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Nội dung bài học môn Tiếng Anh tuần 22_Tuần 4 HKII_Năm học 2020-2021.

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Defensive players are not allowed to interfere _____________the opponents’ movement unless the player is holding the ball.. For minor fouls, such as holding or punching the ball, a free[r]




Part : READING ( periods)

Practice : Fill in each blank with a suitable word:

1 For minor fouls, such as holding or punching the ball, a free throw is from the spot of the foul

2 At least two players must touch the ball after a free throw before a goal can be _ A game is _into quarters ranging from five to eight minutes in length Water polo is played in a pool 1,8metres

5 Defensive players are not allowed to with the opponents’ movement unless the player is holding the ball

6 The goal is marked by _posts , a crossbar and a net There are seven players per team, six swimmers and a A player is ejected after _five personal fouls

9 After a tie, there are two _periods of three minutes each 10 If the games is still tied after the overtime periods, two teams continue to play 3-minute

overtime until the referee’s is made

11 _ football, the game begins with the ball in the centre of the pool 12 Both teams for the ball from their own goal lines 13 The ball can be by passing with one hand

14 No except the goalie can hold the ball with both hands 15 Major fouls are _by one minute in the penalty box Practice : Fill in each blank with a suitable word:

1 A player is after committing five personal fouls

2 For minor fouls, such as or punching the ball, a free throw is awarded from the spot of the foul

3 At least two players must touch the ball a free throw before a goal can be scored

4 A game is divided into ranging from five to eight minutes in length

5 Water polo is played in a 1,8metres deep

6 Like , the game begins with the ball in the centre of the pool Major fouls are penalized by one minute in the box

8 _are seven players per team, six swimmers and a goalie The ball can be advanced by passing with one _ 10 No player except the goalie can the ball with both hands 11 After a tie, there are two overtime _of three minutes each 12 The goal is marked by vertical posts , a and a net

13 If the games is still tied after the overtime periods, two teams to play 3-minute overtime until the referee’s decision is made

14 Defensive players are not allowed to interfere with the movement unless the player is holding the ball


Practice : Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition : Water is played _a pool 1,8metres deep

2 The goal is marked vertical posts , a crossbar and a net There are seven players team, six swimmers and a goalie

4 football, the game begins _the ball in the centre of the pool Both teams sprint the ball from their own goal lines

6 The ball can be advanced by passing one hand

7 Defensive players are not allowed to interfere _the opponents’ movement unless the player is holding the ball

8 Major fouls are penalized _one minute in the penalty box A player is ejected committing five personal fouls

10 For minor fouls, such as holding or punching the ball, a free throw is awarded _ the spot of the foul

11 _least two players must touch the ball after a free throw before a goal can be scored

12 No player except the goalie can hold the ball _both hands

13 A game is divided quarters ranging from five to eight minutes in length 14 After a tie, there are two overtime periods three minutes each

15 If the games is still tied the overtime periods, two teams continue to play 3-minute overtime until the referee’s decision is made


A Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others

1 a penalize b penetrate c penalty d penny a crossbar b discuss c association d possession a score b opponent c quarter d water a equip b require c tie d minor a length b method c soothing d athletic

B Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others

6 a gymnastic b windsurfing c opponent d defensive 7 a interfere b individual c situation d synchronize 8 a vertical b penalty c referee d personal a regulator b adventurous c participant d performance

10 a compete b punish c eject d commit

C Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence

11 Water polo was the first team sport added _the Olympic program, in 1900

a in b on c to d for

12 Defensive players are not allowed to interfere _an opponent’s movements unless the player is holding the ball

a to b in c at d with

13 Players who are skilled _several offensive or defensive roles are called utility players

a at b for c on d off

14 At the start of each period, teams _on their own goal line

a stand for b line up c set up d come round


a kept b made c marked d limited

16 The goalkeeper has one _that other players not have: he or she cannot cross the half-distance line

a priviledge b advantage c benefit d limitation 17 For minor fouls, a free throw is _from the spot of the foul

a carried b awarded c scored d touched

18 If a defender interferes with a free throw, holds or sinks an attacker who is not in possession, he is _ from the game for twenty seconds

a excluded b exchanged c executed d exposed 19 A _ is awarded when a major foul is committed inside the 5-meter line

a free throw b score c penalty shot d corner throw

20 If the score is tied at the end of regulation play, two _periods of three minutes each are played

a extended b off-peak c limited d overtime

21 A(n) _is an official who controls the game in some sports

a defender b referee c attacker d goalie

22 If an attacker uses his arm to push away a defending player, the referee will rule a _and the defense will take possession of the ball

a turn over b turn off c turn out d turn round

23 A defender will often foul the player with the ball as a tactic to disrupt the _ ball movement a player’s b goalkeeper’s c opponents d swimmer’s

24 Offensive players may be called for a _: by pushing off a defender to provide space for a pass or shot

a goal b shot c sprint d foul

25 If a player commits a violent foul with intention to harm, the player is ejected from the game without _

Ngày đăng: 06/04/2021, 14:06



