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Viet Nam: Sustainable Rural Infrastructure Development Project in the Northern Mountain Provinces

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Initial Environmental Examination Project Number: 41461-013 November 2014 Viet Nam: Sustainable Rural Infrastructure Development Project in the Northern Mountain Provinces Subproject 55: Upgrading Domestic Water Supply in Xuan Lung and Xuan Huy Communes, Lam Thao District, Phu Tho Province Prepared by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for the Asian Development Bank CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS rd (as of October3 , 2014) Currency Unit - Vietnamese Dong (VND) USD 1.00 = VND 21,250 ABBREVIATIONS ADB AP CPMU CSC DARD DCARB DIA EARF EIAR EPU EMP ESA IEE IOL IIA LIC MARD MONRE PC PPMU REMDP RF SIA UXO WTP - Asian Development Bank Affected persons Central Project Management Unit Construction Supervision Consultant Department of Agriculture and Rural Development District Compensation, Assistance and Resettlement Board Direct Impact Area Environmental Assessment and Review Framework Environmental Impact Assessment Report Environmental Protection Undertaking Environmental Management Plan Environmental Study Area Initial Environmental Examination Inventory of Loss Indirect Impact Area Loan Implementation Consultant Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Peoples Committee Provincial Project Management Unit Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan Resettlement Framework Secondary Impact Area Unexploded Ordinance Water Treatment Plant This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower The views expressed herein not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS i ABBREVIATIONS i TABLE OF CONTENTS ii TABLES AND FIGURES iii I INTRODUCTION II PROJECT DESCRIPTION III ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT SCREENING 10 IV OUTLINE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) 18 A Environmental Mitigation Plan 18 B Environmental monitoring plan 20 C Assign task in EMP implementation 26 D Monitoring and reporting system 27 E Budget for EMP Implementation 28 V PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE ACTIVITIES 30 A Description of activities to date 30 B Outcomes of public consultation to date 30 C Future public consultation activities 30 VI GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 31 VII CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 33 Appendix 1: The cost estimation for the EMP implementation 35 Appendix 2: Photographs of Subproject Site 36 Appendix 3: Content of consultation meetings 37 Appendix 4: Laboratory Test Results of Water Source Quality 39 Appendix Minutes of the Public Consultation meeting 41 Appendix Sample Complaint Form 42 Appendix The National Technical Regulations on Drinking Water Quality of the Ministry of Health (QCVN 01: BYT/2009 issued on June 17, 2009) 50 Appendix References 53 ii TABLES AND FIGURES Figure Location Map of Subproject and Surrounding Area Table General Information on the Subproject Table Baseline environment 12 Table Environmental impact screening 16 Table Environment management plan 26 Table Environmental impact monitoring plan Error! Bookmark not defined Table Monitoring plan for Environmental compliance 31 Table EMP implementation Error! Bookmark not defined Table Monitoring and reporting system Error! Bookmark not defined Table Budget for EMP implementation Error! Bookmark not defined Table 10 Community consultation and public disclosure 30 Table 11 Outcomes of public consultation 30 Table 12 Expected community consultation activities 31 Table 13 The cost estimation for the capacity building and training 44 Table 14 Total cost estimation 44 iii I INTRODUCTION The Sustainable Rural Infrastructure Development Project in Northern Mountain Provinces is funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for 15 northern Mountain Provinces which includes: Ha Giang, Cao Bang, Bac Kan, Tuyen Quang, Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Thai Nguyen, Lang Son, Bac Giang, Phu Tho, Dien Bien, Lai Chau, Son La, Hoa Binh and Vinh Phuc Total Project investment is $138 million The project began in February 2011 and is expected to end in June 2017 Recently, savings have been realized from the procurement of civil works of the first 41 subprojects, which ADB agreed for use in funding the implementation of additional Water supply subprojects The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) is the executing agency for the sector loan The Project is to meet two main objectives as follows: • Upgrade the rural infrastructural works that includes: (i) Rural roads and rural markets; (ii) Rehabilitation of irrigation works, potable water supply and streambank rivetment; and (iii) Support measures that help the poor to benefit equally with other sectors and efficient optimization ofthe sub-project benefits • Improve the project management capacity in the building, management and exploitation of sustainable rural infrastructure; As part of the Sustainable Rural Infrastructure Development Project in the Northern Mountain Provinces, the “Upgrading domestic water supply in Xuan Lung commune and XuanHuy commune, Lam Thao district”subproject will be built in Xuan Huy and Xuan Lung communes, inLam Thao District, in Phu Tho province Sub-project objectives: The sub-project aims to supply potablewater thatmeets the Vietnamese health standards (QCVN 01: BYT/2009) for the peoplein Xuan Huy and Xuan LungCommunes, in Lam Thao Dictrict, Phu Tho Province This Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) has been prepared to satisfy the environmental safeguards requirements of both ADB and GOV The IEE for project in Category B classification contains the following information: (i) Section II: Description of the project (ii) Section III: Description of the existing environment (iii) Section IV: Environmental impact screening (iv) Section V: Outline environmental management plan (v) Section VI: Public consultation and disclosure activities (vi) Section VII: Grievance Redress Mechanism (vii) Section VII: Conclusion and Recommendations II PROJECT DESCRIPTION Table General Information on the Subproject Description Subproject data General information 1.1 Subproject Name Upgrading domestic water supply in Xuan Lung commune and XuanHuy commune, Lam Thao district 1.2 Subproject Type Potable water supply 1.3 ADB Category Category B Environment 1.4 Project Owner Phu Tho Deparment of Argriculture and Rual Development (DARD), Phu Tho PPMU of the Sustainable Rural Infrastructure Development Project in the Northern Mountain Provinces 1.5 Address of Management Unit Project 3rd floor, Phu Tho Dykeandflood protection branch, Nguyễn Tất Thành road, Bình Hải, Trưng Vương commune, Việt Trì city, Phú Thọ province 1.6 Name and title of the head of the PMU Nguyen Hung Son – the Director of the Province Project Management Unit 1.7Telephone, fax and email details of the PPMU Tel: 2010 2220 959; Fax: 0210 3849 939; Email:mnpbphutho@gmail.com 1.8 Name of Environmental Officer of the PPMU Mr.Luu Chau Kim 1.9 Telephone, fax and email details of the PPMU’s Environmental Officer Tel: 0987 444 643 Email: kimphutho@gmail.com Subproject description 2.1 New project rehabilitation project 2.2 Objective project/subproject of 2.3 General Description Subproject works or New project the The specific objectives of the subproject are as follows: i) Supply sufficient potablewater (60l/day/person) to 10,002 people (2,324 households)residing in communes (Xuan Huy and Xuan Lung) to meet the demand at the present (Stage 1); ii) Supply sufficient potablewater (100l/day/person) to 12,493personsof the mentioned communes forStage after 2020; iii) Ensure sufficient supply of potable water for institutionaloffices; and iv improve public health and sanitation and time savings from fetching potable water or getting well/taking care of the sick from water-borne diseases, which can be used for productive purposes of Within the subproject area, only 300 households (1,200 people) specifically in Xuan Lung are provided with treated water from thePhu Tho Water Supply Joint stock company starting from 2012.The other areas can not be serviced because inadequatefunding for the installation ofadditional distribution pipes The subproject will have the following features: Anadditional mainpipe (HDPE, D150, L = 3,900m) will be connected toPhu tho Water Supply at a branch of main pipe located near Tien Kien train station to Xuan Huy and Xuan Lung communes The capacity of these main pipelines is 13,000m /hour on the average and maximum discharge is 1,550m /hour Reserved tank Because the subproject service area is located relatively far from Viet Tri WTP about 25km away, there is a need to build a reserved tank in case there is a sudden stoppage of water supply The amount of water stored should be enough to provide 3-5 hours continuous water supply The dimension of the tank is 3.5m x 8m x m =224m The tank is located under the base of automatic booster pump house,locatedadjacent to the inter-conmmual road,inpublicidle lands of Xuan Lung commue To enable potable water flow to reach all sections of the service area, an automatic electric booster pump house (2pumps, each pump has p=15kw) Description Subproject data will be installed at a strategic segment of the pipeline The booster pump house will have a 30m floor area and will have an iron fence and gate Total lot area is 42 m2.H pump = 30-50m; Qmax =20-25l/s Also a management house (100m floor area) will be built to house the O&M operations center of the subproject This facility is located in the CPC grounds of Xuan Huy commune.The total lot area is 210m All buildings will be built within idle government lands (CPC land),while the pipeline will be laid along the side of the road well within the road ROW (government land) The totall length of pipeline is 111.31km Length of water pipeline per Diameter 2.4 Design capacity (m /day) Size of pipe_D (mm) 160 110 90 63 50 40 32 D20 for HH Length of pipeline (m) 3,842 6,117 2,198 6,367 12,100 18,146 7,015 55,525 • Existing: 600 m /day for 300 household • Proposed works: o At present Phu Tho Water Supply Joint Stock company has a writtenaggreement to provided 1,500 (m /day) for Xuan Huy and Xuan Lung o Provide potable water for 10,002 people (60l/person/day)(stage 1) o Provide for 12,493 people (100l/person/day) in 2020 2.5 Water intake structure The intake will be connect directedly to Phu Tho Water Supply Plant pipeline Currently, these plant are supplying potable water for the resident of Viet Tri city for many years The intake is at the Thao and Red River 2.6Treatment Facility Existing: None Proposed: None 2.7 Pipeline • Because the proposed project only convey treated water from Viet Tri and Phu Tho water supply, so there is no treatment facility in this SP • The main water pipeline that will convey treated water towards the service area, along the main roads, will also be installed (mostly buried 0.5-0.8 m deep) at the side/embankment (of the road) within the ROW The main pipeline will have a total length of 12,800m The secondary/distribution pipeline conveying treated water from the main pipeline to the residences will have an alignment as much as practicable, avoiding private properties in the same manner as the main pipelines These pipelines is made of HDPE has a total length of 98,793km.These pipes will be mostly buried at a depth of 0.8-1.0m • Construction activities 3.1 Commencement date (month/year) May/2015 3.2 Completion (month/year) May/2016 date 3.3 Number of workers The number of workers varies from 100 to 150 depending on the phase of construction 3.4 Construction required (Yes/No) camps No Themigrant workers will stay in rented houses during the duration of the construction phase Moreover, most of the construction are manual work, so local workers will be recruited rainy Mangement house, Water tank (reservoir) and pipelines can can be constructed even during mild rain 3.5 Construction season (Yes/No) in Description Subproject data 3.6Location and extent of material sources to the subproject areas Stone, sand, construction steel, iron and cement will be sourcedfrom government licensed suppliers from Lam Thao townwhich is 10 km away from the construction sites The temporary storage yards of materials will be establishedat the yard of the Xuan Huy CPC where the managment house will be built 3.7Methods on management/ handling of excavated soil/surplus soil (if any) • There is no redundant soil expected when constructing the managment house because this will be builtwithin the compound of Xuan Lung CPC • The surplus soil that will be generated when constructing the water tank (reservoir) is very small (199m ), which can be used for land filling low and floodprone areas of nearby farmers 3.8Number and condition of vehicles and equipment The main construction equipment includes: 03 trucks(10T capacity) for transporting construction materials and waste b Distribution and service pipeline 3.9Number of workers 3.10Construction required (Yes/No) 3.11Construction season (Yes/No) a Management board / Technical officer: persons b Skilled workers: persons c Non skilled workers: 50 persons camps in rainy No, the workers will live with local people Yes, but onlyin mild rain 3.12 Location and extent of material sources to the subproject construction site For the pipeline, storage area of pipes and excavated soil will be selected at the roadside,and open/idle areas near the construction site to make it convenient for the installation process.Warehouse for materials such as iron, steel, cement, etc.,will be located by the contractors near CPC grounds and/or rented people’s land The exact locations of the temporary storage yards will be agreed uponby the contractors and the local governments prior to the start of construction construction 3.13 Methods on management and balance of excavated soil/surplus soil (if any) The quantity of redundant soil during pipeline installation is very small, and these will be used to cover the trench dug, after the pipes have been laid in place underground 3.14 Number and condition of vehicles and equipment The installation of pipes will be done manually OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Water resource protection The subproject only intends to source treated water from the existing water supply facility operated by Phu Tho Water Supply Joint Stock Company.It will be thisentity to protect the water resource a Water treatment plant 4.1 Maximum supply capacity 4.2 Procedures/standards for water treatment 1,550 (m /day) The subproject only intends to take treated water from the existing water supply (Phu Tho Water Supply Plant) and distribute it to its beneficiaries The existing facility is servingtheresidents ofViet Tri city and 300 households in Xuan Lung commues The water quality of the process water from the Phu Tho Water Supply Plantmeets the standards prescribed under Technical National Technical Regulation on Drinking Water Quality of the Ministry of Health (QCVN 01: BYT/2009 issued on 17/06/2009) An analysis of the water sample taken from the piped water show that it conforms to the Ministry of Health water quality standards for drinking water (QCVN 01: BYT/2009 issued on 17/06/2009) A table comparing the laboratory test results to the Ministry of Health drinking water quality standards is found in Appendix 4, as well as the a copy of the official laboratory test results for the water quality analysis of a sample taken from the Phu Tho Water Supply facility.Similarly a copy of the complete Ministry of Health drinking water quality standards, are both found in Appendix Description Subproject data ThePhu Tho Water Supply Joint Stock Companywill take responsiblity for the operation and maintenance of the water supply system, including operations and maintenance of the WTP, and other ancillary facilities; as well aswater users fee collection Trained operations personnelwill operate the subproject facilities, following the operations guidelineswhich have been developed by the design consultants The processes include as follows: - Operation and maintenance of booster pump station; - Check the sufficiency of water supply forconsumers; - Regularly record each consumers water meter readings(monthly) and collect water-users fee; - Check the supply systems daily, record the operating status of the system; - Cleaning of booster pump station; - Report to competent authorities relevant issues identified during operations and maintenance, to ensure the system is operated properly within the designed capacity 4.3 Operations 4.4 Maintenance The Phu Tho Water Supply Joint Stock Company will take responsiblity for maintenance of the water treatment plant andpumping station b Distribution and service system 4.5 Maintenance The Phu Tho Water Supply Joint Stock Companywill take responsiblity for maintenane of the distribution and service pipeline The maintenance activities consists of repairing and replacing broken valves, connectors and pipes as well as testing the pipeline for leakage Water meters will be testedevery years and replaced if necessary Resettlement and land acquisition1 5.1 Number households of affected 5.2 Number of affected households severely None 5.3 Number households resettled None 2, 5.4 Total land area to be acquired (m ) 400m in which, 300 m for construction of booter pump station and water tank(reservoir) in the public land owned by Xuan Lung commune; 100m is the size of the managment house within the compound of the Xuan Huy commune office 5.5 Total affected assets Subproject cost 6.1 Total subproject cost (VND and US$) 26.929.635.000 VND equal to $1.269.069 USD FIGURE SUBPROJECT LOCATION MAP Appendix 4: Review of Laboratory Water Quality Test Results of Water Source Comparison Between Piped Water Source and Ministry of Health Potable Water Standards No Analysis Items Unit Laboratory Test Analysis Results Pt-Co Standard 01/2009/QĐ -BYT 15 - - None Treatment Proposed None Colour Taste Turbidity NTU

Ngày đăng: 12/05/2021, 00:49

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