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week 11 1211 1811 ly thuong kiet secondary school english lesson plan 7 week 11 period 31 uni

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Nội dung

- The Present Tense and The Progressive Tense. *Ss repeat word by word in chorus, individual. 60) to introduce the text about what activities Nga, Ba and Nam do after school.. a.?[r]


Week 11 Period 31

Unit 6:

Lesson 1:


A What you ? (1) P 60-61

P : / / T : ./ / I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the dial between Minh and Hoa about activities they after school

II Teaching aids: pictures, text book, second board. III Language content:

- The Present Tense and The Progressive Tense IV.Procedure:

Stage Step / Activities Work


Check up:

2 Pre- Listening:

- Read the text (P.57) by heart then answer questions: a Who is Hoa’s Pen pal ?

b What activies American’s Ss at recess ?

- Write Voca: động, trao đổi, bạn qua thư, máy nghe tai, * Pre teach vocabulary:

* T introduces vocabulary: - (to) practice (tran): luyện tập - together (expl): với - a team (ex): đội (bóng) - a player (pict): cầu thủ

- maybe (syn) : = might = may: có lẽ * Read word by word times.

* Ss listen and give newwords or meaning * Ss repeat word by word in chorus, individual * Ss write down

* Checking Vocabulary: R.O.R * T sets the scene:

T uses picture (P 60) to introduce the dialogue between Minh and Hoa then answer some questions

a Who are they in the dial ? - They are Minh and Hoa

T – student

T – students


3.While – listening:

4 Post – Reading: IV


b What is Hoa doing ? - She is doing her homework c Who are they talk about ? - They are talking about Ba d Where will they go ? - They will go to the cafeteria a True / false statements:

* T gives some statements on the second board

1 Minh advices Hoa to relax because she works too much Tommorow is Saturday

3 Ba is practising the guitar in the music room

4 Minh often plays sports with his friends after school Hoa is interested in playing volleyball

- T asks Ss to listen to the tape (twive) then check their prediction

- Listen to the tape carefully then check the answers T F T F T

- T corrects

- Practice reading dialogue * Comprehension questions:

- Ask Ss to practice reading the dialogue in pairs - Asks Ss to work in pairs the questions a -> f P.61 Key : a She is doing her homework

b They are going to the cafeteria c He is in the music room

d He is learning to play the guitar

e He does his homework with his friends f Hoa likes playing volleyball

* T asks Ss to look at the picture then retell the dialogue - T gives marks

Learn by heart lesson

Prepare lesson – A2, P.61 - 63

Individual Work

Pair work

Individual Work


Period 32

Unit 6:

Lesson 2:


A What you ? (2) P 61


I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice more about Adverbs of frequency with the Simple Present Tense and Progressive Tense

II Teaching aids: pictures, text book, second board. III Language content:

- The Present Tense and The Progressive Tense IV.Procedure:

Stage Step / Activities Work


Check up:




- Read the dial (P.60) by heart then answer questions: a What is Hoa doing ?

b Where is Ba ? What is he doing ? c What are Minh and Hoa going to ?

- Write Voca: luyện tập, thư giản, với nhau, cầu thủ * T sets the scene:

T uses picture (P 61) to introduce the models S1: What are they doing ?

S2: They are reading in the library a Task 1:

* T puts the pictures (P.61) on the board then asks Ss to work in pairs as the model above

b swimming in the swimming pool c playing video games

d going to the movies e playing soocer f watching TV

b Adverbs of frequency: - Ask Ss to retell them

- Ss retell: always, usually, often, sometime, never - Where they stand ?

- Before odinary verb. - After special verb.

- Between Aux and Ordi verb.

T – student

T – students

Group work

Teacher Students


3 Post


* Example exchange:

S1: How often you [pay soccer ] ? S2: I always play soccer

Cues :

a always / homework

b sometimes / go to the movies c never / play video game d usually / watch television - T gives feedback

- learn by heart advs ; M.S - Prepare A 3-4

Pair work

Individual Work RÚT KINH NGHIỆM

……… ………


Week 11 Period 33

Unit 6:

Lesson 3:


A What you ? (3,4) P 62


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text for details about pastime activities

II Teaching aids: pictures, text book, second board. III Language content:

- The Present Tense and The Progressive Tense IV.Procedure:

Stage Step / Activities Work


1 Warm up Pre reading

Shark attack

- Guess the word has letters ( - - - ) and letters ( ( ( ) : rehearse, sport

* Pre teach vocabulary: * T introduces vocabulary: * T introduces vocabulary:

- an acting (ex): diễn kịch - pastime (expl): thú tiêu khiển - a member (ex): thành viên - anniversary (tran): lễ kỉ niệm - celebration (tran) : tổ chức - a president (expl): chủ tịch - (to) collect (expl) : sưu tập - a comic (ex) : truyện hài -(to) lie (pic) : nằm

* Read word by word times.

* Ss listen and give newwords or meaning *Ss repeat word by word in chorus, individual * Ss write down

* Checking Vocabulary: R.O.R * T sets the scene:

T uses picture (P 60) to introduce the text about what activities Nga, Ba and Nam after school

a True / false prediction :

* T gives some statements on the second board Nga, Ba, Nam are students in class 7A

T – student

T – students

Teacher Students


3.While – Reading:

4 Post – Reading: IV


2 They like sports very much Nga’s favorite pastime is jogging Ba likes collecting stamps

5 Nam plays soccer every afternoon Nam usually watches TV

Ss read the text silently and guess meaning of new words and check their pridiction

Matching :

The circus diễn tập (to) tidy the room thích thể thao (to) rehearse rạp xiếc

A swimming pool dọn dẹp ngăn nắp Sporty hồ bơi

Key : T; F; 3.F; T; F; T * Comprehension questions:

- Ask Ss to practice reading the text individual

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions a -> d P.62 a Her group is rehearsing a play for the school anniversary celebration

b He gets them from his American friend, Liz c They meet on Wednesday afternoon

d He never plays games

e He does his homework with his friends f Hoa likes playing volleyball

* T asks Ss to look at the picture then retell the text about Nga, Ba and Nam

- T gives marks

- Learn by heart lesson - Prepare lesson – B1

Pair work

Group Work Individual Work

Week 12 Period 34

Unit 6:

Lesson 4:


B Let’s go ! (1) P 64


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make suggestions with “Let’s / What about / Why don’t we …?

II Teaching aids: pictures, text book, workbook, second board. III Language content:

- The Present Tense and The Progressive Tense IV.Procedure:

Stage Step / Activities Work

arrangemen t

1 Check up: Pre- Listening:

3.While – listening:

- Retell about Nga, Ba and Nam ( by looking at the pictures) - Write Voc: lễ kỉ niệm, tổ chức, thành viên, chủ tịch, * Pre teach vocabulary: T introduces vocabulary:

- an assignment (syn): = homework - Let’s = Let us (expl):

- What about (expl): = How about : Cịn … ? - Why don’t we … ? (expl) : Tại … không …?

* Read word by word times.

* Ss listen and give newwords or meaning * Ss repeat word by word in chorus, individual * Ss write down

* Checking Vocabulary: What and Where * T sets the scene:

T uses picture (P 66) to introduce the dial Who are they ?

What are they doing ?

 Now we learn the dial, it’s about how Nam, Ba, Lan and Hoa relax

a Comprehension questions:

- T asks Ss to listen to the dial (twice)

- Ask Ss to practice reading the dial in group of four

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions a -> e P.64 Key a He wants to go to the movies.

b Because there aren’t any good movies on at the moment

T – student T – students

Teacher Whole class


4 Post – listening: IV


c She wants to listens to music at her house d Because she has too many assignments e It’s Saturday

- Give feedback b Grammar:

T asks: How does Lan (Ba, Nam) say to persuade friends to something

* Models:

- Let’s go to my house

- What about going to the movies - Why don’t you relax ?

=> Diễn tả lời đề nghị rủ rê làm gì: Let’s + V(inf)…

What / How about + V-ing … Why don’t we / you + V(inf) … * Agree: OK / That’s a great idea * Disagree: I’m sorry I can’t/ …

- Ask Ss to give examples S1: Let’s go the the library S2: That’s a great idea

* T asks Ss to exercises B1 (Workbook) - T monitors

Learn by heart lesson Prepare lesson – B2

T-whole class

Pair work

Individual Work


……… ……… ……… Week 12

Period 35

Unit 6:

Lesson 5:


B Let’s go ! (2) P 65


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read a magazine survey about the most popular activities of American teenagers and get further practice in leisure vocabulary II Teaching aids: pictures, text book, second board.

III Language content:

- The Present Tense and The Progressive Tense IV.Procedure:

Stage Step / Activities Work

arrangemen t

Check up: Pre- Reading:

- How you say to request S.O to S.T with you ? Write structure

- Give examples

* Pre teach vocabulary: - T introduces vocabulary: - a teenager (ex): tuổi thiếu niên

- a musical instrument (visual): nhạc cụ - a model (ex): mơ hình

- a scout (tran): hướng đạo sinh - a guide (tran) : hướng dẫn viên - (to) attend (syn) : = join

- a survey (ex) : khảo sát

- youth organization(tran): t/chức giới trẻ - leisure (syn): = free

* Read word by word times.

* Ss listen and give newwords or meaning * Ss repeat word by word in chorus, individual * Ss write down

* Checking Vocabulary: R.O.R * T sets the scene:

T uses some questions to introduce the text What you in your free time ?

-> Now we learn the text, it’s about what activities American teenagers in their free time ?

* Ss listen and answer: (book closed)

T – student

T – students


3.While – Reading:

4 Post – Reading: IV


- play soccer, listen to music, a Open prediction:

* T asks Ss to predict what american teenagers like to in their free time

+ listen to music + play baseball + go shopping

+ helping old people …

- T asks Ss to read the text then check their prediction - T corrects

* Comprehension questions:

- Ask Ss to practice reading the text individual

a Which of the activitiesin the list of American teenagers you think are also popular among Vietnamese teenagers ?

b Are there many kinds of entertainment for teenagers in Vietnam ? What are they ?

c What organizations are there for teenagers in Vietnam ? - T monitors - Give feedback

a ( watch TV, listen to music, go to the movies, help old people b Yes, there are They are …

c Young Pioneers or different kinds of clubs for children * T asks Ss to discuss in groups of four, ask their friends what they in their free time

Learn by heart lesson Prepare lesson – B3

Pair work

T-whole class

Group work Individual Work RÚT KINH NGHIỆM

Week 12 Period 36

Unit 6:

Lesson 6:


B Let’s go ! (3,4 ) P 66


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make invitation with “Would you like ….?”, acceptance of invitations and polite refusal

II Teaching aids: pictures, text book, workbook, second board. III Language content:

- The Present Tense and The Progressive Tense IV.Procedure:

Stage Step / Activities Work


1 Warm up:

2 Pre-

Listening: * Pre teach vocabulary T introduces vocabulary: - Would you like …? Bạn có thích, mời bạn, …? - (to) join (syn): = (to) attend

- It’s my pleasure (tran): Đó niềm vui - Thanks anyway (tran) : dù cảm ơn - a wedding (ex) : tiệc cưới

* Read word by word times.

* Ss listen and give newwords or meaning * Ss repeat word by word in chorus, individual * Ss write down

* Checking Vocabulary: R.O.R * T sets the scene:

- T introduces the dial “Sunday is Nga’s birthday, so she want to invite some friends (Lan and Hoa), Lan can com but Hoa can’t because she is going to a wedding on Sunday”

How many people are there in the dialogue ? When is Nga’s birthday ?

-> Now Whole the Ss listen to the dialogue among Nga, Lan

T – whole class

T – students

Teacher Whole class Activities American


3.While – listening:

4 Post – listening:

and Hoa

- T asks Ss to listen to the tape (twice)

- Ask Ss to practice reading the dial in group of three - Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the following questions a Who does Nga want to invite to her birthday ?

b What will they after lunch ? c What does Hoa on Sunday ? - T monitors

- Give feedback

Key : a She wants to invite Hoa and Lan b They will go to see a movie c She is going to a wedding b Grammar:

T asks: How does Lan say to invite Lan and Hoa to come to her house for lunch ?

* Models:

1 S1: Would you like to come to my house for dinner ? S2: Yes, I’d love to

2 S1: Would you like to come, too ? S2: I’d love to but I can’t

=> Diễn tả lời mời, đề nghị làm gìmột cách lịch sự: Would you like + to-inf …?

* Agree: Yes, I’d love to

* Disagree: I’d love to but I can’t/ … - Ask Ss to give examples

S1: Would you like to drink a cup of coffee ? S2: Yes, I’d love to

* Matching: (B4)


1 a community Service (to) paint

3 striped volunteer

a kẻ sọc b môi trường c.vệ sinh khu d/c d dịch vụ cộng

Pair work

T-whole class

Pair work




5 (to) concern

6.clean-up campaigns environment

đồng e sơn

f chinh phục g tình nguyện viên

Key : + d; + e; + a; + g; + f; + c; + b * T asks Ss to read the text B4 then discuss questions (a, b) P.67

- T monitors

Learn by heart lesson

Prepare lesson – Language Focus

Group work Individual Work


……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Week 13

Period 37

Language Focus

P 68- 71 P : / / T : ./ / I Objectives:


II Teaching aids: pictures, text book, second board. III Language content:

- The Present Tense and The Progressive Tense IV.Procedure:

Stage Step / Activities Work


Check up: Pre- Practice:


- How you say to invite S.O to S.T ? Write structure - Give examples

* Pre teach vocabulary: T introduces vocabulary: - (to) kick (mime): đá , phát bóng

- untidy (ant): bừa bọn - (to) put away (mime): cất vào - socks (visual) : vớ

- (to) throw away (mime) : vứt, liệng * Read word by word times.

* Ss listen and give newwords or meaning * Ss repeat word by word in chorus, individual * Ss write down

* Checking Vocabulary: R.O.R * T sets the scene:

T asks some questions:

- What are you doing now ? - I’m learning English - What is Lan doing ? - She is writing

- What are Minh and Nam doing ? - They are playing

* What tense you use to answer ? - Present Progressive. a Present Progressive:

a Present Progressive:

T asks Ss to retell form and usage - Form: S + am / is / are + V-ing …

- Usage: express an action which is happening at the same time (now, at present, at the moment …)

* Practice L.F

T – student T – whole Class

T – whole Class


4 Further Practice: IV


b Indefinite Pronouns: (This / That / These/ those ) T asks Ss to retell the usage of them

c Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometime, never

T asks Ss to retell the usage of them

d Suggestions: T asks Ss to retell form of them. * Practice:

Lucky Numbers: - T introduces how to play.


7 10 11 12

1 What you learn in History ?

2 What subject you learn abour books and writes ? L.N

4 Do you learn about different countries in Geography ? How often you have English classes ?

6 What you learn in Math ? L.N

8 What you in a Computer Science class ? L.N

10 What subject you need pencils, paints, papers ? 11 Do you learn to sing in Art ?

12 What lesson you learn how things work ? * Write it up:

- T asks Ss to write the time they in a day Ex: Everyday, I get up at o’clock, …

Learn by heart lesson 7.Review Unit -> 6.Repair to test

Group work

Individual work

Period 39:


I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand how to some kinds of exercises


- Understand how to some kinds of exercises IV Procedure:

- Trả kiểm tra đến học sinh - Sửa

- Gọi học sinh có điểm thấp lên làm đồng thời hướng dẫn cho em cách làm

- Nhận xét đánh giá số tốt số chưa đạt V Homework: Prepare Unit – Leson 1: (A )

========================== RÚT KINH NGHIỆM

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2021, 21:07


