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- explains the new words by giving definition or pictures -may aks sts to make sentences using the new words. -correts[r]


Unit 13

Date of preparing: Date of teaching:





- Language content:

+ To introduce the students some new words related to films and cinema

- Language function:

+ To talk about films and cinema

- Educational aims:

+ To make students aware of the importance of films and cinema in daily life + To educate sts to watch suitable films

1 Language:

a.Vocabulary: motion,set st in motion,still,audience,spread,replace,


2 Skills: Intergrated skill 3 Education factor :

+ Students students will be able to get information about films and cinema II TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION:

1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Explanation, Repetition, using pictures, group work, pairwork, multiple choice, 3 Materials needed: textbook, pictures

4 Students preparation: Prepare some pictures and information about them III PROCEDURE IN CLASS:

1 Stabilization: - Greeting

- Checking attendance Checking up the previous knowledge:

- Asks Students to make sentences using “to-infinitive” and give an example - Students answer

Teaching steps

and time Teacher’s activities Students’activities The lesson content I.Presentation

* Lead-in * Pre-reading

-uses some pictures to lead to the new lesson

-makes some questions and has sts answer

Eg: Do you want to see a film at the cinema or on TV?Why?

Can you name some of the flms you have seen ? -uses pictures in the text book to intruduce some more information about films and


Yes,I want to see a film at the cinema because it’s more interesting

Eg:Chay an,Nhung ngon nen dem……

Unit 13


* While-reading


-gives some new words:

 motion(n)  set st in (v)  still (adj)

 audience :viewers(n)  spread (v)

 replace (v)  pistures:films

- explains the new words by giving definition or pictures -may aks sts to make sentences using the new words


-reads the new words and has sts repeat

-calls some sts to read the new words individually


-has sts read the passage in silence and the task in the book

Task 1:

-explains the task

-has sts find out the kind of the missing words in each


-asks sts to work individually -has them exchange the answers

-calls some sts to exercises -correts


-has sts read the text again and work in pairs to answer the questions

-calls some pairs to ask and answer

-corrects Task 3:

-has sts work in pairs to decide

-take note

-make sentence Eg: The cinema fulls of audience

-read the new words individually -read the passage in silence


-work individually

-read the text again and work in pairs

-ask and answer

-work in pairs

1.New words

 chuyển động  dịch chuyển  yên lặng  khán giả  lan rộng  thay

Eg: The cinema fulls of audience

Task 1: 1.cinema 2.sequence 3.decade 4.rapidly 5.scene 6.character


1 in the early 19th century

2.at that time the scientists discovered that when a sequence of still pictures was set in motion ,they should give feeling of movement 3.No,they didn’t

4 in the early1910s 5.at the end of the 1920s 6.the musical cinema

Task 3:


* Post-reading

II.Consolidation III Homework

the best tittle for the passage - -makes some more questions to ask the reason


- explains the task -does the first as a model

 19th century: history of

cinema began -has sts work in groups - Calls some students to answers in front of the class -Gives feedback and corrects - Retells the content of the text

- Asks them to prepare the new lessons at home andraed the text again

-work in groups -answers

-Eg: 1910s:The first long film was made


B.A Brief History of Cinema

Self – evaluation

Ngày đăng: 12/05/2021, 17:49
