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For the next forty minutes they do their homework or have a club meeting or play games like football2. Do pupils go to school on Saturday.[r]


§Ị kiĨm tra häc häc kú I Môn: Tiêng Anh

Năm học: 2010- 2011 I Circle the best answer:

You really ……… work harder for the coming exam A must B need C ought D will

Learners not only learn the meaning ……… the spelling and proununciation of new words A too B as well as C also D but also

The taecher aksed me……… A song

A sing B to sing C singing D sang We hope you ………… us when you call to Thanh Oai

A visit B will visit C are visting D visited My soon is not ……… be a good basketball player

A enough to B tall enough to C enough tall for D tall enough Yesterday Hong was absent from school………….of his illness

A because B instead C through D but His brother feels……… after his operation

A strongly B strength C strong D enough strong You have to be back……… o’clock and 30 in the evening

A at B to C both D between My grandmother used to ……… us folktailes when we were small A tell B tells C told D telling 10 ……… a motorbike so fast is dangerous

A Ride B Rides C Rode D Riding 11 The party was great and they enjoy……… very much

A theyselves B themselves C theirselves D them self

12 The teacher asked me not……… then answer keys before we finish the task A read B reads C reading D to read

II Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

In England boys and girls go to school five days a week The not go to school on Saturday and Sunday Lessons usually begin at o’clock Each lesson lasts for 45 minutes At ten past eleven

when they have aquarter of an hour’s break in which they drink milk Some puplis eat sandwiches or

biscuits which they bought from home Then they have two lessons more after that they have a lunch break Some pupils go home for lunch At two o’clock shool begins again Ther are two more lessons

For the next forty minutes they their homework or have a club meeting or play games like football They go home at four o’clock

Do pupils go to school on Saturday? How long does each lesson last?

What the pupils during the break? What time does the school begin again?

5 How many lessons the pupils learn in the afternoon? What time they come back home?

III Correct the mistakes in the following sentences


The chilren enjoy to listen to old folktales

What will your brother going to study at university in September? IV Underline the best answer:

That young man is not ( experienced enough / enough experienced) to the job We ( ought / must ) go now or we will miss the train

Who helped you with your homr work? No one I did it ( myself / mineself)

Mr Thanh ( was not used / did not use) to smoke when he was young My brother told me he ( wants / wanted ) me to turn down the Tv The little boy rides the bicycle very ( fast / fastly)

V Rewrite the following sentences without chaning their meaning We should look after the pet dogs carefully

We should take……… How about buying another table?


They started livung here 15 years ago

They have……… Hieu does not type as fast as he used to

Hieu used……… “Could you pass the salt for me please?”

The woman asked me……… The shelf is too high for the girl to reach

The shelf is not low………

Ngày đăng: 19/05/2021, 12:06
