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Bài giảng Giáo án Anh 6 (33-54)

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Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool UNIT 6 : PLACES Date: Period : 33 LESSON 1 : A 1-2 I.Aim. -By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a text about where Thuy lives to understand the details and practice country vocabulary, give personal details. II.Language contents : - Grammar: - There is a hotel near the lake. - There are trees and flowers in the park. -What is there ………? -Vocabulary: yard, park, tree, flower, hotel, lake, river, rice paddy, near. III.Techniques : -Matching, comprehension questions, ask and answer, networks, gap fill. IV.Teaching aids : - Pictures and a cassette. V.Procedure Teacher’s and students’activities Content -T. sticks the picture on the board, has ss list things there are in the picture. Ss list them in vietnamese. -T. observes and writes the things on the board. -T. presents the lesson about Thuy’s house by using the pictures. Ss listen. -T. presents new words by using pictures, reads them. Ss listen, repeat and copy them in their notebooks. -T. has ss read the words aloud. Ss read them aloud. -T. observes. -T. has ss match the words in English to the words in vietnamese. Ss match. 1.Warm up  Networks (picture A 1 on page 62) park river lake rice paddy tree hotel 2.Presentation New words park (n) gần tree (n) công viên flower (n) cây hotel (n) bông hoa lake (n) khách sạn river (n) cái sân rice paddy (n) cánh đồng lúa yard (n) dòng sông near (adv) cái hồ  Matching What is there near the house? Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool -T. observes. -T. presents model sentences with pictures, reads them. Ss listen and copy them. -T. has ss read model sentences. Ss read them. -T. has ss listen to the tape, then T. plays the tape twice. Ss listen twice. -T. has ss read the text aloud. Ss read it. -T. observes ss’ pronunciation when they finish. -T. presents questions and explains them, then gives examples. Ss listen and take notes. -T. has ss practice asking and answering the questions in pairs in five minutes. Ss work in pairs. -T. has ss ask and answer the questions before the class. Ss practice in pairs. -T.observes, then has ss write the answers on the board. Ss write them on the board. -T. observes. Ss copy the answers in their notebooks. -T. presents exercise A 2 on page 63, explains and gives examples. Ss take notes. -T. has ss ask and answer questions about the picture in exercise A 1 in pairs. Ss go to the board and practice in pairs. -T. observes, then marks. -T. sticks the picture on the board and T. says : “ this is your house”,T. has ss describe their house, gives examples. Ss work in pairs. -T. observes. -T. guides ss to learn and prepare the lesson. Model sentences - There is a hotel near the lake. - There are trees and flowers in the park. 3.Practice - A 1, page 62 EX: a) She is …… . c) Her brother’s name is Minh. Comprehension questions. a) She is twelve years old. b) She is a student. c) Her brother’s name is Minh. d) He’s twenty. e) She lives in a house near a lake. f) There is a river, a hotel, a park, a lake and a rice paddy near the house. - A 2, page 63 ( picture A 1)  Ask and answer EX 1 : S1 : What is this / that? S2 : It’s a rice paddy. EX 2 : S1 : What are these / those? S2 : They are trees. 4.Production - Picture A 1 EX : There is a lake near my house. 5.Homework - Learn new words. - Prepare : A 4-5 Comments Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool Date: Period : 34 UNIT 6(CONT.) LESSON 2 : A 3-6 I.Aim. -By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + listen and write the words they hear from the list. + describe surroundings where they live. II.Language contents : - Grammar: Review : there is … . / There are … . -Vocabulary:town, village. III.Techniques : -Rub out and remember, ask and answer, networks, write it up, open prediction. IV.Teaching aids : - Pictures and a cassette. V.Procedure Teacher’s and students’activities Content -T. sticks the picture on the board, has ss list things there are in the picture. Ss list them on the board. -T. observes and marks. -T. presents the lesson . Ss listen. -T. presents exercise 4 on page 64 and explains it. Ss take notes. -T. presents new words by using examples, read them. Ss listen, repeat and copy them in their notebooks. -T. has ss read the words aloud. Ss read them aloud. 1.Warm up  Networks (picture A 1 on page 62) park yard river lake rice paddy tree hotel 2.Presentation - A 4, page 64 New words town (n) : thò traán village (n) : xaõ, laøng What is there near the house? Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool -T. observes ss’ pronunciation. -T.rubs out the words one at a time.Each time T. rubs out the word in English, points to the Vietnamese, asks ss to repeat in English. When all the English words are rubbed out, go through the Vietnamese list and T. gets ss to call out the English words. Ss repeat after the teacher, then write the words in English on the board. -T. observes, then guides ss to read the words in the table. Ss listen and repeat. - T. guides ss to listen to the tape and gives cues. Ss take notes. -T. has ss predict the word they will listen. Ss predict. -T. writes ss’ guesses on the board. Ss take notes. -T. presents exercise A 3 on page 63, explains and gives examples. Ss take notes. -T. has ss complete sentences. Ss complete. -T. observes. Ss copy them in their notebooks. -T. has ss read the completed sentences aloud. Ss read them aloud. -T. observes ss’ pronunciation when they finish. Ss take notes. T. has ss listen to the tape to check their guesses, then T. plays the tape twice. Ss listen and write words that they hear in their notebooks. -T. has ss listen to the tape again and compare their answers with a partner, then T. plays the tape. Ss listen and compare their answers with a partner. -T. has ss give answers. Ss give them. -T. observes. Ss copy the key in their notebooks. -T. has ss listen to the tape again, write 3 sentences from the tape, then T. plays the tape. Ss listen once. -T. plays the tape the second ( each sentence). Ss listen and write them. -T. has ss write the sentences that they hear on the board. Ss write them on the board.  Rub out and rememer EX : There is a school near the park / the house.  Open prediction a) … . b) … . c) … . 3.Practice - A 3, page 63  Gap fill EX : Our house has a yard. It is near a rice paddy. - yard, rice paddy. - hotel, lake. - river, park. - trees, flowers. - A 4, page 64  Key : a) hotel b) country c) rice paddy, river  Write it up a) There’s a hotel near the park. b) They live in the country. c) The rice paddy is on the Mekong river. Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool -T. observes, marks. -T. has ss list things near their house. Ss list the things. -T. observes and write the things on the board. -T. presents exercise A 5. Ss listen. -T. sticks the pictures on page 64 on the board, then T. gives examples. Ss take notes. -T. has ss ask and answer the questions about their house in four minutes, then T. gives examples with pictures. Ss take notes and work in pairs. -T. has ss practice before the class. Ss practice in pairs. -T. observes, then T. has ss write 6 sentences about their house in five minutes. Ss write them in their notebooks (some students write sentences on the pieces of plastic). -T. has ss stick their writings on the board. Ss stick them on the board. -T. observes, then T. takes other students’ writings, read and corrects them. -T. has ss ask and answer about their house and gives examples. Ss take notes. -T. has ss practice before the class. Ss practice innpairs. -T. observes ss’pronunciation when they finish. -T. guides ss to learn and prepare the lesson. - A 5, page 64  Networks park school river lake rice paddy tree hotel  Ask and answer EX : S1 : What is there near our house? S2 : There is a rice paddy near our house./ There are trees near uor house.  Write it up (Students’ writing) EX : There is a lake near our house. 4.Production EX : S1: what is there near your house? S2: There is a school near my house. 5.Homework - Write 6 sentences about your house. EX: There are trees near my house. There is a rice paddy near my house. - Make sentences with village and town - Prepare : B 1- 3 Comments What is there near your house? Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool Date: Period : 35 UNIT 6(CONT.) LESSON 4 : B 1-4 I.Aim. -By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + read a text about where Minh lives to understand town vocabulary and prepositions of place. + listen and write the words they hear from the list. II.Language contents : - Grammar: + Minh’s house is next to a store. -Vocabulary:store, restaurant, bookstore, temple, hospital, factory, museum, stadium, next to. III.Techniques : - Matching, ask and answer, gap fill, T / F statements, T / F predictions. IV.Teaching aids : - Pictures and a cassette. V.Procedure Teacher’s and students’activities Content -T. has ss answer the question and write the answer on the board. Ss answer and write it on the board. -T. observes and marks. -T. presents the lesson by using pictures. Ss listen. -T. presents new words by using pictures, reads them. Ss listen, repeat and copy them in their notebooks. -T. has ss read the words aloud. Ss read them aloud. -T. observes ss’ pronunciation when they finish. -T. gives examples with new words. Ss take notes. -T. has ss match the words in English to the words in vietnamese. Ss match. -T. observes. -T. explains the words “true / false”. Ss listen. -T. has ss read the sentence (a – f) on page 66 and predict T / F . Ss read them. 1.Warm up Ask and answer -What is there near your house? 2.Presentation New words store (n) : nhà hàng restaurant (n) : cửa hàng bookstore (n) : bệnh viện temple (n) : nhà máy hospital (n) : hiệu sách factory (n) : ngôi đình museum (n) : viện bảo tàng stadium (n) : bên cạnh next to (prep) : sân vận động EX: Minh’s house is next to a store. Matching B 1. page 65  T / F predictions ( with answer key) Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool -T. writes their guesses in the table. -T. has ss listen to the tape , then T. plays the tape twice. Ss listen twice. -T. has ss read the text aloud. Students reads it. -T. observes ss’ pronunciation when they finish. Ss take notes. -T. has ss work in pairs, read the text to check their guesses in four minutes. Ss work in pairs. -T. has ss give answers. Ss give them. -T. observes and compares answers with their guesses. Ss copy the key in their notebooks. -T.has ss read exercise B1 again, then complete the sentences and T. gives examples. Ss complete. -T. observes. Ss copy the key in their notebooks. -T. presents exercise B3. Ss listen. -T. reads the words in the table. Ss listen and repeat. -T. guides ss to listen the tape and gives examples. Ss take notes. -T. has ss listen to the tape and write the words they hear. T. plays the tape. Ss listen and write the words they hear. -T. plays the tape again. Ss listen again. -T. plays the tape the third. Ss listen and take notes. -T. has ss give answers. Ss give answers. -T. observes. Ss copy the answers in their sentences True or false I guess I read a) b) c) d) e) f) F T F T F F 3.Practice - B 1. page 65  T / F statements - B 2, page 66  Gap fill EX : Minh and his family live in the city. a) city b) restaurant, bookstore, temple c) hospital d) house, store e) factory - B 3, page 67 EX : There are six hospitals in the city  Answer key a) museum b) bookstore c) river d) street Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool notebooks. -T. has ss make sentences with the words that they heard, then T. give examples. Ss make sentences. -T. has ss write sentences on the board. Ss write them on the board. -T. observes. -T. guides ss to learn and prepare the lesson. 4.Production EX : There is a museum next to my house. 5.Homework - Learn new words, make sentences basing on “ remember”on page 67. - Prepare : C 1-2 Comments Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool Date: Period : 36 UNIT 6(CONT.) LESSON 5 : C 1-2 I.Aim. -By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice more prepositions of place: in front of, to the left of, to the right of, … to describe surroundings around the house. II.Language contents : - Grammar: + In front of the house, there is a a big yard Where is the yard? – The yard is in front of the house. + Behind the house, there are tall trees. Where are the tall trees? – The tall trees are behind the house. -Vocabulary:to the left of, to the right of, between, behind, in front of. well. III.Techniques : - What and where, ask and answer, open prediction, comprehension questions, write it up. IV.Teaching aids : - Pictures and a cassette. V.Procedure Teacher’s and students’activities Content -T. sticks the pictures on page 65, 66 on the board and has ss introduce the things in the pictures. Ss introduce. -T. observes and marks. -T. presents the lesson by using pictures. Ss listen. -T. presents new words by using pictures, reads them. Ss listen, repeat and copy them in their notebooks. -T. has ss read the words aloud. Ss read them aloud. -T. observes ss’ pronunciation when they finish. -T. gives examples with new words. Ss take notes. -T. writes the new words on the board, each word in each cricle. T. has ss repeat the words chorally, T. rubs out word by word but leave the circles, go on until all the circles are empty, then T. asks ss to go to the board and write the words in the correct circles. Ss do what T. asks. -T. observes. 1.Warm up Pictures on page 65, 66. EX : This is a restaurant, a bookstore, … . 2.Presentation New words well (n) to the left of (prep) to the right of (prep) between (prep) behind (prep) in front of (prep) EX : To the left of the house, there is a well.  What and where behind in front ofbetween well to the left of to the right of Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool -T. presents model sentences with pictures, then reads them. Ss listen, repeat and copy them in their notebooks. -T. has ss practice model sentences. Ss practice in pairs. -T. has ss listen to the tape , then T. plays the tape twice. Ss listen twice. -T. has ss read the text aloud. Students reads it. -T. observes ss’ pronunciation when they finish. Ss take notes. -T. has ss work in pairs, read the text and ask and answer the questions in five mintues. Ss work in pairs. -T. has ss practice before the class. Ss practice in pairs. -T. observes,then T. has ss write answers on the board. Ss write them on the board. -T. corrects if they are wrong. Ss copy the answers in their notebooks. -T. writes questions on the board and gives examples, has ss ask and answer the questions in pairs. Ss work in pairs. -T. presents exercise C 2, page 68 and explains the questions “ Which is Ba’s house?”. Ss listen. -T. sticks the pictures on page 68 on the board and has ss compare the diffenrence of the pictures. Ss compare. -T. observes, then T. has ss answer the questions about the pictures. Ss look at the pictures and answer them. -T. observes ss’answers. -T. has ss predict which Ba’house / Lan’s house / Tuan’s house. Ss predict. -T. writes their guesses on the board. -T. has ss listen to the tape to check their guesses, then T. plays the tape twice. Ss listen and choose the pictures Model sentences In front of the house, there is a a big yard. Behind the house, there are tall trees. 3.Practice C 1, page 68  Comprehension questions. EX : a)Where is the yard? The yard is in front of the house. b)Where are the tall trees? The tall trees are behind the house. a) The yard is in front of the house. b) The tall trees are behind the house. c) The mountains are behind the tall trees. d) The well is to the left of the house. e) The flowers are to the right of the house. f) The house are beween the well and the flowers.  ask and answer 1. What is in front of your house? - In front of my house, there is a yard. 2. What is behind your house? 3. What is to the left of your house? 4. What is to the right of your house? C 2, page 69  ask and answer a) Where are the flowers? b) Where is the tree / are the trees? c) Where are the flowers?  open prediction a) b) c)  Answer key : a) A [...]... Tổng TL TN Câu 1,2,3,4,5 2,5 p 4 2p 2 1p 8 2p 6 3p Câu 1 1 Câu 2,3,4 4 0,5 p 10 1,5p 7 2p 18 5 1 6 Lesson plan 6 0,5 p 3,5 p 3,25 p 2,5 p Biên Giới Junior highschool 0,25p 3p 7p III Remarks about students’ students 1 Statistics - Class 6 A 1 : getting average marks : - Class 6 A 2 : - Class 6 A 3 : - Class 6 A 4 : 2 Advantages : - Good ss listen and choose the words exactly - Many ss do “ multiple choice”... of the house 0,5 6 The house is between the well and the flowers 0,5 V 2p 1 C 0,5 2.C 0,5 3 D 0,5 4.D 0,5 MA TRẬN Chủ đề Nhận biết TL TN I.Listening Thông hiểu TL TN Vận dụng TL TN Câu 2 0,5p Câu 1,2 1p Câu 1,2,3,5 ,6, 7 III.Vocabulary & Grammar IV Reading Câu 4 Câu 8 0,25 p 0,25p Câu 6 0,5 p V Writing Tổng Câu1,3,4 1,5 p 1,5 p II Phonetics Tổng TL TN Câu 1,2,3,4,5 2,5 p 4 2p 2 1p 8 2p 6 3p Câu 1 1 Câu... prediction IV.Teaching aids : - Pictures and a cassette V.Procedure Teacher’s and students’activities Content -T sticks the picture on page 68 ,69 and has ss 1.Warm up answer the questions Ss liten, look at the Ask and answer picture and answer the questions Picture on page 68 ,69 -T observes and marks Is there a yard / well ? Are there any trees / flowers / mountains? -T presents exercise A3 Ss listen 2.Presentation... Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool 3 The flower garden is to the left of the house 4 The river is to the right of the house V.Homework - Resee the exercises Comments Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool UNIT 7 : YOUR HOUSE DIVISION OF LESSIONS Period 41: Lesson 1: A 1-2 Period 42: Lesson 2: A 3 -6 Period... and Mai (play) ………… soccer 5 I (watch) ……………… television every night 6 We (listen) …………… to music  Answer key: 1 does 2 have 3 reads 4 play 5 watch 6 listen 3.Homework - Resee the exercises - Prepare : resee Unit 5 to Unit7 Comments Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool Date : Period : 39 45 MINUTE TEST 2 I Aim... playing, games EX: I am walking to school He is walking to school 5.Homework - Learn new words - Prepare : A 4 ,6 Comments Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool Date: Period : 47 UNIT 8(CONT.) LESSON 2 : A 4 ,6 I.Aim -By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + listen and write number the pictures that you... are flowers Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool The house is between the well and the flowers Questions : 1 Where is the yard? …………………………………………………………………………… 2 Where are the trees? …………………………………………………………………………… 3 Where are the mountains? …………………………………………………………………………… 4 Where is the well? …………………………………………………………………………… 5 Where are the flowers? …………………………………………………………………………… 6 Where is the house? ……………………………………………………………………………... Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool Date : Period :40 CORRECTION 2 I Aim - Helping students to know and check their mistakes, then they will be able to do a next test better II Answer key : I 2p 1 A 0,5 2 B 0,5 3 C 0,5 4 D 0,5 II 1p 1 A 0,5 2 B 0,5 III 2p 1.A 0,25 2 B 0,25 3 B 0,25 4 C 0,25 5.D 0,25 6 A 0,25 7 B 0,25 8 A 0,25 IV 3p 1 The yard is in front... board  Networks in front of T observes, marks Then T.sticks the picture on behind between prepositions page 68 on the board and has ss other students near to the right of answer the questions Ss look at the picture and next to answer the qustions to the left of -T observes and marks Picture on page 68 * questions: 1 Where is the yard? 2 Where are the the tall trees? -T presents the lesson by using pictures... them movie theater (n) tiệm bánh mì aloud bakery (n) hiệu thuốc tây -T observes ss’ pronunciation when they finish photocopy store (n) đối diện -T gives examples with new words Ss take opposite (prep.) tiệm phô tô notes EX : The restaurant is opposite the -T has ss match the words in English to the drugstore words in vietnamese Ss match  Matching -T observes Lesson plan 6 Biên Giới Junior highschool . 1,2,3,5 ,6, 7 1,5 p Câu 4 0,25 p Câu 8 0,25p 8 2p IV. Reading Câu 6 0,5 p Câu 1,2,3,4,5 2,5 p 6 3p V. Writing Câu 1 0,5 p Câu 2,3,4 1,5p 4 2p Tổng 1 10 7 5 1 6. Networks (picture A 1 on page 62 ) park yard river lake rice paddy tree hotel 2.Presentation - A 4, page 64 New words town (n) : thò traán village (n) : xaõ, laøng

Ngày đăng: 03/12/2013, 05:12

