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Điều khiển hiện đại cân bằng hệ banh và xe

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pp Đại Học Quốc Gia Tp.Hồ Chí Minh TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC BÁCH KHOA 000 PHAN HẢI ĐĂNG ĐIỀU KHIỂN HIỆN ĐẠI CÂN BẰNG HỆ BANH VÀ XE CHUYÊN NGÀNH : MÃ SỐ NGÀNH : ĐIỀU KHIỂN HỌC KỸ THUẬT 05 01 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ TP HỒ CHÍ MINH tháng năm 2003 CÔNG TRÌNH ĐƯC HOÀN THÀNH TẠI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC BÁCH KHOA ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH Cán hướng dẫn khoa học : TS HOÀNG MINH TRÍ Cán chấm nhận xét : GS TSKH NGUYỄN THÚC LOAN Cán chấm nhận xét : TS NGUYỄN PHƯƠNG HÀ LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ ĐƯC BẢO VỆ TẠI HỘI ĐỒNG CHẤM BẢO VỆ LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC BÁCH KHOA Ngày 25 tháng 10 năm 2003 Có thể tham khảo luận văn : THƯ VIỆN TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC BÁCH KHOA TP.HCM Đại học Quốc Gia Tp Hồ Chí Minh TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC BÁCH KHOA CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự – Hạnh phúc NHIỆM VỤ LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ Họ tên học viên Ngày tháng năm sinh Chuyên ngành : PHAN HẢI ĐĂNG : 07 – 03 – 1975 : Điều khiển học kỹ thuật Phái : Nam Nơi sinh : Nghệ An I TÊN ĐỀ TÀI : Điều khiển đại cân hệ Banh Xe II NHIỆM VỤ VÀ NỘI DUNG : - Trình bày sơ lược lý thuyết điều khiển tối ưu - Trình bày sơ lược lý thuyết điều khiển mờ - Ứng dụng thiết kế điều khiển hệ Banh-Xe mô trình điều khiển Matlab III NGÀY GIAO NHIỆM VỤ : ………………………………………………… IV NGÀY HOÀN THÀNH NHIỆM VỤ : ……………………………………… V HỌ VÀ TÊN CÁN BỘ HƯỚNG DẪN : TS HOÀNG MINH TRÍ VI HỌ VÀ TÊN CÁN BỘ CHẤM NHẬN XÉT 1: GS.TSKH NGUYỄN THÚC LOAN VII HỌ VÀ TÊN CÁN BỘ CHẤM NHẬN XÉT 2: TS NGUYỄN PHƯƠNG HÀ CÁN BỘ HƯỚNG DẪN CÁN BỘ NHẬN XÉT CÁN BỘ NHẬN XÉT Nội dung đề cương luận văn thạc só Hội Đồng Chuyên Ngành thông qua TRƯỞNG PHÒNG QLKH-SĐH Ngày tháng năm 2003 CHỦ NHIỆM NGÀNH TS Nguyễn Đức Thành LỜI CÁM ƠN Trước hết xin chân thành cảm ơn tất thầy cô, người thân, bạn bè động viên, giúp đỡ suốt trình học tập nghiên cứu Chân thành cảm ơn ban giám đốc công ty KASATI tất đồng nghiệp tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho yên tâm học tập công tác Đặc biệt xin cảm ơn thầy TS Hoàng Minh Trí giáo viên hướng dẫn, tận tình hướng dẫn, trao đổi, thảo luận, cung cấp cho thông tin, tài liệu liên quan đến đề tài Tôi xin cám ơn thầy PTS Nguyễn Đức Thành , cô PTS Nguyễn Phương Hà, thầy THs Huỳnh Thái Hoàng ý kiến đóng góp trao đổi ngắn bổ ích đề tài, kỹ thuật điều khiển LQR/LQG Cuối xin gửi lời cảm ơn đến mẹ tất người thân quan tâm kỳ vọng Cảm ơn vợ Vân Hòa gái MiMi –Vân Khánh nguồn động viên dành chia sẻ, cảm thông giúp nhiều sống để học tập hoàn thành luận văn TP.Hồ Chí Minh , tháng 09-2003 Phan Hải Đăng TÓM TẮT Luận văn trình bày lý thuyết điều khiển tối ưu, lý thuyết điều khiển mờ ứng dụng để điều khiển hệ Banh – Xe Mục đích luận văn thông qua việc thiết kế mô quan sát đáp ứng hệ thống, rút kết luận ưu điểm, khuyết điểm phạm vi ứng dụng phương pháp Nội dung luận văn gồm chương : Chương : Tổng quan Giới thiệu tổng quan lý thuyết điều khiển tối ưu điều khiển mờ Chương : Giới thiệu lý thuyết điều khiển tối ưu Chương trình bày phương pháp giải toán tối ưu, giải phương trình Ricati , áp dụng để giải toán LQR Trình bày lọc Kalman – ước lượng trạng thái tối ưu với số chất lượng có dạng toàn phương tuyến tính, dùng hệ thống có nhiễu trắng phân bố Gauss, kết hợp lọc Kalman với điều khiển LQR để giải toán LQG Chương : Giới thiệu lý thuyết điều khiển mờ Giới thiệu hệ thống điều khiển mờ, tập mờ quan hệ mờ sở để biểu diễn biến ngôn ngữ Các tính chất hàm liên thuộc đặc trưng cho tập mờ phương pháp giải mờ, sau đề cập đến khái niệm mệnh đề mờ, logic mờ, suy luận mờ Sau ứng dụng lý thuyết tập mờ logic mờ điều khiển Chương : Giới thiệu đối tượng Giới thiệu cấu trúc hệ Banh-Xe, đồng thời trình bày ý nghóa toán đưa mô hình toán học hệ Chương : Ứng dụng điều khiển cân hệ Banh - Xe Dựa sở lý thuyết thiết kế điều khiển thích hợp tương ứng với giả thiết mà người thiết kế xác định mô hình toán đối tượng hay không, hệ thống có phản hồi thông tin đầy đủ hay không đầy đủ, hệ thống có nhiễu hay nhiễu tác động Bộ điều khiển FPD kết hợp điều khiển mờ với điều khiển PD đề cập đến Cuối luận văn số kết luận hướng phát triển đề tài - ABSTRACT This thesis present optimal control approach, fuzzy control approach and applying to design control Car-Ball plant The objective of this thesis is to obtain some conclusion about advantages and disadvantages of each method The thesis is divided five chapters : Chapter : General Generally introduces about optimal control theory and fuzzy control theory Chapter : Introduces about optimal control theory This chapter present three methods , which are calculus of variation , dynamic programing and Pontryagin’s maximum principle to solve optimal problem Method for solving Ricati Algebraic equation, applying to solve Linear Quadratic Regulator problem Present Kalman filter – an optimal state estimator with linear quadratic index applying for system that have Gauss distributed white noise Combine Kalman filter and LQR regulator to obtain a solution to the Linear Quadratic Gaussian proplem Chapter : Introduces about fuzzy control theory Introduces about fuzzy control system, fuzzy sets and fuzzy relations are basic for representing linguistic variables Properties of membership funtion of fuzzy set and some method for defuzzification, then introduces the concepts of fuzzy propositions, fuzzy logic and applies these in fuzzy reasoning Finally,this chapter presents the application of fuzzy set, fuzzy logic theory in control Chapter : Introduces about plant to control Introduces about Car-Ball plant, present mathematics model of plant and the role of the problem Chapter : Applicaton to control Car-Ball plant Applying to designs some of controled , such as the designer know or unknow about mathematics model of plant, all state of plant can be measure for feedback or not, system with noise ? The FPD controler - combination of fuzzy controler and PD controler also discusses Finally , some comments and remarks are carried out The perspective of the thesis are also pointed out Mục lục MỤC LỤC CHƯƠNG TỔNG QUAN 1.1 Tổng quan lý thuyết điều khiển tối ưu 1.2 Tổng quan lý thuyết điều khiển mờ 1.3 Một số kết luận phương pháp điều khiển 1.3.1 Điều khiển tối ưu LQR/LQG 1.3.2 Điều khiển mờ 1.4 Mục đích luận văn 1.5 Nội dung luận văn CHƯƠNG II : 2.1 LÝ THUYẾT ĐIỀU KHIỂN TỐI ƯU Các phương pháp điều khiển tối ưu 2.1.1 Tối ưu hóa thông số Tối ưu hóa thông số không ràng buộc Tối ưu hóa có ràng buộc 10 2.1.2 Tối ưu hoá động dùng phép tính biến phân 11 Tối ưu động không ràng buộc 11 2.2 Tối ưu động có ràng buộc 14 Bài toán điều khiển tối ưu tổng quát 14 2.2.1 Giải toán phương pháp biến phân 15 i Mục lục 2.3 2.4 2.2.2 Giải toán phương pháp quy hoạch động 17 2.2.3 Giải toán nguyên lý cực đại Pontryagin 18 Bài toán điều khiển LQR 20 2.3.1 Bài toán LQR (Linear Quadratic Reagulator ) 20 2.3.2 Giải toán LQR 21 2.3.3 Giải phương trình Ricati 23 Bộ điều khiển LQG 25 2.4.1 26 Bộ lọc Kalman Bộ ước lượng bình phương tối thiểu đệ qui 28 2.5 Bộ lọc kalman rời rạc 30 Bộ lọc Kalman liên tục 32 2.4.2 Bài toán LQG 34 Tính ổn định bền vửng CHƯƠNG : 36 LÝ THUYẾT ĐIỀU KHIỂN MỜ 41 3.1 Hệ thống điều khiển mờ 41 3.1.1 Giới thiệu 41 3.1.2 Cấu trúc điều khiển mờ 43ối tiền xử lý (Preprocessing) 44ộ điều khiển mờ 45 Khối hậu xử lý (Postprocessing) 47 3.1.3 Quan hệ ngõ vào – ngõ điều khiển mờ 47 ii Mục lục 3.2 Giải mờ 47 3.2.1 Các phương pháp giải mờ 47 Nguyên tắc độ phụ thuộc cực đại (Max-membership Principle) 49 Phương pháp trọng tâm (Centroid Method) 50 Phương pháp trung bình có trọng số (Weighted AverageMethod) 50 Phương pháp trung bình độ phụ thuộc cực đại 51 Phương pháp trọng tâm tổng (Center of Sum) 52 Phương pháp trọng tâm vùng lớn (Center Of Largest Area) 53 Phương pháp cận trái cực đại (hay cận phải cực đại) 54 3.2.2 Ý nghóa ứng dụng phương pháp giải mờ 55 Phương pháp giải mờ thoả hiệp phương pháp giải mờ hợp lý 55 Sự liên tục phương pháp giải mờ 56 Phạm vi ứng dụng phương pháp giải mờ 56 3.3 Qui tắc điều khiển mờ 3.4 57 3.3.1 Qui tắc điều khiển mờ Mamdani 57 3.3.2 Qui tắc điều khiển mờ Sugeno 60 3.3.3 So sánh qui tắc mờ Mamdani qui tắc mờ Sugeno 63 Phân tích điều khiển mờ 64 iii Phụ lục A Tài liệu tham khảo [19] Jeffery R Layne & Kevin M Passino, “Fuzzy Model Reference Learning Control,” Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol.4, No 1, pp 33-47, 1996 [20] David F Jenkins & Kevin M Passino, “ An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis of Fuzzy Control Systems,” Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol.7, No 1, pp 75-103, 1999 [21].Jan Jantzen ‘ Turning of Fuzzy PID controler “ Technical University of Denmark ,1999 [22] Jan Jantzen ‘ Design of Fuzzy controler “ Technical University of Denmark ,1998 Trang 139 Phụ lục B : Chương trình mô PHỤ LỤC B : CHƯƠNG TRÌNH MÔ PHỎNG I Giao diện Animation mô : GD.1 Giao diện animation mô hệ banh xe matlab II Hệ quy tắc mờ Mamdani trường hợp dùng tập mờ ngõ : if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NB ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is NB ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is NS ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NB ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is NS ) Trang 140 is is is is is is Phuï luïc B : Chương trình mô if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 10 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NB ) 11 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 12 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 13 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 14 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 15 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 16 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 17 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 18 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 19 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 20 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 21 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 22 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 23 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 24 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 25 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 26 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 27 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) Trang 141 is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is Phụ lục B : Chương trình mô phoûng 28 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NB ) 29 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 30 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 31 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 32 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 33 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 34 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 35 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 36 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 37 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 38 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 39 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 40 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 41 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ZE) 42 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 43 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 44 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 45 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 46 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 47 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 48 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) Trang 142 is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is Phuï luïc B : Chương trình mô 49 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 50 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 51 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 52 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 53 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 54 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PB ) 55 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 56 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 57 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 58 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 59 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 60 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 61 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 62 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 63 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 64 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is NS ) 65 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 66 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 67 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 68 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 69 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) Trang 143 is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is Phụ lục B : Chương trình mô 70 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 71 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 72 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PB ) 73 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ZE ) 74 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 75 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 76 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 77 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 78 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PB ) 79 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is PS ) 80 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is PB ) 81 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is PB ) III is is is is is is is is is is is is Hệ quy tắc mờ Mamdani trường hợp dùng tập mờ ngõ : if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ne ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sn ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) Trang 144 is is is is is is is is Phuï luïc B : Chương trình mô if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 10 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ) 11 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) 12 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 13 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) 14 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 15 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 16 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 17 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 18 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 19 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) 20 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 21 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 22 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 23 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 24 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 25 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 26 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 27 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 28 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ) 29 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) Trang 145 is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is Phụ lục B : Chương trình mô 30 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 31 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) 32 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 33 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 34 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 35 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 36 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 37 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) 38 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 39 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 40 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 41 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 42 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 43 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 44 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 45 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 46 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 47 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 48 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 49 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 50 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) Trang 146 is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is Phuï luïc B : Chương trình mô 51 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 52 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 53 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is po ) 54 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is vp ) 55 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) 56 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 57 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 58 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 59 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 60 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 61 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 62 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 63 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 64 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 65 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 66 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 67 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 68 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 69 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 70 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 71 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is po ) Trang 147 is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is Phụ lục B : Chương trình mô 72 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is vp ) 73 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 74 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 75 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 76 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 77 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is po ) 78 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is vp ) 79 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is po ) 80 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is vp ) 81 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is vp ) IV is is is is is is is is is is Hệ quy tắc mờ Mamdani trường hợp dùng tập mờ ngõ : if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is vns ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ne ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sn ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 10 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ) Trang 148 is is is is is is is is is is Phuï luïc B : Chương trình mô 11 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) 12 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 13 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) 14 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 15 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 16 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 17 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 18 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 19 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) 20 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 21 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 22 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 23 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 24 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 25 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 26 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 27 if ( Car Possition is NE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 28 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ) 29 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) 30 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 31 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) Trang 149 is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is Phụ lục B : Chương trình mô 32 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 33 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 34 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 35 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 36 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 37 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) 38 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 39 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 40 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 41 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 42 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 43 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 44 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 45 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 46 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 47 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 48 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 49 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 50 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 51 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 52 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) Trang 150 is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is Phuï luïc B : Chương trình mô 53 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is po ) 54 if ( Car Possition is ZE ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is vp ) 55 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ne ) 56 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 57 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 58 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 59 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 60 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 61 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 62 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 63 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is NE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 64 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sn ) 65 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 66 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 67 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) 68 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 69 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 70 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 71 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is po ) 72 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is ZE ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is vp ) 73 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is ze ) Trang 151 is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is Phụ lục B : Chương trình mô 74 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 75 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity NE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is po ) 76 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is sp ) 77 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is po ) 78 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity ZE ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is vp ) 79 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is NE ) then (Control Signal is po ) 80 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is ZE ) then (Control Signal is vp ) 81 if ( Car Possition is PO ) and ( Car Velocity is PO ) and (Ball Angle Velocity PO ) and ( Angle Velocity is PO ) then (Control Signal is vpb ) III Các chương trình thiết kế ,mô dóa Cdrom kèm theo Trang 152 is is is is is is is is TÓM TẮT LÝ LỊCH TRÍCH NGANG Họ tên : Sinh ngày : PHAN HẢI ĐĂNG 07-03-1975 Phái : Nam Nơi sinh : Nghệ An QUÁ TRÌNH ĐÀO TẠO : 1993 – 1998 : Học Đại học trường đại học Bách Khoa TP.HCM 2000 – 2003 : Học Cao học trường đại học Bách Khoa TP.HCM QUÁ TRÌNH CÔNG TÁC : 1998 đến : Cán kỹ thuật xí nghiệp khoa học sản xuất thiết bị thông tin II (KASATI ) CÁC CÔNG TRÌNH : • • Dự thi sáng tạo sản phẩm điện tử Việt Nam 1998 đạt huy chương bạc với đề tài “Giám sát điều khiển hệ thống nguồn viễn thông từ xa “ 1998 DT.114 Tham gia đề tài cấp ngành “ Xây dựng mạng quản lý thiết bị viễn thoâng “ 2000 ... DỤNG ĐIỀU KHIỂN CÂN BẰNG HỆ BANH- XE 91 5.1 Điều khiển hệ banh xe phương pháp LQR 91 5.2 Điều khiển hệ banh xe phương pháp LQG 103 5.3 : Điều khiển hệ banh xe logic mờ kinh điển 110 5.3.1 Kết mô điều. .. 07 – 03 – 1975 : Điều khiển học kỹ thuật Phái : Nam Nơi sinh : Nghệ An I TÊN ĐỀ TÀI : Điều khiển đại cân hệ Banh Xe II NHIỆM VỤ VÀ NỘI DUNG : - Trình bày sơ lược lý thuyết điều khiển tối ưu - Trình... trình bày sơ lược lý thuyết điều khiển tối ưu lý thuyết điều khiển mờ, 02 lý thuyết điều khiển đại ứng dụng nhiều thực tế luận văn ứng dụng để điều khiển cân hệ Banh – Xe Luận văn mô tả cấu trúc

Ngày đăng: 16/04/2021, 14:43

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