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Nội dung

_Play the game _Listen _Listen to the teacher, repeat,and guess the meaning of the new words _Copy down _Do as directed _Listen and copy _Read _Roleplay _Listen _Work in gro[r]




Period : 21

Date Of Preparation : Date Of Teaching :

Classes :

I.OBJECTIVES: _Language content:

+To introduce the students new words and structures relating to the topic” Learning A Foreign Languague”

_Language function:

+By the end of the lesson,the students will be able to get some experiences about learning English and say the directed and indirected speech

_Educational aim:

+To help the students know more about language

1 Language:

a Vocabulary: Examiner,Written Examination,Aspect of learning English,College,Stage,

Oral Examination,Candidate

b Structures: + Yes-No questions

+ Indirected Speech + Wh-questions

2 Skills: Integrated skills 3 Educational factor:

+To help the students know the best way to learn English

II.TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Using pictures, Matching, Prediction,Explaination, Question and answers


3 Teaching aids: Pictures, Cassette player,miniboard.

4 Students’ preparation: new lesson Unit 4: Learning A Foreign Language

Lesson 1-“Getting Started +Listen And Read”

5 Previous exercises: Unit 3-“Language Focus” III.PROCEDURES IN CLASS:

1 Stabilization: (2ms) a Warm-up: Greetings.

b Checking absence: Who’s absent today? 2 Checking the previous knowledge: + Questions:

+ Keys to the questions: 3 New lesson:

Teaching Steps And


Teacher’ Activities Students’ Activities

The Content Of The Lesson I New




Lesson 1: GETTING


1.Play the game “NetWork”:

_Divides the class into two groups and _Play the


Period 21




play the game

_Asks the students to list the ways of

learning English they are using

_Compares some ways of learning in the part”Getting started” with the students’ ways

_Says:”Today we are going to learn a lesson about some ways of learning English

“First of all, you will study some new words.”

II Pre-Practice: 1.Teaches new words:

_Teaches word by word following the principle and steps of teaching the new words

*New words:

+Examiner (n)[Picture/Explanation] +Written Examination (n) [Translation] +Aspect of learning English (n)


+College(n) [Translation] +Stage(n) [Translation]

+Oral Examination(n) [Translation] +Candidate(n) [Explanation]

2.Checks the understanding of the

new words,using “Matching” 3 Pridiction:

_Asks the students to guess what the

exmaminer ask Lan

_Calls some students to read their guessing


_Asks the students to listen the dialogue and check their guessing

_Has some pairs to roleplay the dialogue before

the class

game _List

_Listen and compare _Listen and guess

_Listen to the teacher ,repeat ,and guess the meaning of the new words _Copy


_Do as directed _Guess _Read their guessing _Listen and check _Roleplay _Correct _Read _Listen and as directed _Read their answers

+Examiner (n) Người coi thi,Giám thị

+Written Examination (n) Thi vieát

+Aspect of learning English (n) Lĩnh vực,Kĩ học Tiếng Anh

+College(n) Trường Đại học +Stage(n) Giai đoạn

+Oral Examination(n) Thi nói,vấn đáp

+Candidate(n) Thí sinh

Some ways of learning




(4ms) III.Home-work (3ms)

_Corrects the students’ mistakes if necessary

_Asks the students to read the dialogue again

_Hangs a chart as in exercise b) in the book and has the students work in pairs and tick ()the boxes what the

exmanimer asked Lan

_Calls some students to read their answers before the class.(Give their evidence for each sentence)

_Corrects their mistakes

IV Free-Practice: * Questionaire:

_Asks the students to work in groups of and practise asking ,answering and reporting the questions:


A: What’s your name? B: My name is Thao

C: A asked B what his name was

-_Calls some groups to practise before the class

_Corrects the students’mistakes if necessary

_Asks the students to use their own words to tell the class what they have known about the Aodai

_Asks the students to:

+Redo the “Listen and Read” +Learn the new words by heart +Prepare the new lesson _Remarks the students’study

_Correct _work in groups and practise

_Practise _Listen and correct _Tell the lesson _Listen and copy down _Listen

* Self-Evaluation:

- - -



Period : 22

Date Of Preparation :

Date Of Teaching :

Classes :

I.OBJECTIVES: _Language content:

+To introduce the students some more new words relating to the topic”Learning A Foreign Language”

_Language function:

+By the end of the lesson,the students will able to persuade someone to something

_Educational aim:

+To make the students aware of the importance of taking part in a course abroad

1 Language:

a Vocabulary: Dormitory,Campus,Reputation,Experience Western culture,Scenery,Approximately. b Structures: Some expressions:

+ I think……

+What you think… ?

+I agree/disagree because…… +I don’t understand……

+Why don’t we…….? +If we go to ……,we can… +We should……


2 Skills: Integrated skills,Especially Speaking. 3 Educational factor:

+Knowing how to choose the suitable school to study

II.TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1 Method : Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Repetition, Questions And Answers,Games,Rub Out And Remember,Survey 3 Teaching aids: Chart, Plash cards

4 Students’ preparation: 5 Previous exercises: III PROCEDURES IN CLASS: 1 Stabilization:

a Warm-up: Greetings.

b Checking absence: Who’s absent today? 2 Checking the previous knowledge: + Questions:

+ Keys to the questions: 3 New lesson:

Teaching Steps And


Teacher’ Activities Students’


The Content Of The Lesson I

Presenta-ion of the new materials



I Lead -in:






II.Conso-1.Play the lottery Game:

_Prepares ten old tickets and delivers the students to play the lottery.(There are three lottery winners) _Reads the numbers

_Says:”Now you have received $2,000,Where will you go to study: VietNam,England or American ?.If you want your friend to go with you, how will you persuade?”.So today we will learn some ways to persuade somebody to something.”

“Before the new lesson I would like to introduces you some new words and expressions”

II Pre-Speaking:

1.Teaches new words:

_Teaches word by word following the principle and steps of teaching the new words

*New words:

+Dormitory(n) [Example/Translation] +Campus (n) [Translation]

+Reputation (n)[Translation]

+Experience Western culture (n) [Translation] +Scenery (n) [Transaltion]

+Approximately (adv) [Translation]

2.Checks the understanding of the new words,

using “Rub Out And Remember”

_Introduces the students some expressions used the persuade somebody to something:

+ I think……

+What you think… ?

+I agree/disagree because…… +I don’t understand……

+Why don’t we…….? +If we go to ……,we can… +We should……



_Asks three students to read the information in the box

_Has three different students rolepaly the roles of Thu,Tam and Kim in the example before the class _Guides the students the way to persuade

_Gets the students to work in groups of and practice persuading

_Calls some groups to roleplay before the class _Corrects the mistakes if neccessary

IV Post-Speaking:

_Asks the students to work in pairs and practicing persuading their friends to choose the high school with them _Play the game _Listen _Listen to the teacher, repeat,and guess the meaning of the new words _Copy down _Do as directed _Listen and copy _Read _Roleplay _Listen _Work in groups _Roleplay _Listen and correct _Work in pairs _Tell the

I New words:

+Dormitory(n) Kí túc xá

+(On)Campus (n) Khuôn viên

+Reputation (n) Danh tiếng

+Experience Western culture (n) Văn hóa phương Tây

+Scenery (n) Cảnh +Approximately (adv) Xấp xỉ

II.Structures: Some expressions: + I think……Tôi nghó +What you think… ? Bạn nghó gì….?

+I agree/disagree because…… Tơi đồng ý/Khơng đồng ý vì…

+I don’t understand…… Tôi không hiểu

+Why don’t we…….? Tại không ?

+If we go to ……,we can… Nếu đi… +We should…… Chúng ta nên……

+Let’s…… Chúng ta hãy…


lidation (4ms) III.Home-work


_Asks the students to tell some expressions to persuade someone to something

_Asks the students to: +Redo the “Speak”

+Do the exercises in their workbooks +Prepare the new lesson

_Remarks the students’study

expressions _listen and copy _Listen

* Self-Evaluation:



Period : 23

Date Of Preparation :

Date Of Teaching :

Classes :

I.OBJECTIVES: _Language content:

+To introduce the students more new words and structures relating to the topic”Learning A Foreign Language”

_Language function:

+By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to listen to specific information to choose True-False

_Educational aim:

+To make the students know the importance of learning a foreign language

1 Language:

a Vocabulary: International Bank,Improve,Skill b Structures: + The simple present tense.

+ The present continuous tense + The simple future tense

2 Skills: Integrated skills,Especially Listening 3 Educational factor:

+To help the students know the good ways to learn English

II.TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Questions And Answers,Chatting,Translation,Slap the board,Game. 3 Teaching aids: Cassette Player,Chart

4 Students’ preparation: New lesson “Listen” 5 Previous exercises: “Speak”

III PROCEDURES IN CLASS: 1 Stabilization: (2ms) a Warm-up: Greetings.

b Checking absence: Who’s absent today? 2 Checking the previous knowledge: + Questions:

+ Keys to the questions: 3 New lesson: (43ms)

Teaching Steps And


Teacher’ Activities Students’


The Content Of The Lesson I

Presentati on of the new materials



I Lead -in:

* Play the game “Network”

_Asks the students to list words relating to learn English as many as possible

_Play the game





_Says :”We are going to hear a conversation between Nga and Kate about Nga’s studying English.”

II Pre-Listening:

* Teaches some new words appearing in the tape:

+International Bank (n) [Translation] +To Improve(n) [Translation] +Skill (n) [Example]

_Checks the students’ understanding of new words by using technique “Slap The board”

_Has the students read the statements in the book to get some information about Nga

* Prediction questions:

_Asks the students to predict which statement is true and flase

C Statements T F

1.Nga’s studying English for her work

2.She learned E at school and University

3.She works for a national bank in Ha Noi

4.She needs to improve her writing 5.Her listening is excellent

6.She hopes she can talk to people all over the world,and understand her favorite E Song

_Calls some students to read their guessing

III While-Listening:

_Plays the tape and asks the students to listen to and checks their guessing

_Listen _Listen and repeat _Copy down _Do as directed _Read _Predict

_Read _Listen and check

hàng quốc tế +To Improve(n) Phát triển

+Skill (n) Kó

II Answers: a) T

b) T

c) F(She works for an

international bank in Ha Noi)

d) T

e) F(Her listening is terrible)

f) T




(4ms) III.Home-work


_Plays the tape again and asks the students to check() True-Flase

_Lets the students listen to once more and the rest ones which they can’t

_Asks the students to exchange their answers

_Calls some students to go to the board and write their answers

_Checks the students’ answers by playing the tape sentence by sentence

_Gives the feedback *Answers:

a) T b) T

c) F(She works for an international bank in Ha Noi) d) T

e) F(Her listening is terrible) f) T

IV Post-Listening:

_Asks the students to work in pairs and practise asking and answering the questions:

+ What aspects of learning English don’t you like? Why not?

+Are you good at listening/Speaking……?

+What can you to improve your listening/speaking…? _Goes around and helps the students

_Calls some students to roleplay before the class _Asks one student to tell before class the content of the lesson

_Asks the students to: + Redo the “Listen” + Prepare the new lesson _Remarks the students’study

_Listen and

_Listen and the rest _Compare _Write their answers _Listen and check _Copy down

_Work in pairs

_Listen _Roleplay _Tell the content of the lesson

_Listen and copy down _Listen

* Self-Evaluation:



Period : 24

Date Of Preparation :

Date Of Teaching :

Classes :

I.OBJECTIVES: _Language content:

+To introduce the students some more new words and structures relating to the topic “Learning A Foreign Language”

_Language function:

+By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to improve their reading skill ,skim to get information about teaching English of Language centers from advertisements

_Educational aim:

+To make the students read the advertisements to get information

1 Language:

a Vocabulary: Beginner,Intermediate,Advanced,Well-qualified,Institute. b Structures: The simple present tense

2 Skills: Integrated skills,Especially Reading. 3 Educational factor:

+To educate the students to choose the most suitable places to learn English

II.TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Using pictures,Lucky Numbers,Prediction,Gap-Fill,Wh-Questions. 3 Teaching aids: Pictures,Flashcards

4 Students’ preparation: New lesson “Read” 5 Previous exercises: “Listen”

III PROCEDURES IN CLASS: 1 Stabilization: (2ms) a Warm-up: Greetings.

b Checking absence: Who’s absent today? 2 Checking the previous knowledge: + Questions:

+ Keys to the questions: 3 New lesson: (43ms)

Teaching Steps And


Teacher’ Activities Students’

Activities The Content OfThe Lesson I

Presenta-tion of the new materials



I Lead -in:

* Play the game “Chain Game:

_Asks the students to play the game”Chain Game” about Languages all over the world


_Play the game





A: I can speak English

B: I can speak English and chinese

C: I can speak English,chinese and French

-_Introduces the lesson:”Today we are going to learn about some advertisments about teaching English of some language centers.Before the lesson I would like to introduce some new words.”

II Pre-Reading:

1.Teaches the new words:

+Beginner(n) [Example/Transaltion]] +Intermediate (n) [Example/Transaltion] +Advanced(n) [Example/Transaltion] +Well-qualified (a) [Example]

+Institute.(n) [Transaltion]

2.Checks the students’ understanding of the new words,using “Rub Out And Remember”.


_Asks the students to guess what the centers advertise in their advertisements

_Calls some students to read their guessing

III While-Reading:

_Asks the students to read the advertisements and check their guessing

_Asks the students to work in pairs ,read the text in silence and the exercise a) (Fill in the information about the English classes from the advertisements) _Has the students compare their answers

_Calls some students to read their answers before the class

_Calls some students to go to the board and write their answers on the chart

_Gives feedback * Answers:

School Class time Language

level Time to start Academy of Language Morning, Afternoon, evening

Advanced First week of November Foreign Language council Morning and evening Beginner/ Interme-date 3rd November New English institute Afternoon, Evening, Weekend Beginner Today _Asks the students to read the notes again then look at the advertisements and choose a suitable language school for him then compare with their friends


_Listen and repeat _Copy down

_Listen and as directed _Guess _Read _Read and Check

_Read and the exercise _Compare _Read _Look at the chart

_Listen and copy

_Work in pairs


+Intermediate (n) Trình độ trung cấp

+Advanced(n) trình độ cao cấp +Well-qualified (a) Chất lượng tốt(Giỏi) +Institute.(n) Viện




(4ms) III.Home-work


_Has the students give the reasons for their choice _Calls some students to present their ideas before the class

_Corrects their mistakes if necessary

IV Post-Reading:

_Asks the students to work in groups of and roleplay a reporter to ask their friends which school they want to study and why thet choose it

Interviewer: Do you want to improve your English at

the language centre?

St1:Yes,I’d like to improve my speaking skills. Interviewer:Which one you choose?

St1: I think I’ll choose New English Institute. Interviewer: Why you choose it?

St1:Because they offer weekend classes for beginners.

_Asks one student to tell before class the content of the lesson

_Asks the students to:

+ Write the sentences they have discussed in their notebooks

+ Redo the “Read”

+ Do the exercises in their workbook + Prepare the new lesson

_Remarks the students’study

_Do as directed _Present their ideas

_Listen _Work in groups and roleplay

_Summariz-e the lesson _Listen and copy down


* Self-Evaluation:



Period : 25

Date Of Preparation :

Date Of Teaching :

Classes :

I.OBJECTIVES: _Language content:

+To introduce the students more new words and structures relating to the topic “Learning A Foreign Langauge”

_Language function:

+By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to write a letter of inquiry to the institution requesting for more information about the course and fees

_Educational aim:

+To help students know how to write a formal letter of inquiry

1 Language:

a Vocabulary: Edition,Details,Fees,Look forward to b Structures: + The structure of a letter of inquiry. 2 Skills: Integrated skills,Especially writing.

3 Educational factor:

+Knowing how to choose information from advertisements to write a formal letter of inquiry

II.TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Correction, Chatting, Exhibition,Ordering,Using a model,Using reading,Write it up,Sharing

and Comparing

3 Teaching aids: Chart

4 Students’ preparation: New lesson “Write” 5 Previous exercises: “Read”

III PROCEDURES IN CLASS: 1 Stabilization: (2ms) a Warm-up: Greetings.

b Checking absence: Who’s absent today? 2 Checking the previous knowledge: + Questions:

+ Keys to the questions: 3 New lesson: (43ms)

Teaching Steps And


Teacher’ Activities Students’


The Content Of The Lesson I

Presenta-tion of the new materials



I Lead -in:

* Play the Game” Put Away And Remember”

_Divides the class into two groups and play the game _Play the







_Delivers the students some advertisements (in the part Read) and limits them in minutues to read then put away the advertisements

_Asks the students some questions: + Who should take this course?

+On what days is the course available? + How much is it?

_Calls some presentitives to answers before the class.If which team answers most is the winner

_Tells the aim of the lesson to the students

II Pre-Writing:

1.Teaching new words:

+Edition(n) [Translation] +Details(n) [Example] +Fees(n) [Example]

+Look forward to+ Ving :[Translation]

Checking Vocabulary:Rub Out and Remember. _Rub out a word in English and point to the Vietnamese translation and ask”What’s this in English?”.When all the English words are rubbed out,go through the Vietnamese list and get students to come to the board and write the English words again

3.Introducing the students the structure of a formal letter of inquiry:

1)Headings (address and date) 2)Greetings (Dear + Name,)

Introduction(The reason for writing) 3)Body Request

Further information 4) Closing

5) Signature

III While-Writing:

_Gets the students to read the letter and tell the parts of the letter

_Asks the students to read the Outline on page 37 to ensure the theory

_Asks the students(work in groups)to read the

advertisements in part reading and choose one of them to write a letter of inquiry asking the centers to suuply the information about course and fees

_When the students have finished writing,Lets them compare their writing and correct mistakes

IV Post-Reading: * Correction:

_Asks the students to hangs their writing on the board _Asks the students to read their writing


_Present their ideas _Listen _Listen and repeat _Copy down _Listen and as directed

_Listen and copy

_Listen _Listen _Work in groups _Compare their writing _Hang the picture _Read their

+Edition(n)n +Details(n) Chi tiết +Fees(n) Học phí +Look forward to+ Ving :Mong

mỏi(Trơng đợi) điều

II.The Structure of a letter of inquiry: 1)Headings (address and date)

2)Greetings (Dear + Name,)

3)Body _Introduction(The reason for writing) _Request

_Further information 4) Closing



(4ms) III.Home- work


_Takes some writings to correct before the class

_Asks one student to tell before class the outline before the class

_Asks the students to:

+ Write the passage (after correction) into their notebooks + Do the exercises in their workbooks

+ Prepare the new lesson _Remarks the students’study

writing _Listen and correct _Do as directed _Listen and copy _Listen

* Self-Evaluation:

- - -



Period : 26

Date Of Preparation :

Date Of Teaching :

Classes :

I.OBJECTIVES: _Language content:

+To help the students review and practise the conditional sentence(Type 1) and the way of changing a sentence from direct into indirect

_Language function:

+By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to make a conditional sentence(Type 1) and report what they hear

_Educational aim:

+To make the students have a habit of revising the old lesson

1 Language:

a Vocabulary: Revision

b Structures: +The conditional sentence(Type 1)

+ Reported speech

2 Skills: Integrated skills,Especially writing. 3 Educational factor:

+Knowing how to solve the exercises in the book

II.TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Asking and Asnwering drills,Rewrite,Transformation drills,Game 3 Teaching aids:Chart

4 Students’ preparation: New lesson “Language Focus” 5 Previous exercises: “Write”

III PROCEDURES IN CLASS: 1 Stabilization : (2ms) a Warm-up: Greetings.

b Checking absence: Who’s absent today? 2 Checking the previous knowledge: + Questions:

+ Keys to the questions: 3.New lesson : (43ms)

Teaching Steps And


Teacher’ Activities Students’


The Content Of The Lesson I

Presenta-tion of the new materials



I Lead -in:




1.Play the Game”Finding the ideal partner”

_Prepares ten conditional sentences which are cut into parts

_Divides the class into two teams.Each team takes one part.The students’ duty is to find the other part so as to make a complete sentence

1) If it rains,I will stay at home 2) If I have money,I will buy a house 3) If I get up late,I will not go to school 4) If he loves me,I will love him

5) If you agree with me,I will give you some money 6) If I get bad marks,I will be very sad

7) If they come home late,I will hate them 8) If I go to HCMC,I will buy you a present

9) If he does his homework,His teacher will love him 10) If My father goes fishing,He will catch a lot of fish

II Pre-Practice:

A The conditional sentence: (Type 1)

_Gives an example and then asks the students to formulate the form from the examples


a) ) If it rains,I will stay at home


IF + S1 + Vs(es),S2 + WILL +V bare infinitive. B.Reported speech:

*Review the students some notes when changing a sentence from direct into indirect:

1.Go back one tense:

Ex: My teacher said,”I will go to HCMC “ My teacher said that he would go to HCMC.

Direct Indirect

The simple present tense

S + Vs(es)/ S+Is/am/are

The simple past

S+ Ved(2)

The present continuous tense

S+is/am/are +Ving

The past continuous tense

S+ Was/Were +Ving

The simple future tense

S+ Will +Vbare infinitive

The present conditional

S +Would +V bare infinitive -


*Notes: Must  Had to

Ex: “I must go to school”, He said He said that he had to go to school.

2.Some changes of adjectives and adverbs:

Direct Indirect This That These Those _Play the game _Listen and formulate _Copy down _Listen and formulate _Copy down _Listen and formulate _Copy down Period 26 I.Revision: A The conditional sentence: (Type 1) Ex:

a) ) If it rains,I will stay at home

+Form: IF + S1 + Vs(es),S2 + WILL +V bare infinitive. B.Reported speech:

1.Go back one tense:

Ex: My teacher said,”I will go to HCMC “

My teacher said that he would go to HCMC


*Notes: Must 

Had to

Ex: “I must go to school”, He said He said that he

had to go to


2.Some changes of adjectives and adverbs (2) 3.Some chamges of pronouns:

Ex: He said,”I don’t like this book”

He said (that)

he didn’t like that


4.Kind of sentences: a Statement:



Now Then

Today That day

Tomorrow The following/next

day/the day after

Here There

Yesterdacy The day before



3.Some chamges of pronouns:

Ex: He said,”I don’t like this book” He said (that) he didn’t like that book.

4.Kind of sentences: a Statement:

Ex: He said,”I don’t like this book” He said (that) he didn’t like that book. b.Imperative:

“Open the door”,My father said to me My father told me to open the door.


Ex1 : ”What’s your name?”,He said to me He asked me what my name was. Ex2: “Are you a student?” ,He said to me He asked me if/Whether I was a student.

III Controlled-Practice: *Activity1:

_Asks the students to work in pairs ,use the words in the

box and the exercise

_Calls some pairs to roleplay the dialogues before the class

_Corrects the mistakes if possible

* Activity 2:

_Asks the students to complete the table in the exercises on page 38

_Calls some pairs to present their answers before the class _Corrects the mistakes

* Activity 3:

_Asks the students to work in groups of and the exercises and on page 39

_Calls some students to go to the board and write their answers

_Corrects their mistakes *Answers:


a) Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was delicious b) Miss Nga said that she loved those roses

c) Cousin Mai said that She was having a wonderful time

_Listen and formulate _Copy _Listen and formulate _Copy down down _Work in pairs _Practise before the class _Listen _Work in pairs _Present answers _Correct _Work in groups _Write their answers _Correct

He said (that) he didn’t like that book

b.Imperative: “Open the door”,My father said to me My father told me to open the door


Ex1 : ”What’s your name?”,He said to me He asked me what my name


Ex2: “Are you a student?” ,He said to me

He asked me

if/Whether I was

a student



a) Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was


b) Miss Nga said that she loved those roses c) Cousin Mai said that She was having a

wonderful time there

d) Mr Chi said that she would go to Hue the

following day e) Mrs.Hoa said that she had to leave then




(4ms) III.Home-work



d) Mr Chi said that she would go to Hue the following day

e) Mrs.Hoa said that she had to leave then

a) She asked me how old I was

b) She asked me If my school was near there c) She asked me What the name of my school was d) She asked me if I went to school by bicycle e) She asked me which grade I was in

f) She asked me if I could use a computer g) She asked me why I wanted that job

h) She asked me when my school vacation started e)A new bridge is going to be built in the area

IV Free-Practice:

_Has the students work in pairs and practice speaking the

above exercises

_Corrects the mistakes if neccessary

_Asks one student to tell the content of the lesson before the class

_Asks the students to:

+Learn by heart the grammartical points + Redo the exercises in language focus + Prepare the next test

_Remarks the students’study

_Work in pairs

_Listen and correct _One summarieze s

_Listen and copy down _Listen

near there c) She asked me What the name of my school was d) She asked me if I went to school by bicycle

e) She asked me which grade I was in

f) She asked me if I could use a computer

g) She asked me why I wanted that job

h) She asked me when my school vacation started

* Self-Evaluation:



Period : 27 Date Of Preparation : Date Of Teaching : Classes

I.OBJECTIVES: _Language content:

+To help the students review knowledge they’ve learnt from unit to unit

_Language function:

+To enable the students to use previous knowledge to the next test and through the test the teacher can know the students’ knowledge

_Educational aim:

+To educate the students aware the importance of learning English and use it in communication

1 Language:

a Vocabulary: Revision b Structures: Revision 2 Skills: Integrated skills 3 Educational factor:

+Paying attention to learning English

II.TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Multiple Choice,Fill-Gap,True-False,Transformation 3 Teaching aids: Papers

4 Students’ preparation: New lesson “test” 5 Previous exercises: “Language Focus” III PROCEDURES IN CLASS:

1 Stabilization:

a Warm-up: Greetings.

b Checking absence: Who’s absent today? 2 Checking the previous knowledge: + Questions:


Name : - Date : -/ -/ 2007

Class : 9A TEST 2 SUBJECT : ENGLISH 9 Time : Forty-five minutes MARK REMARKS I Multiple Choice: (3ms) (Chọn đáp án cho câu sau, khoanh tròn đáp án em chọn) Example: I like………to music a.listen b.to listen  listening d.listened 1.Why are you -English? a.learn b.learning c.learns d.to learn 2.Learn by -all the new words and texts a.heart b.hand c.head d.hip 3.I wish I fly a.can b.could c.were d.was 4.Goodbye! See you -Monday a.at b.on c.in d.with 5.Hoa works hard, -she passed her exam a.because b.so c.so that d.because of 6. you finished your exam? a.Has b.Have c.Do d.Does 7.I’m looking forward to -from you a.hearing b.hear c.to hear d.hears 8.She asked him -he liked pop music a.Although b.whether c.if d b and c are correct 9.I’d like to the movies a.to go b.go c.going d.goes 10.You must pass the -examination a.written b.wrote c.writing d.writed 11.She loves to watch starts -night a.in b.at c.on d.with 12.I wish I -a teacher a.was b.were c.am d.is II Reading the text and then answer the questions below : (4ms) (Đọc đoạn văn sau, sau trả lời câu hỏi bên ) A Vietnamese boy named Van is living with the Parker family in the American state of Ohio Mr.Parker is a farmer and Mrs Parker works part-time at a grocery store in a nearby town.They have two chilren,Peter and Sam.Van often does chores after school.Sometimes,he also helps on the farm The family relaxes on Saturday afternoons and watch Peter play baseball.Van likes the Parkers,and he enjoys being a member of their family Questions : 13 What does Mr Parker do? 13

14 Where does Mrs Parker work? 14

15 What does Van often after school? 15

16 Does he like the Parkers? 16

-III.Writing: (3ms) A.Rewrite the sentences beginning with “ I wish…” (1,5ms) (Viết lại câu sau bắt đầu “ I Wish….”) Ex : I don’t know her  I wish I knew her. 17 I can’t fly 17

-18 I don’t pass the exam 18


-B.Change these sentences into the indirected speech: (1,5ms) (Đổi câu sau sang câu gián tiếp)

Ex : “ How old are you? “ She asked me  She asked me how old I was

20 “Where you live?” I asked her 20 - 21 He said “ I love these roses” 21 22.”Do you like pop music?” I asked her 22


end *Học Sinh đọc kĩ hướng dẫn trước làm bài,tránh làm bẩn kiểm tra





1 B 0,25

2 A 0,25

3 B 0,25

4 B 0,25

5 B 0,25

6 B 0,25

7 A 0,25

8 D 0,25

9 A 0,25

10 A 0,25

11 B 0,25

12 B 0,25

13 Mr.Parker (He) is a farmer. 1

14 Mrs Parker works part-time at a grocery store in a nearby town 1

15 Van often does chores after school. 1

16 Yes,he does. 1

17 I wish I could fly. 0,5

18 I wish I passed the exam. 0,5

19 I wish she could play the piano. 0,5

20 I asked her where she lived. 0,5

21 He said (that) he loved those roses. 0,5

22 I asked her if ( whether) she liked pop music. 0,5

Total 10 ms


Class Good Fair Average Weak Bad

9A 9A 9A 9A


- -


Period : 28

Date Of Preparation : Date Of Teaching :

Classes :

I.OBJECTIVES: _Language content:

+To have the students review the words and the structures they have learned from unit to unit

_Language function:

+By the end of the lesson,the students will be able to see their mistakes and self-evaluate for the next test

_Educational aim:

+To make the students know how to the test well

1 Language:

a Vocabulary: Revision b Structures: Revision

2 Skills: Integrated skills,especially writing 3 Educational factor:

+Having them aware of the importance of learning English

II.TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1 Method : Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Using pictures, Matching, Rub Out and Remember,True-False, Questions and Answers. 3 Teaching aids: Papers

4 Students’ preparation: Check their test at home 5 Previous exercises: Answer keys


a Warm-up: Greetings.

b Checking absence: Who’s absent today? 2 Checking the previous knowledge: + Questions:

+ Keys to the questions: 3 Correction of the test:

A.Help the students recognize the simple past with “wish” in Multiple Choice and writing 1) The simple past tense: S1 +Wish +S2 + Ved(2)

Example: I Wish I were not tired

2) Some words and phrases they have learned in unit and :

Example: Exchange students,aspects of learning English……

B.Help the students recognize the structure of reported speech:


B Explain the students the way to the reading C Give the answers.





1 B 0,25

2 A 0,25

3 B 0,25

4 B 0,25

5 B 0,25

6 B 0,25

7 A 0,25

8 D 0,25

9 A 0,25

10 A 0,25

11 B 0,25

12 B 0,25

13 Mr.Parker (He) is a farmer. 1

14 Mrs Parker works part-time at a grocery store in a nearby town 1

15 Van often does chores after school. 1

16 Yes,he does. 1

17 I wish I could fly. 0,5

18 I wish I passed the exam. 0,5

19 I wish she could play the piano. 0,5

20 I asked her where she lived. 0,5

21 He said (that) he loved those roses. 0,5

22 I asked her if ( whether) she liked pop music. 0,5

Ngày đăng: 27/04/2021, 23:08


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