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THE WINDY D4J LQI - HirONG GIANG (Chu bien) iAch an thi (TDCLL hoe^ CAC CHUYEN DE TIENG ANH ON THI TOT NGHIEP - DAI HOC Hieu dinh: NGQC MAI & NHUNG DO * * • rW VIEN T/NH 5INH o THWrn Mpiy kiin ddng gdp cua Quy doc gia xin gui ve: Ban Bien tap s&ch ngoai ngfr The Windy - Cong ty CO phan s^ch MCBooks 26/245 Mai Djdi - Cau Giay - NQI DT: 04.37921466 Email: NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NQI I C A C CHUYEN DE TIENG ANH ON T H IT O T NGHIEP - DAI H O C NHA X U A T B A N D A I H Q C Q U O C G I A H A N Q I 16 Hang Chuoi - Hai Ba Trwng - Ha Noi Dien thoai: (04) 9714896; (04) 9724770; Fax: (04) 9714899 Chiu trdch nhiem xuat ban: G i a m doc - T o n g bien tap: T S P H A M T H I T R A M Bien tap: " " * l T H A I H O A Svta ban in: MCBOOKS Che ban: L E LIEN Vebia: TRONG KIEN l.DANHTU "^LI£NK^XUATBAN • D a n h ivt dem diryc C O N G TY C O PHAN S A C H M C B O O K S Dia Chi: %n.m; 05; -i I• Hinh thuc so it: a/an + N ' 'A Danh tit so it la danh tir dim duac vai dan vi la mot (a/an + N) - " a " dung truac danh tu s6 it bit dau bSng mpt phu am M a so: L / D H I n 5.000 cuon, k h d 16x24cm, t a i C o n g ty co p h i n I n S a o V i e t So K H X H : - / C X B / - D H Q G H N 12/4/2013 Q u y e t d i n h xuSi't b a n so: L K - X H / Q D - N X B DHQGHN Chu y: - "an" diing truac danh t u s6 ft hk dku bang mgt nguyen am ( u, e, o, a, i) Khong c6 hinh thuc s6 nhiSu (s/es) Khong dung vdi a/an/one/two •/ C6 the di vai tir chi don vi dinh lugng + of: a bottle of milk, two litters of water, a loaf of bread, three sheets of paper, four pieces of chalk, a bar of chocolate, a gallon of petrol, 3) Danh tu-vii-a dem diro'c vira khong dem duo-c: Hinh thirc so nhiiu: Danh tic so nhieu \ > Id danh tic dim duac Mot so danh tir truomg hgp 1^ d i m dugc nhung truomg hop khac v&i dan Hop quy tac: Ns/es vi h laikhongdgmdugc hoac nhieu han Dem duoc Bat quy tac: > Danh tvr ket thuc bSng phu am + y thl y dugc chuyen t h ^ h ies baby -> babies country -> countries fly ^ flies lady-> ladies • / : ; : ' • v'ffirm Khony dem duoc Eg: books, pens, boxes a fHr! glass (thuy tinh) Q a glass (mot cdi li) C L ^ paper (gidy) b Mot so danh tir kSt thiic bing o thi ta them s kilo c kilos photo -^photos piano -^pianos Mot s6 danh tir kk thuc bSng f hoac fe thi ta chuygn f hoac fe ves half halves life lives wife two papers (haitabdo) ^ ^ ^ wives d Mot so danh tir khong thay d6i Of dang so nhieu aircraft -^aircraft e series series sheep sheep three coffees (ba tdch cd phe) Mot s6 danh tir sang s6 nhieu thi nguyen am cua chung b i thay d6i | foot f deer -^deer feet man -> men Danh tir lu6n c6 hinh thiic tooth -> teeth coffee (cd phe) mang nghia s6 nhi§u: clothes, scissors, spectacles, shorts, pants, jeans, trousers, pyjamas, binoculars, belongings, two sugars (hai mudng duang) g Danh tu luon mang nghia s6 nhilu: police, cattle, people, h Danh tir c6 hinh thuc so nhieu nhung mang nghia so ft: news, mathematics, the United States, ^, ^ 2) Danh tu- khong dem dirffc: lA nhung thu ta khong the dem dugc true tiep (mot, hai, ba, ) nhu milk, water, rice, sugar, butter, salt, bread, news, information, advice, luggage, health, knowledge, equipment, iron, paper, glass, ' sugar (du&ng) BBUfc-A II l i N i i l i i Give plural form of the following nouns Baby Child Country Aircraft Foot Key Kilo Woman Leaf 10 Loaf 2 Plural Noun 11 Man 12 Photo 13 Piano 14 Sheep 15 Shelf 16 Storey 17 Story 18 Thief 19 Tooth 20 Wife Circle the correct answer: They is/ are watching the house Rabies is/ are a very dangerous disease The news was/were better today The stairs leads/ lead to the cellar • Vi tri cua tinh tii- , , *t* Trat ty cua cac tinh ti^ trud-c danh tilr • Tinh tij- dung nhu- danh tir %••- J 1) Vi tri ciia tinh tir: 1.1 Tnc&c danh tir: Eg: She is a beautiful girl 1.2 Sau danh tir: a) Chi su lucrag, tu6i tdc: Eg: He's twenty years old This table is two meters long b) Tinh tir bit diu b k g chu "a": asleep {dang ngu) alight {bimg sang) ablaze {biing chdy) awake {thicc) afloat (od'O, f« A alive {con song) alike {giong nhau) Eg: I saw my son asleep on the floor, c) Tinh tu bo ngii cho tuc tir: Eg: We should keep our room clean l.i Sau cac dong tir noi (linking verbs): be, become, feel, look, taste, sound, smell, seem, get, turn, appear Eg: It becomes hot today ; 1.4 Sau dai tir bat dinh: something, someone/body, anything, anyone^ody, everything,everyone/body, nothing, no one, nobody Eg: Do you have anything important to tell me? ^ ^ 1.5 Sautrang tir: Eg: Your story is very interesting v' ' • 2) Trat tu- cua cac tinh tu- trirfrc danh tir: 111 T R A N G T C ^'^Pi" • Phan loai trang tu• Vi tri cua trang tir „ „ • Trat tu-cua trang tijM}Ji.sU:viti Chirc nang cua trang tir Eg: A beautiful tall thin Vietnamese girl is standing over there 3) Tinh tu-dung nhir danh tir: THE + A D J N O U N * ' the poor, the rich, the blind, the deaf, the old, the handicapped, the sick, the strong, the weak, the hungry, the disadvantaged, the unemployed, the disabled, the living, the dead, the young, the middle-aged Eg: The rich should help the poor Put the adjectives into the correct order: Eg: big/ black/ this box ^ this big black box A heavy/ leather/ old case Blue/her/new dress Handmade/ expensive/ shoes A nice/carving/sharp knife A little/ noisy/ English car A sunny/ lovely day t :J1 mf:,: •• •• ' 1) Phan loai trang tii-: ^' 1.1 Trang tir chi the each (adverb of manner): • ^ Cho ta hik mot h^nh dong duac thuc hien nhu the n^o dl tra lod cho cauhoiHOW? y Cdch th^nh lap: ADJ + LY (mot cdch ) Trang ti> angri^ anxiously badly beautifully brightly carefully cleverly colorfully continuously easily fluently -h?l>pi]y heavily loudly nervously peacefully politely quickly §idn die lo ldn§ dcf, te (hdt/mua) hay tuod sang can than kheo leo, khon sac sa lien tiep de dang troichay hanh phiic nang ne dm I, inh di lich su, le 2he£ nhanh nhen quietly rapidly safely sensibly seriously silently skillfully slowly specially stupidly successfully warmly *LirUY: yen tinh nhanh an toan Mot so tinh tu: tan cung -LY: friendly (than thien), lovely (di thucmg), lively (sdng dong), ugly (xdu xi), silly (nga ngdn) Nhung ttr n^y kh6ng phdi 1^ trang tir, nSn ta dung "in a/an way/manner" thay cho trang tu Eg: She spoke to me in a friendly way/manner j n^hiem tuc im lgn§ kheo toy chdm chop dac biet n§u n§dc c6n§ dm dp 1.2 Trang tie chi thai gian (adverb of time): Cho hik sir viec xay luc n^o dl tra loi cho cau hoi whenl now tomorrow still today last year no longer yesterday then already immediately just soon months later/after Eg: I'm leaving for Hanoi tomorrow .; finally recenUy lately at once 'X ••; - fast (nhanh), early (som), late (tri), hard (chdm chi) vua 1^ tinh tur vua 1^ trang tu Jack is a very fast runner Ann is a hard worker - Phan biet: late (tre) Jack can run very fast Ann works hard I got up late this morning •' t^ 1.3 Trang ticchinoi chon (adverb of place): Cho biet su viec xay a dau de tra loi cho cSu hoi where! here there somewhere inside upstairs downstairs in Paris at the supermarket outside everywhere Eg: Tom is standing there lately (j;an day) (= recently; You come home late today (Horn ve tre.) He hasn't been to the cinema lately (Gdn day khong di xem phim.) I've worked very hard (Toi lam viec rdt chdm.) She's hardly got any money left (Co dy hdu nhu khong cdn tien.) hard (eham chi) T I 1.4 Trpng tir chisie thirdng xuyen (adverb of frequence): Cho bigt h^nh dgng xay thucmg xuyen nhu th6 nho dk tra loi cho cau hoi how often? never rarely seldom sometimes usually frequently occasionally often always once/twice a week every day daily weekly monthly Eg: I often get up at in the moniing.'-^ 1.5 Tr^ng turchimirc (adverb of degree): 4) Chirc nang cor hkn cua trang tir: Cho biit h^nh dpng, tfnh chdt cua sir viec diln den miic n^o Bo nghfa cho Vidu too so quite DDongtir: They danced beautifully rather extremely absolutely terribly 2) Tfnh tir: She is very lovely completely really pretty fairly 3) Trangtirkh^c: He studied extremely hard entirely hardly scarcely somewhat 4) Ca cau: Fortunately, he was not injured in that accident very enough BAlTAF Eg: I come here quite often 2) \\i ciia tr?ng tiir: 2.1 Dau cau: What kind of adverb is each of the following? (Adverb of manner, Adverb Eg: Where are you going? [ 2.2 Giua cau: 2.2.1 Truffc dong tit thu&ng: Eg: They often play football after class 2.2.2 Sau dong tic to be, tra dgng tic hogc dgng tit khiem khuyet: Eg: Our teacher is still sick 2.3 Cudi cau: Eg: You sang that song well 3) Trat tur cua cac trang tu: Trat tu cua cic trang tvr cSu thuang nhu sau: of frequence Adverb of time Adverb of place Adverb of degree) Eg: n o w a d v e r b of time Politely Sometimes Everywhere Very Angrily Home Hard Quite Late 10 Usually Write the adverb from these adjectives: Eg Quick-> quickly Eg: He walked to the church very slowly twice last Sunday CM-y: Trat t\ tren c6 Xhk thay doi vao muc dich nh§n manh cua nguoi n6i/vi€t Gentle Angry Sincere Beautiful Sensible True Happy 10 11 12 Immediate Legible Simple Easy Careful Bkng I V M - I ' l - ' ' (QLIANTU") dung the va khong diing the m6t so trwong hop dien hinh Diing the Khong diing the + Diing truac ten cac dai duang, song • Cach dung quan tiir khong xac dinh "a" "an" • Diing "a", "an" • Cach diing quan tir xac djnh "The" ng6i, biln, vinh va cdc cum ho (s6 nhilu) The Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian Gufl, the Great Lakes + Trudrc ten mgt ho: Lake Geneva + Trudrc ten mgt nggn nui: Mount Vesuvius + Trudrc ten cdc h^nh tinh hoac c^c + Truac ten cfic day nui: chdmsao: Venus, Mars The Rocky Mountains + Trudrc ten c&c truang nky neu Cach dung quan tij- khong xac dinh "a" va "an" Diing a hoac an tniac mot danh tir s6 ft dem dugrc diing de chi mgt ngucd + Trudrc ten nhCmg vat the nhdt trudrc nd la mgt ten rieng: Stetson vii tru hoac tren thS gidri: University hoac vat Ian dau dugc de cap den The earth, the moon + Trudrc cac danh tir di ciing s6 dim: Eg: I saw a boy i n the street (Chung ta khong biet c$u h6 nko, chua dugc dk + The schools, colleges, universities Chapter three + of + danh tir rieng + Trudrc ten c^c nudrc chi c6 mgt tir: The University of Florida China, France, Venezuela, Vietnam - Diing a trudrc cdc t u bat dku bang mot phu am + The + s6 thii t u + danh tir + Trudrc ten cdc nudrc mdr dau bang - Mao tir an dugc diing trudc tit bat dau bang nguyen am (trong cdch phdt The third chapter New, hoac mgt tfnh tir chi hudmg: Sm, chu khong phai c^ch viet) Bao g6m: + Truac ten cdc nuac c6 hai tir tr6 len ( New Zealand, North Korean, France Cic trir Great Britain): The United States + Truac ten hk k i mon the thao nao: glass, an object + Truac ten cdc nudrc dugc coi la mgt baseball, basketball Mgt s6 tir bat dau bang u, y: an uncle, an umbrella quan dao hoac mgt quan dao: The + Truac c&c danh tir triru tugng (trir Mgt s6 tir bat dau bang h cam: an heir, haft an hour Philipines, The Virgin Islands, The mgt so truang hgp dac bi?t) capdtruac.) Diing "a", "an" khi: ^ ^ ^ t u b i t dau bang c^c nguyen am a, e, i , u, o: an aircraft, an empty Hawaii Cac tir ma dau bang mgt chii viSt tat: an S.O.S/ an M.P Cach dung quan tir xac dinh "The" + Truac ten cdc nh6m dan tgc t h i l u " '' Diing the truac mgt danh tir da dugc xac dinh cu the ve mat tfnh chat, dac diem, vi tri da dugc dk cap den truac d6, hoac nhiJng khdi niem ph6 thong Eg: The earth is round The sun gives us light s6: the Indians + Trudrc ten cac mon hgc ndi chung Eg: mathematics + Trudrc ten cac le, tet: ' Christmas, Thanksgiving 20 Mel's grandmother is in her last night 21 I ' m on night duty When you go to I Jason's father bought him «« 't^t bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday t ' "'f ,,.,T Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from France to i United States Rita is studying : Please give me cup of coffee with cream and 26 When you go to store, please buy chocolate milk and There and then studied are only few seats left tonight's musical university Lake Erie is one of 10 What did you eat for I I Louie played five Great Lakes i n North America basketball and baseball at violin and her sister plays Boy's guitar ^ 16 Last night there was Florida State University is smaller than 19 Scientists sent United States is Mars during 1990s UK - 3< worid's biggest consumer of energy AIDS is school home in hour or so ' sky at her children play i n blue is good player .violin at moon in night street all day " color I like " first month of the year ' " '.(.••^•"-'••••^ -w incurable disease technology has improved quality of people's lives 45 Sue works as expedition to train volleyball, but he is not 38 You can see University of Florida iA door 44 Not everyone believes that chair which you are sitting in is broken last week, good sport 36 M y daughter is learning to play ^3 singing outside my house \ >A , Chinese very well although she is from 42 You frequently see this kind of violence on television essay Philadelphia by January is movies tonight because he has to write bicycle new car 33 Please open Midwestern university 15 Phil can't go to '• swimming is 40 School of Medicine at ijii^ dinner 29 Mr Brown bought 39 Princeton University 14 Harry has been admitted to 18 rising 37.1 told M o m we would be 13 David attended 17 sun It is 31 Miss Linda speaks ':!v • winter of this year is warm.» 28 We watch television after 34 „,,, money you gave me is not enough to buy 35 Peter likes to play breakfast this morning? Club this year 12 Rita plays winter is usually cold, but 32 for teiMiifte •' J / tAWX;., 30 He usually travels to school yesterday library before returning home at I bottle dozen oranges John and Mary went to in ^ i, table are for my history class tnfl longest river i n Vietnam 25 back most highly treasured metal ' Mekong River is 27 Look at big books on , of gold is perhaps 24 sugar 23 ,s math this semester > 22 Sorry, I can't find the number I remember writing it on of an envelop ^UfU^m mmw? nrym „ English and bed, I go to work A In the following sentences supply the articles (a, an, or the) if they are necessary If no article is needed, leave the space blank i' hospital, so we went to visit teacher in school for school has over a thousand pupils blind i n Ireland 46 Would you show me 47 He went to shortest way to England and bought 48 He understands 13 What is your airport? house in A.X/X London It is estimated that about 640 women remain illiterate in ,;-',C the Did you read book I lent you A a/the B the/the 3.1 went by 5j,C.the/X C X / X , We visited Canada and A an 3fr wV 5.1 fell in j, C X B.the C.X disabled A a/the B the/X campaign to C.X/X A A B.An nr ?*, C The B an A a -vyv B an C.the In B.A/an C.X/the C.the ages D The/an most social situations, informality B the/an D the/a is appreciated A.X/X C a/the love is very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically attracted to ^ A The/the B.The/X London is A a capital D.X/a C one capital D the capital of England B capital 10 Do you know exactly A a • C.A/the B an number of Siberian tigers in China? C.the 11 It is estimated that only 1,000 pandas remain in A a 12 B an friend in need is A The/the B.A/a C.the D X wild D X friend indeed C.X/X D.X/the ^ i - D.X D.X Nile River of six and seventeen A.The/X football D an schooling is compulsory in Australia between D.X/the ^(•.'^•'•••••r 18 Every year, thousands of tourists visit D the D.X the most important thing when you take part in any A a love with him because of his kind nature A a help 16 D a/the C.the 17 Most British people are fond of D the / the | United States B a B an examination is to be c a l m " / ^ ' r t ^ i i ^ f D.X/X West of England B X / the ;:v,,^'^,,| last week train to A X / a ? j D X C.the/the 15 The local authorities are conducting world, j,r,,iiU usually caught by children 17 The United States D has been often late for school Ninety percent of the work A is D or to give you an interview C were B are Two hours A have A are spent on the books Mary is one of the girls who A is , f, „ , „i D being The manager or his secretary A is , 16 Mumps hard-working and brave A good deal of money A have ,i her parents is going to pay a visit to the Great Wall The Vietnamese A is D were , D is belonging me A don't fit B doesn't fit C A Choose the correct answer ,!„r ; to me D has ,; ^»J!H;'> her tired C have made D are making everybody ready to start now? B Is being C Is ' D Are V ' '^ ' ' 30 None of the butter in the fridge A is being B is good C have been 31 None of the students A have finished B has finished C D is 32 A pair of shoes , •" " B are 33 200 tons of water '' finishing Care being D < D is ' ' ^ A is served ''V'^.» C serves I | ,1 • | ' ' ^' B C D A B C D 45 Five thousand pounds were stolen fi-om the bank for breakfast B are served C 44 M the books on the top shelf belongs to me D is used 34 In the hotel, the bread and butter ' A " B had been used C were used B 43 The audience was enjoying every minute of the performance ' •• last month A was used A table when we had a party yesterday ^ * *" " ' under the bed A have been 35 i D are the test yet finished 42 The guest of honour, along with his wife and children, were sitting at.the first A B C D 46 Happiness and success depends on yourself * D serve A were nice to me when I was in England B C ' D '^^ A The Brown's B Brown's 47 I M loss of her husband and two of her sons were too much for her A B C D C The Browns D Browns 48 David and his brother was indicted yesterday on charges of grand theft A B Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct 36 Neither his parents nor his teacher are satisfied with his result when he was at high school B t;.:,:;;.G;,v: ; D B C D C D B C f D 40 Every student who majors in English are ready to participate in_the oratorical contest A B C D 41 One hundreds eight thousand miles is the speed of light A B C D B allows for good exercise and appropriate rest 39 Either the doctor or the nurses takes care of changing the patients' bandages A D A ,,,, „ 38 Working provide people with personal satisfaction as well as money B D 50 Everyone have to plan a program that fits into the day's schedule and that 37 Daisy was the only one of those girls that get the scholarship A C 49 Current research on AIDS, in spite of the best efforts of hundreds of sdenti scientists A B leave serious questions unanswered C A A B ; ,^,.,:;|jv, j!,; r;T , - i i'li'yl, 3) NhOng diem c^n lim y: 3.1 "If not" c6 the du