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Nội dung

sss Practice in individual in 4 minutes. Let’s change the sentences, please. controls – checks and gives key.. c) She asked me what the name of my school was d) She asked me if I went to[r]


I/ Objectives:

-At the end of the lesson, Ss will be sble to know some places -Take ss’s foreign friend to visit some places

- Find some name of the places in Viet nam *Skill: Speaking, reading, listening

*Grammar: The past simple, The past simple with wish * Teaching aids: Text book

II/ The content:

Stage Inter Procedure Time

Warm up

Pre- reading








-Do you have a pen pals? -What’s he/ she name? -Where does he/ she live?

- Has he/ she visited your home/ country/ city? S: “ yes/ no)-> guide ss to answer with “ yes’

1 Getting started.

T shows the pictures in the book and ask sts + What is this? + Where is this? - Hung King temple

T: “ If A foreign pen pal is coming to stay with you a week + What activity would you during the visit?

* Possible answer: I’ll take him/ her/ them to T: “ Now work in pairs”

- Call some pairs to practice speaking T presents the new words

+ To correspond: Trao đổi th từ + a mosque; Nhà thờ hồi gisao + To be impressed by: có ấn tợng

+ To pray ( mime) cÇu ngun, cÇu khÊn * Rub out and remember

Ss: “ Read or write them on the board”

T: “ Lan’s Malaysian penpal came to visit her in Ha noi Can you guess where she went and what she did during her stay?”

Ss: “ give feedback -> open prediction”

- Ask ss to read the text to check their prediction - Add some more information

- Choose the correct option to complete the sentenses on page - Ask ss to work in pairs

- Ask ss to practice reading * answers

1.Maryam usually write to one another every two week

2.Maryam was impressed because Ha noi people were friendly 3.The girls went to see famous places in Ha noi, areas for recreation, a place of worship

4.Maryam wanted to invite lan to KualaLumpur * Speaking:

T: “ Who can recommened places of interest in your village or ciy? - Ask ss to discuss where they should take their friends to EX : Phuong Hoang Cave




Planing: 17 - 8- 2009


Post reading - Guide ss to work in pairs- Ask them to practice speaking

- Ask ss to write a short paragraph about what they have just discussed with their partner


S1: I think we should take our friend to Suoi Tien stream we cango sight seeing

S2: Good ideas ! I belive they will be interested in it

Learn by heart the new words


5’ Homework


Content: Methods:

Planing: 06 /09/ 10

Teaching: 08/09/ 10

Unit A visit from a pen pal Lesson : Speak + Listen


I/ Objectives:

-At the end of the lesson, ss will be able to make and respond to in troduction *Skill: Speaking, reading, listening

*Grammar: The past simple, The past simple with wish * Teaching aids: Text book

II/ The content:

Stage Inter Procedure Time

Warm up



T- C

- T asks :

Who is Maryam? Where is she from?

What does she in Viet Nam? Who is she staying with?

* Activity 2:

T: “ Nga is talking to Maryam they are waiting for Lan outside her school

T: Now you work in pairs to put the sentenses in to the correct order to make a complete the dialogue





Homework SS PW




T plays the role of A Ss play the role of B Reverse roles - Ask ss to work in pairs

Ss: “ Give feetback” -> In pairs ( minutes) * Answer: 1-C;-5-B;-4-D;-2E;-3A

This is Nga

This is Maryam

T: asks:

- Have Nga and maryam met each other before? - Is Maryam enjoying her stay in Ha noi?

- What does she like in viet nam? Ss: “ Give feedback” + No/+ Yes

* Activity 3: * Role Play:

- Ask ss to take turn to be one of Maryam’s friends and practice * Situation 1:

A: Hello, you must be Yoko B: That’s right, I am

A: Are you enjoying your stay in Hue?

B: Oh yes very much I like VNamese people and I love old cities in VN

A: Do you live in the city, too?

B: Yes, I live in Tokyo Have you been there? A: No What’s it like?

B: It’s a busy big capital city It’s different from Hue A: I see

* Situation 2,3: Students answer 1 Listen.

T: “ Tim Jonh’s Mexican pen pal, Carlos is visiting the USA.”

- Ask ss to look at the pictures and tell the class what there is in each one, where the place is, what the people are doing

* Predictions “ What are Tim And Carlos doing? * Posible answers: They are going to the park Thay are talking a bus

They are going to the restaurant T: “ Listen to me read the tape”

Ss: Listen the tape second time to choose the correct picture -Answer: a) -> 1; b)->2; c) ->2



c That’s right, I am

b Please to meet you, Nga, Are you one of Lan’s classmate? d Oh yes, very much VNamese people are very friendly and HN is very interesting city

e Yes,I live in Kuala lumpur Have you been there?

a The two cities are the same in some ways

1.Hello, you must be Maryam 5.please to meet you Let me introduce myself I’m Nga Yes, I am Are you enjoying your stay in viet nam?


- Ask ss to copy one dilogue they like in their note book

- Do exercises in workbook and at the page 7-8 5’ III.Experience

Content: ……… ……… Methods;……… ……… Planing: 08 / 09/ 10

Teaching: 09 / 09/ 10 Unit1 a visit from a penpalLesson 4: Read (page - 10) Period:

I/ Objectives:

- At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the coutries of the ASEAN

- Reading the Text find out the details *Skill: Reading

* Teaching aids: Text book II/ The content:

Stage Inter Procedure Time

Warm up

Pre- read






T: “What are the countries of the Asian Nations ( ASEAN)?”

ss: “ Give feedback” Viet nam, ThaiLand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, campuchia

T: “ Malaysia is one of the countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations ( ASEAN)

*/ Pre teach vocabulary: -Islam: Đạo hồi

-Buddhism: Đạo phật -Hinduism: Đạo Hindu

T: “What you know about Malaysia?” Where is it?

2 What is the capital of Malaysia? What is Its population?

4 Which is the largest City in Malaysia? What language is spoken in this country?

- Ask ss to read the text to find out the answer their questions * T: Give feedback:

1 It’s one of the countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations

2 The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur over 22 million

4 Kualalumpur is the largest City in Malaysia Bahasa Malaysia is the language spoken

T: “Read the text the second time to fill in the chart in exercise a) on the page 10

- Ask Ss to work individually

- Ask Ss to compare their answer with their partners - Ask Ss to give their answers

a) Fill in the table with the right information about Malaysia Malaysia

* Answer:

1 329.758 Kualalumpur Over 22 million Islam

3 Tropical climate Bahasa Malaysia The ringgit ( consisting of 100 cent) English





Post- read

Homework GW


T: “True or false? Check (v) the boxes Then correct the false statements in exercise b”

SS; work in group

-Call some ss to give result T

2 F ( There are more than two regions)

3 F ( E, Chinese, and Tamil are also widely spoken) F ( One of three: Malay, Chinese, Tamil)

5 F ( English is a compulsory second language, not primary language of instruction)

* Interview:

T and ss to make the dialogue - Give the tast:

A; You are going to visit Malaysia Prepare some Qs to ask Maryam about her country

B: You are Maryam, from Malaysia You have to answer A’s Qs about your country


A: Hello, Maryam I am going to visit Malaysia on my summer holiday I’d like to know something about your country Can you help me?

B: Yes, certainly

A: What language is spoken in your country?

B: Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese, and Tamil are also widely spoken

A: Do you have to study any foreign language in school?

B: Yes, English is a compulsory second language in secondary school

A people B: A: climate


Write the “ Interview” between you and Maryam about her country Ask about language, people, beautiful place, climate

- To study workbook in the page



Content:……… Methods: ……… Result: ………

Planing: 12/09 /10 Teaching: 15 /09/ 10

Unit1: a visit from a penpal Lesson 5: Write ( page 11 )


I/ Objectives:

- Write a personal person ( Your father, mother, sister , brother or close friends - At the end of the lesson ss will be able to wtite a personal person

*Skill: Writing, speaking * Teaching aids: Text book II/ The content:

Stage Inter Procedure Time


1.Warm up



Post- writing

T-Ss T- C T-Ss


Indi T-C


T: Ask ss some simple questions

- Have you ever visited any other places in VN ? - When did you go?

- How did you get there?

- Did you visit any places of interest? - What places ?

- Did you buy any thing? - What did you buy? Ss: give feedback

T: “ Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in another parts of VN or different country”

T asks ss some questions on their own answer the following quetions

1 Where are you now? How did you get there? Who did you meet?

3 What have you done there? - What places have you visit?

- What kinds of food have you tried? - What souvenirs have you bought? How you feel now?

5 What you think interest you most? When are you return home?

- Ask ss to work in pairs to talk to each other about their visit? - Ask ss to practice speaking before the class

T &their classmate help them to speak T: What are the parts of a personal latter? * Answer: There are parts of

A Heading_Writer’s address and the date B Opening_ Dear ,

C Body of the letter

D, Closing _ Your friend/ Regard/ Love

T: “ Whole class to write a letter to your family, telling them your visit - Look at at the outline on page 11

T: “ What part of the letter are you going to write? Ss: ( Body of the letter.)

T: Write your own letter * Suggested ideas - First paragraph:

+ I arrived at ( places) airport/ train station/ bus atation at p.m/ a.m/ late in the evening/ at midnight on Sunday or saturday

+ ( Friend’s name or relative’s name) met me at the airport/ train station/ bus station, the he/ she took me home by taxi/ bus/ motobike/ bicycle

- Second paragraph:

+ I have visited/ been to many places like the beaches, the cham Museum, Marble Mountains, supermarkets, the water park, etc + I have tried different foods: seafood,

+ I will visit Ha Long Bay tomorow/ on Sunday - Third paragraph:

I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much

The peaple here are so nice and friendly, the foods are so delicious, and the sights are so beautiful

I will leave HN at 1,2,3 am/ pm next Tuesday, and will arrive home at 10 Please pick me up at the airport/

- Ask ss to write a letter

- Ask ss to compare with their friends, check and correct , if they can







T chooses some letters and correct in class

- Ask ss to write their letter ( after correction) on their book 10’ III Experience


……… ………

Methods……… Result………

Preparation :14 /09/2010

Teaching : 16 /09/2010 UNIT 1 (CONT)


I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to use past sinple and past simple with “wish”

- Teaching point : Past simple tence Past simple with “wish” - Teaching aids : Textbook, posters II Teaching procedure :

Stages In Procedure Time


-up PW go hungMatching Hang bought Buy went Make painted Paint made


Match the verbs with suitabale past tense of their Ex: go  went

Practice in pair in minutes 2.Presenta

tion T-C Set the sunce “Lan and her friends (Hoa, Hai Hanh, Tan, Nga, and My)are holding a fare well party for Manfam Look at the pictures : “What did they prepare?”

Match the verbs with suitable phrases (the box) Ex : Buy flowers  bought flowers


GW - Match the same as my example - Practice in group of

T checks and gives key Buy glowers  bought flowers Make a cake  made a cake

Hang colorgul lamps  colourfull lamps Go shopping  went shopping


Paint a picture of Hanoi

3.Practice T-C Now, class ! tell me what they prepared for the party (using the picture)

1 Hoa Hai

2 Tan My and Nga Hanh

Ex : Hoa made a cake


sss Write the sentences in your notebooks (4 minutes)

- Let’s write please

T controls and correct mistakes T give model

I am very short (gusture) I want to be tall

What I say this in Viet namese? “What we say this in Viet namese ?” I can say :

I wish I were tall - What does “wish” Mean ?

- Look at the sentence “What is the structure here ?” Form : Wish + past clause

(s + wish + s + p.s) be = were J : What about its meaning ?

Meaning : Express unreal wish in present Ex: “I haven’t got a car”

“Have you got a car ?” (No)

But we want a car What we wish ? - Wish I had a car

Ask sts to give example

Ask sts to look at the exercise page 12 modelling: a) You don’t have a computer

“What you wish ?” - I wish I had a computer - read the cues given Sts read the cus

sss T checks and correct the mistakes then gives key : b) I Wish I were in the swimming pool

d) I wish I lived near school e) I wish I had a sister f) I wish I drew well

g) I wish I knew my friend’s phone number Open your notebooks at page and 10 4.Producti

on T-C Exercise 6.a) Study at a primary school

 I studied at a primary school years ago

a) I donot know many English words ( ) need more words to talk with my friends

 I wish I knew more English words Class, the exercises



rk T-C - Do exercise and in the exercisebook page – 10.- Be ready unit Lesson getting started and listen, read 2’ III Self evaluation :


Preration : 20 / 09/ 2010 Teaching : 22 / 09/ 2010



I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will know some more about ao dai, The traditional dress of Viet namese women

- Teaching point : The present prefect. Review the passive

- Teaching aids : Textbook, poster and picture. II Teaching procedure :

Stages stage Procedure time

1.warm - up T-C Getting started listen and read

Ask students to look at pictures Work in groups

Answer the questions where does each person comes from? Look at my elisting :

1) Japan 4) ao dai Viet Nam 2) Scotland UK 5) The USA 3) Saudi Avabia 6) India


Ex b) She comes from Vietname (She is wearing a ao dai ) Key :

a) She comes from Japan She is wearing a Kimono b) He comes from Scotland (UK) He’s wearing a kilt d) She comes from India She’s wearing a sari e) He comes from the USA He’s wearing Jeans

f) She comes from (saudi) Anabia She’s wearing a veil

2.Pre-teach T-C Look at picture b and tell me what the women is wearing (ao dai) - Tell me some things about ao dai

Long silk tunic ao dai Slip on the sides Wear (worn) over Loose pants

The traditional dress of Vietnamese women Patterns


- Newwods :

Design / (n) ThiÕt kÕ Inspiration/(n) : C¶m høng Ethnic minority DT.TS Symbol (n) BiĨu tỵng Tunic (n)

Unique (adj) Độc đáo Poet (n) Nhà thơ

T help sts to pronounce the words Class ! look at the poster

- Read it Please The text about :

a) The traditional dress of (Vietnamese women)

b) The modern clothing at work (of) Vietnamese women c) The casual clothes of Vietnamese women

Now ! you are going to listen to a text about clothing

Listen and find out which of the following is the best summary of the text

Is this clear to you

Let’s listen (1 time) (textbook closed) 3.While teach T-C - Class tell me your listening

Open your look at page 13 – 14 Look at a

Read it, please (T hangs the poster)



the missing words (5’) - What are we going to ? - Let’s read, please

- Time’s enough, tell me your Words, please T checks and gives key

1 poems, novels, and songs

2 long silk tunic with slips up the sides worn over loose pants to wear modern clothing at work

4 printing, lines of poetry on it

5 symbol such as suns, starts, crosses and stripes Class ! read the text again and answer the questions (5’) Look at the questions, read them, please

PW Ex :

1) Who used to wear the ao dai by tradition ? Both men and women used to

- Practice in pair in 5’ - Turn round and practice

- Time’s up give me your answers, please

4.Post - teach GW Practice in group of write down about “Ao dai” 8’ 5.Homework T-C - Write again the writing

- Learn by heart the newwords - Be ready for the next lesson


Preparation : 21 / 09/ 2010 Teaching : 23 / 09/2010



I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to ask and respond to questions on personal reference and know how to use the present perfect

By the end of the lesson sts will be able to listen for specific information, deserite what people are wearing and know how to use the present perfect

- Teaching point : Clothing vocabulary.

- Teaching aids : Textbook, poster and picture. II Teaching procedure :

Stages In… Activities Time

1.warm- up T-C Chatting :

- What you usually wear +) on the weekend ?

+) at school ? +) at home ?


2.pre-speaking T-C Look at the names of some clothes a colorful T -shirt

2 a plaid skirt


3 a plain suit

4 a short -sleeved blause a sleeveless sweater a Striped shirt

7 Baggy pants Faded jeans Blue shorts

Ask sts to match the phrases to the pictures E  a a colorful T shirt

Practice in pair in minutes Turn round and practice

Time’s up Give me your matching, please T Gives key

1a, b5, c6, d3, e8, f4, g7, h2, i9 3.While

speaking Look at the table Questions name Items of

clothes notes What you usually wear

on the weekend ?

2.Why you wear these clothes?

3.What’s your favotie type of clothing ? Why ?

4 Is it comfortable to wear uniform ?

5 What color is it?

6.What type of clothing you usually wear on Tet holiday? 7.What would you wear to a party


Ask sts tprao ctice in groups

Interview your frends these questions above Ex:

- What you usually wear on the weekend : +) Usually wear T – shirt

- Why you wear these clothes ? +) Because it is very comfortable

- What is your favorite type of clothing ? Why ?

+) My favorite type of clothing are Jeans Because they are beautiful

- Is it comfortable to wear uniform ? +) Yes, it is

- What color is it ? (white, pink, Green, blue ) +) It’s (color)

- What type of clothing you usually wear on Tet holiday ? +) I usually wear baggy pants and striped shirts

- What would you wear to a party ? +) I would wear a plaid skirt to a party

4.Post-speaking Ask sts to report the result of the surveyEx : people said that they liked their Uniform people said that they usually wore Colorful T – shirt on the weekend

(Name) said she love blue shorts T correct


5.Homework Write your report in your notebook be ready for the next lesson 2’ III.Experience


……… Methods;……… ………

Preparation : 26 /09/ 2010


Teaching : 29 /09/ 2010 LESSON LISTEN Preriod

I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to listen for specific information, deserite what people are wearing and know how to use the present perfect

- Teaching point : Present prefect.

- Teaching aids : Textbook, poster, picture, peies of paper. II Teaching procedure :

Stages In… Actvities Time

1.warm-up T-C Brainstorming T – shirt Clothing Blue shorts


GW Class ! find out all words concevning the word “CLOTHING” Practice in groups in minutes

Write as many words as possible

2.pre-listening T-C Look at the clothing above :- What are these ? - What is this ?

- What color is it ? - What color are these ?


Set the scene :

“You will hear an announcement about a lost little girl called Mary” - Before going to listen to the tape

You can guess :

“What is Mary wearing ?” - Practice in pair in minutes - Turn round and practice

Everybody ! give me your prediction T writes some prediction on the board Before listening there are some newwords : - announcement (translation)

- missing = lost (v) - an entrance = gate : - fair (n) (transition) : - a doll (n) búp bê

T checks the vocabulary “what does “… ” mean ”? Look at the poster :

- Read them, please

3.While T-C Everybody ! listen and find out : 10’


listening “What is Mary wearing ”?

Listen times (first time listen and pen down second time, listen and tick, third time – listen and check)

Class ! give me your listening, please T checks and give key

a.B : She is wearing blue shorts

b A : She is wearing a long sleeved blouse c C : She’s wearing broun shoes

Class ! Do you have the same as my key or different key ? 4.post

-listening PW Describe a friend you like best ?Eliciting questions : How old is she / he ?

2 What is she / he like ?

3 What type of clothing does she / he like wearing ? What is she / he wearing today ?


Practice in pair in minutes Turn round and practice

Time’s up Give me your key, please Possible answer :

Ply best friend is …

5.Homework - Write down your description on your notebook

- Be ready for the next lesson 2’

III Self – evaluation :

……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Preparation : 28 / 09/ 2010 UNIT CLOTHING Teaching : 30 / 09/ 2010 LESSON read

Preriod 10

I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to understand more about Jeans

- Teaching point : Clothing vocabulary. - Teaching aids : Textbook, poster, picture. II Teaching procedure :

Stages In… Activities Times


1.warm-up T-C Play game “Hang man”

I have a word about clothing with letters

Can you guess what word is ?


T feedbacks and gives the word “JEANS” Do you know anything about “Jeans”?

2.Pre-reading T-C Now, you are going to read the passage about “Jeans” Before reading, there are some newword Newwords:

Material (n) (translation) : chÊt liÖu Wear out (v) (realia) : làm rách Embroider (n) (translation) : thêu Style (n) (translation) : kiĨu d¸ng Label (realia – translation) : m¸c, nh n · Economic (adj) (translation) : kinh tÕ Sale (n) : doanh sè , b¸n


T checks vocabulary - What does “… mean ?

1 … Workers liked to wear because the material made from cotton was very strong and could hardly wear out

2 …… A lot of University and college … wore Jeans

3 Jeans became so many, many people began wearing Jeans

4 Jeans became high … clothing the … of Jeans stopped going up

3.Practice sss - Class ! read the passage and complete the missing dates and words

- Practice on your own in minutes - Let’s read, please

Time’s enough

Class ! give me your key, please T checks and gives key


1 18 th century … Jean cloth… 1960s …… Students…… 1970s …… Cheaper…… 1980s …… Fashion…… 1990 …… sale ……… b) Answer

Ex :

- Where does the word “Jeans” come from ?

+ The word “Jeans” comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe

Look at the questions Read them, please PW Now, practice in pair in minutes

Ask and answer the questions - OK ! Turn round and practice T checks and corrects pronunciation

- OK ! Let’s practice, please (T checks some pairs) T gives correct answers :

2 The 1960s Fashims were embroildered Jeans, painted Jeans and so on

3 Because Jeans became cheaper

4 Jeans at last be became high fashion clothing in the 1980s The sale of Jeans stopped growing because

The worldwinde economic Situation got worse in the 1990

4.Production GW Class ! discuss the question : 8’


* Do you like wearing Jeans ? Why ? Why not ? - Answer And explain

Practice in group (2 each table is a group (4 group)) Gather and practice in minutes

T controls and corrects  elicits the answer Class ! Time’s up

Give me your key, please T feedbacks and gives marks 5 Homework T-C - Write your idea in your notebook

- Learn by heart the newwords - Be ready fore the next lesson



Content: ……… ……… Methods;……… ………

Preparation : 27/09/09 Teaching : 29/ 09/09 Preriod 11

UNIT (CONT) LESSON WRITE I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to write an

exposition, presenting one side of an argument - Teaching aids : Textbook, poster.

II Teaching procedure :

Stages In… Activities Time

1.warm-up T-C Chatting :

T How often you wear uniform ? How you feel then wearing them ?

If you have a choise, what type of clothing you want to wear when going

To school ? why you choose it ?


2.Pre-writing T-C Class ! What is a argument ?

How to present one side of an Argument ?

15’ Look at the table, read it, please

Organization Language introduction -let the reader know the

write’s point of view - My opinun is… Ithink… Series of

argument -Presents arguments in alogical way(one is each paragraph), gives examples where possible

firstly, secondly - Thirdly Conclution Sums up the argument - therefore

- inconclution a)


What are the series of argument ? - What is the conclusion ?

b) Look at the outline B read it, please Comfor table (adj) :

Freedom (adj) : Choice(n) :

Self – confident (adj) :

Tell me, which is the in, S and C ?

3.While-writing sss Class ! write the argument about wearing casual clothes TEST15’ Do the same as the passage of Outline A

- Practice on your own, let’s write please T checks and corrects serious mistakes T checks and gives key (possiple) I think secondary school students should


Wear casual clothes

4 Production T-C Firstly, casual clothes make students feel comfortable

Secondly, wearing casual clothes fives students freedom of choise (sizes, column and fashion of clothes)

8’ Thirdly, casual clothes make students feel

Self – confident when They are in their favorite clothes Finally, casual clothes make school more colorful and lively

In conclutio, secondary school students should wear casual clothes Everybody ! write the correct sentences in to your notebook

5.Homework T-C Write the argument in to your notebook - Write another argument

- Prepare for the next lesson


III Self – evaluation :


Preparation : 5/10/08 Teaching : 7/10/08 Preriod 12


LESSON LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to exercise perfectly. - Teaching points : The present ferfect The passive (review)

- Teaching aids : Textbook, Exercisebook. II Teaching procedure :

Stages In… Activities Timing

1.Warm-up T-C Chatting : Everybody Tell me something about PRESENT PERFECT

Form : Have + past participle Has + past participle Meaing : ?

- Note the present perfect with “for” and “since” For + period time / sine : specific time



-teaching Look at the box of words :a) Lan – old friend / six years / 2003 Look at the dialogue, read it please Practice in pair in minutes

Turn round and practice T checks some pairs Look at b) and c)


b) Quang Brother’s friend / months/ January (1)

c) Hoa – new friend / weeks / Monday Make the similars dialogue like a

Practice in pair in minutes Turn round and practice 3.While

teaching PW T checks – corrects pronunciation.Time’s up Give me your key please Possible cues :

S1 : Come and see my photo album S2 : Lovely ! Who’s this girl ?

S1 : Oh it’s Quang, my brother’s friend S2 : How long have you known him ? S1 : I’ve known him for months S2 : Have you seen him recently ? S1 : No ! haven’t seen him sine January

He movied to HCM city with his family then T checks some pair


2 Short question in the present perfect Have + S + PP … ?

Has + S + PP … ?

Ex : Look at the dialogue, read it, please Have you seen Gia Lam pagida yet ? Yes, I’ve already seen it

Have you ever eaten nese fond yet ? No, I haven’t

Class, practice in pair in minutes - Turn round and practice

Time’s up, give me your key, please T feedbacks and gives key

3 work with a partner

Look at the box, read them, please

comic computer supermarket


elephant Hue durian

Look at the dialogue, read it, please - Have you ever read a comic ? + Yes, I have

- When did you last read one ? + This morning

- Have you are been to Singapore ? + No, I haven’t

Class the same the dialogue

Practice in pair, turn round and practice Tell me something about PASSIVE VOICE Form : Be + Past participle

Ex : They grow rice in tropical countries S V () adv

 Rice is grown in tropical countries

sss Everybody ! write the passive in your notebook Practice on your own, write

Let’s practice, please

T Who can give the sentences, please, … OK

4.Post-Teaching sss Change the sentences into the passive.Look at the sentences Read them, please Practice writing

Ex : We can solve the problem S modal V ()

 the problem can be solved


Class the same as my example Practice on your own Let’s practice 5.Homework - Do again the exercises

- Prepare for the test carefully III Self – evaluation :

……… ……… ……… ………



Preparation :6 /10/08 Teaching : 8/10/08

Preriod 13 45 minutes test

I Aims and requirements

- Kiểm tra đánh giá kết học tập học sinh

- Yêu cầu học sinh làm nghiêm túc khơng trao đổi quay cóp II Content of the test


Listen to the passage then fill in the blanks the missing words

Canada is the world’s second largest (1)……… The area is(2) sq km The(3) .city is Ottawa and the largest city

……… ……… ……

is Toronto The(4)……… of Canada is 31,592.000 About 1/3 of people are British origin 1/4 are French origin The official (5) ……… are English and French The Canadian unit of currency is Dolla


Read the text then answer the questions


Nylon was invented in the early 1930s by an American chemist, Julian Hill Nylon was first introduced to the world on 27 October 1938 It was cheap and strong and immediately became successful, especially in making of women’s stocking

During the second World War, the best present for many women was a pair or Nylon stockings but more importantly, it was used to make parachutes and tyres

Today, nylon is found in many things : Carpets, ropes, furniture, computer… It has played an important part in our lives for over 50 years Next year about 36 million tons of it will be manufactured

1 Who invented Nylon ?


2 When was Nylon invented?


3 What was the best present for women during the second World War?


4 Where can we find nylon today?


5 How many tons of nylon will be manufactured next year?


III Use of English

Choose the best options to complete the blanks Nam wishes he ………….a car


a have b had c having d to have

2 My father has worked in this school ……….1985

a for b in c since d at

3 We must learn English at school It is a ………subject a compulsory b national c official d primary

4 Lan and Maryam ……… pen pals for years

a are b are being c will be d have been

5 In the 1970s Jeans became cheaper ……….many people began wearing Jeans

a but b so c because d however

Change the sentences in to the passive He must the homework tonight

……… …

2 They have just cleaned the room


3 My mother gave me a new book yesterday


Fill in the blanks a suitable words

1 The Ao dai is the ……… dress of Vietnamese women Viet Nam enjoys ……… … climate


Use the cues given write a letter to your friend follow the outline. I / just/ return/ a trip/ to Da lat/ my friends

The trip/ interesting/ so /I / want / tell /you/ about it

The weather in Da lat/ be / very cold / night / but / it / be / cool / during the day We / stay/ a mini hotel / Ho Xuan Huong lake

We / vistit/ a lot of / famous places / such / Cam ly waterfall , Da lat flower park … We / enjoy / trip very much

Dear …………

……… ……… ……… ……… ………

With love

Preparation :6 /10/08 Teaching : 8/10/08

Preriod 14 Correct the test


Đánh giá rút kinh nghiệm kiểm tra Tìm u điểm lỗi học sinh thờng mắc làm

II Content 1Ưu điểm

a s em nắm vững kiến thức học vận dụng tốt vào trình làm 2 Tn ti

Còn số em lời học nên điểm thấp

Kỹ nghe đa số học sinh yếu Học sinh cha có phơng pháp làm tập nghe Kết

Điểm : -10 : Điểm : -8 : Điểm : - : 12 §iĨm : 3- : bµi §iĨm 1- : bµi Key:


Listen to the passage then fill in the blanks the missing words

Canada is the world’s second largest (1) country The area is(2) 9,970,610sq km The(3) capital city is Ottawa and the largest city is Toronto The(4) population of Canada is 31,592.000 About 1/3 of people are British origin 1/4 are French origin The official (5) Languages are English and French The Canadian unit of currency is Dolla


1 Who invented Nylon ?

An American chemist, Julian Hill When was Nylon invented?

Nylon was invented in the early 1930s

3 What was the best present for women during the second World War?

The best present for many women during the second World War was a pair or Nylon stockings

4 Where can we find nylon today?

Today, nylon is found in many things : Carpets, ropes, furniture, computer… How many tons of nylon will be manufactured next year?

Next year about 36 million tons of it will be manufactured III Use of English

Choose the best options to complete the blanks Nam wishes he had a car


3 We must learn English at school It is a compulsory subject Lan and Maryam have been pen pals for years

5 In the 1970s Jeans became cheaper so many people began wearing Jeans Change the sentences in to the passive

1 The homework must be done tonight The room has just been cleaned

3 I was given a new book yesterday/ A new book was given to me yesterday Fill in the blanks a suitable words

1 The Ao dai is the traditional dress of Vietnamese women Viet Nam enjoys tropical climate


Use the cues given write a letter to your friend follow the outline. I have just returned from a trip/to Da lat with my friends

The tripwas interesting so I want to tell you about it

The weather in Da lat is / was very cold at night but it is / was cool during the day We stayed in a mini hotel near Ho Xuan Huong lake

We vistited a lot of famous places such as Cam ly waterfall , Da lat flower park … We enjoy the trip very much

III Self evaluation :

……… ……… ……… ………


Preparation : 12010/08 Teaching : 14/10/08 Preriod 15



GETTING STARTED - LISTEN AND READ I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to talk about life

and activities in the countryside

- Teaching points : Countryside vocabulary

- Teaching aids : Textbook, picture, poster II Teaching procedure :

Stages In… Activities Time

1.warm - up T-C * Getting started :

Everybody, look at the picture : 5’


Describe, what the people are doing in the picture ? Ex : A woman is watering the vegetables cue given : Some boys / swimming feed / pig

3 collect eggs plowing harvest fly / kite play / soccer

2.Presentation T-C Set the scene :

You will hear a text about Ba’s family and Liz visited Ba’s home village

Class ! Look at the picture What is it ?

* Vocabulary :

Home village (n) translation Bamboo forest (n) picture Bangan tree (n) picture Shrine (n) picture River bank (n) picture


T What does “… ” mean ?

Class ! Look at Exercise a (hang the poster) True or false (T - F) (False - correction)

1 Ba and his family had a two – day trip to their home village (F : a two – day = a day)

3.Practice sss Everybody ! Read the text and tick T - F 20’ Do the same as my example

Practice in minutes, in individual Let’s read, please

Time’s up ! Give me you key, please T checks and gives key

2 Many people T

3 F : a small bamboo forest = an old bangan tree F The house of Ba’s uncle = under the tree T

6 F on the mountain = on the river bank T

8 F a videotape = took a lot of photos T

b Answer :

Look at the questions, read them, please Now, answer the questions :

Eg : - Where is Ba’s village ?

+ Ba’s village is 60 kms to the north of HN PW Now, answer the questions in pair in minutes

Turn round and practice T checks and gives key

2 They got to the village by bus … At the antrance to the village The shrine of a Vietnamese hero on the river bank

6 took at a lot of photos

7 She wishes she could visit Ba’s village someday again

4.Production T-C Speaking

Everybody, talk about your home village : Eg : - Where is it ?

- How far is it ?

- How can you get there ? - What is it like ?


5 Homework T-C - Read the text, learn by heart the newwords

- Copy the answers into your exercisebook 2’ - Be ready for the next lesson


……… ……… ……… ………


Preparation : Teaching : Preriod 16

UNIT 3 (cont)


LISTEN I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to ask for and

give information about their own village

- Teaching points : Home Village’ vocabulary

- Teaching aids : Textbook, poster II Teaching procedure :

Stages In

Activities timing

1.warm - up T-C Chatting :

- Where is your home village ?

- What can you see on the way to your village ? - What some activities in your home village ? - When you often go to your home villages? How far is it from here (s ng n c)à ọ


2.Pre-speaking T-C Work with a partner Use words in the table A and B Answer the questions : a) Where is your home village ?

2 How far is it from the city (here) ? How can you get there ?

4 How long does it take to get there ?

5 What people for a living in your village ?


6 Does your village have a river ? Ex :

- Where is your home village ? + It’s to the west of the city

Practice the same as my example in pair in 3’ - Turn round and practice


-Speaking PW Modal dialogue :- Where is your home village ? + It’s to the west of the city - How far is it from the city ?


+ It’s about 15 kims, from the city - How can you get there ?

+ We can get there by bus

- How long does it take to get there ? + It takes an hours


- What people for a living … ? + They plan rice and raise cattle - Does your village have a river ? + Yes, it has

Post speaking

Do the same as my modal dialogue Practice in pair in minutes

T controls, corrects mistakes

Time’s up give me your dialogue, please

Ask sts to write a short passage about their home village


-listening T-C Set the scene :Now you will hear about the trip to Ba’s village : Look at the map

What are they in the map ?

1 air port store

2 gas station bamboo forest

3 pond Dragon Brige

4 hight way No Parking lot

5 Banyan

Everybody, can you predict Where are the words in the map ? Ex : A - store

Gessing :

No Predict Listen

1) 2) 3.While

listening T-C Now, listen to Ba’s trip to the village.Listen carefully, please T Read the tape (some times)

Can you hear all ?

- Share compare, please - Tell me your listening T checks and give key :

A : banyan tree F : Store

B : airport G : Pond

C : hight way No H : bamboo forest D : Dragon brigde I : Parking lot E : Gas station

4 Post

-listening GW Ask sts to retell the trip Call some sts to retell before the class

III Self evaluation:

……… ……… ……… ………



Preparation : 19/10/08 Teaching : 21/10/08 Preriod 17

UNIT 3 (cont)



I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to understand the Text in details

- Teaching points : Vocabulary (exchange student (n); maize (n), hot dog (n) grocery store (n) part time (n))

- Teaching aids : Textbook, poster II Teaching procedure :

Stages In

Activities time

1 Warm - up

T-C a) Look at these words and their explaination.Read them please A B

a) maize 1) bringthing together b) feed 2) where people buy food and small things

c) grocery store 3) give food to eat d) part – time 4) corn

e) collect 5) Shorter and less than standerd time

T checks gives key

a b c d.5 e.1



-reading Now you are going to read the text about Van, anexchange student He is from HCM city He is now studying in the USA He is living with his Parker family on a farm outside columnbus, Ohio


Newwords :

Exchange student (n) Transtion : Maize (n) = corn :

Part – time (n) explaination : Grocery store (n) :

Hot gog (n) :

T checks “What does “…….”mean” Now look at the text

Listen to me, please T read (1 time)

Class look at exercise b b) complete the summary Read them please

3.Practice sss Read the text and complete the summary Ex : …… State of Ohio …

Practice on your own in minutes

20’ - Let’s read, please

Others, you have the same or diffirent key ? - Now, it’s my key

1 Ohio Farmer

3 Works part – time at a grocery store 4.5 Peter – sam (or again)

6 after farm

8 (they) watch baseball 10 member

sss Everybody who has a similar key to mine ? OK (Well done)


Now, who can read the text

T checks Sts’ reading (corrects some mistakes) 4.Post

reading GW Ask and answer the questions :Look at the questions read them, please How long will Van stay there ?

2 What does Mr Parker / Mrs Paker ? How many children they have ?


4 What does Van after finish his How the parker family / homework ? Spend their weekend ?

Now ask – answer

Ex : 1: How long will Van stay their ?

- He will stay their still the beginning of October P

W Do the same as my example practice in pair in minutes.Turn round and practice T checks and gives key

2 Mr Parker is a farmer

Mrs Parker works part – time at a grocery – store They have children (peter and Sam)

4 He feeds the chicken and collect their eggs They eat hamburger or hot dog while

They watch Peter play baseball

Everybody Copy the answers in your Exercisebook


T-C - Read the text a gain- Learn by heart the newwords

- Ask and answer question about the text - Be ready for the next lesson


III Self evaluation:

……… ……… ……… ………


Preparation : 20/10/08 Teaching : 22/10/08 Preriod 18



I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to write a short paragraph describing a story happend in the past – a picnic in the countryside

- Teaching points : Vocabulary (site, blanket, lay – laid, blind man bluy (n) tobe + adj to st)

- Teaching aids : Textbook, poster, pictures (2 pictures) II Teaching procedure :

Stages In… Activities Time

1.warm - up T-C Chatting :

T asks sts some questions :

- Have you ever gone on a picnic ? - When did you go ?

- Where did you go ?

- How did you get there ? What did you do? - When did you come back home ?

- Did you enjoy it ?



2.Pre-writing T-C Class look at the picture and tell me The picture / (speak in Vietnamese)

/ Describe what are they doing ? New words :

Site (n) picture : Blanket (n) picture : Lay  laid (picture) :

T checks “what does “……” mean ?”

Now Everybody Use the words given to write full sentences

Ex : Beautiful day / my friend and I / go / picnic  It was a beautiful day My friends and I went on a picnic


Do the same as my example

Practice in group (each table is a group) Practice in minutes

Is this clear to you ? OK Let’s write, please Sts write full sentences (15’)

3.Practice GW T controld and helps sts write wright sentences Time’s up Give me your sentences Groups

OK Go to the board to write down your sentences

15’ T checks – coreects and gives possible key

(poster) it was a beautiful day My friends and I went on a picnic We took the bus to the countryside and walked about 20 minutes to the picnic site next to the river We put down the blankets and laid out the food After mean we played the games called “what song is it ?” and blind man bluff Late in the afternoon we went fishing

We enjoyed our picnic very much When we look at the time, it was nearly 6.30 p.m

We hurriedly gathered our things and ran to

The bus stop We were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening

Everybody ! copy the paragraph in to your Exercisebooks

4.Post -

writing Now, class look at the pictures and Tell the picnic 8’ sss Practice on your own in minutes

Let’s speak, please

Time’s up who can retell the picnic ? 5.

Homework T-C - Write a similar paragraph.- Be ready for the next lesson 2’ III Self evaluation :

……… ……… ……… ………



Preparation : 27/10/08 Teaching : 28/10/08 Preriod 19

UNIT (cont)


LANGUAGE FOCUS. I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to use past

simple wish “wish”, prepositions of time and adverb clauses of result

- Teaching points : Past simple, “wish”, prepositions of time

- Teaching aids : Textbook, poster II Teaching procedure :

Stages In… Activities time

1.warm - up T-C Now, class ready to give me your example Using “wish”

Ex : I Wish I could fly



-teaching T-C Everybody, look at the picture and tell me theReal situation Ex : a) Ba doesn’t a new bike

Tell me about other pictures Practice in pair in minutes


So the same as my example turn round and practice T controls

Time’s up give me your key, please T checks and gives key

b) Hoa lives far from her parents  she cannot visit her parents

c) I don’t past the exam d) It is raining  we are wet e) He cannot fly

f) They not stay in Hue 3.While

teaching T-C Everybody ! What the people wish ?Ex: a) Ba wishes he could have a new bike Wish  the third person  wishes

30’ GW Now, class the same as my example

Practice in group (each table is a group) in Minutes Group and practice, please

Time’s enough Give me your key, please T checks correct the mistakes

T give correct key

b) Hoa wishes she could visit her parents c) I wish I past the example

d) We wish it didn’t rain e) He wishes he could fly

f) They wish they stayed in Hue


Class Look at the box (itinerary : l ch trình)ị This is /mr Thank’s itinerary

- Read it, please

Now, look at these sentences

Use the information to complete the sentence using preposition of time (at, till, on, after, up to, between) Ex : b) He arrived in Singapore on Monday

Everning T explain

On : month with date, days

In : Month, year, season, century, the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening…)

At : the time (at 6p.m) Do the same as my example

Practice on your own in minutes Let’s practice, please

T controls, checks and gives key c) Between d) at e) at f) fill Copy the key in your notebook

3 Complete the sentences with on, at , in and for Do the same as Exercise

Practice on your own, turn round and practic T checks, feedbacks and gives key

a) on b) at … In …

c) in d) for e) in f) at 4.Post

teaching T-C Look at the poster Read it, please.4 Now, match the half sentences Ex : 1.e

 Hoa worked (heat) hard so she past the example


GW Do the same as my example

Practice in group of (each table is group Group and practice

T controls, checks, gives key 5.homework T-C Do again all the exercises

- Be ready for the next lesson 1’

III Self evaluation :

……… ……… ……… ………



Preparation : 28/10/08 Teaching : 29/10/08

Preriod 20

Plan leson learning a foreign language

Lesson Getting started + Listen and read

I/ Aims:

- At the end of the leson Ss will be able to understand *Skill: Writing, speaking speaking, listening

* Teaching aids: Text book II/ The content:

Stage Inter Procedure Tim


1.Warm up


1.Getting started:

T: ‘Check and ( tick ) thing you add more things you or you want to Then compare with your friends.” - How you learn English?

1 Do the homework

2 Do your grammar exercises in grammar books Read short stories or new spapers in English Write English as much as possible

5 Learn by heart all the new words and texts Speak English with friends

7 Use a dictionary for reading

8 Practice listening to English tapes or English programs on the radio

9 Watch English TV programs 10 Learn to sing English songs



T- C T-Ss

I/ Pre teach vocabulary:

1 aspect: (n) linh vuc, mat, khia canh examiner (n): giam khao

3 coming: (adj) sap den

4 college: (n) truong Dai hoc, Cao dang candidate: (n) thi sinh

6 Written examination # Oral eaxamination Direct question:

+ She ased me what my name was, and where I came from

- Explain “ This is a direct question - Guide ss to read new words in chorus - Ask ss to read new words individually II/ Pre questions:

T: “ Lan is talking to Paola, a foreign student, about the oral examination that she has just taken

1 Were the questions in oral exam difficult or easy? How many questions did the examiner ask Lan? T: “ Work in pairs to answer them”

Ss: “ Give feedback”





I/ Reading and checking:

T: “ Read the dialogue between Lan and Paola on page 32 -33 and check if their answers are correct or not

* Answer the questions:

1 (According to Lan) They are difficult

2 About over questions, beside she was asked to read a passage

II/ True or false statement: 15




T: “ whole class read the list of questions for the oral examination of Royal English College.”

- Ask the dialogue again and decide what questions that the examiner asked Lan

- Let ss the exercise individually, the compare with their partners

* Answer keys:

Royal English College

Examination in English as foreign Language Stage one: Oral examination

1 What’s your name? v

2 Where you come from? v

3 Where you live?

4 Do you live with your parents?

5 When did you begin studying English?

6 Why are you learning English? v

7 Do you speak any other languages? v

8 How did you learn English in your

country? v

9 How will you use English in your

country? v

10 What aspect of learning English you

find most difficult? v

11 What are you going to learn? 12 What are your hobbies?

13 Look at this picture Describe it

14 Read tis passage v

- Ask ss to compare with keys

- Ask ss to compare their direct questions and the reported speech

* Answer keys:

1 What’s your name?

-> She asked me what my name was Where you come from?

-> She asked me where I came from Do you speak any other languages?

-> She asked me if I spoke any othe languages Why are you learning English?

-> She asked me where I was learning English How did you learn English in your country?

-> She asked me how I learned English in my country How will you use English in the future?

-> She asked me how I would use English in the future

7.What aspect of learning English you find most difficult? ->-> She asked me what aspect of learning English you find most difficult

8 Read tis passage

-> She asked me to read that passage

4 production PW


- Ask ss to work in pairs to practice asking and answering the One ss plays the role of examiner and another plays role of Lan

- Call on some pairs to play the role of Paola and lan before the class

- Correct pronuncition

- Ask ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogue



in their notebooks

III Experience

Preparation 02/11/08 Teaching: 04/11/08

Period: 21

Plan leson learning a foreign language

Period 22



I/ Aims:

- At the end of the leson Ss will be able to persuade to attend to their school they like *Skill: Writing, speaking, listening

* Teaching aids: Text book II/ The content:

Stage Inter Procedure Time

1.Warm up


* Matching;

1 England Canberra Australia Beijing The USA London

4 China Washington DC Newzealand Wellington Eg: -> Beijing

- Ask ss to by self - Ask ss to give answers T & ss correct


2.Pre speaking

T- C T-Ss

T introduces the lesson -> new words

- Scholarship (a) a payment of moneyto a clever student to enable him to contunue his studies

- abroad; (adv) - persuade (v)

- dormitory (n) ki tuc xa - reputation (n) danh tieng - native speker (n) nguoi ban xu * Checking What and Where

T: “ Today is Sunday Lan and her friends want to go somewhere Lan enjoys going to the seaside, what does she say to persuade her friends to go with her to the seaside

“ I think we should go to the seaside” “ Why don’t we go to the beach?”

“ If you go to the seaside, we can swim and sunbathe”



3 while



I/ Reading and checking:

T: “ Read the dialogue between Lan and Paola on page 32 -33 and check if their answers are correct or not * Answer the questions:

1 (According to Lan) They are difficult

2 About over questions, beside she was asked to read a passage

II/ True or false statement:

T: “ whole class read the list of questions for the oral

4 post



- Ask ss to work in pairs to practice asking and answering the One ss plays the role of examiner and another plays role of Lan

- Call on some pairs to play the role of Paola and lan before the class

- Correct pronuncition

- Ask ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogue


5 Homework T-C - Ask ss to write the direct questions and reportedanswers in their notebooks

III Experience


Preparation 02/11/08 Teaching: 05/11/08

Period: 22

Plan leson learning a foreign language

Lesson Listen

I/ Aims:

- At the end of the leson Ss will be able to identify the correct information by listening and use in the modal verds with If

*Skill: Writing, speaking speaking, listening * Teaching aids: Text book

II/ The content: II Teaching procedure :

Stages In… Activities Timing

1.warm-up T-C - Do you want to play games ? (yes, OK) - Let’s play game called “wispers”

- Who wants to play ? Put your hand, please ? T call sts

- T wispers to the number


The sentences “I want to improre my writing skill” No1 wispers to No1

N2 wispers to No3 and so on

The last Sts (No write the sentence on

The boarb) T gives key Pre

-listening T-C Set the scene :“Nga is talking to kate about her studying English”

Look at the sentences Read them, please


a) Nga’s studing English for her work

b) She learn English at school and University c) She works for a national bank in HaNoi d) She needs to improve her writing e) Her listening is excellent

f) She hopes she can talk to people from all over the world, and understand her farvorite English songs

- Now, guess what sentences are True ? What sentences are False ? PW Practice in pair in minutes

Tell me your predictions, please T writes some predictions

Before listening there are some newword National (adj) (translation)

International (adj) (translation) : T checks “what does “……” mean ?” 3.While

listening T-C Now listen carefully and find outThe false sentences (correct the # sentences) Sts listen to the tape time

Do you hear all ? OK


Compare with your predictions and with Other pairs

Tell me your key

T corrects, checks and gives key a) T


c) F  an International d) T

e) F  exellent  terrible f) T


Production sss Writing.Look at the poster, read them, please Nga is studing English (1) …… her work She (2) …… English at school and

University She works for a (3) … bank in Hanoi She need (4) …… her writing

She has to improve her (5) …… Because It is (6) ……

Listen the tape again and complete the Passage Practice in minutes

Let’s write, please


T controls – checks and gives key

1 for learned / (studied)3 international to improre writing terrible 5.Homework T-C - Do again the exercise

- Be ready for the next lesson 2’



Preparation : 10/11/08 Teaching : 11/11/08 Preriod 23

UNIT (cont)


I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to get the information about the English classes from the advertisement

- Teaching points :Vocabulary ( ………

Intermediate (adj) (translation) : trung c pấ Advanced (adj) (translation) : trình độ cao Well – qualified (adj) Turtion (n) acaderg (n) Council (n)

- Teaching aids : Textbook , poster II Teaching procedure :

Stages In… Activities Time

1.warm - up T-C - What you need to improre in learning E ? - Why ?

Sts answer the questions

3’ Pre

-reading T-C Look at boxes of words.What are they ? What they talk about ? Newwords :

- advertisement (n) (translation ):qu ng cáoả - Intermediate (adj) : trung c pấ

- Advance (adj) : cao c pấ

- Well – qualified (adj) (translation): ch t lấ ượng cao - Tuition (n) (translation) : s d y kèmự

- Academy (n) (translation): trường chuyên ng nh.à - Council (n) (translation) : h i ộ đồng


T checks : “What does “…… ”mean ?” Look at the advertisement

3 Practice (while reading)

sss - Read it, please

- Look at the box read it please School Classtime

Morning, Af …

Language level begin / inter advanced Time to Start Academy of language Morning afternoon evening

advanced First week Off november Foreign language council Morning evening Beginner intermediate November New English Tn stilute Afternoon Evening weekend

beginner (today )


GW Now, fill in the box

- Note down information about the English class ses from the advertisements

Practice in group (each table is a group) Group and practice in minutes

T controls and helps groups Time’s up

Give me your key, please

T checks – corrects and gives key (T write in the table)

4.Post-reading T-C Now, look at the noteRead it please

Notes _



English class - Early evening - intermediate level

- Starting late octorber kearly November Look at the advertisements in the box Choose a suitable language school for him Give reasons for your choise

Practice in group (2 tables = a group) Group and practice in minutes GW Cues possible :

- Mr Lam needs the intermediate level

- He wants the course to begin late Octorber or early November

- He wants to learn English in the morning Look at the notes

Answers the questions :

1 What time can Mr Lam go to his English course ? Which level does he choose ?

3 When does he want to start learning ? 5.Homework T- C - read the passages again

- Do the exercise 2’

III Self evaluation :

Preparation : 10/11/08 Teaching : 12/11/08 Preriod 24

UNIT (cont)


I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to write A letter of inquiry to the institution requesting for More information about the courses and fees

- Teaching points :Vocabulary ( request (v), deltail (n), look forward to (n) Express (n) edition (n)

- Teaching aids : Textbook , poster II Teaching procedure

Stage In… Activities time

1.Warm-up T-C - How many parts are there in a letter ? What are they ?

1 Heading : / What are in the heading ? Openning : / What are in the opening ? Body of the letter

4 Closing / What are in the closing ? - What is the main part of the letter ? (body…)


2.Prewrit… T-C Now, class look at the (picture) letter This is a formal letter

Before reading it There are some newwords Newwords :


- Detail (n) (translation) - Fee (n) (translation) :


- Look forward to C + V-ing : (translation) T checks “what does …… mean ? ”

Now, read the letter, please (3’) T controls and helps sts read T-C Now answer the questions :

a) Where did robinson see the school’s

advertisement ? (in today’s edition of VNese news) b) What language does he want to learn ?

(Viet namese)

c) What aspect of Vietnamese does he want to improve ? (read and write)

d) What does Robinson want to know ?(same deltails and fees of the course)

Everybody, look at the box Read it, please

T How many parts are there in a letter of inguiry (4 parts)

- What are they ? Introduction Request

3 Further information Conclub ron

Now, match the parts of the letter in correct order In the letter

- Introduction : I saw …… News - Request : I am …… Your school

- Further information : I speak … Necessary - Conclusion : I look …… you

3.While… T-C Now, use parts (Academy of language and write A letter of inquiry.)

- Practice writing in minutes - Practice on your own

- Let’s write please (Use the cues given)


Dear ……., I saw …

I am interested in learning ………

And I would like some information about your…… I ……… so I want to impove ……… Could you please ……


I look forward to hearing from you soon Your faithfully

4.Post …. T-C T collects some writing and checks T – C checks  feedback

T chooses the best writing

Ask sts to write the letter on your notebook Sts Write


5.Homework T-C Use other parts of and write other letter III Self – evaluation :


Preparation :20/11/09 Teaching : 21/11/09 Preriod 25

UNIT (cont)


I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practice model

Verbs with “if”, derect and reported speech

- Teaching points : Reported speech (“here ” and “now”) Reported questions

- Teaching aids : Textbook , poster II Teaching procedure :

Stages inter Activities Time

Warm-up T-C Class ! name some model verbs and their Meanings

Model verbs must

5’ Model verbs can

Model verbs have to Model verbs should

Pre- Look at the sentence :

You have to go to University if you want to study “if” : Conditional sentence type

Main – clause : model verb + infinitive If – clause : Present simple tence


1 Complete the sentences : Ex : Lan : My grades are terrible

Mrs Quyen : If you want to get good grades You must study hard (must) Do the same as my example

Practice in group (each table is a group) Group and in minutes

T controls checks and gives key

3.Practice Look at the table 20’

Derect speech

Reported (inderected) speech


Speech Reported speech Present

simple tense

Pasts tense This

these Thatthose Present

progressive tense


progressive tence

Here there

Future simple tense (will)

Would +

infinitive Now then

Cant may Could

might Today That day

Must Had to tomorow The


3 Look at the exercise - What is the requirement ? Ex :

a) “this birthday cake is delicious”

Uncle Hung said that birday cake was delicious Do the same as my example

Practice in individual in minutes Let’s write, please

T checks and gives key

b) Miss Nga said she loved those roses

c) Cousin Mai said she was having a wonderful time here

d) Mr Chi said she might have a new job f) Mr Quang said he had to leave then

Ex : Reported questions If – whether

Ex :

a) “How old are you ?”

 she asked me how old, was b) “Is your school near here ? ”

 She asked me if / whether my school was Near there

Do the same as my example

sss Practice in individual in minutes Let’s change the sentences, please T controls – checks and gives key

c) She asked me what the name of my school was d) She asked me if I went to school by bike e) She asked me which grades he was in f) She asked me if I could use a computer g) She asked me why I wanted that job

h) She asked me when your school vocation started 4.Production sss - Sts copy the correct sentences in your notebooks

- Let’s write, please

- T helps sts some exercises in the exercisebook

8’ 5.Homework T-C Do again all the exercises

- Be ready for the test 2’

III Self evaluation :

Preparation :24 /11//08 Teaching : 26/11/08 Preriod 28




I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to know more about the media

- Teaching points : Vocabulary (crier (n), channel (n), interactive (adj) Remote (v), control(v) benefit(n))

- Teaching aids : Textbook , poster II Teaching procedure :

Stages in

Activities Time

Warm-upTT-C * Getting started

- What are they doing ? 5’


Watching T.V Reading newspaper Listening to the radio Reading magazine Using the internet Now ! ask and answer

A : Which of these is your favorite activity in your free time ? B : Watching T.V

A : How many hours a week you spend Watching T.V?

B : About or hours, I guess Class ! Do the same as my example Practice in pair in minutes

T controls – checks some pair 2.Pre… T-C Everyone ! look at the picture :

- Who is this (a crier)

- What are these (newspapers) - What is it ? (remote control) Newwords :

- Crier (n) (picture) :

- interactive (adj) (translation) : - Remote control (n)(picture): - Benefit (n) (translation): - Channel (n) (example VTV1): - Medium – media (n) (example):


T checks “what does ………mean ?” Class ! look at the poster

Read it, please

a) T.V is a cheap and convenient enterainment b) VNese enjoy reading “KTNN”, one of the most popular magazines

c) In the past, crivers had to shout the lastest new as they were walking in the street

d) Interactive is the development of T.V Close your book

Predict which sentence goes with which passage letter Now, listen to the passage and check your predictions Class ! tell me your key, please

3.while - Open your book, read the passages and check Your listening

T checks some sts’ reading

Now, look at the poster Read it, please

_facts and events _PassageLetter D 1.Remote controls are used to unteract with T.V One of the most popular magazines

3 People of different agas like this magazine Benegit of T.V

5 People got the news from town criers Interactive TV is available now


Now, complete the table with the passage letters EX : 1.D

GW Practice in group (each table = a group) Practice in minutes

Group and practice T controls

Time’s up Give me your key, please T checks and give key


4.Post T-C Look at the questions Read them, please Ask and answer questions

Ex :

1 What was a town crier ?

A town crier was a person who was walking along The street and shouled the lastest news

Everybody, the same as my example Practice in group (each table = a group)


Practice in minutes Group and practice T controls

Time’s up give one your key, please Write your sentences on the board T-C Check – feed back

T gives key

Class, copy the key in your notebook homework T-C - Read the passage again

- Be ready for the next lesson 2’

III Self evaluation :

Preparation : 1/12/08 Teaching : 2/11/08 Preriod 29


LESSON SPEAK +Listen I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to talk to their friends About programs that they like or dislike

- Teaching points : - Like / dislike - tage questions

- Vocabulary (Vident (adj), documentary (n), Informative(adj))

- Teaching aids : Textbook , poster II Teaching procedure :

Stages In… Activities time Warm-up T-C Everybody, tell me some programs on TV

(you can speak in Vietnamese) 5’

Pre-speaking T-C - Listen to me first (1 time)- Repeat after me (2 – times) Newwords :

Documentary (n)(translation) : Violent (adj) (translation) : - informative (adj) (translation):


PW Now, practice the dialogue in pair T checks some pair

Now, look at the open dialogue Read it, please

A : You like watching …… Don’t you … ? B : Not really I don’t like watching them I prefer …

A : I’m the opposite I love watching … And …… Seem(s) quite boring to me B : But you watch …… don’t you ? A : Yes, every day It’s very informative

B : I enjoy it too You don’t like …… you ? A : no, I don’t

While… GW Practice in group (Two table = a group)

Practice in minutes 10’


Group and practice : (when finishing practice your dialogue in pair)

T controls and helps some groups PW Give me your dialogue, please

T checks – feedback Post

speaking T-C I like playing sports I don’t like watch documentaries 8’ sss Let’s write, pleas

T controls and corrects some mistakes Pre –

listening T-C Chau is doing an assignment about the media She wants to ask her father some information to the assigment

2’ Newwords :

Telegragh (n) (translation) : Major force (n)(translation) : Journalism(n)(translation) :

T checks “what does …….mean?” Class look at the poster, read it, please

_When what happened TH or 8th centery


Early 20th century

(c) …

Mid- and late 1990s

The first printed newspaper appeared in C

The telegraph was invented Two new forms of news Media appeared (b)

Television became popular

(d)… became a maijor force in journalism

PW Everybody ! can you guess what are in a) b) c) And d) practice in pair

Give me your predictions, please

T writes some sts’ predictions on the broad

While lis… T-C Now, class listen to the (answersto) conversation between Chau and her father about the media

Listen carefully, please T read the dialogue (3 times)

Share compare – compare with your partner T checks – feedback and gives key

a) The late 19th centery.

b) Radio and newsreel c) In the 1950s

d) The internet Post-lis… Discussing :

What is your favorite type of media ? Why ? Ex : My favorite type of media is TV

Because TV is very informative Do the same as my example

III Self – evaluation :

Preparation : Teaching : Preriod 30


I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to get some know ledge about the internet


- Teaching points : - Vocabulary forum (n), surf (v), deny (v), Getaccess to (v), limitation (n) Spam alert (adj)

- Teaching aids : Textbook , poster II Teaching procedure:

Stages In… Activites Time

Warm-up T-C Chatting :

What is the internet used for ? Communicate

On – line school Self – study On line lesson Get information Chatting




T-C Look at the picture ? What is this (the internet) Newwords :

Forum (n) (translation) :


Deny (v) (translation): Surf (v) (translatinon): Get access to (exp):

Limitation (n)(translation): Spam (n)(translation): Time – con-sleming (adj): Alart(adj), translation:

T checks : “What does “… ”mean?” Class look at the state ments :

Read them, please

a) Internet is a wonderful invention of modern life b) The internet is available in both city and the country side

c) People use the internet for two purposes : Education and entertainment

d) Bad program is one of the limitations of The internet

e) It is unnecess ary to be alert when using the internet

While-read… sss Now, read the forum on the internet and tick T or F (correction the false sentences) Practice in individual in minutes

Let’s read, please

T controls – checks sts’ reading Now, tell me your key, please


T gives feedback and key a) T b) F c) F d) T e) F

- Now, read the forum again and answer the questions Ex:

a) What does Sandra use the internet for ?

- She uses the internet to get infor mation and to communicate with friend and relatives

Do the same as my example

Practice in group (2 tables = a group) Practice in minutes

GW Group and practice (question b) and c)) T controls and helps some groups

Time’s up, give me your answer, please T checks and gives key

Post-read… GW and make a list of benefits and disced vantahes of theinternet _benefits disadvantages



- Fast and convenient Way to get

Information - comnunication Education - Enter tainment - commerce

- time - conswiming - costly

- dangerous because Viruses and beed Programs

- Suffer various rists

(spam, electronic Junk mail ) Practice in group (the same as above)

Group and practice in minutes T controls and helps sts

Time’s up give me your key, please

T checks – feedbacks and givekey (about) homework T-C - Learn be heart the newwords

- Read the passage again - Be ready for the next lesson

2’ III Self evaluation:

Preparation : Teaching : Preriod 31


I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to write a passage about the internet

- Teaching points : - internet vocabulary

- Teaching aids : Textbook , poster II Teaching procedure:

Stages In… Activities Time Warm-up T-C Benefits of the internet

(Entertainments.listen to music see movies, play games …) Get information (read actiscles, watch the weather forecast….)

- Education (study through on – line shou…)


line shouls, on line lesson …)

Everyone give me some benefits of the internet

Pre-writ… T-C Class ! Tell me the benefits of the internet.Practice in group in minutes Group : What does the internet help you get Information ?

Group : How you use the internet for entertainments ? Group – : How you used the internet for education ?


PW Practice wrting please

T controls – helps students

Time’s up give me your answer please T checks – coreects mistakes


While - … Now, use the information to write a passage About the benefits of the internet

Practice in group (each table = a group) Group and write in 10 minutes

T controls and gives help Sugested idea :

Benefits of the internet

The internet has increasingly developed and become part of our life


The internet is a sourse of information It is ready a very fast and convenient way to get information You can read the articles, you can checks the weather before going out You can get the lastest nows easily…

The internet ia a sourse of entertainments You can listen to all kinds of music you like You can watch your favorite movies and you can read novels

The internet is also a rich sourse of educational materials we can learn English, we can look at a dictionary …

The internet is a wonderful invention of modeln life And it makes our would a small village

Post - … T-C T collects some writing and corrects mistakes

T feedbacks and gives marks 8’

homework T-C - Copy the writing in your notebooks 2’ III Self evaluation :


Preparation : Teaching : Preriod 32


LESSON LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objective : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to talk about like or dislikecend tag questions

- Teaching points : Tag questions Gerund, some verbs : Like, dislike, enjoy, love and hate

- Teaching aids : Textbook , exercisebook II Teaching procedure:

Stages In… Activities time

Warm-up T-C Class ! tell me all the auxiliary verbs you’ve learnt Auxiliary verbs


Will (modal verb) Do / does

Be (is/ am/ are) Have / has


Pre-teach * Tag questions :

Look at these sentences : You are a teacher, aren’t you ? Mary is not teacher, is she ?

You have read the story, haven’t you ? Mary hasnot read the story, has she ? You go to the cinema, don’t you ?

Mary does not go to the cinema, does she ? Now, comment the words underlined


Form :

Sentences : Possitive  the tag is negative Sentences : negative  the tag is positive After (the tag is) the auxiliar verb is Pronoun (VD : mary  she)

Everybody, ready to give me some example T writes some sts’ sentences

Practice T-C Look at

1 complete the dialogues Read , please

- Class, decide what auxiliary verbs are used in the dialogues :

a) have b) did c) was d) e) are

Negative N Positive N N

you He it you We


- Which tags are positive and which ones are negative ? - which pronouns are used to make tag questions

Now complete the dialogues

GW Practice in group in minutes (each table = a group) T controls and helps

Time’s up, give me your answer please

T checks some groups Checks – corrects mistakes

Look at the poster, read it please


News Movies Music Sports Quizzes Games English lessons cartoons  X X  X X  X  X  X  X X  X  X X X  X  X  X   X X X Key :  like

X dislike

- Ask and answer questions about Tuan, Hanh, Mai and Anh using tag questions

Ex : - Tuan likes news, doen’t he ? - Yes, he does

- My and anh don’t like news, they ? - No, they don’t

Do the same as my examples PW Practice in pair in minutes

Turn round and practice (in) T controls and helps

Then T checks some pairs Look at the box of words Read them please

1 soccer fishing movies

4 detective stories candy

6 music

- Ask and answer question U-sing : “like”, “love”, “enjoy” and “hate” + Ving

Ex : - Do you like playing soccer ? + Yes, I (No, I hate it) - you enjoy fishing ?

+ Yes I love it I don’t know I’ve never Tried it

Do the sames as my example

PW Practice in pair in minutes Group and practice Production Matching

Evevyone look at the poster Read it, please 8’ She He I They You We My mother My father Like Love Enjoy Dislike Hate Watch Listen Play Write Read Games Music Articles Letters Advertisements Sports

Now ! match each word of to – – Ex : She likes watching (games) – sports I enjoy playing music

You hate playing music He likes watching sports


I enjoy playing music

Do the same as my example

GW Practice in group (each table = a group) T.controls and helps

Now, tell me your sentences, please T checks some groups

Homework T-C - Do again all the exercises

- Takes the exercisebook for the next lesson 2’ III Self evaluation :

Ngày đăng: 01/05/2021, 20:11


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