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Exercise 1: Combine the sentences, using who, whom, whose or which I met a lot of people at the party.. I can’t remember their names.[r]



Exercise 1: Combine the sentences, using who, whom, whose or which I met a lot of people at the party I can’t remember their names ->………

2 I talked to a woman Her car had broken down on the way to the party ->……… He gave me the information I wrote it down at once

->……… Lan went to see the dentist He took out one of her teeth ->……… Tam lives in the house around the corner It has a green front door ->……… Show me the photographs You took them last week

->……… Have you posted the letter? I gave you yesterday

->……… My friend refused to go to the cinema with me He hated horror film ->………

9 Have you found the keys? You lost them


10 You sent me the present Thank you very much for it (Thank you very much for ………) -> ………

11 She was dancing with a student he had a slight limp (two ways) -> ……… 12 I’m looking after some children They are terribly spoilt (two ways)

-> ……… 13 Romeo and Juliet were lovers Their parents hated each other -> ……… 14 The man was sitting at the desk I had come to see this man -> ………

15 This is the story of a man His wife suddenly loses her memory -> ………

16 The shop will make a big profit Its turnover is the largest ->……… 17 We are studying sentences They contain adjective clauses


18 Algebra problems contain letters They stand for unknown numbers


Exercise 2: Combine the sentences, using defining or non-defining relative clauses: Aunt Joan is a bit deaf, so she didn’t hear the phone

->……… Ba has just moved to Hai Phong His mother died last year ->……… Who was that boy? You were with him this morning?

->……… 4 I was waiting for a man he didn’t turn up (The man………….) -> ………

5 This is a story of a groups of boys Their plane crashed on an uninhabited island -> ………

6 This is Mrs Jones Her son won the championship last year -> ………


8 Tom had been driving all day he was tired and wanted to stop -> ……… I went to Munich I had always wanted to visit Munich -> ……… 10 I apologized for the woman I spilt her coffee

-> ………

Exercise 3: Combine the sentences, using “preposition+ relative pronouns” The girl is very beautiful I talked with her at my friend’s party last night ->………

2 The man teaches me Maths I told you about him last week ->……… I’ll give you my office address You should send the document to it ->……… The book is very interesting We are recommending on it

->……… The music is wonderful We listened to it this morning


6 There wasn’t any directory in the telephone box I was phoning from this box ->………

7 The bed has no mattress I sleep on this bed

->……… The car had bad brakes We were in this car

->……… The firm is sending me to York I work for this firm

->……… 10 The music was composed by Trinh Cong Son We enjoy listening to it ->……… 11 The work is well-paid he wanted to apply for it

->……… 12 The horse kept stopping to eat grass I was on the horse

->……… 13 Money is a commodity We can’t live without it

->……… 14 My brother has a pen pal He has been writing to him for 20 years ->………

15 The student wrote and outstanding paper She was awarded a prize for it ->………

16 The people are very kind I live with them

->……… 17 This is the box I took the money out of it

->……… 18 The meeting was interesting I went to it

->……… Exercise 4: Fill in each blank with one suitable relative pronoun : The person …….you want to see has just gone away

2 The girl ………… was here yesterday has gone to Paris The pen ……… I lost was a good one

4 The flowers ………you bought yesterday are still fresh The doctor ………she visited is famous

6 The cat ….tail is long does not belong to me She is the finest woman ……… ever lived


9 The girl ………mother I was talking to has left the room 10 All the people ………….I met yesterday dislike him 11 Any paper …………you read will give the same story 12 The knife ……….I use is very sharp

13 He sees men, women, cats dogs and cars ………move round and round 14 Is that the button……….you pressed?

Exercise 5: Fill in each blank with one suitable relative pronoun or relative adverb That’s the man ……… helped me yesterday

2 The house ……… overlooks the sea is my uncle The book for ……… you asked is very intersting Did you she the person ……… money we found?

5 Hoa is the friend ……… I introduced to you this morning It was a kind of machine with ……… I have never used before It’s an event ………….I’ll remember forever

8 Do you get on well with the boy ………lives downstairs? The party ………I attended yesterday was very exciting 10 I’m working on a firm …………main office is in London

11 The firm,………employs five hundred people, makes recorders

12 My boss,……… work takes him to a lot of different countries, is always on business 13 The house……… I lived as a child has been pulled down now

14 Could everybody ……….luggage has got lost please stay here? 15 Who is the man to ………… you were talking?

16 The tree under ……… I am sitting is very old

Exercise 4: Tick ( ) the sentences in which the relative pronouns can be omitted Everything that happened was my fault

2 The play that we saw last week was boring

3 The manager who I wanted to see was away on holiday This is the house where I used to live

5 Where are the eggs that were in the fridge?

6 the window that was broken has now been repaired Do you know the woman whose son you met yesterday?

8 Do you know the girl to whom Tom is talking? The garden that I work in has many kinds of flowers


Exercise 5:

Rewrite the sentences using Participles (Present participle or Past participle) or


1 Did you get the massage which concerned the special meeting?


2 I come from a city that is located in the southern part of the country.


3 The children who attend that school receive a good education.

-> ………

4 Be sure to follow the instructions that are given at the top of the page.

-> ……….

5 The fence which surrounds our house is made of wood.


6 They live in a house that was built in 1980.


7 We have an apartment which overlooks the park.

-> ……….

8 The services which are offered by this post office is very good.


9 The last person who leaves the room must turn off the light,.


10 This is the second person who was killed in that way.


11 Anyone who wants to come with us is welcome.


12 Is there any hotel where we can stay tonight?


13 In Venezuela, there are plants which eat insects with their roots.


14 The students whom did not come to class yesterday explained their absence to the



Exercise 6: Use “Present participle”, “Past participle” or “To-infinitive” of the verbs :

1 Do you know the woman ……… to us ? (come)

2 The book ……… last month was the best-seller (publish)

3 The man ……… to you last night is my uncle (talk)

4 The rule ……… public access to wilderness areas need to be considered (allow)

5 Pollutants ………… by many factories have contaminated many rivers (discharge)

6 They work in a hospital……….by the government (sponsor)

7 Do you know the girl ………a long white dress? (wear)

8 The house …… 40 years ago is still in good condition (build)

9 I like the food …… by my mother (cook)

10 The song “Happy New Year”……….by ABBA has become over all over the world


11 Most houses …… in the suburbs have gardens (situate)

12 The people ……in the accidents have been taken to Bach Mai hospital (Injure)

13 There are a lot of problems …….immediately (Solve)


15 He was the first ………the fire (see)

16 My brother was the first ……….from the distance (see)

17 We are waiting for the storm ………… (come)

18 Water …… in this tank is used for fire extinguishment (store)

19 The photographs ………during his voyage are very impressive (take)

20 The street was empty There was nobody else …………her carry the cases (help)

Exercise 7: give the correct form of the words in the brackets:

1 The …… of aid supplies is slow because of the bad weather (Distribute)

2 We offer …… and secure services of transferring money (Speed)

3 The Messenger Call Service helps you to ………the recipient of the time and place to receive

the call (Note)

4 Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your complete ……… (Satisfy)

5 The staff in this post-office are well-trained and always …… to customers ( Thought)

6 The newspapers …………is made once a day (Deliver)

7 The villa has a …………yard (Space)

8 There are about 50 telephone ………… in our street (Subscribe)

9 Facsimile service will help you send a document without lose its …… shape (Origin)

10 Many customers complain about the ………….of this restaurant (Serve)

11 This agency offers a very ………rate (Compete)

12 I’d like to subscribe to a ………… newspaper (Day)

13 Vietnam ranks the second for ………… in the number of telephone subscribers (Grow)

14 Vietnam began upgrading its …………telephone network in 1996 (Fix)

15 Human beings are adding more and more ……… to the environment (Pollute)

16 People hunt animals for fur, skin, food and other ……… (Produce)

17 The people in our village are leading a ………… life (Peace)

18 The golden eagle in a(n) ………… species (Danger)

19 Laws have been introduced to prohibit the …… ………of animals’ habitats (Destroy)

20 There is a lot of ………….in the big cities (Pollute)

21 What is the difference between human …………and animals? (Be)

22 His …………with my business makes me annoyed (Interfere)

23 It’s hoped that the Earth will be a happy planet where human beings and other animals

………… co-exist (Peace)

24 We are trying to save many rare animals from ………… (Extinct)

25 It is thought that more than a hundred species of animals has ………….in the last 200 years


26 Nuclear energy can provide enough ………for the world’s need for hundreds of years


27 Solar energy is not only ………… but also clean and safe (Plenty)

28 Grass for animals is a ………resource (New)

29 The total energy………in 2005 was over 150 million tons (Consume)

30 Many……… are studying the effects of building dams on the settlers’ life (Ecology)

31 If we don’t fertilize the soil, it will become ……… (Exhaust)

32 Although there are some …… ……… , solar energy is used in many parts of the world

( Advantage)

33 ………… all over the world are trying to find other new sources of energy (Research)

34 …………is a non-renewable source of energy (Nature)


Exercise 8: Find the synonym of the underlined word:

Exercise 7: Choose the correct answer


A in where B which C at which D where The teacher ………….house is next to mine died this morning

A who B whom C which D whose

3 Tonight I’ll the assignment……….gave us last week

A the teacher B who the teacher C whom the teacher D of the teacher he is the only friend ……….I like

A who B whom C whose D that

5 The boy to ………I lent my money is poor

A that B who C whom D B and C

6 The knife……… we cut bread is very sharp

A with that B which C with which D that Cathy is trustworthy She’s a pers on upon ……… you can always depend

A who B whom C that D whose

The man ……….I introduced you to last night may be the next president A whom B that C which D A & B Your career should focus on a field…………you are genuinely interested A on which B in which C which D that 10 Sunday is the day ……….which we usually go fishing

A during B at C on D in

11 The speech ………we listened last night was informative

A to which B which to C to that D that

12 In the movie, a teenager ………to pursue a singing career meets resistance from his strong-willed father

A wants B wanted C wanting D who want 13 Little Women,………,in 1868, is my sister’s favorite book

A is a novel published B a novel was published C a novel published D was a novel published

14 Do you think you are the only person……… the danger?

A for having seen B to be seen C to see D for seeing 15 This is a good river………

A for swimming in with us C for us to swim in B in which swimming to us D to us for swimming in 16 Ritz Hotel is a very good place ………

A in which to stay B to stay in C for staying in D staying in 17 I have always wanted to visit Paris…………of France

A is the capital B which the capital is C that is the capital D the capital 18 The chemistry book ……… was a little expensive

A that I bought it B I bought thatC what I bought D I bought 19 “Have you ever met the man …………over there?”

A stands B standing C who he is standing D is standing 20 “Do you remember Mrs Goddard,………… taught us English composition?

A who B whom C that D which

21 The movie………last night was terrible

A I went B I went to it C I went to D that I went 22 The problem ……… never occurred

A I had expected it B who I had expected C that I had expected it D I had expected Exercise 8: Combine the sentences using “both …… and”, “either ……or”, “neither………nor” or “not only …… but also”

1 He doesn’t have a pen He doesn’t have paper - ………

2 Ron enjoys horseback riding Bob enjoys horseback riding - ………


- ……… Arthur is not in class today Ricardo isn’t, either - ……… Arthur is absent So is Ricardo

- ………

6 The library doesn’t have the book I need Neither does the book store - ………

7 I’m studying Maths I’m studying chemistry, too - ……… She is beautiful She is also intelligent

- ……… Exercise 9: Find one error in each sentence and correct

1 Neither Lan or her brother likes watching football matches on TV A B C D Both my father and my mother agrees to go for a picnic at weekend A B C D Gold Coast is the beautiful beach on where I used to sunbathe A B C D

4 The man talked with you last night is my uncle A B C D

5 Do you know the name of the girl whom has just phoned me? A B C D Do you like reading books writing by Nguyen Du?


7 The man who he answered the phone said that you were out A B C D Please return me my book, that you borrowed last week A B C D

9 Gagarin was the first human flying into space A B C D

10 These sausages are delicious, aren’t these? – They certainly are Exercise 10: Rewrite the sentences

1 The dog chased the cat ->The cat………

2 They cancelled all the flights because of fog -> All the flights……… They are building a new ring road round the city

 A new ring road………

4 She has finished her novel already ->Her……… I will send the letter tomorrow -> The letter ……… In spite of heavy rain, he went out without a raincoat

Ngày đăng: 28/04/2021, 05:53

