Properties/restrictions of the dual functions (homogeneity, monotonicity, concavity and symmetry). are not usually satisfied are usually imposed.[r]
(2)The primal vs duality approach
Derivation of cost and profit function
(3)Production Economics
optimal allocation of resources in the production of goods and services given
resource constraints
output demand (and thus prices of outputs) prices of inputs
Basic issues:
optimal input uses
(4)The primal vs dual approach Primal approach
optimal input and output levels are obtained by solving the optimization problem
Dual approach
Inputs demand and output supply functions can be derived from the dual functions
x pf x wx st
x wx y f x
(5)Problems of the primal approach
endogeneity and simultaneity of the production function
(need instrumental variables, and more advanced techniques to fix)
multicollinearity of inputs in the production function (may
result in incorrect estimates, sometimes unable to obtain the estimates)
for some functional forms, it is hard to obtain input demands
and output supply (the optimization is not always easy)
(6)Specification of the cost function Cost problem
Lagrangian function FOCs
Solving FOCs to obtain
Cost function
min st c
x wx y f x
L x wx y f x
0 i
i i
L x
w f x
, conditional factor demand
x x w y
, ,
c wx w y c w y
(7)Specification of the profit function Profit max problem
Solve FOCs to get
Substitute into to obtain
x pf x wx
i i
pf x wx
, unconditional factor demand
x x p w
pf x wx
x x p w
p w,
Issues in estimation
(9)Properties of the cost function
Shephard lemma
Symmetry by Young theorem
, for ,
c w y w y
, is non-decreasing in
c w y w
, is non-decreasing in
c w y y
, is linearly homogenous in
c w y w
, is continuous and concave in
c w y w
c i i
c w y
x w y w
, 0
c w
2 , , , , so c c j i
i j j i j i
x w y
c w y c w y x w y
w w w w w w
(10)Issues in estimating the cost function Factor cost shares sum to
(11)Factor cost share
The factor cost shares sum to
For the translog cost function
The cost share equations are
, ,
c i i i
w x w y s w y
c w y
i ,
s w y
ln ln ln ln ln ln
i i ij i j i i
i i j i
c w w w w y
ln ln
i i ij j i
j i
i i
c c
s w y
w c w
(12)Homogeneity of the cost function
Proportional changes in input prices leave factor demand unchanged
For the translog cost function, linear homogeneity is satisfied if
, ,
c tw y tc w y t
i i
ln ln ln ln ln ln
i i ij i j i i
i i j i
The cost function must be increasing in w For the translog cost function
ln ln
i i ij j i
j i
i i i
c c c
s w y i
w w w
The cost function must be concave in w
Cross price effects of factor demand are equal
, , ,
c c
j i
i j j i j i
x w y
c w y c w y x w y
w w w w w w
(16)In empirical studies
Cost shares: estimated simultaneously with the cost function (system of equations)
Homogeneity, monotonicity, convavity and symmetry are either:
(17)Uses of the cost function Factor demand
Output supply
Morishima elasticity of substitution
, , c
c w y x w y
, ,
c w y
mc w y p y mc w p
y , ln , ln i j ij j i
(18)Example: Ray (1982)
Title: A translog cost function analysis of U.S agriculture 1939-1977
measure elasticity of substitution
measure price elasticity of factor demand measure technical change
(19)Example: Ray (1982) Data
outputs livestock crop
hired labor
capital (real estate, motor vehicles and machinery) fertilizers
purchased feed, seed and livestock miscellaneous inputs
(20)Example: Ray (1982) Estimated equations:
cost function
cost share equations
revenue share equations
Functional form: translog cost function Dependent variables:
farm production expense (index) cost shares
(21)Example: Ray (1982)
Technical change in the cost function
ln c w y,
(22)Example: Ray (1982)
Treatment for properties of the cost function homogeneity: imposed
monotonicity: ignored concavity: ignored symmetry: ignored Findings
declining substitutability between capital and labor price elasticity increase over time for all inputs
Issues in estimation
(24)Properties of the profit function
Hotelling lemma
p w,
p w, non-decreasing in p
p w, non-increasing in w
p w, linear homogeneous in p w,
p w, continuous and convex in p w,
, , k k p w
y p w p , , i i p w
x p w w , , , ,
so i
k i i k i k
p w p w y p w x p w
p w w p w p
(25)Issues in estimating the profit function
Convexity: Hessian matrix positive semi-definite
tp tw, t p w, t
, k p w p , i p w w , ,
k i i k
p w p w
p w w p
(26)Issues in estimating the profit function
Although not required, profit function is usually estimated together with the revenue share
and the input expenditure share equations
ln , ,
, ln
k k k
k k
p w p w p y p
s p w
p p
ln , ,
, ln
i i i
i i
p w p w w x w
s p w
(27)Example: Alpay et al (2002) Title: Productivity growth and environmental
regulations in Mexican and U.S food manufacturing Objective: compare productivity growth of Mexican
(28)Example: Alpay et al (2002) Methodology
profit function + revenue share equations + expenditure share equations
profit: short-run profit (capital fixed) functional form: translog profit
(29)Example: Alpay et al (2002) Data: aggregate
output: restricted short-run profit Inputs
labor material
pollution abatement expenditure
(30)Example: Alpay et al (2002)
Dual productivity growth from the profit function
The primal productivity growth could be derived from the dual productivity growth
technical changes that are unaffected by prices
ln p w,
Primal and dual, what can they do? estimate factor demand
estimate output supply factor substitution
technical changes
(33)Advantages of duality approach sometimes it’s hard to solve the optimization
problem for the primal production function
in production function, inputs are very likely to be co-linear (more than prices)
(34)Disadvantages of duality Prices are also co-linear
Properties/restrictions of the dual functions (homogeneity, monotonicity, concavity and symmetry)