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Because of good advice, I was able to make the right decision.. I’ve tried, but I simply can’t cook at all.[r]


1000 BÀI TẬP TỰ LUẬN CHUYÊN ĐỀ VIẾT LẠI CÂU Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it:

1 Don’t act fast, you might make a mistake HASTE She could not answer the merchants in their own language ABLE

3 We were asking ourselves if they were really there WONDERING Don’t you think we should ask the price? HAD BETTER We can’t buy the house because the down payment is so high SO … THAT She is not a young woman which is not important because her

admirers find her ageless NO MATTER

7 It is really difficult to control the increase of vandalism RISING TIDE Vandals are often youngsters who have done poorly in school and

want to take revenge on the administration and the teachers of the

schools GET EVEN

9 The vandals spoil the appearance of the walls and break the

windows DEFACE

10 I think I should take a coat HAD BETTER

11 Paul won’t try because he’s afraid of failing SO … THAT 12 They were successful in their affairs for a time DID WELL 13 It is not important who you are because you are expected to

obey the law NO MATTER

14 He feels stupid by comparison because his brothers are very

bright SUCH

15 When the great leader died and they were left on their own, they

began to lose their conquests IN CHARGE OF 16 The scientists said that Voyager would reach Jupiter in March,

and it did


17 She did it because she was kind OUT OF

18 Your brother is young, but he has enough experience for the job DESPITE 19 Everything was covered with gold paint except two very small

holes WITH THE …

20 Washington’s example strengthened his soldiers’determination STRONGER

21 That noise is making people deaf DEAFENING


them IN SPITE 24 Only a mother buffalo finds baby buffalos pretty IT TAKES … 25 It is impossible to please everybody THERE IS … 26 The offenders are determined to better BENT ON 27 Peter has been arrested twice for careless driving He has

decided to be more careful HAVING

28 Even if you are noticed, your eagerness will be helpful to you YOUR FAVOUR 29 Be certain that your clothes are clean and well pressed MAKE SURE 30 Joan tried to explain her ideas, but she could not convince her

father DESPITE

31 The judge listened to their story in silence He decided to give

them a lecture THE JUDGE WHO

32 There’s a teacher’s meeting tomorrow; several classes are

cancelled DUE TO

33 The boys promised to behave in the future They were allowed

to go home ONCE

34 The director has a good opinion of people who are early VERY HIGHLY 35 The boys had nothing to that evening They thought it would

be fun to smash some windows SINCE

36 The meeting will take place in his office IS

37 Until now women’s vote has not made much difference SO FAR, 38 He smoked a cigarette At the same time he waited for the

manager WHILE

39 Employers prefer to hire younger people That’s the truth THE FACT 40 They can make a mistake if they don’t know the people’s

origins AWARE

41 Sometimes, manners are related to national customs A MATTER OF 42 He said that his shyness prevented him from behaving well

in society KEPT

43 He shaved his beard to please his wife SHAVING 44 George always helped his father in the store A HAND 45 Do you ever think that geology is a very interesting field? OCCUR 46 Perhaps I can persuade you to study TALK … INTO 47 How can I compensate for my mistake? MAKE UP

48 We felt like going out last night MOOD


50 Supposedly, oil can be extracted from a rock called shale THEORY 51 The operation is far from simple NOT AT ALL 52 Most people are impressed and afraid of nuclear energy AWE

53 He only went to the concert because Mary wanted him to PLEASE 54 Your contract says that you are to be here by nine every day UNDER 55 He looks exactly like his father IMAGE

56 His arrival was completely unexpected TOOK 57 I’ll be unable to keep my appointment with Mr Marshall CANCEL 58 If I’d been Jane, I wouldn’t have told Andrew about the car

accident PLACE

59 The stories James tells about his war experiences are quite

incredible BEYOND

60 It’s no use asking Mrs Carrouthers to sing at the concert,

she’s going away THERE’S

61 We shouldn’t consider the other theories WORTH 62 I knew he was our man the moment I saw him SET EYES 63 My brother speaks French well COMMAND

64 The flags were sold to help the blind AID

65 Let me know as soon as you have any news THE MINUTE 66 I advise you not to believe what you read in the papers

about me RELY

67 We missed the bus because we had overslept CONSEQUENCE 68 They continued to suggest that I was lying PERSISTED

69 Both children and adults will enjoy this game ALIKE 70 Tax contributes to the cost of local services PAID 71 The milkman appears to be running away from your fierce dog AS IF / THOUGH 72 I find his clothes the most irritating thing about him WHAT 73 The discovery of how to light fires gave man a new control over

his environment ABLE

74 However friendly he seems, he’s not to be trusted THOUGH 75 The suitcase was extremely heavy but he managed to lift it DESPITE 76 This must be true so we should inform the President IF

77 He will come It is in his own interest BOUND

78 Although I was told that I would be unhappy I married him IN SPITE 79 Mr Smith won’t attend the meeting UNDER


81 She answered the policeman’s questions as accurately as she


82 Romantic love must be present, or the marriage will seem

insincere OTHERWISE

83 What I like about him is his honesty MORE THAN 84 We were late because we missed the train THROUGH

85 She said I was a liar ACCUSED

86 To be fair to him, I don’t think he really meant to deceive you JUSTICE 87 The cook is brilliant but knows nothing about French sauces AS / THOUGH 88 A mistake of this kind could cause the wrong person to be



89 The company may well make a profit next year SURPRISING

90 I seldom go to pop concerts ONLY ON …

91 This matter is too serious to be dealt with hurriedly A MATTER 92 Don’t repeat this to anyone, but Jones has been sacked LET

93 How you feel about capital punishment? WHAT ARE … 94 I can’t believe the Prime Minister really means to resign I FIND …

95 My knowledge of medieval art is very limited I DON’T … 96 It is impossible to prove that Louis was in the flat on the night

of the murder EVIDENCE

97 The value of this Spanish coin is about 200 pounds WORTH 98 The raising of the school-leaving age has resulted in unforeseen

difficulties ARISING

99 Do you agree with the Council’s plans to widen the High Street? AGREEMENT 100 As these are your conditions, I have no choice but to abide

by them BEING

101 It’s curious that he didn’t mention it to me ENOUGH 102 We had not expected that we should encounter so much difficulty

in finding the place UNEXPECTEDLY

103 Although Samson was very strong, he perished at the hands

of his enemies FOR

104 That she was a duchess made a great impact on the boy’s

family HER

105 The problem was tricky enough to challenge the minds of the


106 Whatever your opinion on vivisection, you must admit that it

helps to save human lives HOWEVER 107 People who cannot bear with a little inconvenience

should never enter the state of matrimony SUCH 108 If anybody broke into the house, the alarm would go off

automatically ANYBODY WHO…

109 It’s time for the commission to reach an agreement REACHED 110 There must be few people so ignorant of the past as he is WHO

111 Hardly anybody failed to attend the meeting THE MEETING … 112 He had never before addressed such a large crowd THE CROWD … 113 I shall consider this matter seriously I SHALL GIVE …

114 Few people would agree with you THERE AREN’T … 115 He threatened to resign if they did not give him a rise HE WARNED … 116 It was only after I had read the last sentence that I realized

how important the letter was NOT UNTIL … 117 I wrote the announcement in large black letters because

I wanted everyone to notice it SO

118 Your arguments have had very little influence on him HE IS FAR FROM … 119 He did not start speaking until the whole class was

attending to him HE WAITED …

120 I followed the doctors’s orders exactly I DID 121 She had two candles ready on the table as there might be

a power cut LEST

122 His rapid recovery was due to silled medical attention AS A RESULT … 123 This door may be used only in an emergency ONLY …

124 He has been speaking for three hours IT IS …

125 My anxiety was quite unnecessary UNNECESSARILY 126 He had complete confidence in his ability to deal with

the matter SURE

127 He completed the novel only after five years IT TOOK … 128 The explorers meant to follow the river to its source AIM

129 My cat and my dog are on very friendly terms GET

130 It looked like rain AS Giaoan dethitie


131 It’s getting late We ought to go home HIGH TIME 132 The fortune-teller’s warning impressed the emperor far


133 Some problems are inevitable if you go to live in another

country BOUND

134 Whether he is worshipped or despised is all the same to me DIFFERENCE 135 The police have told Bert that they believe it was he who

stole the car CHARGED

136 At last I slipped a five-pound note into his hand and it was

only then that he gave me the information NOT UNTIL … 137 He has had to give up his legal practice because he is

so often ill REASON

138 Speaking personally, I could stay here for ever AS FAR AS … 139 For a moment she thought he was her long-lost husband MISTOOK 140 I don’t see why we must start so early POINT 141 Washing in cold water is nothing unusual for him USED

142 He asked me if I thought it would be a good thing to buy

the second hand car WORTH

143 The bell in the corridor should be rung if there is a fire CASE

144 He next said that there were, of course, exceptions WENT ON

145 That’s not your business NOTHING

146 He told me he was sorry he had lost his temper APOLOGISED 147 Returning the same day would be senseless NO SENSE 148 He wasn’t at all annoyed by my criticism, which, he said,

he found very helpful FAR FROM …

149 This has nothing to with the case we are considering DIFFERENT 150 There is a danger that you will get a serious illness if

you drink this water RUNNING

151 How loudly he always speaks WHAT

152 Everybody must wear a seat belt COMPULSORY 153 I have a strong feeling that he was involved in last month’s

bank robbery SUSPECT

154 It was assumed that local residents had permission to use

the path as a short cut GRANTED

155 They haven’t enough time to cover the basic syllabus, least

of all background reading LET ALONE

156 In spite of his illness, he attended the memorial service ILL THOUGH …

157 He was operated on many times UNDERWENT


159 I think it’s a great pity you didn’t tell me before I WISH … 160 He has not only written the words of the songs but he has

also set some of them to music BESIDES

161 Please, change this pound note for me I WONDER … 162 I felt so full of self-pity that I could take little interest in life SORRY

163 Although there may be a bad storm later in the day, the

fishing boats are all leaving the harbour IN SPITE … 164 They will have completed the redecorating by next week and

then we can use the room again immediately AS SOON 165 She provided them with all they probably needed PROVIDED FOR… 166 If wages are increased too much, there will be further

inflation TOO BIG

167 He behaved in such an extraordinary way that I wondered

whether he was quite sane SO …

168 I intend to take the day off tomorrow, whatever my boss’s

opinion WHETHER

169 Coffee prices are not likely to go up next month LIKELIHOOD 170 The dog caught sight of the stranger sitting at a table and

immediately started barking furiously NO SOONER 171 That child is always asking questions REST

172 Conditions in factories gradually got better IMPROVEMENT 173 His inability to control his temper has made him many

enemies FACT

174 I don’t like that colour APPEAL

175 All but three or four of these sentences have been easy

to deal with EXCEPTION

176 He plays the guitar, and he also writes songs AS WELL AS … 177 The town was too small to be marked on the map ENOUGH

178 My advice is: take the train IF I …

179 What a pity he didn’t spend more time revising IF ONLY … 180 He started work as soon as the term had finished NO SOONER 181 I should have learnt French at school I WISH … 182 They didn’t follow the map so they got lost IF THEY … 183 They ought to mend the roof THE ROOF … 184 The coat was so expensive that I didn’t buy it TOO


186 People are doing research into ways of curing cancer RESEARCH … 187 The doctor asked me politely to wait outside “WOULD … 188 I expect that he will get there by lunchtime I EXPECT HIM … 189 His second attempt on the world record was successful HE BROKE … 190 Helen can play the piano better than Elizabeth ELIZABETH … 191 What particularly impressed me was her excellent

command of English Giaoandet hitien ganh.info I WAS …

192 The result of the match was never in doubt AT NO TIME … 193 I’d rather we started at 7:00 PREFERENCE

194 There’ll be trouble if you that again YOU’D BETTER … 195 The accident was not his fault TO BLAME

196 Most people know that Britain’s economy is heavily

dependent on North Sea oil KNOWLEDGE

197 I’d be grateful if you would check these accounts for me WOULD YOU … 198 It’s unlikely that the constructor will complete the work

before February THE WORK IS …

199 The jumper you knitted for my daughter no longer fits her OUTGROWN 200 Immediately after his arrival things went wrong NO SOONER 201 I applied for the job but I was turned down MY APPLICATION 202 The refugees continued to feel unsafe until they crossed

the border NOT UNTIL

203 The students’s rioutous behaviour should have been

severely punished DESERVED

204 There are more people out of work in this country than

ever before NEVER HAVE …

205 The chances are that the whole thing will have been

forgotten by next term IN ALL

206 He said he was anxious about the plight of the homeless HE SHOWED …

207 He owed his rescue to a passer-by HE WAS


208 There was not a singly copy of the new book left in the shops SELL-OUT 209 You must be on time for your interview ESSENTIAL 210 She’s proud of being such a good cook SHE PRIDES …

211 My protests were ignored NOBODY …


213 You pay 50 pounds a month for a period of one year YOU PAY IN 12 … 214 He will not be put off by their comments DETER

215 Some people accept that nuclear war is inevitable RESIGNED 216 The fridge is completely empty LEFT

217 Money is of little value on a desert island COUNTS 218 Can you tell me where the Midland Hotel is? DIRECT

219 The Prime Minister felt it appropriate to make a statement FIT

220 Immediately after his arrival things went wrong NO SOONER … 221 The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s

personal diaries ONLY WHEN …

222 In spite of the forecast it stayed fine ALTHOUGH RAIN 223 We’d prefer you not to smoke WE’D RATHER … 224 You really should be able to dress yourself by now! IT’S HIGH TIME … 225 Providing your handwriting is legible, the examiner

will accept your answer SO LONG …

226 He will have to accept your offer OPTION 227 Not many people attended the meeting TURNOUT 228 He has definitely agreed to accept the job COMMITTED 229 The old lady’s handbag has been stolen ROBBED 230 Without his help, we would all have died IF IT … 231 He forgot about the gun until he got home NOT UNTIL …

232 You can use it as long as you like, and it won’t wear out NO MATTER … 233 You have disobeyed; you will therefore be punished AS A RESULT OF …

234 You scarcely ever hand in your work on time SCARCELY EVER …

235 It’s a pity I couldn’t go to your party I WISH …

236 They say Mr Scott is a very good administrator Mr SCOTT IS … 237 Proving that I had not been guilty of such an offence was

my responsibility IT WAS UP …

238 They were concentrated on their reading when I saw them ENGROSSED

239 It soon began to snow very hard EARNEST

240 We finally managed to persuade him to take the job SUCCEEDED 241 Find more about working conditions before you contact

the manager UNTIL …

242 We saw to it that our shoes didn’t make marks on the lino KEPT


244 She tries hard, but she cannot master German NO MATTER … 245 The cost of living has gone up considerably THERE … 246 The telephone rang the moment I stepped into the bath NO SOONER … 247 Although the team played well they lost DESPITE

248 We never suspected that he was already married AT NO TIME … 249 The manager confessed to being astounded when they told

him about the robbery ON …

250 She was extremely tired after the party but she still

washed the glasses and tidied the room TIRED … 251 Are you sure he isn’t making that up? TRUTH

252 The proposal for a new Town Hall was dropped because

so few local people supported it LACK

253 If the weather is fine we’ll have a picnic tomorrow PERMITTING 254 She doesn’t know the difference between margarine and

butter TELL

255 I almost finished today’s correspondece VIRTUALLY 256 I’m sure he was having a bath when I called HE MUST … 257 I know he will be confused by the direction MISLEAD 258 This has nothing to with the case we are considering THIS IS FAR … 259 They assumed that someone would pick up their signals

and come to their aid GRANTED

260 He advised me to rest for a month ADVICE 261 There was a water restriction because the weather was dry OWING TO … 262 The strikers will probably go back to work next week PROBABILITY 263 The last time it rained was a fortnight ago IT’S A …

264 Even though the weather wasn’t very promisiong, we

still went to the beach IN SPITE …

265 The first sign of the disease is a feeling of faintness ONSET

266 He hated politicians AVERSION

267 I didn’t know that you wanted to come, so I didn’t call

you up HAD …

268 When I got to the station, I found that the train had left ON …

269 “How about painting the house green?”, he suggested HE SUGGESTED… 270 He determined that nothing should prevent him from

going HE MADE UP …


272 He broke his promise to help me KEEP

273 I wish you a long and happy life! MAY YOU …

274 What must I next? WHAT AM I …

275 He preferred that nothing should be said about his

generous gifts HE’D RATHER …

276 As he was poor, he could not afford to buy books BEING … 277 I took my car to the garage last Saturday and they

repaired it I HAD …

278 They didn’t prosecute any of the protesters NONE OF … 279 He seemed to me a highly efficient manager STRUCK 280 At first the new computer made me feel a bit afraid AWE

281 I only called the police when I tried everything else LAST RESORT 282 You can try as hard as you like but you won’t succeed HOWEVER HARD …

283 I felt that it had been a mistake to write the letter I REGRETTED … 284 Although it rained torrentially all day, we all enjoyed

the excursion DESPITE

285 I went down with flu as soon as I had recovered from

bronchitis NO SOONER …

286 The manager is not to be disturbed ON NO ACCOUNT … 287 She said she thought I was a liar SHE ACCUSED … 288 If you didn’t distribute generously, we couldn’t continue

our work BUT FOR …

289 Look after yourself! CARE

290 Be careful of thieves if you go to that part of town WATCH OUT … 291 I put a lot of care and attention into this letter I TOOK … 292 I’ve installed an alarm to stop thieves stealing my car PROTECT 293 I bought it without thinking about it first SPUR

294 You’re making a judgement before you’ve heard the facts CONCLUSIONS 295 I choose very carefully who I discuss my private life with PARTICULAR 296 I’ll look for you at the concert although I expect it will

be very crowded EYES

297 She chooses the kind of hotels she stays in very carefully FUSSY 298 Be careful not to hit your head MIND

299 Be careful to notice a red door when you arrive –that’s my

flat LOOK OUT …


301 Because I believed his lies, I paid far too much HE CONNED …

302 They cheated me THEY RIPPED …

303 When I checked my change, I realised I’d been deliberately

charged pounds more DONE OUT

304 You didn’t believe his story, did you? TAKEN IN 305 He got angry because we all disagreed with him TEMPER 306 I don’t want to be treated as an inferior any more! SICK AND TIRED 307 He got extremely angry when he saw the damage FIT

308 Waiting for buses irritates me NERVES 309 Having to get up so early is upsetting NECK 310 I don’t think his reaons for being nice to me are sincere SCEPTICAL 311 Think about the good things! You’re young and healthy

and will have plenty more opportunities BRIGHT SIDE 312 I wasn’t sure about him at first, but now he seems very

good at his job RESERVATIONS

313 I find the whole subject very confusing BEWILDERS 314 What I don’t understand is why he did such a strange thing PUZZLES 315 They look so alike that it’s very easy to confuse her with

her sister TO MIX

316 I was so worried that my mind couldn’t function normally STRAIGHT 317 I don’t understand how to fill in this form CLEAR

318 The news of his death was such a shock that it hasn’t been

fully understood yet SUNK

319 He’s got such a strong accent that half the time I can’t

understand a word he’s saying MAKE OUT

320 He feels bad about cheating them CONSCIENCE 321 I didn’t have the courage to tell him what I really thought DARE

322 I don’t know what’s going to happen but I’m pessimistic WORST 323 I don’t want to imagine how much it’s going to cost DREAD 324 I wouldn’t dare say a thing like that NERVE

325 I don’t mind discussing it with you WILLING

326 I’m very excited about seeing you next week FORWARD 327 I don’t want to criticise him because he’s a good friend RELUCTANT

328 Her job is making her miserable DOWN


331 She’s angry that she is treated like the office slave RESENTS 332 He feels bitter and inferior because he didn’t go to university CHIP

333 He got revenge on her OWN BACK

334 I don’t feel resentful towards her –she deserves her success BEGRUDGE 335 The offer to work in Brazil was a complete surprise BLUE

336 I’m not surprised that he’s got money problems SURPRISE 337 I was surprised by his rudeness TAKEN ABACK 338 I wasn’t expecting you, so I haven’t tidied the house yet UNAWARES

339 I didn’t want a serious conversation MOOD

340 They buy nice furniture TASTE

341 I don’t really like this kind of music KEEN

342 They’ve been saying how wonderful the hotel was RAVING 343 I don’t think that violence is right in any circumstance APPROVE 344 I don’t believe that the film is as good as people say OVERRATED 345 People are persuaded by adverts to spend more than they

can afford ADS TEMPT …

346 I find their lifestyle quite attractive, although I probably

wouldn’t enjoy it APPEALS

347 The dress was so tempting that I bought it RESIST 348 I don’t know why people are attracted to spending all

day on the beach ATTRACTION

349 When she left home, she had to everything on her own FEND 350 If you leave this job, don’t assume that you’ll get another COUNT 351 I’m expecting to be promoted soon BANKING 352 Our car is extremely reliable; it hasn’t disappointed us

once in the last ten years LET

353 The original painting and the copy look the same to me TELL 354 I don’t want to point out a trivial difference, but your

facts aren’t quite right SPLIT HAIRS 355 Being mean and being careful with money are not quite

the same SUBTLE

356 Some people say there’s hardly any difference between

love and hate LINE


360 Have you heard the news? Roger has divorced SPLIT

361 I used to be a friend of his WITH

362 You know I told you I was a millionaire? Well, I was

teasing you PULLING

363 Her comments used words in a very clever and amusing way WITTY 364 It’s a brilliant film –I laughed uncontrollably all the way

through HEAD

365 Everybody made fun of him because he’d had his hair cut

so short MICKEY

366 What did his silence mean? SIGNIFICANCE

367 He pretended that his latest business failure was not

important LAUGHED

368 Football is the most important thing in his life LIVES 369 You must see a doctor as soon as possible VITAL 370 It’s time you realised what’s important and what isn’t PRIORITIES 371 He said that the crisis wasn’t important LIGHT 372 I met some old friends by chance in the pub BUMPED 373 By chance I was there when she revealed the truth HAPPENED 374 If I’m lucky, I’ll get a job as soon as I get there LUCK 375 Guess who I met by chance on my way here RAN

376 Fortunately, the boat hadn’t left BY A STROKE … 377 If nothing unfortunate happens, I’ll see you next week ALL BEING … 378 Because of good advice, I was able to make the right decision ENABLED 379 I’ve tried, but I simply can’t cook at all GOOD 380 He finds it impossible to make decisions HOPELESS 381 I’ll have to wait before I know whether he’ll keep his

promise IT REMAINS …

382 I’m afraid I’ll be a bit late because something unexpected

has happened CROPPED


390 You’ll have to stard doing some serious work soon GET DOWN 391 I’m trying to concentrate but all that noise you’re making

is distracting me PUTTING

392 I don’t like disturbing her when she’s busy INTRUDING 393 You should think about the price before you decide whether

to buy it or not CONSIDERATION

394 He’s not sure whether to go or not TWO MINDS 395 I’ve considered the advantages and disadvantages and I’ve

decided not to go WEIGHED

396 Considering that she’s only just started, she’s doing very well BEARING 397 She’s not sure whether she wants to marry him or not SECOND 398 They will consider age and experience when they decide

the salary ACCOUNT

399 I was going to argue with him, but I decided that it was a

bad idea BETTER

400 I’m not considering that suggestion RULED 401 When I agreed to this I didn’t think that it would be so

expensive BARGAIN

402 Let me give you a clue to help you remember JOG 403 I’ve completely forgotten what I was going to say BLANK 404 I can very nearly remember the word TONGUE 405 I remember this song from somewhere BELL 406 I can’t remember when or where I’ve met him PLACE 407 Although I don’t speak Italian very well, I understood the

general meeting of what she said DRIFT 408 I’m fully aware of the fact that it’s not your fault APPRECIATE 409 He doesn’t realise what other people are saying about him OBLIVIOUS 410 From what I read in the paper, the economic situation is

getting worse GATHER

411 The way I see it, there’s only one thing you can STRIKES 412 He didn’t realise the cost involved in buying a house AWARE 413 After a while, I realised that I’d made a terrible mistake DAWNED

414 I don’t mind changing my plans OBJECTION

415 The neighbours were arguing ROW

416 Do we agree? AGREEMENT


418 I don’t want to argue with you ARGUMENT 419 In the end we found a solution that suited us both COMPROMISE

420 I’ll compromise with you HALF-WAY

421 We’ve agreed to share the cost COME

422 I expressed my disagreement with his plan OPPOSITION 423 He thinks that capital punishment is a good idea FAVOUR 424 If you what I ask, everything will be all right CO-OPERATE 425 I never have arguments with my parents ROW

426 I was going to leave, but because of what she said, I didn’t SHE PERSUADED …

427 I didn’t want to buy it, but because he insisted, I bought it HE PUSHED … 428 You must think about it carefully before you decide, she

told me SHE URGED …

429 They have security guards so that people won’t try to steal DISCOURAGE 430 They’re telling me that I must make a decision soon PRESSURE 431 When I make my complaint, I hope that you’ll say you

agree with me BACK

432 She’s always trying to force other people to accept her

opinions IMPOSE

433 He has always done things to help her in her career SUPPORTED 434 He offered them more money to encourage them to the

job quickly INCENTIVE

435 The judge gave a harsh sentence so that other people wouldn’t

commit the same crime DETER

436 She was nervous about going to the doctor’s, so I went

with her so that she wouldn’t be alone MORAL SUPPORT 437 Many people believe that the death penalty deters criminals DETERRENT

438 I was forced to apologise CHOICE

439 Don’t listen to him –he doesn’t know what he’s talking about NOTICE 440 The recent increases in air fares haven’t changed the

number of people wanting to fly EFFECT


447 I prefer not to get involved with him DISTANCE 448 I didn’t participate in the argument TAKE PART 449 The decision had nothing to with me INVOLVED 450 Although I set off late, I succeeded in getting there on time MANAGED 451 Nothing had happened on my first day at work SMOOTHLY 452 The whole day happened as planned ACCORDING 453 I gave up trying to make friends with the other students

because I was making no progress NOWHERE 454 It seems that whatever I try to do, something bad always

happens WRONG

455 She always gets what she wants WAY

456 He’s becoming very successful PLACES

457 The evening was unsuccessful and ended in an argument BADLY 458 The house was so badly damaged in the fire that it couldn’t

be repaired THE HOUSE WAS TOO

459 He told me my request was unreasonable HARDLY 460 I was exasperated when the appointment was cancelled









467 He found the pressures of the job intolerable PUT UP WITH 468 The workers did not arrive home until midnight IT WAS NOT … 469 The ships in the harbour took the full force of the storm BRUNT

470 Most of the orders will have been processed by Friday BULK 471 They renovated and redecorated the old house DID UP 472 Not much heat came from the radiators BARELY 473 In this job you have to work long hours INVOLVES 474 He was so skilful that he could complete a portrait in


475 A day rarely went by without a phone call from mother RARELY 476 He had no idea that armed police were waiting for him LITTLE 477 We had only just reached the summit when the storm

began HARDLY

478 It was the first time the cave had been entered by human

beings NEVER

479 It was so cold that we stuffed our boots with dried grass SO COLD WAS IT …

480 Although he found the car difficult to steer, Andrew was able to negotiate the long course


481 The authorities failed to accept responsibility for the accident, and that’s difficult for the drivers to come to


482 Repeated attempts to revive the injured driver were made,

but he did not recover consciousness IN SPITE 483 My job allows us to live where we want to and to pay the

mortgage ALONG WITH

484 The organiser’s action almost amounted to negligence SHORT

485 The driver had been travelling at over 180 m.p.h IN EXCESS OF 486 Up to half a million people may have perished in the

earthquake CLAIMED

487 The team is unlikely to reach the summit THE ODDS … 488 The boxer agreed to take part in the match only on the

conditions he himself laid down TERMS

489 Mrs Brown is not involved in the management of this

company NOTHING

490 Although he liked strawberries very much, John couldn’t

face eating any more that day MUCH AS 491 Although some of his shares had gone down in price, he had

made an overall profit IN SPITE

492 She was interested in nothing except making money MAKING MONEY… 493 Peter’s workload is more than he can handle COPE


that had befallen his rival GLOATED OVER 498 Children often over-react when they learn that animals are

killed to provide meat ON …

499 It is probable that there will be strong resistance to the

ban on shooting LIKELY

500 Some people respond to the issue of battery farming by

avoiding it ONE RESPONSE

501 The panther took the girl thinking she was a dog MISTOOK 502 A child may react initially in a variety of ways but will

usually come round to accepting the parents’point of view WHATEVER 503 The tiger was stalking the hunter, who was quite unaware STALKED 504 The young girl died when she was attacked by the panther LOST 505 The authorities estimate that there are only six tigers now

left in the nature reserve PUT

506 Don’t tell anyone about our plans BREATHE 507 Any goods in excess of what is necessary can be returned

to the manufacturers SURPLUS

508 I know those nursery rhymes because I was taught them

as a child BROUGHT UP

509 Very few people are willing to this job HARDLY 510 She likes presenting seminars on self-promotion more than

anything else WHAT

511 Sally was never at a loss for Word AT NO TIME … 512 He did not hesitate to write a letter of complaint HESITATION 513 Unless we use a special crane we cannot move these

containers ONLY BY …

514 I don’t think that Mary is able to accept criticism LACKS

515 Work done before a.m isn’t overtime COUNT 516 He was forced to accept a transfer to another office CHOICE 517 His conviction for theft was not known to us AWARE 518 Are we likely to get this contract? CHANCES 519 He would anything to get revenge NOTHING

520 John said he disapproved of capital punishment DISAPPROVAL 521 The crime rate has risen sharply in the last ten years THERE HAS … 522 Whatever your personal opinions, you must carry out


523 The police officers never mistreated the prisoner AT NO TIME 524 A high standard of customer service is the reason for the

company’s success FOUNDED

525 He decided to make Edinburgh his permanent home SETTLE 526 She felt unable to accept the court’s decision RECONCILE 527 He became an extremely popular singer ACHIEVED 528 Christopher was determined to get revenge GET BACK 529 Most stage-struck teenagers think twice before embarking

on a career on the stage, even if they are very keen HOWEVER KEEN 530 Anna’s mother is worried about her health, as well as

being concerned about her career QUITE APART 531 This jockey continued to break the rules, although he was

officially warned about his behaviour DESPITE 532 Mr Taylor was sacked from his job as Minister of Defence

when details of his private life were revealed REVELATIONS 533 This letter guarantees that the boots are authentic THE


534 Mary plans to finish her novel and then go abroad WHEN

535 These events did not benefit Tom DETRIMENT 536 She’s very proud of the way she keeps her house clean

and tidy PRIDE

537 He always took the best jobs for himself without thinking

of the bad effect on his colleagues EXPENSE 538 The commentator decided to criticise particularly the

council’s housing policy SINGLED OUT

539 This TV programme will not make any difference to the

difficult situation that exists between these two organisations RELATIONS 540 The raft seems to be in good condition despite a leak in the

observation port ALTHOUGH

541 I was soon lost, as I couldn’t see anything from the vehicle

in which I was being transported BEING 542 There was hardly ever enough work to keep me occupied

for the whole morning RARELY …

543 The team of experts finally managed to get the right

solution to the problem CAME UP

544 There was sufficient time for us to feel we had no need


545 I spend all my energy trying to support my family GOES ON 546 You have to be very clever to be able to wash under a

push button tap SKILL

547 Although it was a small thing, I felt I should make myself

as presentable as possible LEAST

548 I think everyone got a lot of the training course WORTHWHILE 549 With this machine you can all the calculations you need ENABLE 550 This company stands a very good chance of winning an


551 The speaker was soon surrounded by a large crowd GATHERED

552 Martin suddenly started to sing BURST

553 These happenings may be bizarre, but the fact that they

are well documented means they should be investigated HOWEVER …

554 I may forget about the meeting, so remind me about it IN CASE 555 Many people were conned into giving donations and very

few realised even later that they had been duped WHOM 556 The conjuror obtained alarming effects and many of them

frightened the younger members of the audience WHICH

557 The evidence on this point is not totally convincing FALLS SHORT 558 Let’s not waste any time but get down to the business in


559 People are now claiming that Jones is the murderer ALLEGED 560 Tom arrived at 11:30 when the party was really and truly

under way SWING

561 Francis discovered the evidence to prove his theory quite

by chance STUMBLED

562 The work he has done is not up to the standard that we

expect FALLS

563 Terry is allergic to pears and that is one way in which he

takes after his mother WITH RESPECT

564 Stephen just couldn’t manage to explain how he made so

many spelling errors LOSS

565 At the age of eight, Helen first encountered classical Greek

and she’s been fascinated ever since HOOKED 566 Tom comes from Yorkshire, but you couldn’t tell his from


567 Technical manuals are quite suitable for this purpose BILL 568 The skier injured his back, so that was the end of his

championship hopes PUT PAID

569 Not many people completed the questionnaire It is

disappointing THAT …

570 She was prepared to accept the job This surprised

everyone WHAT …

571 He found the treasure We don’t know where We will

never know WHERE …

572 He lived in Spain for ten years He didn’t learn Spanish

This is surprising TO …

573 The car is very old It continues to run well This is amazing HOW SUCH 574 He may be rich He may be poor It will make no difference

to his application to build a house in the village WHETHER … 575 People can invest 1000 pounds now.They will receive 1700

in five years’time WHOEVER …

576 He wrote in his diary The diary contains nothing but false

information WHATEVER …

577 The gansters threatened Peter with violence THREATS 578 The driver behaved in such a way as to place the

passengers in danger THE PASSENGERS …

579 Sheila has every chance of getting the job LIKELY 580 It wasn’t Jill’s fault that we got lost TO BLAME

581 The full story of the disaster was not told until 2010 NOT UNTIL … 582 One is very much inclined to dismiss the whole thing as a


583 After a short prison sentence, he decided to go straight SPELL 584 The right attitude to the job is as important as the right

qualifications NO LESS

585 He paid no regard to his own comfort INDIFFERENT 586 Compared to what we had to put up with before, the meals

we are getting now are delicious COMPARISON 587 We have long since ceased to keep information in printed

form AGES

588 You shouldn’t wander away from the path under any


589 I didn’t leave the office at any time AT NO TIME … 590 She could rely on nobody but him NOBODY 591 They would not confess to the murder until the police came NOT UNTIL … 592 We not only ran into fog but it began to rain NOT ONLY …

593 You can try phoning but it’s possible that the car has been

sold by now THE CAR …

594 If you’ve been out of the country, you obviously haven’t

heard about the robbery CAN’T HAVE

595 I just don’t believe that the line has been engaged all this

time Maybe there’s a fault on it MUST HAVE 596 Don’t start worrying It’s possible that he took a later plane MIGHT HAVE 597 I’m sorry to trouble you but I was wondering if there was any

possibility of my using your phone for a moment MIGHT 598 I’ve forgotten to return the key to the safe I’m sure

people have been looking everywhere for it MUST HAVE 599 It’s possible that you won’t even to show a pass to get in MAY

600 She’s unlikely to have left without warning anyone CAN’T HAVE 601 You’d like me to come with you to the hospital, wouldn’t you? YOU’D RATHER 602 Don’t treat him as a criminal! AS IF …

603 When are you going to listen to me? I WISH …

604 This is confidential, don’t mention it to anyone I’D RATHER 605 Any correspondence from the London office must be dealt

with before other matters PRIORITY

606 I advise you not to believe what you read in the papers

about me RELIANCE

607 We’d better leave IT’S HIGH TIME…

608 You’ve got a nerve, implying that it was all my fault HOW DARE … 609 You lent me a tent It was damaged in a storm You heard

about the storm on the news WHICH 610 He arrived rather late because he had been held up in the

rush hour traffic HAVING…

611 The weather was unsettled so we decided not to venture

very far from the hotel BEING

612 I wasn’t given the flight number so it was rather difficult


house ONCE … 614 I would prefer you to wear something more formal to work I’D RATHER … 615 This is the worst coffee I have ever drunk NEVER … 616 I’m not friendly with him; in fact, I hardly even know him FAR …

617 I’d better be getting home now IT’S TIME … 618 If I have plenty of warning I’ll willingly baby-sit for you PROVIDED …

619 As he grew older, he became more and more forgetful THE OLDER … 620 Since the company’s methods were exposed in a newspaper,

people have lost their good opinion of it DISREPUTE 621 The prisoner was recaptured as he rushed towards the gate DASH 622 I was supposed to finish the report by today SHOULD 623 It was in your power to a lot more to help people than

you did COULD

624 It’s important for me to come to a decision soon Otherwise

I might lose the chance MUST

625 It wasn’t necessary to buy all those provisions We’re only

going for a weekend, not a month! NEEDN’T 626 Is it really necessary for you to ask my advice about every

little matter? NEED …

627 Perhaps it would have been wise to think of the consequences

before you told the boss to drop dead OUGHT 628 She suggested organising a protest meeting THAT 629 He recommended us to visit the City Museum THAT

630 “You could try the corner shop.” SUGGESTED

631 “If you are eating at Mario’s, try the squid.” RECOMMENDED 632 The detective wouldn’t be able to relax until he caught

the criminal NOT UNTIL …

633 Such a journey has not been possible since the invention

of the jet engine NOT SINCE …

634 There isn’t any place where you can escape timetables NOWHERE …

635 Bad manners infuriate me WHAT …

636 My boyfriend loves Italian food IT’S …

637 People who don’t leave a tip get on my nerves WHAT … 638 A bird learns to say hello or goodbye It is likely to use

one as the other A BIRD THAT …


None of these systems is creative in the way human

language is NONE OF WHICH

640 The man tried to say something The people around him

did not understand him WHAT …

641 People are unwilling to spend a lot of money They will always spend a lot of money if they think they are getting

a “bargain.” HOWEVER …

642 Pushy shop-assistants are unpopular They always sell

more than their colleagues NO MATTER …

643 British people are often dissatisfied with the products they

buy They rarely complain about them EVEN IF … 644 High-technology products are not reliable They are always

more expensive than less sophisticated items DESPITE

645 He would prefer architects to study the classical style HE’D RATHER … 646 Some bosses act like dictators THOUGH

647 She talks like a person who has lived in a palace, but I know

she never has AS IF

648 She thinks it’s a pity that the British are so obsessed with old-

fashiones styles SOONER

649 I regret the fact that I bought such an expensive house I WISH … 650 I wish I lived in a house with a garden IF ONLY … 651 My neighbours keep interfering in my private life, which

really gets on my nerves I WISH …

652 The horse and the dog have become workmates as well as companions Their history is closely linked with that of

humans WHOSE

653 There is a good chance that the first Europeans to set foot

in North America were Vikings MAY HAVE 654 We are sure that the ancient Egyptians were not the first

people to use a written language CAN’T HAVE 655 It is now certain that the first humans came from East Africa MUST HAVE 656 There is a slight possibility that Christopher Columbus was

Spanish and not Italian MIGHT HAVE

657 There is a good chance that the Chinese invented printing


American’s work on the atomic bomb before 1945 CAN’T HAVE 659 We are certain that the dinosaurs became extinct before

the appearance of humans on the earth MUST HAVE 660 We are now sure that Marco Polo wasn’t the first European

to vist China CAN’T HAVE

661 It is probable that Adolf Hitler burnt his diaries before he


662 I know a lot of people are using environment-friendly products,

but I’m really not convinced that this will help IF I THOUGHT … 663 Annie joined the World Wildlife Fund a few months ago

She’s very interested in animals and this is a way of

helping them WOULDN’T HAVE

664 I would be happier if newspapers spent their time and money

on investigating stories about ordinary people I’D RATHER … 665 I wish photographers would stop spying on famous people

with their telephoto lenses and hidden cameras SOONER 666 Judging from the way they act the gutter press obviously

thinks that every detail of a celebrity’s personal life is

public property AS THOUGH

667 Her friends’messages of sympathy helped her during her

illness COMFORT

668 Please, behave in my house as you would in your own house YOURSELF 669 He deals calmly with everything STRIDE 670 She was relieved when she realised that her bag hadn’t

been stolen A SIGH OF RELIEF

671 You aren’t allowed to smoke on the tube BAN 672 The fact that he will never race again is something he

cannot accept TERMS

673 I could tell by the tone of his voice how serious the situation


674 You should make an effort to get out and about more HIGH TIME

675 Let’s invite the Marshalls to a barbecue on Sunday HE SUGGESTED …

676 It was overeating which caused his heart attack IF …

677 Alternative medicine is a complete mystery to some people MYSTIFIED 678 “Why don’t you think about how you’re going to play the


679 The government have been reviewing their immigration

policy for some time THE


680 “I’m in a bit of a hurry, but I’ll ring you tomorrow,” he


681 I find it surprising that she didn’t like her present I WOULD … 682 She discovered eight new comets in the course of her work RESULTED 683 The police have never arrived on our doorstep in the

middle of the night before WE’VE NEVER …

684 My hair has never fallen out in handfuls before! NEVER BEFORE …

685 The gas explosion blew out all the shop windows ALL THE SHOPS … 686 A thief picked my pocket on the tube I HAD …

687 They laid a new carpet yesterday WE HAD … 688 They’re fitting the windows tomorrow WE’RE HAVING … 689 We had double glazing put in by the builders WE GOT …

690 They are not allowed to smoke in my classroom I WON’T HAVE … 691 They’ll all want to stay the night if we don’t ask them to

leave now WE’LL HAVE …

692 She managed to walk around the room with a little

encouragement from me I HAD HER …

693 I never thought of going to Iceland for my holidays OCCURRED 694 His holiday insurance scheme failed through lack of support BACK

695 It poured down all day TORRENTS

696 It seems likely the company will fold IN ALL … 697 I hope my remarks haven’t upset you OFFENCE

698 There are some people who didn’t agree with the decision UNANIMOUS 699 The decorators have finished the whole of the first floor WE HAVE HAD … 700 It is difficult to know what one’s reaction would have been

in such a situation IF I HAD BEEN …

701 The children are in disgrace for being so badly behaved UNDER A CLOUD 702 My car has never broken down on a motorway before BREAK DOWN 703 The storm completely wiped out all my crops I’VE HAD … 704 The regiment’s reputation was greatly damaged by his

outrageous conduct HARM


706 We are unaminous regarding the formation of a new

alliance SHARES

707 The disagreement is a lot of fuss about nothing TEACUP 708 A government official leaked the story to the world press GOT WIND 709 It was with great reluctance that they came to our aid LOATH 710 Organic vegetables are said to be very healthy WONDERS 711 If you hadn’t been speeding, the police wouldn’t have

stopped you MUST

712 It is essential that no one is told about our plans MUSTN’T 713 It was wrong of you not to call the doctor at once SHOULD HAVE 714 He stood no chance of passing his exams BOUND 715 I’m sure he missed the eleven o’clock train MUST HAVE 716 I’m annoyed with you for not phoning me to say you’d be


717 I hardly think she will agree to giving you a pay rise I DOUBT … 718 The house has got everything except a large garden LACKS 719 I’m afraid to say that we haven’t got any oil left RUN OUT 720 The film is similar to Shakespeare’s Hamlet in a number of


721 In all probability we will finish the project on Thursday CHANCES

722 He knows he shouldn’t have said those terrible things HE REGRETS … 723 I have to admit I’m a chain smoker I WISH I …

724 I can’t stand the way he falls asleep in the middle of dinner IF ONLY … 725 Oh dear! I didn’t realice it was so cheap I WISH I … 726 They were seasoned travellers, which we had not expected

them to be CONTRARY TO …

727 Unfortunately, he hasn’t phoned for days I WISH HE … 728 The police arrived as the thieves were committing the crime RED-HANDED 729 We don’t seem to have much sugar left RUNNING 730 He celebrated his birthday last Saturday TOOK PLACE 731 They lost not only their money but their passports as well ADDITION 732 Bad weather delayed the flight DUE

733 They arrived at their destination alive and kicking SOUND 734 Travellers consider themselves superior to those who lead

a more sedentary life LOOK DOWN


mind POINTLESS 736 She earns money from her paintings SOURCE 737 My impression of him was that he was a very capable person STRUCK 738 It is her father who is Italian FATHER’S SIDE

739 They believe the senator is well over seventy THE SENATOR … 740 They will not officially declare independence until next year NOT …

741 He’s always ready to be of assistance, when we’re busy on


742 Every time he opens his mouth, he says something tactless CAN’T HELP 743 Experts say that the fall in the birth rate will cause the drop

in the number of school leavers THE DROP … 744 They feel that the forecasters are doing an unsatisfactory job ARE FELT 745 He’s tried as hard as he can BEST

746 They have narrowed the many applicants down to three SHORT-LISTED 747 They disapprove of smoking in this restaurant FROWNED 748 When she sold the jewellery at such a low price, she was

cheated RIDE

749 We’d been thinking about helping them for some time BACKING

750 Under no circumstances would I have missed the concert ALL THE WORLD 751 You’ll just have to take a chance! POT LUCK 752 I can’t understand why you didn’t come and see me earlier WHAT I … 753 She wouldn’t have been upset if you hadn’t lied about your

past IT

754 Many school leavers speak English inadequately COMMAND 755 Although the papers claim that they are going to get

divorced, they are not CONTRARY

756 His memory gradually failed as he grew old THE OLDER … 757 Vitamin intake and intelligence are not connected CONNECTION 758 During exam time he always revised all night IF IT … 759 He can’t be at home He promised he would phone as soon

as he got back IF HE WERE …

760 Why didn’t you tell me about the party? You know I like

going to parties! HAD YOU …

761 What a shame we didn’t go by air! Think of the saving in

time! IF ONLY


763 It’s a pity that the TV packed up We can’t watch the

football now! IF THE TV …

764 Provided that you leave a forwarding address, we will be

able to contact you UNLESS …

765 Whenever he felt depressed, he went for a long walk

across the hills IF HE …

766 Many species of wild life are threatened with extinction VERGE 767 Pandas need a special diet without which they perish PROVIDED 768 He liked the new job straight away EASE

769 We would like a copy of your new prospectus GRATEFUL 770 She felt uncomfortable in the huge hotel PLACE 771 I don’t see any point in trying to save endangered species WORTH

772 No smoking in the underground BAN

773 It is roughly estimated that some turtles lay 28,000 eggs

a year AVERAGE

774 I regret shouting at him IF ONLY …

775 The customs of the people no longer seemed strange BECAME USED 776 Basically, a couple’s happiness depends on their ability

to communicate THE MORE

777 I’m trying to eat fewer fatty foods CUT DOWN 778 That is the most shocking story I have ever heard I HAVE …

779 This is my brother’s first solo flight in a glider FIRST TIME 780 The train left before the got to the station BY THE TIME 781 The school was founded ten years ago IT IS TEN YEARS … 782 He must learn that behaving like that is quite unacceptable NOT ON

783 Could you explain that again –I can’t quite understand what

you’re trying to say GETTING AT

784 Do you think that people are attracted to partners who

remind them of their parents? GO FOR 785 The latest round of peace talks have collapsed amidst

bitter recriminations BROKEN

786 I had to throw the milk away because it was sour GONE

787 “Why don’t you have a barbecue,?” said Tim to his mother SUGGESTED 788 “I most certainly did not steal the money,” he said DENIED 789 “I am the greatest gymnast ever,” said the gold medal winner BOASTED 790 “Don’t tell anyone or you’ll be sorry,” Mary said WARNED


to Susie SUGGESTED 792 “You stole my gold bracelet,” she said to me bitterly ACCUSED

793 The business is hardly making a profit at the moment BREAKING EVEN 794 We never purchase small quantities as we would make

less profit BULK

795 “Please, don’t take my money, it’s all I’ve got,” said the

old woman to the intruder BEGGED

796 Selling antiques made him a little extra money DABBLED 797 The new manager blames me for everything that goes wrong PICKING ON 798 They sold the car for 1,500 pounds WENT

799 Books on animal diseases in Outer Mongolia are not

exactly best sellers CALL

800 We shall have an in-depth discussion about these

recommendations at the next meeting FULL 801 I would prefer you not to discuss details of this case in

public I’D RATHER …

802 Craig claimed that he had not fired the gun DENIED

803 It’s a waste of time to try and get your money back WORTH 804 They sent him to prison for three years SENTENCED

805 This mix-up is not my fault BLAME

806 We were not very surprised to hear that he had been

stealing money from the company IT CAME … 807 Everyone notices that Jane was absent CONSPICUOUS BY

808 Soldiers obey orders as a matter of course USED TO 809 The coloner and the doctor did not get on well TERMS 810 The three men were each sentenced to prison for life SENTENCE 811 Try to stay inconspicuous when you get there PROFILE 812 I’m afraid that I think she shouldn’t marry him CAN’T HELP 813 He was working all day and all night as well NOT ONLY

814 He hadn’t ever stayed in such a dreadful hotel before NEVER … 815 She dances beautifully and sings sweetly too NOT ONLY … 816 I have never met such an infuriating person before NEVER …

817 She didn’t spill a drop NOT …


started to rain NO SOONER … 821 They didn’t understand what the whole thing was about

until they saw the evidence for themselves ONLY WHEN … 822 You can enter the competition to meet the cast only if you

purchase a ticket for the show ONLY IF … 823 She didn’t shed a tear when the story ended in tragedy NOT … 824 I suddenly realized the meaning of a “feebie.” DAWNED 825 Don’t panic about something so trivial MOLEHILL 826 What you have done is inexcusable AMENDS

827 The fact that they are always in trouble doesn’t surprise me WONDER 828 The pressures of being in the public eye have proved too

much for him COPE

829 No sooner had he bought the car than it broke down SCARCELY 830 Mass tourism has been one of the causes of the problem BLAME 831 He was not given details of the company’s new plans DARK

832 The “environmentally friendly” label on this product is

misleading CONTRARY

833 He was so overcome with emotion that he didn’t know

what to say WORDS

834 My brother’s not feeling terribly well these days WEATHER 835 They managed to get to the airport with only seconds to


836 I resent the way that she clearly feels herself to be superior

to me NOSE

837 I was very annoyed by his refusal to listen to reason WHAT … 838 Starting smoking was a big mistake I WISH …

839 The comedian soon made everyone in the audience laugh HAD EVERYONE 840 He did not pass his driving test until he was nearly 30 IT …

841 It was the weakness of the foundations that led to the

collapse of the building IF …

842 “I think you ought to see a doctor,” he said SUGGESTED 843 It is thought that the Prime Minister is considering raising


844 It started to pour with rain moments after we had started

our walk HARDLY


846 His disabilities did not prevent him from sailing around the


847 She agreed to go out to dinner with him because she assumed

he was not married HAD SHE …

848 The music teacher managed to make the whole class sing

in tune after a few weeks HAD THE CLASS

849 I just didn’t know what to say LOST 850 The press seem to have found out about the MP’s

indiscretions WIND

851 I enjoy being the boss of a small company SMALL POND 852 I think you should try and be as optimistic as you can BRIGHT SIDE 853 The sound is detected by the microphone hand set PICKED UP

854 This is the procedure FOLLOWS

855 When I saw the condition of the patient I realized how

serious his illness was CAME HOME

856 You ought to go and see a doctor about those spots soon! IT’S HIGH TIME … 857 The Minister doesn’t make a good impression on TV COME ACROSS 858 I felt that the last candidate seemed rather inexperienced STRUCK

859 Some of Peter’s expressions make me think of my brother REMIND 860 Dealers have been selling the new Mercedes since December SALE 861 Oh, just go away! I’m getting very annoyed by you PUT OUT 862 I doubt whether you will have any trouble getting a visa IMAGINE

863 The police have been watching the house for several weeks SURVEILLANCE 864 Apparently poverty and crime are linked APPEARS

865 Why I always get the boring jobs? I’m fed up with it DONKEY WORK 866 No one ever benefited from being poor! BEING POOR 867 She looks great with that new hairstyle WONDERS 868 Doctors say that smoking is bad for your health HARM

869 The thief was sent to prison for the crimes he had committed SERVED TIME 870 It’s possible that John wasn’t feeling well MIGHT

871 It’s very annoying that you didn’t tell me you had changed

your plans TOLD

872 It was wrong of me to speak to her like that SPOKEN 873 You ran the risk of killing yourself by touching that wire COULD 874 It turned out that I had been worrying about my cat


875 If he hadn’t followed you home, he wouldn’t know where

you live MUST

876 I should have picked Jane up from the station, but I

completely forgot about it SUPPOSED

877 Please stop complaining about the heat! I WISH … 878 Her career took a different course when she was 30 TACK 879 Only Maria’s mother is French SIDE

880 Janet’s husband can behave very aggressively at times STREAK 881 The film star is staying in a specially designed caravan PURPOSE 882 You have 30 days in which to complete and return this


883 Don’t tel me what to do! I WISH …

884 It appears that railroad agents distributed popular

literature throughout the US and Europe WAS 885 I seem to offend people, however much I try not to! HELP 886 The staff are always so obliging to customers in this store LEND 887 The coffee is just about finished SHORT OF 888 I’m worried about Jason because he just watches TV all day ALL HE 889 Picasso `painted GUERNICA, not Dali IT WAS 890 Harriet was upset because she saw Peter with another


891 He broke the window because there was no other way of

getting into the house THEREFORE

892 In case of emergency, break the glass and sound the alarm SHOULD … 893 Supposing I got the job abroad, would you come with me? IF I WERE … 894 We must take steps to preserve natural resources, otherwise

the planet will be in danger UNLESS

895 Sally is very disorganized so she has no chance of getting

the secretarial job WERE IT NOT …

896 The road was water-logged so we were unable to move our

vehicle IF IT HADN’T …

897 After the crash, there was debris all over the runway LITTERED 898 The Minister accepted that he was to blame for what gone


899 My mother was unsure whether my decision to become an


900 I drove 200 miles to the concert, but then found I had gone

on the wrong day ONLY TO FIND

901 “No, I had nothing whatsoever to with the theft,” said

the security guard DENIED

902 “What about trying to buy more products in bulk?”, said

the Marketing Manager SUGGESTED

903 “Unless we improve our sales figures, the firm will go to

the wall,” said the Sales Manager WARNED 904 “Zenco is the best packaging company in the country,”

said the foreman PRAISED

905 “The government has consistently failed to support small

businesses,” said the reporter ACCUSED 906 “If I were you, I wouldn’t make any decisions yet,” said

Peter to his son URGED

907 “All right, the company is only just managing to break even,”

said the accountant CONCEDED

908 “Today is a day which will go down in history,” said the

factory owner to the workers ANNOUNCED 909 Products which seem to lack credibility are not popular MUCH CALL 910 Many people find themselves in difficulties by not paying

for goods immediately DO CREDIT

911 Buying old maps was a hobby of John Samson’s DABBLED IN 912 “Why don’t you invest some of the money you have

inherited?”, said Susan to William SUGGESTED 913 The twins always seem to disagree with each other PICKING ON 914 We have run out of small sizes OUT OF STOCK 915 When he returned home, he found that his flat had

been ransacked ONLY TO

916 If you want to catch the 5:15 train you will have to leave

early MEANS

917 I really wish I hadn’t said what I did REGRET

918 The bank manager said he wouldn’t lend me what I needed UNWILLING 919 Mozart’s last work was unfinished when he died LEFT WITHOUT 920 Emma was very surprised when she heard she had passed

the exam IT CAME …


922 Under the circumstances the company can little but

accept the situation COULDN’T MAKE

923 No suitable play was found by the company to draw

audiences back to the theatre FAILED 924 The least problem and the director always panics! MOLEHILL 925 I suddenly realized why the audience was being so hostile DAWNED 926 There was a loud scream from backstage immediately

after the concert ended NO SOONER …

927 The actors did not realice that the scenery was about to

fall on them LITTLE…

928 The performer learned how to juggle by practising day

after day ONLY …

929 Entertainment must be sympathetic to the needs of its

audience if it is to be popular CAN’T DO WITHOUT 930 Mr Tipper’s wife was very sorry she couldn’t celebrate the

New Year with her husband REGRETTED

931 The tabloids provide news and entertainment NOT ONLY …

932 Who owns that car? BELONG

933 I don’t understand a single word of this letter HEAD OR TAIL 934 She fully understands that she will have to work hard WELL AWARE 935 He suddenly thought that he might have misunderstood her CROSSED 936 He never thought of telling her OCCURRED 937 That sentence doesn’t have an understandable meaning NO SENSE 938 He didn’t know about her feelings for him UNAWARE

939 The heat was such that I nearly fainted IT WAS … 940 He’s getting someone to mend the windows HE’S HAVING … 941 I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years IT’S YEARS …

942 We couldn’t go out because the weather was so bad IT WAS SUCH … 943 My brother and I both went to that school SO DID

944 She and I had never been there before NEITHER … 945 Someone must meet him at the railway station HE MUST …

946 I often get up early I’M USED …

947 He borrowed my book, but he forgot to return it I LENT … 948 They made him wait for two hours HE WAS …


951 You can exclude me COUNT 952 They managed to extinguish the fire PUT OUT

953 They rejected lots of perfectly good suggestions TURNED DOWN 954 You should consider further what I’ve just suggested THINK OVER 955 John obviously resembles his father TAKES AFTER 956 I refused to tolerate his rudeness any longer PUT UP 957 The plan met a lot of criticism CAME IN FOR 958 A new manager assumed control last week TOOK OVER 959 They Kenyan runner soon caught up with and passed the

other competitors OVERTOOK

960 He was born at the beginning of the war OUTBREAK 961 The chairman’s proposal seemed to be irrelevant BESIDE

962 Although the testimonial was quite good, the employer could

read the hidden meaning LINES

963 Valuable documents are usually kept securely locked LOCK AND KEY 964 Generally the weather experts are right in their forecasts BY AND LARGE, …

965 He believes in not being friendly with his employees ARM’S LENGTH 966 Every sailor wanted to turn back, but Columbus sailed on TO A MAN

967 Is he stupid? Certainly not MEANS

968 He will play his accordion at a party when necessary, but

not as a general rule OCCASION

969 The idea occurred to me suddenly SPUR 970 Will you be able to come without much prior warning? NOTICE 971 The witness gave his evidence having sworn to tell the truth OATH 972 The model posed for the artist without clothing NUDE

973 Confidentially, what is your opinion of Brown? OURSELVES

974 Come later, now I am very busy PRESENT

975 Very likely I shall be leaving you quite soon to go to South

America IN ALL …

976 He was prepared to get hold of the enemy’s plans at any

cost PRICE

977 Don’t tell me about your long journey, it’s irrelevant BESIDE 978 Your retirement is impossible to be considered QUESTION 979 A very energetic man, Tom is never still except when he is

asleep REST


981 The man changed jobs and started his career again from

the beginning SCRATCH

982 When the girl saw the diamond ring she was carried away RAPTURES 983 In tennis, it’s no good hitting the ball haphazardly RANDOM

984 There was a feud between the two tribes, and several

murders were committed out of revenge ON ACCOUNT 985 He was intelligent, worked his way up, and was soon

in control SADDLE

986 The boy felt that his whole future was at issue when he

entered the examination room STAKE 987 We decided to enjoy ourselves and have a good time to

celebrate our success SPREE

988 John went home because he was feeling depressed SORTS 989 Jane was dejected after she had heard the bad news SPIRITS 990 Are you sane to make such a suggestion? SENSES 991 I wasn’t going to come, but after reconsidering I shall SECOND 992 Counsel for the defence was quiet during the case for the

prosecution; everyone knew he had something hidden in

reserve SLEEVE

993 His aunt asked him to stay for a short time SPELL

994 We must work united SHOULDER

995 Her dress was badly torn after falling down the cliff SHREDS 996 Britain and the United States fought together against the

Nazis SIDE

997 Keep the mixture almost boiling for half-an-hour SIMMER

998 You cannot possibly set off not having eaten STOMACH 999 The engine functions irregularly; I must send for a

mechanic FITS

1000 Apples are not plentiful in December in England SEASON ANSWERE KEY:

1 Don’t act in haste, you might make a mistake

2 She was not able to answer the merchants in their own language We were wondering if they were really there


5 The down payment is so high that we can’t buy the house

6 She is not a young woman but no matter how old she is her admirers find her ageless

7 It is really difficult to control the rising tide of vandalism

8 Vandals are often youngsters who have done poorly in school and want to get even with the administration

9 The vandals deface the walls and break the windows 10 I’d better take a coat

11 Paul’s so afraid that he won’t try

12 They did well for themselves for a time

13 No matter who you are, you’re expected to obey the law 14 He has such bright brothers he feels stupid by comparison

15 When the great leader died and they were left in charge of themselves, they began to lose their conquests

16 According to the scientists, Voyager would reach Jupiter in March, and it did 17 She did it out of kindness

18 Despite your brother’s youth he has enough experience for the job

19 With the exception of two very small holes, everything was covered with gold paint 20 Washington’s example made his soldier’s determination stronger

21 That noise is deafening people

22 People ask questions out of curiosity or boredom

23 In spite of my friends’pride, they don’t talk about their sons 24 It takes a mother buffalo to find baby buffalos pretty

25 There is no way of pleasing everybody 26 The offenders are bent on doing better

27 Having been arrested for careless driving, Peter has decided to be more careful 28 Even if you are noticed, your eagerness will be in your favour

29 Make sure that your clothes are clean and well pressed

30 Despite the fact that Joan tried to explain her ideas, she could not convince her father

31 The judge who listened to their story in silence decided to give them a lecture 32 Due to the teacher’s meeting tomorrow, several classes are cancelled

33 Once the boys had promised to behave in the future they were allowed … 34 The director thinks very highly of people who are early


37 So far, women’s vote has not made much difference 38 While waiting for the manager he smoked a cigarette 39 The fact is that employers prefer to hire younger people

40 They can make a mistame if they are not aware of people’s origins 41 Sometimes, manners are a matter of national customs

42 He said that his shyness kept him from behaving well in society 43 Shaving his beard, he pleased his wife

44 George always gave a hand in the store

45 Does it ever occur to you that geology is a very interesting field? 46 Perhaps I can talk you into studying

47 How can I make up for my mistake? 48 We were in the mood to go out 49 That book is worth reading

50 In theory, oil can be extracted from a rock called shale 51 The operation is not at all simple

52 Most people are in awe of nuclear energy 53 He only went to the concert to please Mary

54 Under (the terms of) your contract, you are to be here by nine every day 55 He is the perfect/spitting image of his father

56 His arrival took us by surprise

57 I’ll have to cancel my appointment with Mr Marshall

58 In Jane’s place, I wouldn’t have told Andrew about the car accident 59 The stories are beyond belief

60 There’s no point in asking Mrs Carrouthers to sing at the concert, she’s going … 61 The other theories aren’t worth considering

62 I knew he was our man the moment I set/laid/clapped eyes on him 63 My brother has a good command of French

64 The flags were sold in aid of the blind 65 Let me know the minute you have any news

66 I advise you not to rely on what you read in the papers about me 67 We missed the bus as a consequence of having overslept

68 They persisted in suggesting that I was lying 69 Children and adults alike will enjoy this game 70 Local services are paid for by tax


73 Man was able to control his environment thanks to the discovery of how to light … 74 Friendly though/as he may seem, he’s not to be trusted

75 Despite the fact that the suitcase was extremely heavy, he managed to lift it 76 If this is true, we should inform the President

77 He is bound to come, it is in his own interest

78 In spite of having been told I would be unhappy, I married him 79 Under no circumstances will Mr Smith attend the meeting 80 Poor though/as they are, they can afford beer

81 She gave the policeman as accurate an answer as she could

82 Romantic love must be present, otherwise the marriage will be insincere 83 His honesty, more than anything, is what I like about him

84 Through being late, we missed the train 85 She accused me of being a liar

86 To him justice, I don’t think he really meant to deceive you

87 Brilliant though/as he may be, the cook know nothing about French sauces 88 A mistake of this kind could result in the wrong person being arrested 89 I wouldn’t be surprised if the company made a profit next year

90 Only on rare occasions I go to pop concerts 91 This is too serious a matter to be dealt with hurriedly 92 Don’t let this be known, but Jones has been sacked 93 What are your views/feelings about Capital Punishment?

94 I find hard to believe that the Prime Minister really means to resign 95 I don’t know much about medieval art

96 There is very little evidence to prove that Louis was in the flat on the night … 97 This Spanish coin is worth about 200 pounds

98 The difficulties arising from the raising of the school-leaving age have resulted … 99 Are you in agreement with the Council’s plans to widen …?

100 These being your conditions, I have no choice but to abide by them 101 Curiously enough, he didn’t mention it to me

102 The place was unexpectedly difficult to find

103 For all his strength, Samson perished at the hands of his enemies 104 Her being a duchess made a great impact on the boy’s family


109 It’s time the commission reached an agreement

110 There must be few people who know so little about the past as he 111 The meeting was attended by almost everybody

112 The crowd had never been addressed by him before 113 I shall give this matter serious consideration

114 There aren’t many people who would agree with you

115 He warned them he would resign if they didn’t give him a rise

116 Not until I had read the last sentence did I realize how important the letter was 117 I wrote the announcement in large black letters so that everybody could notice it 118 He is far from having influence on him

119 He waited until the whole class was attending before speaking 120 I did follow the doctor’s orders

121 She had two candles ready on the table lest there (should) be a power cut 122 As a result of skilled medical attention he recovered rapidly

123 Only in an emergency may this door be used 124 It is hours since he started speaking

125 I was quite unnecessarily anxious

126 He was quite sure that he was able to deal with the matter 127 It took him years to complete the novel

128 The explorers’aim was to follow the river to its source 129 My cat and my dog get along/on well

130 It looked as if it were going to rain 131 It’s high time we went home

132 The fortune-teller’s warning made a far greater impression on the emperor than … 133 You’re bound to have some problems if you go to live in another country

134 It makes no difference to him whether he is worshipped or despised 135 The police charged Bert with the robbery of the car

136 Not until I slipped a 5-pound note into his hand, did he give the information 137 The reason why he has had to give up his legal practice is that he is often ill 138 As far as I’m concerned, I could stay here forever

139 For a moment she mistook him for her long-lost husband 140 I don’t see the point of starting so early

141 He is used to washing in cold water


145 It has nothing to with you

146 He apologised for having lost his temper 147 There’s no sense in returning the same day

148 Far from being annoyed by my criticism, he found it very helpful 149 This is quite different from the case we are considering

150 You are running the risk of getting a serious illness if you drink … 151 What a loud speaker he is!

152 Wearing a seat belt is compulsory

153 I suspect him of being involved in last month’s bank robbery

154 It was taken for granted that local residents could use the path as a short cut 155 They haven’t enough time to cover the basic syllabus, let alone background … 156 Ill though/as he was, he attended the memorial service

157 He underwent many operations

158 Contrary to expectations, the performance was not so good 159 I wish you had told me before

160 Besides writing the words of the songs he set some of them to music 161 I wound if you could change this pound note

162 I felt so sorry for myself that I could take little interest in life

163 In spite of a bad storm later in the day, the fishing boats are all leaving … 164 As soon as they have completed the redecorating we can use the room again 165 She provided for all their probable needs

166 Too big an increase of wages will generate further inflation

167 So extraordinarily did he behave, that I wondered whether he was quite sane 168 I intend to take the day off tomorrow, whether my boss agrees or not

169 There is not much likelihood of an increase of coffee prices

170 No sooner had the dog caught sight of the stranger than he started barking … 171 That child never gives us a rest

172 There has been an improvement in conditions in factories

173 The fact that he cannot control his temper has made him many enemies 174 That colour doesn’t appeal to me

175 With the exception of or of these sentences, the rest have been easy to … 176 As well as playing the guitar he writes songs

177 The town wasn’t so big to be marked on the map 178 If I were you I’d take the train

179 If only he had spent more time revising


181 I wish I had learnt French at school

182 If they had followed the map they wouldn’t have got lost 183 The roof ought to be mended Giaoa ndethit ienganh.info 184 The coat was too expensive (for me) to buy

185 It’s time you cleaned your car

186 Research is being done into ways of curing cancer 187 “Would you please wait outside!”

188 I expect him to get there by lunchtime

189 He broke the world record at/on his second attempt 190 Elizabeth plays the piano worse than Helen

191 I was particularly impressed by her excellent command of English 192 At no time was the result of the match in doubt

193 My preference would be/is for a o’clock start 194 You’d better not that again

195 He was not to blame for the accident

196 It’s common knowledge that Britain’s economy is heavily dependent on … 197 Would you mind checking these accounts for me?

198 The work is unlikely to be completed before February 199 My daughter has outgrown that jumper

200 No sooner had he arrived than things went wrong 201 My application for the job was turned down

202 Not until they had crossed the border did the refugees feel safe

203 The students deserved to have been severely punished for their rioutous … 204 Never have there been so many people out of work in this country

205 In all probability the whole thing will have been forgotten by next term 206 He showed anxiety for/about the plight of the homeless

207 He was indebted to a passer-by for his rescue 208 There was a sell-out of the new book

209 It is essential to be on time for your interview 210 She prides herself on cooking well

211 Nobody paid any heed to my protests

212 Only after receiving the money we despatch goods 213 You pay in 12 installments

214 Their comments will not deter him


217 Money counts little on a desert island 218 Can you direct me to the Midland Hotel?

219 The Prime Minister saw /thought it fit to make a statement 220 No sooner had he arrived than things went wrong

221 Only when the general’s personal diaries were published did the truth come out 222 Although rain had been forecast, it stayed fine

223 We’d rather you didn’t smoke

224 It’s high time you were able to dress yourself by now!

225 So long as the examiner understands/makes out/can make out your handwriting, he will accept your answer Gi aoan dethitien ganh.info

226 He has no option but to accept your offer 227 There was a poor turnout at the meeting 228 He has committed himself to accept the job 229 The old lady was robbed of her handbag

230 If it hadn’t been for his help we would all have died 231 Not until he got home did he forget about the gun 232 No matter how long you use it it won’t wear out

233 As a result of your disobedience you will be punished 234 Scarcely ever you hand in your work on time 235 I wish I could have gone to your party

236 Mr Scott is said to be a very good administrator

237 It was up to me to prove I had not been guilty of such an offence 238 They were engrossed in their reading when I saw them

239 It soon began to snow in earnest

240 We finally succeeded in persuading him to take the job

241 Until you find more about working conditions not contact the manager 242 We saw to it that our shoes kept from making marks on the lino

243 What is the relationship between pay and job satisfaction? 244 No matter how hard she tries, she cannot master German 245 There has been a considerable increase in the cost of living 246 No sooner had I stepped into the bath than the telephone rang 247 Despite the team’s good performance they lost

248 At no time did we suspect that he was already married


252 The proposal for a new Town Hall was dropped due to lack of support 253 Weather permitting we’ll have a picnic tomorrow

254 She can’t tell the difference between margarine and butter 255 Today’s correspondence is virtually finished

256 He must have been having a bath when I called 257 The directions will mislead him

258 This is far from the case we are considering

259 They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and … 260 His advice was resting for a month

261 Owing to the dry weather there was a water restriction 262 In all probability the strikers will go back to work next week 263 It’s a fortnight since it rained

264 In spite of the fact that the weater wasn’s very promising we went to the beach 265 The onset of the disease is a feeling of faintness

266 He took an aversion to politicians

267 Had I known you wanted to come I would have called you up 268 On getting to the station I found that the train had left

269 He suggested painting the house green

270 He made up his mind that nothing should prevent him from going 271 She was unwilling to get married

272 He didn’t keep his promise to help me 273 May you have a long and happy life! 274 What am I to next?

275 He’d rather nothing should be said about his generous gifts 276 Being poor he could not afford to buy books

277 I had my car repaired last Saturday in the garage 278 None of the protesters were prosecuted

279 He struck me as a highly efficient manager 280 At first I was in awe of the new computer 281 I only called the police as a last resort

282 However hard mou (may) try, you won’t succeed 283 I regretted ever writing the letter

284 Despite the torrential rain we all enjoyed the excursion 285 No sooner had I recovered than I went down with flu 286 On no account is the Manager to be disturbed


288 But for your generous distribution, we couldn’t continue our work 289 Take care of yourself

290 Watch out for thieves if you go to that part of town 291 I took a lot of trouble over this letter

292 I’ve installed an alarm to protect my car from/against thieves 293 I bought it on the spur of the moment

294 You’re jumping to conclusions

295 I’m very particular about who I discuss my private life with

296 I’ll keep my eyes open for you at the concert, although I expect … 297 She’s very fussy about the kind of hotels she stays in

298 Mind your head! /Mind you don’t hit your head!

299 Look out for a red door when you arrive –that’s my flat 300 He’s never afraid to speak his mind

301 He conned me into paying far too much 302 They ripped me off

303 When I checked my change I realised I’d been done out of pounds 304 You weren’t taken in by his story, were you?

305 He lost his temper when we all disagreed with him 306 I’m sick and tired of being treated as an inferior 307 He had a fit when he saw the damage

308 Waiting for buses gets on my nerves

309 Having to get up so early is a pain in the neck

310 I’m sceptical of/about his reasons for being nice to me 311 Look on the bright side! You’re young and …

312 I had (my) reservations about him at first, but now he seems… 313 The whole subject bewilders me

314 What puzzles me is why he did such a strange thing

315 They look so alike it’s very easy to mix her up with her sister 316 I was so worried that I couldn’t think straight

317 I’m not clear about how to fill in this form

318 The news of his death was such a shock that it hasn’t sunk in yet 319 He’s got such a strange accent that I can’t make out a word he’s saying 320 He’s got a (guilty) conscience about cheating them

321 I didn’t dare (to) tell him what I really thought 322 I fear the worst


324 I wouldn’t have the nerve to say a thing like that 325 I’m willing to discuss it with you

326 I’m looking forward to seeing you next week 327 I’m reluctant to criticise a good friend

328 Her job is getting her down 329 Things bore her very quickly 330 Grammar exercises bore me stiff

331 She resents being treated like the office slave

332 He’s got a chip on his shoulder because he didn’t go to university 333 He got his own back on her

334 I don’t begrudge her her success

335 The offer to work in Brazil came (completely) out of the blue 336 It comes as no surprise to me that he’s got money problems 337 I was taken aback by his rudeness

338 You caught me unawares, so I haven’t tidied the house yet 339 I wasn’t in the mood for a serious conversation

340 They’ve got good taste in furniture 341 I’m not really keen on this kind of music 342 They’ve been raving about the hotel

343 I don’t approve of violence in any circumstance 344 I think the film is overrated

345 Ads tempt people into spending more they can afford

346 Their lifestyle appeals to me, although I probably wouldn’t … 347 I couldn’t resist the temptation to buy the dress

348 I can’t see the attraction of spending all day on the beach 349 When she left home she had to fend for herself

350 If you leave this job don’t count on getting another 351 I’m banking on being promoted soon

352 Our car is extremely reliable; it hasn’t let us down once in the last … 353 I can’t tell the difference between the copy and the original

354 I don’t want to split hairs, but your facts aren’t quite right

355 There is a subtle difference between being mean and being careful with money 356 There’s a thin line between love and hate

357 I’m on good terms with everyone at work


360 Roger has split up with Diana 361 I used to be friends with him 362 I was pulling your leg

363 Her comments were (very) witty 364 I laughed my head off

365 Everybody took the mickey out of him because he’d had his hair cut so short 366 What was the significance of his silence?

367 He laughed off his latest business failure 368 He lives for football

369 It’s vital that you see a doctor

370 It’s time you got your priorities right! 371 He made light of the crisis

372 I bumped into old friends in the pub

373 I happened to be there when she revealed the truth 374 With a bit of luck I’ll get a job as soon as I get there 375 Guess who I ran into on my way here

376 By a stroke of luck, the boat hadn’t left 377 All being well, I’ll see you next week

378 Good advice enabled me to make the right decision 379 I’m simply not good at cooking

380 He’s hopeless at making decisions

381 It remains to be seen whether he’ll keep his promise

382 I’ m afraid I’ll be a bit late because something has cropped up 383 The result was a foregone conclusion

384 There’s no telling how long it will take to this 385 The odds are that nothing will go wrong

386 He’s liable to get here late, he usually does 387 The potential profit is enourmous

388 It’s touch and go whether he’ll be able to pay the bills 389 A lot of things keep getting in the way of my work 390 You’ll have to get down to some serious work soon

391 I’m trying to concentrate but all that noise is putting me off 392 I don’t like intruding on her when she’s busy

393 You should take the price into consideration before you decide … 394 He’s in two minds about whether to go or not


396 She’s doing very well, bearing in mind that she’s only just started 397 She’s having second thoughts about marrying him

398 They will take age and experience into account when they decide … 399 I was going to argue with him, but I thought better of it

400 I’ve ruled out that suggestion

401 When I agreed to this I didn’t bargain for it being so expensive 402 Let me jog your memory

403 I’ve gone blan k

404 The word is on the tip of my tongue 405 This song rings a bell

406 I can’t place him

407 Although I don’t speak Italian very well, I got her drift 408 I appreciate that’s not your fault

409 He’s oblivious to what other people say about him

410 I gather from the paper that the economic situation is getting worse 411 It strikes me that there’s only one thing you can

412 He wasn’t aware of the cost involved in buying a house

413 After a while, it dawned on me that I’d made a terrible mistake 414 I have no objection to changing my plans

415 The neighbours were having a row 416 Are we in agreement?

417 I object to having to pay so much for so little 418 I don’t want to have an argument with you 419 In the end we reached a compromise 420 I’ll meet you half-way

421 We’ve come to an agreement to share the cost 422 I expressed my opposition to his plan

423 He is in favour of capital punishment

424 If you co-operate with me, everything will be all right 425 I never row with my parents

426 She persuaded me not to leave 427 He pushed me into buying it 428 She urged me to think about it


432 She’s always trying to impose her opinions on other people 433 He has always supported her in her career

434 He offered them more money as an incentive to the job quickly

435 The judge gave a harsh sentence to deter other people from committing … 436 She was nervous about going to the doctor’s so I went with her to give her

moral support

437 Many people believe that the death penalty is a deterrent 438 I had no choice but to apologise

439 Take no notice of him –he doesn’t know what he’s talking about

440 The recent increases in air fares haven’t had any effect on the number of … 441 I have no say in the way the business is managed

442 Everyone played a part in the team’s success 443 I wish he wouldn’t keep prying into my sex life 444 This doesn’t concern you

445 I kept out of their conversation

446 She said it had nothing to with me 447 I prefer to keep my distance from him 448 I didn’t take part in the argument 449 I wasn’t involved in the decision

450 Although I set off late, I managed to get there on time 451 My first day at work went smoothly

452 The whole day went according to plan

453 I gave up trying to make friends with the other students because I was getting nowhere

454 It seems that whatever I try to do, something always goes wrong 455 She always gets her own way

456 He’s going places

457 The evening went badly and ended in an argument 458 The house was too damaged to be repaired

459 He said, “You can hardly expect your request to be considered reasonable 460 Imagine my exasperation when the appointment was cancelled once again 461 The cabinet are in disagreement about spending on arms

462 Rabies is a cause for concern with the opening of the channel tunnel 463 British athletics is in danger of being defeated by a South African runner 464 Aids has now been discovered in babies


466 The barracks has been bombed in Northern Ireland 467 He could not put up with the job

468 It was not until midnight that the workers arrived home 469 The ships in the harbour bore the brunt of the storm 470 The bulk of the orders will have been processed by Friday 471 They did up the old house

472 Barely any heat came from the radiators 473 This job involves working long hours

474 Such was his skill that he could complete a portrait in two days 475 Rarely did a day go by without a phone call from mother

476 Little did he know that armed police were waiting for him 477 Hardly had we reached the summit when the storm began 478 Never before had the cave been entered by human beings 479 So cold was it that we stuffed our boots with dried grass

480 Notwithstanding the difficulty he had in steering the car, Andre was able … 481 What the drivers find difficult to come to terms with is the authorities’failure

to accept responsibility

482 In spite of repeated attempts to revive him, he did not recover consciousness 483 Along with paying the mortgage, my job allows us to live where we want 484 The organiser’s action was little short of negligence

485 The driver had been travelling in excess of 180 m.p.h

486 The earthquake may have claimed up to half a million people 487 The odds are that the team will not reach the summit

488 The boxer agreed to take part in the match only on his own terms 489 Mrs Brown has nothing to with the management of this company

490 Much though/as he liked strawberries, John couldn’t face eating any more … 491 In spite of the fact that some of his shares had gone down in price, he had made … 492 Making money was all/the only thing she was interested in

493 Peter can’t cope with the workload

494 If you don’t pay by the end of the month you will incur interest charges 495 The company has no plans to replace this model

496 There’s little to choose between these two vehicles 497 He gloated over the misfortune that had befallen his rival

498 On learning that animals are killed to provide meat, children often overreact 499 There is likely to be strong opposition to the ban on shooting


501 The panther mistook the girl for a dog

502 Whatever a child’d initial reaction, s/he’ll usually come round to accepting … 503 The hunter didn’t realise he was being stalked by the tiger

504 The young girl lost her life when she was attacked by the panther 505 The authorities put the number of tigers in the reserve at

506 Don’t breathe a word about our plans

507 Any goods surplus to requirements can be returned to the manufacturers 508 I know those nursery rhymes because I was brought up on them

509 Hardly anyone is willing to his job

510 What she likes more than anything else is presenting seminars on self-promotion 511 At no time was Sally at a loss for Word

512 He had no hesitation in writing a letter of complaint

513 Only by using a special crane will we be able to move these containers 514 Mary lacks the ability to accept criticism

515 Work done before a.m doesn’t count as overtime

516 He had no choice but to accept a transfer to another office 517 We were not aware of his conviction for theft

518 What are our chances of getting this contract? 519 There’s nothing he wouldn’t to get revenge

520 John expressed his disapproval of capital punishment

521 There has been a sharp rise in the crime rate in the last ten years

522 No matter what your personal opinions are/may be, you must carry out … 523 At no time did the police officers mistreated the prisoner

524 The company’s success is founded on a high standard of customer service 525 He decided to settle in Edinburgh

526 She felt unable to reconcile herself to the court’s decision 527 He achieved great success as a popular singer

528 Christopher was determined to get back

529 However keen they are/may be, most stage-struck teenagers think twice before… 530 Quite apart from being concerned about Anna’s career, her mother is worried … 531 Despite being/having been warned about his behaviour, the jockey continued … 532 Revelations about his private life led to Mr Taylor’s being sacked from his job 533 The authenticity of the boots is guaranteed by this letter

534 Mary will go abroad when she finishes/has finished her novel 535 These events worked to the detriment of Tom


537 He always took the best jobs for himself at the expense of his colleagues 538 The commentator singled out the council’s housing policy

539 This TV programme will not ease the strained relations between these two… 540 Although there’s a leak in the observation point, the raft seems to be in … 541 Being unable to see … I was soon lost

542 Rarely was there ever enough work to keep me occupied for … 543 The team of experts finally came up with the right solution … 544 We had all the time in the world

545 All my energy goes on trying to support my family 546 Washing under … requires a lot of skill

547 Although it was a small thing, I felt I should at least make myself as … 548 The training course was worthwhile

549 This machine will enable you to all the calculations … 550 It’s highly likely this company will win an Export Award 551 A large crowd soon gathered around the speaker 552 Martin burst into song

553 However bizarre these happenings may be, the fact they are well documented … 554 Remind me about the meeting in case I forget

555 Many people were conned into …, very few of whom realised later they had … 556 The conjuror obtained alarming effects, many of which frightened …

557 The evidence on this point falls short of being totally convincing 558 Without more/further ado, let’s get down to the business … 559 John is alleged to be the murderer

560 Tom arrived at 11:30 when the party was in full swing 561 Francis stumbed on the evidence to prove his theory 562 The work he has done falls below the standard …

563 With respect to being allergic to pears, Terry takes after his mother 564 Stephen was at a loss to explain how …

565 Helen has been hooked on classical Greek since the age of eight 566 Tom comes from Yorkshire, but has no trace of an accent

567 Technical manuals fit the bill

568 The skier’s injured back put paid to his championship hopes 569 That not many people completed … is disappointing

570 What surprised everyone was that she was prepared to accept the job 571 Where he found the treasure we will never know


573 How such a very old car continues to run well is amazing

574 Whether rich or poor will make no difference to his application to … 575 Whoever invests 1000 pounds now will receive 1700 in …

576 Whatever he wrote in his diary is false

577 The gangsters made threats of violence against Peter

578 The passengers were placed in danger by the driver’s behaviour 579 It is very likely that Sheila will get the job

580 Jill wasn’t to blame for our getting lost

581 Not until 1990 was the full story of the disaster told 582 It is tempting to dismiss the whole thing as a joke 583 After a spell in prison, he decided to go straight

584 The right attitude to the job is no less important than the right qualifications 585 He was indifferent to his own comfort

586 In comparison with/to what we had to put up with before, the meals … 587 It’s ages since we kept information in printed form

588 Under no circumstances should you wander away from the path 589 At no time did I leave the office

590 Nobody could she rely on but him

591 Not until the police came would they confess to the murder 592 Not only did we run into fog but it began to rain as well 593 The car may have been sold but you can try phoning

594 If you’ve been out of the country, you can’t have heard about the robbery 595 The line must have been faulty I just don’t believe it has been engaged … 596 Don’t start worrying, he might have taken a later plane

597 I’m sorry to trouble you but I was wondering if I might use your phone … 598 I’ve forgotten … People must have been looking everywhere for it

599 You may not even have to show a pass to get in 600 She can’t have left without warning anyone 601 You’d rather I came to the hospital, wouldn’t you? 602 Don’t treat him as if he were a criminal

603 I wish you listened to me

604 This is confidential, I’d rather you didn’t mention it to anyone

605 Any correspondence from the London office must be given (full) priority 606 I advise you not to place any reliance on what you read in the papers … 607 It’s high time we left


609 You lent me a tent which was damaged in a storm you heard about on the news 610 Having been held up in the …, he arrived rather late

611 The weather being unsettled, we decided not to venture…

612 Not until I was given the flight number, did I find out when the plane … 613 Once contracts are exchanged, you will be free to move …

614 I’d rather you wore something more formal to work 615 Never have I drunk a worse coffee

616 Far from being friendly with him I hardly even know him 617 It’s time I got home now

618 Provided I have plenty of warning I’ll willingly baby-sit … 619 The older he grew, the more forgetful he became

620 Since the company’s methods were exposed … it fell into disrepute 621 The prisoner was recaptured as he made a dash for the gate

622 I should have finished the report by today 623 You could have done a lot more to help people 624 I must come to a decision soon, otherwise I might …

625 You needn’t have bought all those provisions, we’re only going … 626 Need you ask my advice about every little matter?

627 You ought to have thought of the consequences before you told … 628 She suggested that we (should) organise a protest meeting

629 He recommended that we (should) visit the City Museum 630 He suggested that I (should) try the corner shop

631 They recommended that I (should) try the squid at Mario’s

632 Not until he caught the criminal would the detective be able to relax

633 Not since the invention of the jet engine has such a journey been possible 634 Nowhere can you escape timetables

635 What infuriates me is bad manners 636 It’s my boyfriend who loves Italian food

637 What gets on my nerves is people who don’t leave a tip

638 A bird that learns to say hello or goodbye is as likely to use one as the other 639 A study of higher animals reveals language systems, none of which is creative … 640 What the man tried to say people around him did not understand


645 He’d rather architects studied the classical style 646 Some bosses act as though they were dictators

647 Although she talks as if she lived in a palace, I know she never has 648 She’d sooner British were not so obsessed with …

649 I wish I hadn’t bought such an expensive house 650 If only I lived in a house with a garden

651 I wish my neighbours stopped interfering in my private life …

652 The horse and the dog, whose history is closely linked with …, have become … 653 The first Europeans to set foot in … may have been Vikings

654 The ancient Egyptians can’t have been the first … 655 The first humans must have come from East Africa 656 Ch Columbus might have been Spanish

657 The Chinese may have invented printing several …

658 The Japanese can’t have known about the American’s work on … 659 Dinosaurs must have become extinct …

660 M Polo can’t have been the first European … 661 A Hitler could have burnt his diaries …

662 If I thought environment-friendly products would help, then I’d use them 663 Annie wouldn’t have joined …if she weren’t interested in …

664 I’d rather newspapers spent their time and money investigating … 665 I’d sooner photographers stopped spying on …

666 The gutter press act as though every detail of a celebrity’s … were public … 667 Her friends’ messages of sympathy were a comfort to her during …

668 Please, make yourself at home 669 He takes everything in his stride

670 She breathed a sigh of relief when she realised that … 671 There’s a ban on smoking

672 He can’t come to terms with the fact that …

673 The tone of his voice brought (it) home to me how serious … 674 It’s high time you made an effort to …

675 He suggested inviting the Marshalls to …

676 If he hadn’t overeaten he wouldn’t have had a heart attack 677 Some people are mystified by alternative medicine

678 The hynotherapist suggested thinking about how to play the character 679 The government’s immigration policy has been reviewed …


681 I would have liked the present if I were she 682 Her work resulted in discovering new comets

683 We’ve never before had the police arrive on our doorstep 684 Never before has my hair fallen out in handfuls

685 All the shops had their windows blown by the gas explosion 686 I had my pocked picked on the tube

687 We had a new carpet laid yesterday 688 We’re having the windows fitted

689 We got the builders to put in double glazing 690 I won’t have them smoking in my classroom

691 We’ll have them staying the night if we don’t ask …

692 With a little encouragement I had her walking round the room 693 It never occurred to me to go to Iceland …

694 His holiday insurance scheme failed because no one was prepared to back it up 695 It came down in torrents

696 In all probability the company wil fold

697 I hope you haven’t taken offence at my remarks 698 The decision was not unanimous

699 We have had the whole of the first floor decorated

700 If I had been in such a situation I don’t know what I would’ve done 701 The children are under a cloud because of their bad behaviour 702 I’ve never had my car broken down on a motorway before 703 I’ve had all my crops completely wiped out by the storm

704 His outrageous conduct did great harm to the regiment’s reputation 705 You could hardly make out the ships through the thick fog

706 Everyone shares the same opinion regarding the formation of … 707 The disagreement is a storm in a teacup

708 The world press got wind of the story from a government official 709 They were loath to come to our aid

710 Organic vegetables are said to wonders for one’s health

711 You must have been speeding, otherwise the police wouldn’t have stopped you 712 You mustn’t tell anyone about our plans

713 You should have called the doctor at once 714 He was bound to fail his exams


717 I doubt (very much) whether she will agree to giving you … 718 The only thing the house lacks is a large garden

719 I’m afraid to say we’ve run out of oil

720 The film bears some resemblance to Hamlet

721 The chances are that the project will be finished on Thursday 722 He regrets saying/having said those terrible things

723 I wish I weren’t a chain smoker

724 If only he wouldn’t fall asleep in the middle of dinner 725 I wish I had realised it was cheap

726 Contrary to our expectations, they were seasoned travellers 727 I wish he would phone

728 The police caught the thieves red-handed 729 We’re running out of sugar

730 His birthday celebration took place last Saturday

731 In addition to their money, they lost their passports as well 732 The flight was delayed due to bad weather

733 They arrived at their destination safe and sound

734 Travellers look down on those who lead a sedentary life 735 It’s pointless trying to make him change his mind

736 Her paintings are a source of income

737 He struck me as (being) a very capable person 738 She’s half Italian on her father’s side

739 The senator is believed to be well over 70

740 Not until next year will they officially declare independence 741 He’s always ready to lend a helping hand when …

742 Every time he opens his mouth he can’t help saying something tactless 743 The drop in the number of school leavers is said to be caused by the fall … 744 The forecasters are felt to be doing an unsatisfactory job

745 He’d one his best

746 They have short-listed applicants

747 Smoking is frowned upon in this restaurant

748 When she sold the jewellery she was taken for a ride 749 We’d been thinking about giving them our backing … 750 I wouldn’t have missed the concert for (all) the world 751 You’ll just have to take pot luck


753 It wouldn’t have been so upsetting if you hadn’t lied to her about your past 754 Many school leavers not have an adequate command of English

755 Contrary to what the papers claim, they are going to get divorced 756 The older he got, the more his memory failed him

757 There’s no connection between vitamin intake and intelligence 758 It it was exam time, he would revise all night

759 If he were at home, he would have phoned

760 Had you told me about the party I would have gone 761 If only we had gone by air!

762 Provided the interview is successful you will be offered a job 763 If the TV hadn’t packed up, we could watch the football now

764 Unless you leave a forwarding address, we won’t be able to contact you 765 If he felt depressed, he would go for a long walk across the hills

766 Many species of wild life are on the verge of extinction 767 Provided that pandas have a special died, they survive 768 He was at ease in the new job

769 We would/should be (most) grateful if you could/would send a copy of your new … 770 She felt out of place in the huge hotel

771 It’s not worth trying to save endangered species 772 There’s a ban on smoking in the underground 773 On average, some turtles lay 28,000 eggs a year 774 If only I hadn’t shouted at him!

775 People were now familiar to me

776 Basically, the more a couple can communicate, the happier they are/will be 777 I’m trying to cut down on fatty foods

778 I have never heard such a shocking story

779 This is the first time that my brother has flown solo in a glider 780 By the time he got to the station, the train had left

781 It is ten years since the school was founded

782 He must learn that behaving like that is (just) not on

783 Could you explain that again – I can’t quite understand what you’re getting at 784 Do you think that people go for partners who remind them of their parents? 785 The latest round of peace talks have broken down amidst bitter recriminations 786 I had to throw the milk because it had gone off


789 The gold medal winner boasted of being the greatest gymnast ever 790 Mary warned them not to tell anyone or they’d be sorry

791 Anne suggested (that) Susie (should) tell her parents about it 792 She accused me of stealing

793 The business is hardly breaking even at the moment 794 We always buy in bulk in order to make more profit

795 The old woman pleaded with the intruder not to take her money 796 He dabbled in selling antiques

797 The new manager is always picking on me for everything that goes wrong 798 The car went for 1,500 pounds

799 There is not much call for books on animal diseases in Outer Mongolia 800 We shall have a discussion in full about … at the next meeting

801 I’d rather you didn’t discuss details of this case in public 802 Craig denied firing/having fired the gun

803 It’s not worth trying to get your money back 804 He was sentenced to year’s imprisonment 805 I’m not to blame for this mix-up

806 It came as no great surprise to hear that he had been stealing … 807 Jane was conspicuous by her absence

808 Soldiers are used to obeying orders

809 The colonel was not on good termos with the doctor 810 The three men each received a life sentence

811 Try to keep a low profile when you get there 812 I can’t help feeling that she shouldn’t marry

813 Not only was he working all day but (also) all night (as well/too) 814 Never had he stayed in such a dreadful hotel before

815 Not only does she dance beautifully but she (also) sings beautifully (as well/too) 816 Never have I met such an infuriating person

817 Not a drop did she spill

818 Rarely they spend much money on entertainment

819 Little does she understand how much suffering she has caused 820 No sooner had we finished …than it started to rain

821 Only when they saw the evidendence for themselves, did they understand … 822 Only if you purchase a ticket … can you enter …

823 Not a tear did she shed when …


825 Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill

826 You’ll find it impossible to make amends for what you have done 827 (It’s) No wonder (that) they’re always in trouble

828 He’s been unable to cope with the pressures of … 829 Scarcely had he bought the car when it broke down

830 Mass tourism is partly to blame for the causes of the problem 831 He was kept in the dark about the company’s …

832 Contrary to what it says on the label, this product is not “environmentally …” 833 He was so overcome with emotion that he was lost for words

834 My brother’s a bit under the weather these days 835 They managed to get to the airport in the nick of time 836 I resent the way she looks down her nose at me

837 What I found annoying was his refusal to listen to reason 838 I wish I hadn’t started smoking

839 The comedian soon had everyone in the audience laughing 840 It was not until he was nearly 30 that he passed his driving test

841 If the foundations had not been weak, the building wouldn’t have collapsed 842 He suggested seeing a doctor

843 The Prime Minister is thought to be considering raising taxes 844 Hardly had we started our walk when it started to pour with rain 845 No sooner had I got downstairs than the phone stopped ringing

846 Despite the fact that he was disabled, he managed to sail around the world 847 Had she known he was married, she wouldn’t have agreed to …

848 The music teacher had the whole class singing in tune after … 849 I was lost for words

850 The press seem to have got wind of the MP’s indiscretions 851 I enjoy being a big fish in a small pond

852 I think you should look on the bright side of things 853 The sound is picked up by the microphone hand set 854 The procedure is as follows

855 When I saw the condition of the patient it came home to me how serious his illness …

856 It’s high time you saw a doctor about …


861 Go away! I’m being put out by you

862 I don’t imagine you’ll get any trouble getting a visa

863 The house has been under surveillance for several weeks 864 It appears that poverty and crime are linked

865 Why must I always (all) the donkey work? 866 Being poor is not good for anybody

867 That new hairstyle does/works wonders for her

868 Doctors say that smoking will your health a lot of harm 869 The thief served (some) time for the crimes …

870 John might not have been feeling well

871 You might have told you had changed your plans 872 I shouldn’t have spoken to her like that

873 You could have run the risk of killing … 874 I needn’t have worried about my car 875 He must have followed you home

876 I was supposed to have picked Jane up from the station, but I … 877 I wish you would stop complaining …

878 Her career set/went/started off on a different tack when she was 30 879 She’s half-French on her mother’s side

880 There’s an aggressive streak in Janet’s husband

881 The film star is staying in a purpose-built/designed caravan 882 You can return this form within 30 days

883 I wish you didn’t tell me what to

884 Popular literature appears to have been distributed throughout … 885 I can’t help offending people, however much …

886 The staff always lend the customers a hand in this store 887 We’re (a bit) short of coffee

888 I’m worried about Jason because all he does is watching TV all day 889 It was Picasso who painted Guernica, not Dali

890 It was seeing Peter with another woman what upset Harriet

891 There was no way of getting into the house, therefore he broke the window 892 Should there be an emergency, break the glass and …

893 If I were to work abroad, would you come with me?

894 Unless we take steps to preserve …, the planet will be in danger


897 After the crash the runway was littered with debris 898 The Minister took full responsibility for what …

899 My mother was filled with misgivings about my decision to …

900 I drove 200 miles to the concert only to find I had gone on the wrong way 901 The security guard denied having anything to with the theft

902 The Marketing Manager suggested buying more products in bulk

903 The Sales Manager warned the firm would go the wall unless they improved … 904 The foreman praised Zenco packaging company

905 The reporter accused the government of failing to support small businesses 906 Peter urged his son not to make any decisions yet

907 The accountant conceded that the company was only just managing to … 908 The factory owner announced that day would go down in history

909 There’s not much call for products which seem to lack credibility 910 Not paying for goods immediately doesn’t credit

911 John Samson dabbled in buying old maps

912 Susan suggested (that) William (should) invest some of the money … 913 The twins always seem to be picking on each other

914 Small sizes are out of stock

915 He returned home only to find that his flat had been … 916 Catching the 5:15 train means leaving early

917 I regret I had said that

918 The bank manager was unwilling to lend me what I needed 919 Mozart’s last work was left without an end(ing)

920 It came as a surprise to learn Emma had passed the exam 921 I’ll never forget seeing the Pyramids

922 Under the circumstances the company couldn’t make much of the situation 923 The company failed to find a suitable play to draw audiences back

924 The director makes a mountain out of a molehill 925 It suddently dawned on me why the audience …

926 No sooner had had the concert started than there was a loud scream … 927 Little did the actors realise that the scenery was about to …

928 Only by practising day after day did the performer learn how to juggle 929 Entertainment can’t without the needs of the audience

930 Mrs Tipper greatly lamented/regretted not to be able to celebrate … 931 Not only tabloids provide news but entertainment as well


933 I can’t make head or tail of this letter

934 She’s well aware that she will have to work hard

935 It suddently crossed his mind that he might have misunderstood her 936 It never occurred to to him to tell her

937 That sentence makes no sense

938 He was unaware of her feelings for him 939 It was so hot that I nearly fainted 940 He’s having the windows mended

941 It’s years since I enjoyed myself so much 942 It was such bad weather we couldn’t go out 943 I went to that school and so did my brother 944 Neither of us had ever been there before 945 He must be met at the railway station 946 I’m used to getting up early

947 I lent him my book but he forgot to return it 948 He was made to wait for two hours

949 Not only is it the cheapest watch but it’s the nicest as well 950 So quickly did he speak that I couldn’t understand … 951 You can count me out

952 They managed to put out the fire 953 They turned down lots of perfectly … 954 You should think over what I’ve … 955 John obviously takes after his father 956 I refused to put up with his rudeness … 957 The plan came in for a lot of criticism 958 A new manager took over last week

959 The Kenyan runner overtook the other competitors and passed them 960 He was born at the outbreak of the war

961 The chairman’s proposal seemed to be beside the mark

962 Although the testimonial was quite good, the employer could read between the lines

963 Valuable documents are under lock and key 964 By and large, the weather experts are right …

965 He believes in keeping his employees at arm’s length

966 All the sailors to a man wanted to turn back, but Columbus … 967 Is he stupid? By no means!


969 The idea occurred to me on the spur of the moment 970 Will you be able to come at short notice?

971 The witness gave his evidence on oath 972 The model posed for the artist in the nude 973 Between ourselves, what’s your opinion …? 974 Come later, at present I’m very busy

975 In all probability I shall be leaving you …

976 He was prepared to get hold of the enemy’s plans at any price 977 Don’t tell me about your long journey, it’s beside the question 978 Your retirement is out of the question

979 A very energetic man, Tom is never at rest except when he is asleep 980 The train left behind schedule on account of the fog

981 The man changed jobs and started from scratch

982 When the girl saw the diamond ring she went into raptures over it 983 In tennis, it’s no good hitting the ball at random

984 There was a feud between … on account of several murders committed out … 985 He was intelligent, worked his way up and was soon in the saddle

986 The boy felt his whole future was at stake when he entered … 987 We decided to go on a spree to celebrate our success

988 John went home because he was out of sorts 989 Jane was in low spirits after …

990 Are you in your (right) senses to make such a suggestion? 991 I wasn’t going to come, but on second thoughts I shall

992 Counsel for the defence was quiet during …; everyone knew he had something up his sleeve

993 His aunt asked him to stay for a spell 994 We must work shoulder to shoulder

995 Her dress was in shreds after falling down the cliff 996 Britain and US fought side by side against the Nazis 997 Keep the mixture on the simmer for …


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Ngày đăng: 12/05/2021, 16:07



