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Nội dung bài học môn Tiếng Anh tuần 22_Tuần 4 HKII_Năm học 2020-2021.

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Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide and lead which are highly poisonous.. In big cities,?[r]


English 11

Kế hoạch giảng dạy : Ôn 10


Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others

1 A danger B land C date D play

2 A through B enough C rough D study

3 A hoped B liked C lived D watched

4 A rear B gear C bear D hear

5 A though B thanks C thought D birth

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group A influence B interesting C intelligent D industry A destroy B damage C generous D battery A enjoyable B representative C decision D compete A stimulate B organize C probably D activity

10.A vision B attract C sorry D order

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D 11.I wish I a millionaire now

A am B can be C were D had been

12.There are planets in the universe that we cannot count them A so many B such a C so much D such lot of 13.French _ in Quebec, Canada

A speaks B is spoken C has spoken D is speaking 14.My Thuan Bridge is in Vietnam

A longer B as long as C the longest D long 15.She makes her daughter the floor

A clean B cleaning C to clean D must clean 16.We spent a month this table

A make B to make C made D making

17.Is Mr Brown the person _ you want to speak?

A that B whom C to that D to whom

18.We should protect our _ nature

A dangerous B endanger C endangered D danger 19.You will become ill _ you stop working so hard

A until B when C unless D if

20.Mexico City, _ is the fastest growing city in the world, has a population of 12 million

A what B whose C which D where

21.She wants to look in her wedding reception


22. _ she was very hard working, she hardly earned enough to support her family A In spite of B Because C As D Although

23.When I was a child, I go to the zoo with my father on Sundays A was used to B was used for C used for D used to

24.My father allowed me to the party

A going B to go C go D gone

25.Tet holiday is the festival occurs in late January or early February

A when B which C who D where

26.I know _what his name is

A exacting B exact C exactly D exactness

27.My sister was born

A at 1974, in April B on April, 1974 C 1974, at April D in April, 1974 28.Children! It’s time you _away those toys

A to tidy B tidy C tidied D should tidy

29.It began to rain while he

A has fished B fished C fishes D was fishing 30.It was _ an interesting speech that everyone stayed till the end

A such B so C very D too

31 If we stop destroying animal's natural habitat, more species will survive and produce _

A offspring B ecology C landscape D benefit

32 The influence of parents their children is very important

A in B to C on D with

33 “ I’m sorry I have to leave so early,” he said

A He apologised for having to leave so early B He apologised to have to leave so early C He apologised that he has to leave so early D He apologised to have left so early

34. I haven’t got money, so I’m not going on holiday

A Having no money made me go on holiday B Not having money on my holiday got me down C If I have money, I’ll go on holiday

D If I had money, I would go on holiday

35 It is such a long lesson that we can't learn it by heart.

A This lesson is too long for us to learn by heart B This lesson isn't short enough for us to learn by heart C This lesson is so long that we can't learn it by heart D All are correct

36 We couldn't drive because of the fog

A The fog made us not driving B The fog prevented us from driving

C We are stopped to drive by the fog D Because there is the fog, we couldn't drive

37 The children need a garden they can play in


D The children need a garden which they can play Choose the underlined part (A, B, C or D) that need correcting

1 Last summer my family went camp in Do Son


2 How long you come here?” “Once a week.” A B C D

3 If tomorrow the weather will be bad, the match will be postponed A B C D

4 I like the present whom you gave me on my birthday A B C D

5 She was waiting nervous in the waiting room for the interview A B C D

Word form :

1 If you smoke too much, it will your health (danger)

2 The country’s car industry is so strongly that foreign cars are rarely seen there (protect)

3 There’s so much in the air here that it’s becoming an unhealthy place to live (pollute)

4 If you smoke too much, it will your health (danger)

5 She is shy and she can’t speak _in front of a large crowd (nature)

6 The of the building has shocked a lot of people (destroy)

7 The _ area of the city is not healthful (industry)

8 He goes shopping with his wife (rare)

9 This shop sells with high quality.(produce)

10.He won the game because he is a player (science) Read the passage below and choose the correct answer among A, B , C or D

There are many sources of pollution in our modern world At present, the most serious sources are

acid rain car exhaust fumes and oil spills Factory chimneys give out smoke that contains sulphuric

dioxide and nitrogen oxide These gases combine with moisture in the atmosphere to form acid and

nitric acid When it rains, these acids dissolve in the rain and make it acidic Acid rain is believed to be the worst pollution of all It has harmed aquatic life by turning many lakes into lifeless

bodies of water

Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide and lead which are highly poisonous In big cities,

the exhaust fumes build up and pose a health hazard to human beings Pollution of the sea by oil threatens marine life Much of the oil comes from ships that clean their fuel tanks while at sea Offshore oil wells also discharge vast amounts of oil into the sea Pollution of the sea can also be caused by oil spills


B acid rain, car exhaust fumes and oil spills C water spills, smog and rubbish

D all are correct

Smoke from factory chimneys _ A does not harm to us

B is necessary for manufacture C is not harmful to our health D causes acid rain

What car exhaust fumes contain?

A only lead B carbon monoxide and lead

C acid rain D useful gases

Acid rain is believed

A to be of no harm B to be necessary for agriculture C to be the worst pollution of all D to be pure

Offshore oil wells _

A nothing with pollution B always keep the seas clean

C well with the waste D discharge vast amounts of oil into the sea

Combine the following sentences, using “preposition + which or whom”

1 The hotel was comfortable We stayed in that hotel last summer

 The hotel _

2 The bed is made of wood He used to rest on it

 The bed

3 The car is very expensive I told you about that car

 The car _

Graham took us to his office It was filled with books

 The office

They will come back to the village They were born in that village

 They will _ The paintings are beautiful Mr John is looking at them

 The paintings

7 The doll is made in China The little girl usually plays with it

Ngày đăng: 03/04/2021, 18:57

