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Estimating forest cover change and forest carbon stock by using remote sensing and GIS in phnom tamao zoological park and wildlife rescue center cambodia

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Tiêu đề Estimating forest cover change and forest carbon stock by using remote sensing and GIS in phnom tamao zoological park and wildlife rescue center, cambodia
Tác giả Khot Chesda
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Manh Hung Bui
Trường học Vietnam National University of Forestry
Chuyên ngành Forest Science
Thể loại Master thesis
Năm xuất bản 2018
Thành phố Hanoi
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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY  KHOT CHESDA ESTIMATING FOREST COVER CHANGE AND FOREST CARBON STOCK BY USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS IN PHNOM TAMAO ZOOLOGICAL PARK AND WILDLIFE RESCUE CENTER, CAMBODIA MASTER THESIS IN FOREST SCIENCE Hanoi, 2018 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY  KHOT CHESDA ESTIMATING FOREST COVER CHANGE AND FOREST CARBON STOCK BY USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS IN PHNOM TAMAO ZOOLOGICAL PARK AND WILDLIFE RESCUE CENTER, CAMBODIA Major: Forest Science Code: 8620201 MASTER THESIS IN FOREST SCIENCE Supervisor: Dr Manh Hung Bui Signature:……………… Hanoi, 2018 Table of Contents Table of Contents i List of Table vi Abstract vii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Decline of forest resource 1.1.2 Deciduous forest in Cambodia 1.1.3 Remote Sensing, satellite imagery and GIS 1.1.4 Carbon stock and sequestrations 1.2 Objective 1.2.1 General objective 1.2.2 Specific Objective CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Overview about remote sensing and GIS 2.1.1 Remote sensing and GIS in forestry sector and image classification 2.1.2 Land use and Land cover change studies 2.2 General information about carbon stock 10 2.2.1 Methods for assessment of above-ground biomass and carbon estimations 11 2.2.2 Ground-based forest inventory method 11 2.3 Theories and definition 12 2.3.1 Land use and land cover (LULC) change 12 2.3.2 Land Cover 12 2.3.3 Land use 12 2.3.4 Natural Forest 12 2.3.5 Change detection 13 2.3.6 Aboveground biomass 13 CHAPTER III: METHOD AND MATERIALS 14 3.1 Study Area 14 3.1.1 Vegetation 15 3.2 Materials 17 i 3.2.1 Tools 17 The study materials used in this study, are listed in Table 17 3.2.2 Software 17 3.3 Data collection 18 3.3.1 Image Acquisition and Pre-processing 18 3.3.2 Data Collection (Fieldwork) 19 3.3.3 Assessment of Forest Carbon stock 20 Plot establishment method 20 Tree data collection 21 3.4 Data Analysis 24 3.4.1 Tool and Computer software was used for data analysis 24 3.4.2 Image processing 25 3.4.3 Allometric equation and Carbon stock estimation 29 3.4.4 Stand information 32 3.4.5 Descriptive statistics for height and diameter variables 33 3.4.6 Pearson correlation 34 CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 38 4.1 Land use Land cover (LULC) classes of Phnom Tamao Zoological 38 4.1.1 Forest status assessment in PTWRC 38 Forest cover analysis of PTWRC in 2017 38 Forest cover analysis of PTWRC in 2013 39 Forest cover analysis of PTWRC in 2007 40 Forest cover analysis of PTWRC 2001 41 Forest cover analysis of PTWRC 1997 42 4.1.2 Spatial forest cover change evaluation 44 Forest cover conversion of PTWRC from 1997 to 2001 44 Forest cover conversion of PTWRC from 2001 to 2007 45 Forest cover conversion of PTWRC from 2007 to 2013 47 Forest cover conversion of PTWRC from 2013 to 2017 48 Forest cover conversion of PTWRC from 1997 to 2017 49 4.1.3 Land Use Land Cover (LULC) proportions of PTWRC 2017 50 4.1.4 Accuracy assessment of the LULC map for 2017 of PTWRC 51 4.2 Above-ground Biomass and Carbon stock 52 4.2.1 Dominant tree species 52 ii 4.2.2 Tree density 54 4.2.3 Distribution of diameter classes 57 4.2.4 Aboveground tree biomass and Carbon stock 58 4.2.5 Correlation and Carbon stock map 60 4.3 Discussion on spatial pattern of forest cover change and carbon stock 63 4.4 Propose solution and recommendation for sustainable forest management 64 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 66 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 68 REFERENCE 69 APPENDIX 75 iii LIST of figure Figure 1: Study area map 14 Figure 2: Photograph showing the LULC of PTWRC 16 Figure 3: Tool for assess this research study 17 Figure 4: Satellite Image of the study area 19 Figure 5: Landsat ETM 2007-satellite images and GPS points in the study area 19 Figure 6: Plot establishment 20 Figure 7: Determining a side direction; Figure 8: Measurement distance 21 Figure 9: Measuring plot of DBH 22 Figure 10: Measuring height by using Blume-Leiss ; Figure 11: Measuring DBH by using Caliper………………………………………………… 22 Figure 12: Measured vairable of tree 23 Figure 13: Scatter inventory plot location 24 Figure 14: Flowchart of methods, Green boxes are main steps to analyze 25 Figure 15: Flowchart of methods to calculate carbon stock and carbon stock map 37 Figure 16: NDVI classified map in PTWRC in 2017 39 Figure 17: Area (ha) land cover classes 2017 39 Figure 18: NDVI classified map in PTWRC in 2013 40 Figure 19: Area (ha) of land cover classes 2013 40 Figure 20: NDVI classified map of 2007 41 Figure 21: Area (ha) of Land cover classes in 2007 41 Figure 22: NDVI classified map in 2001 42 Figure 23: Area (ha) of land cover in 2001 42 Figure 24: NDVI classified map 1997 43 Figure 25: Area (ha) of land cover 1997 43 Figure 26: Forest cover change map of PTWRC from 1997-2001 45 Figure 27: Chart of area conversions of PTWRC in (ha) and (%) from 1997-2001 45 Figure 28: Forest cover change map of PTWRC from 2001-2007 46 Figure 29: Chart of conversion area (ha) and (%) of PTWRC from 2001-2007 46 Figure 30: Forest cover change map of PTWRC from 2007-2013 47 Figure 31: Chart of conversion area in (ha) and (%) of PTWRC from 2007-2013 47 iv Figure 32: Forest cover change map of PTWRC from 2013-2017 48 Figure 33: Chart of conversion area in (ha) and (%) of PTWRC from 2013-2017 48 Figure 34: Forest cover change map of PTWRC from 1997-2017 49 Figure 35: Chart of conversion area in (ha) and (%) of PTWRC from 1997-2017 49 Figure 36: The grapical shows of the PTWRC proportion for 2017 50 Figure 37: LULC map of PTWRC in 2017 51 Figure 38: Diameter class (cm) 57 Figure 39: Height class distribution of PTWRC 58 Figure 40: Relationship between DBH and Height with the aboveground biomass 60 Figure 41: Relationship between DBH and Height with Carbon proportion 61 Figure 42: Ralationship between ABG and carbon stock 61 Figure 43: Carbon stock map of PTWRC in 2017 62 v List of Table Table 1: Research materials used 17 Table 2: Landsat image 18 Table 3: Raster calculation for change detection 28 Table 4: Wood-specific density calue of different tree species 30 Table 5: Descriptive analysis of the LULC 38 Table 6: Land cover from 1997-2017 (ha) 38 Table 7: Forest cover change detection in selected years periods in (ha) 44 Table 8: Forest cover change in percentage 44 Table 9: The spatial extent of LULC after classified of PTWRC in 2017 50 Table 10: Accuracy assessment for LULC map 2017 51 Table 11: Accuracy total 52 Table 12: List of trees species in PTWRC 53 Table 13: Number of trees in plots at the PTWRC and their DBH rang 55 Table 14: Summary of decriptive statistics for DBH and H 56 Table 15: Frequency and percentage of DBH and Height 58 Table 16: Summary value of aboveground tree biomass, tree density and vilume of tree 59 Table 17: Descriptive statistics of ABG, Carbon, volume, and basal area 60 Table 18: Comparision of carbon stocks in different conutries and forest type 62 vi ABSTRACT All aboveground about 80 % deposited by forest and 40% of all belowground native as organic carbon, building forest ecosystems essential to conserving the global carbon balance and mitigating climate change [1] The amount of forest carbon stored is differed according to chronological factors such as species, forest type, size, age, stand structure, ecological zone, and another thing Forest covers from satellite data provide the various scales from the past periods, in particular, it’s have been conducted all over the world included Cambodia for several years Remote Sensing is well recognized as an important source of information to quantify forest extents in large areas in previous and present time [2] This study presents the results of forest cover change in selected from 1997 to 2017 and carbon stock assessment of Phnom Tamao Zoological Park and Wildlife Rescue Center (PTWRC) This will be helpful in the future for forest cover and carbon stock (sequestration rate monitoring after established until the present to conserve biodiversity and sustainable forest management for involving mitigate climate change in the study area (PTWRC) Using multi-temporal remote sensing data to quantify forest cover and land use land cover change was conducted in PTZPWRC, Ba Ti district, Takeo commune, Cambodia during 1997 – 2017 For this study, Landsat data including Landsat (TM) in 1997, 2001, 2007 and Landsat (OLI) in 2013, 2017 with a spatial resolution of 30 m was used to quantify forest cover extents and defined the driver of change NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) in combination with unsupervised classification was used After analyzed the results showed that there was a change from years 1997 - 2017 of forest cover change extents Accuracy assessments of forest cover maps showed that highly accurate over 83.67% In particular, Forest cover extents increased of period 1997 – 2017 from 1,928.7 to 2,162.7 (increased by 234), 2001 - 2007 from 1,758.06 to 2,065.68 (increased by 307.62 ha), 2007 – 2013 from 2,065.68 to 2,149.2 (increased by 83.52 ha), 2013 – 2017 from 2,149.2 to 2,162.7 (increased by 13.5 ha) The allometric equation can be used for calculating the aboveground biomass (AGB) and carbon stock area Commonly, estimation AGB is based on stand volume and vii structure of the trees, which is diameter at breast height (DBH), height (H) and wood density consider as a major parameter The biomass equation of the tree had been developed by Chave et al (2014) was taken to estimate ABG and carbon stock for this study area which considers based on tropical forest Total biomass was converted to carbon by using conversion factor 0.47 suggested by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [3] In this study, data had been collected in a deciduous forest in Phnom Tamao Zoological Park and Wildlife Recuse Center, Cambodia A total of 30 Forest inventory sample plots by using simple random sampling design scatter in the forest of PTWRC Carbon was collected from one carbon pools; aboveground biomass A sample size of 500 m2 plot with 25 lengths and 20 widths had been used during data collection Forest inventory was measured of tree DBH, height and species identification per plots The dominant species of this studies are from families of Dipterocarpaceae, Burseraceae, Chrysobalanaceae, and Euphorbiaceae The number of tree sample is about 2,386 trees, height range between until 15 m and diameter range between to 27 cm The average of trees per plot about 79 trees approximately about 1,580 per hectare The data analysis was calculated using Microsoft Excel and SPSS software, after which it was offered in a tabular form as well as in diagrams and figure The total mean of aboveground biomass approximately about 62.238 t ha-1 and an average of carbon stock estimated about 29.25 t ha-1 In the future, regular monitoring of forest cover and forest carbon stock is recommended to assess of fluxes forest cover and carbon stock and other ecosystem services generated by Phnom Tamao Zoological Park and Wildlife Rescue Center (PTWRC) The results and information generated by this study will also be contributed for PTWRC in order to investigate forest management and biodiversity conservation in the study area viii - Strictly implement law enforcement to against illegal logging, hunting and any activities that effect on forest conservation - Awareness to local people live surrounding forest area about benefit of forest resource and how to extract forest resource by sustainable way - Purpose involving to plant tree by student every year one time and educate them to love the forest from primary until university - Improve local community base on ecotourism in Zoological such as: tour guide, services and food restaurant - Improve regeneration to the continuation of forested, as well as to the afforestation of treeless land - Integration of artificial regeneration - Enrichment planting strategy for enhancing natural forest by planning indigenous tree species 65 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION This study provides a forest cover map, forest cover change detection from 1997, 2001, 2007, 2013, 2017 and forest status In addition, current estimation of forest aboveground biomass and carbon stock in Phnom Tamao Zoological Park and Wildlife Recuse Center at Cambodia, which are important for wildlife habitat, biodiversity and wildlife recuse center The classified map of 1997, 2001, 2007, 2013 and 2017 shows that the forest in PTWRC is extremely increased over the past 21 years (in Table 6) Since PTWRC was established by government institution forest administration and non-profits organization restriction of hunting, logging and land grabbing has been banned In particular, law enforcement and conversation biodiversity in the area continuously implement from 1995 In 1997 PTWRC the forest area was 80.90% while non-forest area covered about 19.10% (the non-forest area is included: grassland, built-up & bare land area, water.) (refer to Figure 17 and 18) However, in 2001 forest area decreased to 73.74% and non-forest area increased to 26.26% respectively (refer to Figure 15 and 16) In 2007, forest area improved to 86.64% and non-forest area reduced to 13.36% (refer to Figure 13 and 14) Forest area is continuously increased in 2013 to 90.14% and non-forest area is continuously declined to 9.86% (refer to Figure 11 and 12) In 2017 there was a further increase of forest cover to 90.71% and non-forest area further decreased to 9.29% (refer to Figure and 10) The trends of increasing in forest cover are due to of good governance of Forest Administration (Phnom Tamao Zoological Park and Wildlife Rescue Center) in term of conservation biodiversity, restoration, capacity building of staff and local communities surrounding PTWRC, benefit sharing, and strict law enforcement LULC of PTWRC in 2017 forest cover occupied the highest percentage of the area having 89.985%, Grassland covered 1.56% while Bare land & Built-up area occupied 8.425% and water 0.022% respectively (Table and Figure 29) The map classification by NDVI provided an extremely good result in classifying forest area for subsequent examination and data collection during fieldwork NDVI classification was identified to thematic information on land cover in the year 2017 of Landsat ETM+ satellite image which resulted in the production of four (4) LULC 66 categories Accuracy assessment of map classified is an important step in image classification The accuracy assessment was performed on the 2017 Landsat ETM+ with an overall accuracy of 83.67% were obtained while the kappa value of 0.63 which range between 0.61-0.80 in Kappa agreement categories that mean Substantial agreement [70] The total forest area is 2,385 ha, from the year 1997-2001 forest cover stable approximately 72.417%, forest loss about 8.478 and forest gain 1.32% In the year between 2001-2007 forest cover decreased a little bit to 71.129% A total of 30 sample plots in the deciduous forest of PTWRC were assessed Vegetation parameters along with the total carbon were calculated to depend on aboveground pool biomass There are 59 tree species types and the dominant species are Shorea obtusa (18.49 %), Shorea siamensis (11.11%), Canarium album (9.56%), Dipterocarpus obtusifolius (9.64%), Xylia xylocarpa (7.21%), Parinari anamensis (5.74%) and Aporusa filicifolia (5.41%) Another 33.34% is contributed by other species (Careya orborea, Catunaregam tomentosa, Diospyros pilosantehera, hepea recopei, Irivingia malayana, Morinda tomentosa, Phylanthus emblica, Pterocarpus indicus, Roureopsis stenapetala etc were recorded in PTWRC the mean tree density was 1,580 trees per hectare and the mean basal area 15.28 m2 ha-1 The volume estimation about 59.28 m3 ha-1, Aboveground biomass 62.238 tC ha-1, Carbon Stock mean 29.25 tC ha-1 were lower than carbon stock in the natural deciduous forest in Thailand, another part of Cambodia and India (see table 18) 67 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to say thank the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), Cambodia that recommended me to continues my master degrees in Vietnam National University of Forestry (VNUF) In particular, VNUF University that has offered us a lot of knowledge and practical gadget Additionally, I also want to say thank the DAAD Germany program who sponsored me to study in Vietnam National University of Forestry (VNUF) Special thanks to my Supervisor, Dr Manh Hung Bui who provided me with valuable advice, comments and golden time teach me during this research study He is an enthusiastic, responsible and rich knowledge He is an example for me to learn and follow I would like to thank Dr Nguyen Hai Hoa, Tran Quan Bao and another professor in VNUF who always supported and helped me in studying and doing my research I also would like to thank my friends and colleagues in Phnom Tamao Zoological Park and Wildlife Rescue Center, Cambodia Their help has been very important for me to complete the raw data collection I would like to thank my parents and my sister who always supporting and encouraged me from primary school until this time Finally, Thank everyone again I will always keep all the memories here in Vietnam I wish everyone good health, happiness, and success Thank you all very much KHOT CHESDA 68 REFERENCE IPCCC., Agriculture, Forestry, and Other land use (AFOLU) 2001 Frimpong., A., Appilcation of Remote Sensing and GIS for forest cover change detection (A case study of Owabi catchment in Kumasi Ghana) Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technolog, Kumasi, Ghana., 2011 Curtis., G., Cambodia: a country profile Swedish international Development Authority., 1990 Fox, J and J.B Vogler, Land-use and land-cover change in montane mainland southeast Asia Environmental Management, 2005 36(3): p 394-403 Adminstration., T.F., Cambodia forestry outlook study 2010.: Phnom Penh, Cambodia., Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations Regional Office for Asia and 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Appendix 3: Data collecting of DBH, species identification Appendix 4: GPS point collection 76 Appendix 5: Tree position inventory Appendix 6: List of species, family name and wood density N Species Name Acronychia pedunculata Family Name Wood-specific Density Rutaceae 0.52 Alstonia scholaris Apocynaceae 0.36 Anacolosa griffithii Olacaceae 0.8 Antidesma ghaesembilla Euphorbiaceae 0.69 Aporusa dioica Euphorbiaceae 0.56 Aporusa filicifolia Euphorbiaceae 0.677 Arytera littoralis Sapindaceae 0.77 Bambax ceiba Bombacaceae 0.33 Breynia vitis-idea Euphorbiaceae 0.56 10 Bridelia ovata Euphorbiaceae 0.60 11 Canarium album Burseraceae 0.44 12 Careya arborea Lecythidaceae 0.601 13 Cartoxylum cochinchinense Guttiferae 0.74 14 Casearia grewiaefolia Flacourtiaceae 0.56 15 Cassia fistula Fabaceae 0.74 16 Catunaregam tomentosa Rubiaceae 0.684 17 Catunaregam tomentosa Rubiaceae 0.684 18 Croton joufra Euphorbiaceae 0.37 77 Family Name Wood-specific N Species Name 19 Dalbergia oliveri 20 Dillenia scabrella Dilleniaceae 0.59 21 diospyros bejaudi Ebenaceae 0.8 22 Diospyros ehretioides Ebenaceae 0.70 23 Diospyros pilosantehera Ebenaceae 0.636 24 Dipterocapus alatus Dipterocarpaceae 0.64 25 Dipterocarpus tuberculatus Dipterocarpaceae 0.666 26 Dipterocarpus obtusifolius Dipterocarpaceae 0.661 27 Garcinia oliveri Guttiferae 0.75 28 Garcinia schefferi Guttiferae 0.694 29 Gluta laccifera Anacardiaceae 0.63 30 Grewia asiatica Tiliaceae 0.68 31 Hopea helferi Dipterocarpaceae 0.87 32 Hopea odorata Dipterocarpaceae 0.637 33 Hopea recopei Dipterocarpaceae 0.75 34 Irivingia malayana Simaroubaceae 0.863 35 Lagerstroemia floribunda Lythraceae 0.55 36 Litchi chinensis Sapindaceae 0.81 37 Litsea pierrei Lauraceae 0.40 38 Mallotus anisopodus Euphorbiaceae 0.47 39 Mangifera daperreana Anacardiaceae 0.602 40 Melastoma saigonense Melastomataceae 0.4 41 Morinda tomentosa Rubiaceae 0.72 42 Parinari anamensis Chrysobalanaceae 0.822 43 Peltophorum pterocarpum Fabaceae 0.62 44 Phylanthus emblica Phyllanthaceae 0.674 45 Polyalthia cerasoides Annonaceae 0.83 LeguminosaePapilionoideae 78 Density 0.527 Wood-specific N Species Name Family Name 46 Pterocarpus indicus Leguminosae 0.52 47 Roureopsis stenapetala Connaraceae 0.45 48 Schleicheria oleosa Sapindaceae 0.94 49 Scolopia spinosa Flacourtiaceae 0.74 50 Shorea obtusa Dipterocarpaceae 0.814 51 Shorea siamensis Dipterocarpaceae 0.674 52 Spatholobus parviflorus Fabaceae 0.6 53 Spondias malayana Anacardiaceae 0.31 54 Streblus asper Moraceae 0.52 55 Suregada multiflorum Euphorbiaceae 0.65 56 Syzygium cumini Myrtaceae 0.70 57 Terminalia alata Combertaceae 0.50 58 Terminalia chebula Combretaceae 0.788 59 Xylia xylocarpa Leguminosae-mimosoideae 0.811 79 Density ... AND FOREST CARBON STOCK BY USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS IN PHNOM TAMAO ZOOLOGICAL PARK AND WILDLIFE RESCUE CENTER, CAMBODIA Major: Forest Science Code: 8620201 MASTER THESIS IN FOREST SCIENCE Supervisor:... the forest cover changes and forest carbon stock to manage the forest resources sustainably in the Phnom Tamao Zoological Park and Wildlife Rescues Centre, Cambodia by using multi-temporal Remote. .. monitoring of forest cover and forest carbon stock is recommended to assess of fluxes forest cover and carbon stock and other ecosystem services generated by Phnom Tamao Zoological Park and Wildlife

Ngày đăng: 17/05/2021, 20:48