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5) We don’t allow people (smoke/smoking/smokes/to smoke) in this room. 6) They didn’t permit (to camp/camping/camp/camps) in this wood. 7) Nothing will make me (change/to change/changing[r]


1 I (never, see) anyone more punctual than your brother I (meet ) your bother this afternoon at Green Street

3 I understand you (have ) _an unpleasant experience at the weekend What ( happen) exactly?

4 He (light) a cigarette and ( walk) to the window My clothes are not in the room They (take) _ them away 6.“Good night It (be ) nice to meet you,” he (say) - and (go) off to his car A lot of modern medicines (make) _from plants

8 The music for “ The Marriage of Figaro” (write) by Mozart The results (announce) tomorrow morning at nice o’clock

10 All the beautiful buildings in our cities (destroy) by exhaust gases from cars ,we must ( ) something to stop this

11 The statue (break) _-while it (move) _to another room in the museum 12 She (sleep) _for 10 hours! You must wake her

13 David (repair) _- the TV set at the moment He (work) _ at it for one hour or so 14.David (wash) his hands He just (repair) the TV set

15 Why you all (laugh) ? Jim (tell) you his anecdotest?

16.I (work) -at my report since Monday Now I (write) -the conclusion 17 Tell them to stop and take a rest We ( work) long enough

18 Ms Abbott (walk) _home from work when she (see) the child fall off the bridge

19 After (shout) _-for help, she (take) off her shoes and( jump) an (save) him

20 I can’d go with you as I (not, finish) _ my work

31.The performance (begin) at o’clock and (last) _- for three hours We all (enjoy) it 32 “You (be) here before?” Yes.I (spend) my holiday here last year

33 He (leave) _for London years ago and I (not see) him since 34 You (be) to the laboratory this week?

35 “ You (find) the key which you (lose) yesterday ?” Yes I (find) _ it in the pocket of my other coat”

36.I (see) _him in the library today We (be) _there together 37.We never (meet) him We don’t know what he looks like

38 I suppose when I (come) back in tow years’time, they (pull) down all these old buildings 39 We (finish) all our housework by tomorrow evening

40 “Your face (be) dirty, Tom”.All right, I(wash) it

51.“You have just missed the last train” Never mind, I (walk) 52.When we(take) our exams, we (have) a holiday

53 “You (know) the way to the Globe Theatre? “.No Then I (show) you 54.Thousands of people (see) this exhibition by the end of the month 55.By the time you (finish) cooking they (do) their homework 56.I don’t think he (change)in the thirty years I (know) him

57.Then about a year ago he (disappear) and I (never hear) from him since 58.My father (fight) for four years in the last war

59.I’m taking my daughter out tonight She (not have ) fun for a long time

60 You’re just in time to hear a nice bit of news Our neighbour is engaged to get married He (bring) me the news himself this morning

61.Coming into the room he (see) Mary where he (leave) her 62.What you (do) if you (be) in my situation?

63.He greeted her She really (look) better than when he (see) her last.Yes, she (change) 64.After the guests (leave) she (go) back into the living room and (switch) off the light 65.I sat down at the desk and ( wonder)why my father’s letter (not arrive) yet I (write) to ask him to send me some money at once

66.He never fails (arrive) in time to help me

67 On arrival at home I (find) that she just (leave) just a few minutes before 68.Come to see me at this afternoon I (not, arrive) home until 4:30

69.Behave youself, Lucy If you (do) _ that again, you (have) to go to bed 70 When Alice (get) _here,you (show) her to her room?

71.We couldn’t risk (leave) him alone

72.Their marriage only lasted three months If he (be) mean, she (not ,leave ) him 73 Good, everybody’s ready If we (leave) now, we (miss) the rush hour traffic 74.The dinner (leave) _ on the table untouched

75 I don’r know what’s the matter with him He (act) _ funny since you (be) _ away 76 I (sit) _ there for about ten minutes, pretending to read, when someone (sit) down at my table

77.He was sure that there(be ) a serious row when Hugh (hear) of it 78.I’m sure you (forget) _ me by the time I (be) back in five years

79.Don’t worry He (promise) _to come if he (have ) _time 80.Stay here till the lights (turn) _-green

81.Avoid (use ) _the infinitive after the expression “It’s no use”

82.If you (smoke) _less, you (have ) _much more money But I don’t think you ever will 83.She hasn’t have any pudding until she (eat) her potatoes

84.No one (know) _when he (come ) tomorrow, or whether he (come) at all 85.As Hugh and I (come) _down the steps we nearly (run) _into my father 86.No sooner I (arrive) than I (send) her a letter to say that I had a present for her 87.I’ll get back as soon as I (get) through with my business

88.He (not go) _ forty yards in the direction of Piccadilly when he (meet) _Mary 89.We’re lost the camera If we (lock) _ the car window, we (not give) them the opportunity to break in

90.He threatens (resign) if we (not agree) to his proposal

91.I know it’s a delicate situation, Inspector, but what you (say) _if I (give) you a little present?

92.The police hope (solve) _ the mystery soon

93.This room will look very cheerful once you’re finished (decorate)

94.She stopped walking On the other side of the raod (be) the bus stop where she first (meet) him

95.If you (want)to see us ,come to Tom’s on Sunday.We (wait) for you there at midday 96.Come in, please.I (wait) _for you long

97.Who you (go) to the cinema with last night?

98.Some sound in the night (wake) _ me up I (roll) _ over in the blanket his aunt (loan) _me and (go) _out

99.For a moment after their son (leave) _ the room, Mr and Mrs Smith merely (stand) _and (look) _at each other

100.The small room (fill) _ with boxes of different sixes which (deliver) the day before

Choose the best answer A,B,C or D

1) The teacher permits us (go/to go/going/went) out in a minute 2) Tell him (to come/comes/coming/come) to see me at once 3) He advises us (be/are/to be/being) more studious

4) He allows (asking/to ask/ask/asked) him questions

5) We don’t allow people (smoke/smoking/smokes/to smoke) in this room 6) They didn’t permit (to camp/camping/camp/camps) in this wood 7) Nothing will make me (change/to change/changing/changes) my mind 8) Tom let me (to drive/drive/driving/drove) his car yesterday

9) The teacher recommends (preparing/prepare/to prepare/prepares) the lessons well before coming to class

10) Jack was allowed (renew/to renew/renewing/renewed) his student card 11) The doctor made the patient (stay/to stay/staying/stayed) in bed 12) He recommended me (do/to do/doing/did) it

13) His parents permitted him (to go/going/go/goes) out


15) She advised her husband (give/giving/to gave/to give) up smoking 16) He’s expecting (make/to make/made/making) a trip to Ha Long Bay

17) Students stopped (make/making/to make/to making) noise when the teacher came in 18) I enjoy (listening/to listen/listen/listened) to classical music

19) I really regret (to hurt/hurt/hurting/to hurting) your feeling when I asked you such a silly question

20) He’ll try (not make/not to make/to not make/not making) the same mistake again 21) Would you mind (buying/buy/to buy/bought) me a newspaper?

22) Would you like (have/having/to have/has) a dance with me?

23) Did you remember (phone/to phone/phoning/phoned) Ann?Oh,no.I completely forgot it 24) Those shirts need (to iron/ironing/iron/to ironing)

25) They finished (learning/to learn/learn/learned) and then they wanted to go out for pleasure

26) When you see Tom, remember (give/giving/to give/gave)him my regards 27) I hope (not to do/ not /not doing/not to did) that tiring work again 28) They postponed (building/build/to build/built) the school for lack of finance 29) Are his ideas worth (listen/listening/to listen/to listening) to?

30) He always avoids (meeting/met/to meet/meet) in the street 31) Do you agree (lend/to lend/lending/lent) me some money? 32) Tom refused (to give/giving/give/given) me his address 33) My watch keeps (stop/to stop/stopping/stopped)

34) My grandfather gets used to (get/getting/to get/got) up early in the morning 35) Don’t forget (give/gave/giving/to give)her my message when you see her 36) You should try (wearing/wear/to wear/wears) any shirts you want to buy 37) I remember (meet/meeting/met/to meet) you somewhere last month

38) John regretted (not bringing/not to bring/not bring/didn’t bring) enough money He couldn’t buy a good mobile phone

39) We stopped once to buy petrol and then we stopped again (ask/to ask/asking/asked) someone the way to the hospital

40) Do you often practise (speaking/to speak/speak/spoke) English?

41) I must remind my students that this grammar point needs (revise/revising/to revise/revised)

42) Your hair needs (cutting/cut/to cut/to cutting) tomorrow

43) They don’t allow (to smoke/smoking/be smoked/smoked) in the auditorium 44) Would you like me (to turn/turn/turning/to be turned) down the radio? 45) Would you mind (keep/to keep/keeping/being kept) quiet for a moment?

46) They let us (be parked/park/to park/parking) motorbikes here but they don’t allow us park cars

47) If you want the milkman to leave you milk in the morning, don’t forget (put/to put/putting/to be put) a milk bottle outside

48) My teacher advised me (read/to read/ to be read/reading) this book 49) We found it very difficult (reach/reaching/to reach/to reaching) a decision 50) Mary regrets (tell/to tell/telling/being told) him about her secret yesterday 51) Please let me (to know/know/knowing/known) your decision

52) I was looking forward to (see/to see/saw/seeing) you yesterday

53) Sad movies always make me (cry/crying/to cry/to crying) 54) It takes me hours (to write/writing/to be written/written) a letter 55) He is too busy (take/to take/taking/took) care of her

56) I regret (to inform/informing/inform/informed) you that your application has been refused

57) Don’t forget (close/closing/to close/closed) the door before going out

58) I advise you (to wait/wait/waiting/to be waited) before deciding to accept that position 59) I promise to give you an opportunity (to ask/ask/asking/asked) questions

60) I caught a cold yesterday from (walking/walk/walked/to walk) in the rain B Tìm sửa lỗi câu sau

61) I still(A) remember to leave(B) your hat here(C) this morning(D) 62) He’s(A) tired He stopped(B) to work(C) for a while(D)

63) Please(A) remember write(B) to me(C) as soon(D) as possible 64) She(A) began play(B) the guitar when(C) she was six(D) 65) I’d(A) like telling(B) you something(C) about myself(D)

66) You have an(A) interview with Mr (B) Lee tomorrow Don’t(C) forget meeting(D)him 67) I don’t regret to tell(A) her what(B) I thought, even(C) though it made her angry(D) 68) I tried writing(A) a letter but(B) my hands were too(C) cold to hold(D) a pen

69) Lan enjoys to read(A) English newspapers(B) very much She wants to(C) improve her English(D)

70) It’s(A) no use telephone(B) Lan She’s(C) out now(D)

71) I was lonely(A) at first, but(B) after a short time(C) I got used to live alone(D) 72) Would(A) you mind telling(B) me how get(C) to the post office?

73) I’ll(A) remember sending(B) you a postcard when(C) I reach(D) London

74) I wanted to(A) stop buying(B) some presents, but(C) I didn’t have enough(D) time 75) Your windows need to clean(A) Would you like(B) me to do(C) them for(D) you?

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: It is easy (fool) ………… by his lies

2 Martha doesn’t like to have her picture taken She avoids (photograph) ……… I appreciate (invite) ………… to your home

4 Let’s not risk (catch) ……… In a traffic jam

5 The government tried to stop the book (publish) ………… (search) ……… by customs officers is unpleasant There’s a lot of work (do)………

8 The new students hope (include) … in many of the school’s social activities When the police first questioned him, he denied (involve) ………… in the robbery 10 I remember (take) ……… to the zoo when I was a child

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form (gerund, present participle, infinitive):

1 We will go (camp) ………… in BaDen mountain this summer vacation That’s such an (amuse) ……… story that I can’t put it down

3 (take) ……… the umbrella with him, he went out in the heavy rain


5 Would you like to go (fish) ……… with me on Saturday afternoon? It was one of my most (embarrass) ……… experiences in my life That he passed the exam is very (surprise) ………

8 The woman (wear) ……… a red dress is my neighbor We spend most of my time (read) ……… science book

10 The film is very (bore) ………… So I kept on sleeping in the rex

11 I didn’t like (work) ……… so I suggested (spend) ………… the day in the garden 12 I’d rather (go) ………… for a swim then (play) ………… tennis

13 We’d better (study) ………… hard

14 Why you keep (look) ……… back? Are you afraid of (be) ………… followed? 15 ( write) ………… gives him a lot of pleasure

16 Does your sister mind (cook) ………… everyday?

17 Have you ever considered (go) …………to live in another country? 18 He tried to avoid (answer) ………… my questions

19 When I’m tired, I enjoy (watch) ………… TV It’s relaxing 20 The movie was very sad It made me (cry) ………… I.Give the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets.(2m)

1.Mr Gree( buy) a new tractor last month? 2.She ( be ) ill for several months.

3.When it started to rain, they ( walk) through the forest. _ 4.Don’t make noise! My mother ( speak) to her friends in the next room. _ 5.I (be ) tired now. _

6.He( not be ) absent from class yesterday. 7.When the police arrived, the car ( already go ) 8.When I was in Ho chi Minh city, I often ( go ) to English speaking Club _ II Use the correct form of the verbs in parenthese in the following sentences. ( Gerund, To infinitive or Bare-infinitive)(2m)

 Would you mind ( show ) me how to work the lift?

 Ask him ( come ) in Don’t keep him standing at the door  The bus driver was so tired of ( drive) the same route every day

that he asked for a transfer

 I finally finished ( cook) at p.m and served dinner  The mouse family avoided ( be ) caught by coming out only

when the house was empty and two cats were outside

 Do you think her parents will let her ( go ) for a picnic?  Jack got into trouble when he refused (open) his briefcase for the customs officer  You must ( keep ) practising on the computer until you

understand how to use all of the programmes

III Fill each blank with a suitable word or phrase.(1,5m)

+ silver + sneaky + golden + diamond + close friend + received + gave + bought + acquaintance+ incapable + embarrassing + guests + hostesses

 A( An ) _ is a person one simply knows, and a friend is a person with whom one has a deeper relationship

 She was in a very sitution She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say

 People call the 25th wedding anniversary the “ anniversary”  Last Saturday evening, Mai’s birthday party was held at home She

greeting cards and gifts from friends and relatives  Mr Pike invited some _ to his house for dinner last night

 I don’t like the look of that man There is something _ about him

IV Use the following sets of words or phrases to write complete sentences.

 Speak/ English/ a native speaker/ make/ you/ love/ country/ more

 When/ I/ have lunch/ last night/ the lights/ go out

 I/ often go/ school/ foot

We/ learn/ English/ years. _ VI Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the given words.

1 They got out of the car

_ The police watched The milk was very sour We couldn’t drink it

_ The milk was too _ It is such an easy question that all of my students can answer it

_ The question _ She did her homework and then she went to bed

_ After she It started raining hours ago

_ It has They finished the test in 40 minutes

_ It took _ I.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1 I didn’t have enough time (finish) my work yesterday

2 She made her son (wash) the window before he could go outside (play) with his friends

3 She lets her children (stay) up very late We both heard him (say) what he was leaving It made him angry ( wait) for people who were late It’s important (start) the meeting on time

7 There are too many people here for me ( talk) to all of them It took ages (download) the pictures from the Internet

9 It was a thrill (see) my brother (win) the chess tournament last year 10.I was relieved ( find out) that I had passed the exams

II.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets I didn't have enough time (finish) my work yesterday


4 She made her son _(wash) the windows before he could go outside (play)with his friends

5 She lets her children (stay) up very late

6 We had nothing (do) except look at the cinema posters We both heard him _(say) that he was leaving

III/ Vocabulary:

1/ She was in a very …… situation She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say a embarrassing b embarrassed c embarrass d embarrassingly 2/ I don’t like that man.he has a …… behaviour

a clever b good c interesting d sneaky

3/ Teenagers nowadays often have their own ……… who they really love and imitate in different ways a idolsb situations c songs d movies 4/ The boy glanced at me and turned away

a knocked b pointed c looked d arrived

5/ I saw a wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones my father had given me a a bunch of b a number of c a pile of d a lot of 6/ Can you imagine how I felt?

a know b picture c guess d pain

7/ There was a sneaky look on his face but I didn’t think about that

a yellow b unmanly c slipery d secretive 8/ There were tears and ……… as they said goodbye

a embrace b embraces c embraced d embracing IV/ Grammar: Choose the best answer

1 Yes, my most embarrassing experience happened some months ………

a ahead b before c ago d past

2 have you ever ……… a fire?

a see b saw c seeing d seen

3 The fire ………… some years ago at Dong Xuan market

a happen b happened c happening d happens

4 I am going home when I ……… an accident

a saw b see c was seeing d seen

5 When I got to the airport, the plane ………… off

a has taken b took c taking d had taken

6 They still ……… any news when I spoke to them yesterday

a don’t have b didn’t have c haven’t had d hadn’t had Who were you taking to on the phone as I ……… in?

a come b am coming c came d was coming

8 When I arrived at the meeting the first speaker ……… speaking

a just finishes b had just finished c has just finished d just finished You looked very busy when I saw you yesterday moring What ……….?

a were you doing b were you c did you d you 10 He was watching TV when the phone ………?

a rings b rang c ringing d ring

11 when I was boy, I often went to school ……… foot a on b at c with d of

12 He looked ………… me angrilywhen I interrupted him a on b up c for d at

13 When I returned home after 20 years, everything ……… Completely a has changed b had changed c is changing d was changing

Use the correct tense of verbs:

1- If they ……… (train) hard, they could win the first prize, but they lost.

2- Does Mrs Green have them……….(carry) those books back home?

3- Their parents advised them ……… (try) harder and harder.

4- Children have just stopped………(play) football.

5- I ……… (watch) TV when he knocked at the door.

6- While they……….(read) the new novel, He………(practice)

his music lesson.

7- The lady want the waiter……… (bring) her some more sugar.

8- They keep………(talk) about the old friend whom they met yesterday.

9- Is Hue……….(visit) by thousands of tourists each year?

10- We wish she……… (go) with us , but she is very busy.

11- He used ……… (do) research in this library.

Ngày đăng: 30/04/2021, 01:48



