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Pronounced "polo" by the English, both the game and the ball became known as "water polo." To attract more spectators to swimming exhibitions, the London Swimming Associa[r]



I.Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a concerned b raised c developed d maintained

2. a appeared b agreed c coughed d loved

3. a water b swimming c between d rowing

II.Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

4. a personal b penalty c defensive d vertical 5. a overtime b decision c period d penalize

III.Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one.

6. _ swimming is considered to be _ good way of losing weight

a Ø / a b The / a c A / the d The / the

7. The crowd cheered as the goalkeeper deflected the _

a shoot b shooting c shooter d shot

8. A:” _ ” B:” That’s right.”

a Are you ok? b Did you say your name is Pat?

c Do you like this? d Were you ok?

9. Shots usually succeed when the goalie is out _ position

a into b for c of d off

10.The more goals the players _, the more exciting the match became

a marked b made c scored d sprinted

11.After a tie, there are two overtime periods of three minutes each

a penalty b draw (hòa) c score d goal

12. _ is a sport in which people or teams race against each other in boats with oars a Rowing b Windsurfing c Swimming d Water polo

13.A:” How about going to the park this weekend?” B:” _ !”

a That’s a good idea b Yes, I will c No, I won’t d Yes, I agree 14.John _ across the lawn

a danced wildly b was wildly danced c was dancing wild d was being danced wildly 15.The baby _

a was sleeping depth b was slept deeply c slept in depth d was sleeping deeply 16.They _ by the sea

a are staying at a hotel b are staying a hotel

c are being stayed a hotel d are being stayed at a hotel

17.John cannot make a _ to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car

a decide b decision c decisive d decisively

18.My father phoned me to say that he would come _ home late

a a b an c the d Ø

19.Some researchers have just _ a survey of young people's points of view on contractual marriage

a sent b directed c managed d conducted

20.Many young people have objected to marriage, which is decided by the parents of the bride and groom

a agreed b shared c contractual (hứa hôn) d sacrificed

21.It is thought that traditional marriage _ are important basis of limiting divorce rates a appearances b records c responses d values

22.A:”I have just passed my exams.” B:” _ !”

a Cheer up b Congratulations c Good luck d You are very good 23.A:” I’ll have a very important interview tomorrow ” B:” _ !”


24.Sometimes she does not agree _ her husband about child rearing but they soon find the solutions

a for b on c with d of

21.d 22.b 23.c 24.c 25 a 26.b 27.d 28.b 29.c 30.d 25.It will take more or less a month to prepare for the wedding

a approximately b generally c frankly d simply

26.The number of the participants in the survey _ 250 students for Oxford University

a are b was c were d have been

27.The lights _ out because we _ the electricity bill a have gone / did not pay b will go / did not paid c go / would not pay d went / had not paid 28.I _ a terrible accident while I _ on the beach

a see / am walking b saw / was walking

c was seeing / walked d have seen / were walking 29.We _ touch since we _ school three years ago

a lost / have left b have lost / leave c have lost / left d were losing / had left 30.A:” Would you like some coffee?” B:” _ !”

a Yes, I would b No, I wouldn’t c Good d Yes, please IV.Error Identification.

31.Windsurfing, which is a water sport combining elements of surfing and A B

sailing, first developed in the United States in 1968 and also called boardsailing C D

32.The windsurfer stands on a board that is propelled (đẩy tới) and steering (lái) by A B

means of a sail (bườm) attached to a mast that is articulated at the foot C D

33 Since 1984 the sport has included in the Olympic Games as part of the A B C D

yachting events

34.The sport was became very popular in Europe and by the late 70's A B

there was windsurfing fever in Europe with one in every three. C

households having a sailboard D

35 The first world championship of windsurfing held in 1973 Windsurfing A B C

first became an Olympic sport in 1984 for men and 1992 for women D

V.Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one. 36.This is the first time I attend such an enjoyable wedding party.

a The first wedding party I attended was enjoyable b I had the first enjoyable wedding party

c My attendance at the first wedding party was enjoyable

d I have never attended such an enjoyable wedding party before. 37.I have not met her for three years.

a The last time I met her was three years ago. b It is three years when I will meet her


a It has been a long time since I last saw Tom. b Tom and I not look the same age

c Tom and I are friends for a long time d I often met Tom ages ago

39.He could escape from hurt because he was wearing protective clothes.

a Thanks to his protective clothes, he could escape from hurt. b His protective clothes made him hurt

c Due to his protective clothes, he was hurt

d His being hurt made his unable to wear protective clothes 40.The accident happened because she was careless.

a The accident was prevented due to her carelessness b Her carelessness was responsible for the accident. c It was the accident that made her careless

d The more careless she was, the less accident happened

VI.Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

Sailing or boating may seem to be very interesting with the high level of technical elements contained in the sport Whether you choose a small ferry or a catamaran, whether you choose lake or ocean sailing, there are (41) _ number of things you need to master before you can start enjoying the pure (42) _ of being on the water

Getting the sailing skills which you need to start sailing your own boat is easy if you just sign up with a sailing school You can learn to sail with any age There are no (43) The best schools and instructors will teach you all you need to know about sailing in a friendly and pleasant manner As with all sports, sailing will get you into pace with new friends There is a closeness that develops out at sea, however, (44) _ not many other sports have Being on the water in any capacity (năng lực tiếp thu) demands a healthy outlook and way of life Sailing and boating are two sports that (45) _ all our senses to be at their peak Sailing calls upon physical strength, intelligence and intuition It is one sport that allows you to leave all your daily concerns and traditions back on the land and to be off with only your bare self

41 a a b an c the d Ø

42.a please b pleasure c pleasant d pleasantly

43.a investment b disappearance c discoveries d restrictions

44 a which b that c when d whom

45.a ask b say c tell d demand

VII.Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.


resembled American football in the water "American style" water polo became very popular and by the late 1890's was played in such venues as Madison Square Garden and Boston's Mechanics Hall, attracting 14,000 spectators to national championship games

46 According to the text, _

a the origins of water polo are written thoroughly in a lot of documents b water polo is an aquatic version of rugby

c water polo first appeared somewhere outside England d people have played water polo since the early 19th century 47 The present rules of water polo were invented _

a by Scottish players b by Indian players c the London Swimming Association d in 1870

48 In water polo, the players score a goal by _

a swimming b passing c catching d throwing

49 The present water polo ball is made of _

a rubber b leather c bone d wood

50 Water polo became popular in America in _ a the middle of the 19th century b in 1870

c in 1888 d by the late 1890's



Ngày đăng: 15/05/2021, 16:59
