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Đề thi học kì 1 Tiếng Anh lớp 12 THPT Đào Duy Từ - Đắk Nông

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Although electric vehicles will not be truly practical until a powerful, compact battery or another dependable source of current is available, transportation expects fore[r]



Ề ƢƠN HỌ KÌ N M HỌ 2016-2017 Môn: English 12

hời gian: 60 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others âu 1: A jumped B grabbed C remarked D laughed âu 2: A bathing B method C bathroom D width

âu 3: A doors B plays C students D beds

Pick out the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest: âu 4: A persuade B comfort C protect D reduce âu 5: A terrorism B economics C preparation A education Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part. âu 6: Cattle raising began in Texas well before the Civil War

A ages B properly C long D shortly

âu 7: The consensus among his sisters was that he ought to get married

A disagreement B statistics C survey D concentration Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part âu 8: The alarm went off at 5.30 I got up and got ready for work

A went on B worked C rang D opened

âu 9: Punctuality is imperative in your new job

A Being efficient B. Being on time C Being cheerful D Being courteous Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

âu 10: The major goal of primary education is to achieve basis literacy and innumeracy among all students

A. basis B major goal C is D among

âu 11: Education can often to be considered to be the most important element to develop a country

A most important B to develop C. to be considered D can

âu 12: Most parents prefer an education system which offers children widest study options in the world

A which B. widest C education system D Most parents Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one


âu 14: Tom asked me:” Did you have good time last year?” A Tom asked me if was I having a good time last year

B Tom asked me if would I have a good time the year before C Tom asked me whether I had had a good time the year before D Tom asked me whether I have had a good time the year before âu 15: The girl who is standing over there is my sister

A The girl stands over there is my sister B The girl standing over there is my sister C The girl who standing over there is my sister D The girl to stand over there is my sister

Choose the sentence that best combines the pair of sentences given âu 16: The students have to learn many words They are very difficult

A The students have to learn many words which are very difficult B The students being very difficult have to learn many words C The students who are very difficult have to learn many words D The students whom have to learn many words being very difficult âu 17: He doesn’t have time to physical exercises he is unhealthy

A If he did physical exercise, she would be healthy B If he does physical exercise, she would be healthy C If he did physical exercise, she would have been healthy D If he had done physical exercise, she will be healthy

Read the text below and choose the correct word or phrase for each space

In the western customs (18) hands is the customary form of greeting, but in China a nod of the head or slight bow is sufficient Hugging and kissing when greeting are uncommon Business cards are often (19) and yours should be printed in your own language and in Chinese Also, it is more respectful to present your card or a gift or -any other article using both hands The Chinese are .(20) applauders You may be greeted with group clapping, even by small children When a person is applauded in this practice it is the custom for that person to return the applause or a "thank you." When walking in public places, direct eye contact and staring is uncommon in the larger cities, especially in those areas accustomed to foreign visitors .(21) , in smaller communities, visitors may be the subject of much curiosity and therefore you may notice some stares Generally speaking, the Chinese are not a touch-oriented society, especially true for visitors So, avoid .(22) or any prolonged form of body contact Public displays of affection are very rare On the other hand, you may 3note people of the same sex walking hand-in-hand, which is simply a gesture of friendship


trains In this case, Apologies are neither offered or expected The Chinese will stand much closer than Westerners

âu 18: A grasping B hugging C.shaking D taking âu 19: A converted B exchanged C. transferred D changed

âu 20: A enthusiasm B.enthusiast C. enthusiastic D enthusiastically âu 21: A Moreover B Whatever C.However D Furthermore âu 22: A. touching B touched C.touch D to touch Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

âu 23: The sign says, "Keep off the grass."

A The sign says, "Grass should not be grown here." B The sign says, "Water the grass, please."

C The sign says, "Don't walk on the grass."

D The sign says, "Have someone cut the grass immediately." âu 24: We always stand by you when you are in need

A We can never stand your necessity

B We cannot anything for you though you are in need C Whenever you are in need, we stand next to you

D We always continue to support and help you when you are in need âu 25: Go over the report before you submit it

A Type the report quickly and then submit it

B Before you write the report you have to find enough information C Before you submit the report, you should be finished writing it D Read the report carefully before you submit it

âu 26: I will take up golf this year

A I will build a golf court this year B I will begin to play golf this year C I will enter a golf competition this year D I will stop playing golf this year âu 27: Housewives not have to spend a lot of time doing housework any more

A Housewives have to spend more and more time to housework B No longer housewives have to spend a lot of time doing housework C Never have housewives spent as much time doing housework as they now D Housework will never be done by housewives any more

âu 28: The fortune-teller around here for a long time

A hasn’t seen B didn’t see C hasn’t been see D hasn’t been seen âu 29: The captain said to his men: “Cut the power supply immediately!”

A The chief fireman ordered his men to cut the power supply immediately B The chief fireman suggested his men cut the power supply immediately C The chief fireman requested his men to cut the power supply immediately D The chief fireman invited his men to cut the power supply immediately âu 30: John: “Why don’t you take a break?” - Alex: “ _”


Read the passage below Then choose one best answer (A), (B), (C) or (D) to each question Today’s cars are smaller, safer, cleaner and more economical than their predecessors, but the car of the future will be far more pollution-free than those on the road today Several new types of automobile engines have already been developed that run on alternative sources of power, such as electricity, compressed natural gas, methanol, steam, hydrogen, propane

Electricity, however, is the only zero-emission option presently available Although electric vehicles will not be truly practical until a powerful, compact battery or another dependable source of current is available, transportation expects foresee a new assortment of electric vehicles entering everyday life: shorter-range commuter electric cars, three-wheeled neighbourhood cars, electric deliver vans, bikes, and trolleys

As automakers work to develop practical electric vehicles, urban planners and utility engineers are focusing on infrastructure systems to support and make the best use of the new cars Public charging facilities will need to be as common as today’s gas stations Public parking spots on the street or in commercial lots will need to be equipped with devices that allow drivers to charge their batteries while they stop, dine, or attend a concert To encourage the use of electric vehicles, the most convenient parking in transportation centres might be reserved for electric cars

Planners foresee electric shuttle buses, trains and neighbourhood vehicles all meeting at transit centres that would have facilities for charging and renting Commuters will be able to rent a variety of electric cars to suit their needs: light trucks, one-person three wheelers, small cars, or electric/gasoline hybrid cars for longer trips, which is no doubt take place on automated freeways capable of handling five times number of vehicles that can be carried by a freeway today

âu 31: The following electric vehicles are all mentioned in the passage EXCEPT

A trolleys B trains C vans D. planes

âu 32: According to the passage, public parking lots in the future will be

A more convenient than they are today B much larger than they are today C. equipped with charging devices D as common as today’s gas stations âu 33: The author’s purpose in the passage is to

A narrate a story about alternative energy vehicles

B. describe the possibilities for transportation in the future C.support the invention of electric cars

D criticize conventional vehicles

âu 34: The word “charging” in this passage refer to

A lightening B. electricity C parking D credit cards

âu 35: It can be inferred from the passage that


C the present cars are more economical than their future generation D many new types of practical electric engines have been developed II REWRITE:

Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it

1.Hellen didnt study hard, so she failed the exam If Hellen People speak English all over the world

English 3.Alan is my best friend His father is a famous singer Alan, 4.No one in my class is as tall as Peter

Peter is 5.My mother doesn’t allow me to go out at night

My mother doesn’t He couldnt go to school because he was ill

Because of

- HẾT -


1 If Hellen had studied harder, she would have passed the exam = If Hellen had studied harder, she wouldnt have failed the exam English is spoken all over the world

3 Alan, whose father is a famous singer, is my best friend Peter is the tallest (boy) in my class

5 My mother doesn’t let me go out at night Because of his illness, he couldnt go to school


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I. Luyn Thi Online

- Luyên thi ĐH, THPT QG:Đội ngũ GV Giỏi, Kinh nghiệm từ Trường ĐH THPT danh tiếng xây

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- HOC247 NET: Website hoc miễn phí học theo chương trình SGK từ lớp đến lớp 12 tất môn học với nội dung giảng chi tiết, sửa tập SGK, luyện tập trắc nghiệm mễn phí, kho tư liệu tham khảo phong phú cộng đồng hỏi đáp sôi động

- HOC247 TV: Kênh Youtube cung cấp Video giảng, chuyên đề, ôn tập, sửa tập, sửa đề thi miễn phí từ lớp đến lớp 12 tất mơn Tốn- Lý - Hố, Sinh- Sử - Địa, NgữVăn, Tin Học Tiếng Anh

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Ngày đăng: 12/05/2021, 16:08

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