D ton

53 A boot B foot C loose D stood

54 A bread B jeans C neat D seat

55 A kind B Egypt C shy D style

56 A girl B shirt C skirt D trip

57 A coffee B deer C sleep D sleeve

58 A again B rainy C sailor D said

59 A jeans B caps C pants D shirts 60 A covered B showed C dressed D sleeved

61 A shout B about C around D through

62 A adult B junk C popular D suffer 63 A stage B magazine C teenager D dangerous

64 A pleasure B occasion C television D expensive 65 A variety B favorite C benefit D opposite 66 A safe B major C relative D latest 67 A leak B people C increase D weather

68 A pity B deny C daily D activity

69 A only B most C purpose D nobody 70 A invited B walked C laughed D developed

71 A dump B lunch C reduce D bubble

72 A bottle B listen C protect D deforestation

73 A bike B polite C divide D complication

74 A enjoy B come C among D another

75 A collect B recycle C because D company

76 A needed B started C helped D avoided


78 A reason B preserve C treasure D visit

79 A save B state C paper D plastic

80 A lazy B energy C supply D factory

81 A attend B began C exam D passage

82 A hard B last C pass D what

83 A about B could C council D found 84 A come B hobby C popular D song

85 A book B pool C school D soon

86 A hope B improve C lose D movie

87 A future B supply C repute D use

88 A grades B leaves C movies D roses 89 A thank B that C these D though 90 A arrived B interviewed C liked D used

91 A about B around C found D enormous

92 A number B tumble C plumber D cabbage 93 A faucet B efficient C receive D electricity 94 A saved B helped C checked D reduced 95 A energy B forgot C suggest D vegetable 96 A resort B install C conserve D consumer 97 A detail B category C natural D lighting 98 A sun B function C understand D D conclusion 99 A advice B matter C machine appliance

Ngày đăng: 22/05/2021, 05:29

