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phongcanh2 mĩ thuật 2 trương thị hòa thư viện tư liệu giáo dục

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Nhaán vaøo aâm tieát thöù 2 keå töø cuoái: * Töø taän cuøng –ic4. Ex: GRAPHic, geoGRAPHic, ecoNOMic * Töø taän cuøng baèng -sion , -tion.[r]


@ CÁCH NHẤN ÂM (TRỌNG ÂM) 1.Nhấn vào âm tiết thứ nhất: * Hầu hết danh từ âm tiết Ex: CHIna, Table, Export

* Hầu hê’t tính tư âm tiết Ex: SCLENder, CLEVer, HAPpy Nhấn vào âm tiết cuối: * Hầu hết động từ âm tiết Ex: to exPORT, to deCIDE, to beGIN 3 Nhấn vào âm tiết thứ kể từ cuối: * Từ tận –ic

Ex: GRAPHic, geoGRAPHic, ecoNOMic * Từ tận -sion , -tion

Ex: reVIsion, contriBUtion, introDUCtion

4 Nhấn vào âm tiết thứ kể từ cuối: * Tứ tận –cy, -ty, -phy,- gy Ex; eFFIciency, aBIlity, phoTOgrapy, geOlogy

* Từ tận -al Ex: FInally, poLItical 5 Từ kép:

* Nhấn âm đầu gặp danh từ kép Ex: BLACKboard, WILDlife

* Nhấn âm tiết gặp tính tứ kép Ex: bad – TEMpered, old – FASHioned * Nhấn phần thứ gặp động tứ kép.

Ex; to underSTAND, to introDUCE, to overFLOW


6 VOICELESS (YẾU) -VOICED (MAÏNH) /p/ /b/ /t/ / d/ /k /g/ /ts/ /d3/ f/ / v/ /0/ /d/ /s/ /z/ s/ / 3/

/n/ /m/ /l/ /r/ /n/ /w/ /ei/ /a:/

7 Cách đọc S/ ES => / s/ , / z/ , /iz/ Từ tận Voiced + s => /z/

Từ tận Voiceless + s => /s/

Từ tận : /ts/ /d3/ ,/ s/ /z/ , /s/ /3/) + s/es => /iz/

8 Cách đọc ED => / t/ , /d/ , /id/ Từ tận Voiced + ed => /d/

Từ tận Voiceless + ed => /t/

Từ tận Voiced ( /t/ , /d/ ) + ed => /id/ * Khoanh trịn từ có cách phát âm khác với từ lại:

1.a calls b

stops c

drinks d


2.a contains b

habits c

parks d


3 a pads b

bans c

times d


4.a provides b

bags c books d cabs 5.a caps b presents c papers d picks a tasks b entertains c conveysd ideas 7.a sleeps b

sets c

words d


8.a does b

lives c

plays d


9.a thoughts b listens c feels

d hears 10.a humans b

lulls c

ideas d


11.a thoughts b

sets c

lives d


12.a sleeps b

finds c

delightsd keeps

13.a positions b sequences c

films d


14.a bats b

kits c

speaks d bags 15.a dates b

kids c

speeds d days 16.a times b halves c

photographs d finds

17.a writes b

stops c

waits d


18.a tells b comes c stays

d visits 19.a caves b

hosts c

motionsd features 20.a cartoons b featuresc banks

d sorrows 21.a audiences b places c changes

d movies 22.a calls b

lasts c

spreads d sounds 23.a widened b requiredc ploughed

d reacted 24.a prepared b developed c

appeared d


25.a stopped b decidedc dated

d waited 26.a moved b wanted c arrested

d started

27.a mended b cooked c jumped

d missed 28.a explained b arrived c involved d phoned 29.a knocked b walked c looked

d watered 30.a listened b entertained c

dreamed d


31.a liked b learned c loved

d excited 32a revealed b pressedc required

d eased 33.a explored b delighted c

composed d


34.a picked b stopped c picked

d banned 35.a tended b planted c robbed

d visited 36 a threatenedb

abandoned c

established d. surprised

37.a listened b stayed c played

d decided 38.a delighted b

defeated c

endangered d related

39.a caps b meters c swimmers d.lines 40.a endangeredb destroyed c damaged d provided

* Khoanh trịn từ có trọng âm ( cách nhấn âm ) khác với từ lại: 1.a temperature b

serious c

awareness d chemical

2.a ability b agriculture c development d contaminate 3.a current b, global c crisis

d mankind 4.a extinction b animal c classify

d primary 5.a habitat b different c industry d


6.a derive b provide c modern

d depend 6.a swallow b subject c digest

d enough 7.a imagine b important c

example d


8.a water b football c begin

d meter 9.a personal b penalty c

defensive d vertical

10.a award b prevent c visit

d except 11.a participation b successful c competitor d enthusiast

12.a spirit b impress c event

d perform 13.a initiate b medical c rapidly

d possible 14.a injured b famine c

earthquake d result

15.a volunteer b

wherever c

example d


16.a colleague b

appall c

devote d victim 17.a status b

argue c

basis d


18.a position b family c century

d politics 19.a ability b equality c enlighten

d natural 20.a involve b employ c social

d important

21.a deny b

legal c

women d limit 22.a human b mother c struggle

d belief 23.a history b natural c pioneer

d business 24.a advocate b considerc cultural

d period 25 a opportunity b economic c society d


26.a service b

rural c

region d include 27.a language b diverse c promote

d combine 28.a energy b industry c forestry

d investment

29.a series b respect c interest

d action 30.a justice b

admit c

adopt d


31.a comprise b

sandy c

circle d


32.a remain b

hummock c

explore d between 33.a powerful b medical c

dangerous d computer

34.a ahead b system c paper

d shuttle 35.a influence b confident c disappear d terrorism

36.a threaten b appear c modern

d instance 37.a future b burden c device

d certain 39.a develop b overall c invest

d commit 40.a ethnic b

enjoy c

legal d

measure @ VOCABULARY:


1 He has been very interested in - - A biology b biological c biologist d biologically

2 Are you sure that boys are more -than girls? A act b active c action d activity

3 You are old enough to take - for what you have done A responsible b responsibility c responsibly d irresponsible

4 These quick and easy - - can be effective in the short term A solve b solvable c solutions d solvability

5 He was looking at his parents - - , waiting for permission A obey b obedient c obediently d obedience The rich should - - the poor A support b supportive c supporter d supporting

7 London is home to people of many - - cultures A diverse b diversity c diversify d diversification

John cannot make a - - to get married to Mary A decide b decision c decisive d decisively

9 My mother used to be a woman of great - - A beauty b beautiful c beautifully d beautify

10 Although they are twins, they are seldom in - - A agree b agreeable c agreement d agreeably

11 The more - - and positive you look, the better you will feel A confident b confide c confidence d confidently

12 My parents will have celebrated 30 years of - - by next week A marry b married c marriage d


13 Many VNese people - - their life to preserve the country A sacrifice b sacrificed c sacrificial d


14 The events has a great - - to people A attract b attractive c attraction d attractiveness

15 They saw a - - movie last night A romance b romantic c romantically d romanticize

16 They started as - - gatherings A informal b informally c informalize d informality

17 Language is used to - - A communicate b communication c communicative d communicator 18 The teacher is always - - in response to questions A attention b attentive c attentively d attend 19 There was a - - tremble in her voice A slight b slighted c slightly d slightness

20 A boss has to pay his employees - - A appropriate b appropriately c appropriation d appropriating

21 Mrs Pike was so angry that she made a - - gesture A rude b rudeness c rudely d rudest

22 He is not really friendly and makes no attempt to be - - A society b social c socialize d sociable

23 That is an - - reason A accept b acceptable c acceptance d accepting

24 She is so - - that he loves her A polite b politeness c politely d impolite

25 It is of great - - to study hard for our future A important b importance c importantly d unimportant

26 Facial - - show one’s feelings when he is communicating A express b expression c expressive d


27 He was so - - that he could not even say a word A nerve b nerves c nervous d nervously

28 I am really - - in the way he talks A interest b interesting c interested d interestingly

29 His attitude made me really - A anger b angers c angry d angrily

30 Women are more - - now A free b freedom c freely d freeing 31 He - - his new policy last night A public b publicly c publicized d publicizing

32 The scientist have had many scientific - - recently A achieve b achievement c achievable d achiever 33 Parents can express a - - for the school their child attends A prefer b preference c preferential d


34 Higher education - - have risen this year A applies b applications c applicable d applicants

35 A letter of - - is sometimes really necessary in a job interview A

recommended b recommended c recommender

36 These professors - - in history of Russian empire A special b specialize c specially d specialization

37 The control of - - has been carried out through measures A inflate b inflationist c inflation d inflator 38 We have seen the significant - in the economy of our country A develop b development c developers d developed


encourage b encouraging c encouragement d encouraged

40 The economy has grown - - A constant b constantly c constants d constancy

41 Constant - - of attack make everyday life dangerous here A threat b threaten c threatening d


42 The youth show signs of - - when being asked about their future A depress b depression c depressed d depressing

43 There is a wide - - of computers in that shop for you to choose A vary b various c variety d variously 44 The - - of the animals is

necessary now A protect b protection c protected d protecting

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2021, 16:25

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