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Improving service quality of bidv ibank at bidv so giao dich 1 branch

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Reviewing the service quality measurement models and building a suitable model for measuring iBank service quality. Analizing and evaluating the situation of iBank service quality at BIDV So Giao Dich 1 Branch by selected model. Outcomes, shortcomings and causes Recommending suitable solutions to improve iBank service quality at BIDV So Giao Dich 1 Branc

ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - NGUYỄN THẾ ANH IMPROVING SERVICE QUALITY OF BIDV IBANK AT BIDV SO GIAO DICH BRANCH NÂNG CAO CHẤT LƯỢNG DỊCH VỤ BIDV IBANK TẠI BIDV CHI NHÁNH SỞ GIAO DỊCH LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH HÀ NỘI - 2020 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - NGUYỄN THẾ ANH IMPROVING SERVICE QUALITY OF BIDV IBANK AT BIDV SO GIAO DICH BRANCH NÂNG CAO CHẤT LƯỢNG DỊCH VỤ BIDV IBANK TẠI BIDV CHI NHÁNH SỞ GIAO DỊCH Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 8340101.01 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: TS TRẦN KIM HÀO HÀ NỘI - 2020 DECLARATION The author confirms that the research outcome in the thesis is the result of author‟s independent work during study and research period and it is not yet published in other‟s research and article The other‟s research result and documentation (extraction, table, figure, formula, and other document) used in the thesis are cited properly and the permission (if required) is given The author is responsible in front of the Thesis Assessment Committee, Hanoi School of Business and Management, and the laws for above-mentioned declaration i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT After studying MBA course, I have attained plenty of various knowledge, skills and insights The course raises my capacity of administration and management up to the next level I declare that this is a true copy of my thesis The content of this thesis has been approved by the committee of Vietnam National University, Hanoi – Hanoi School of Business and Management (HSB) This thesis has not been submitted for a higher degree to any other University or Institution I would like to thank sincerely people for heloping, supporting and guiding me conscientiously in order to finish this thesis successfully First of all, I would like to thank all the professors of MBA program, especially Dr Tran Kim Hao – my supervisor Then I would like to thank deeply to the directors and staff of BIDV So Giao Dich Branch, respondents and interviewees who allowed me to gather enough data for this research Finally, I would like to express my thanks to my wife, my family, my colleges and my fellow friends who always stand by me during the past two years and encourage me to keep moving from the beginning of my study ii TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vi INTRODUCTION .1 CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ON SERVICE QUALITY AND INTERNET BANKING 1.1 Internet banking 1.1.1 Electronic banking 1.1.2 Internet banking 1.2 Services 10 1.3 Service quality 10 1.4 Internet Banking service quality 12 1.5 Service quality assessment models 17 1.5.1 Servqual model .17 1.5.2 Servperf model 20 1.6 Proposed model and hypothesis of the research 21 1.6.1 Propsosed conceptual model 21 1.6.2 Proposed hypothesis of the research 22 CHAPTER 2: ASSESSING THE SITUATION OF BIDV IBANK SERVICE QUALITY AT THE BANK FOR INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF VIETNAM – SO GIAO DICH BRANCH 24 2.1 Introduction of BIDV – SO GIAO DICH BRANCH and BIDV iBankservice 24 2.1.1 Foundation and development history 24 2.1.2 Introduction about BIDV So giao dich Branch 28 2.1.3 BIDV IBank 31 2.2 General assessment of the quality of IBank service BIDV So Giao Dich Branch .41 iii 2.2.1 Advantages: 42 2.2.2 Limitations .43 2.3 Reasearch finding result 45 2.3.1 Internal data finding result .45 2.3.2 Survey results on quality of iBank service at Bank for Development and Investment of Vietnam, So Giao Dich branch .47 2.4 Research result discussion 57 CHAPTER 3: SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE SERVICE QUALITY OF BIDV IBANK AT BIDV SO GIAO DICH BRANCH 59 3.1 Orientation on the development of BIDV iBank 59 3.2 Research recommendations 59 3.2.1 Recommendations for BIDV So Giao Dich Branch: 59 3.2.2 Suggestions to the Government: .62 CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 64 Conclusions 64 Limitations 66 2.1 Limitation of Sampling 66 2.2 Limitation of the option format of the answers 66 Implications 66 REFERENCES 67 APPENDIX I .74 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Key determinants of internet banking service quality .15 Table 2.1: Business results of the Branch in the stage of 2017 -2019 30 Table 2.2 BIDV iBank Fee Schedule .37 Table 2.3: Factors table after Cronbach test .52 Table 2.4: Reliable observed variables after running exploratory factor analysis 54 Table 2.5 Correlation analysis 55 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Five key elements as central influences on perceived quality 13 Figure 1.2 Service Quality Gap Model in SERVQUAL .20 Figure 1.4: Conceptual model of the research 22 Figure 2.1 Registered customer number by year .45 Figure 2.2 Proportion of customer by service package 45 Figure 2.3 Proportion of customer and proportion of transaction volume by type of corporation 46 Figure 2.4 Number of registered customer by service function .46 Figure 2.5 Gender and age statistic 47 Figure 2.6 Company size and industry statistic .48 Figure 2.7 Service package statistic 48 Figure 2.8 Main reason to use iBank service statistic 49 Figure 2.9 Customer problem while using service statistic .49 Figure 2.10 Transaction frequency statistic .50 Figure 2.11 Amount of transactions per month statistic 50 Figure 2.12 Transaction volumes per month 51 Figure 2.13 Calibration model of service quality 56 vi INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study Under the development of market economy, the competition between financial institutions is stronger and the requirements of customers are higher day by day, especially in the storm of technology development, internet banking was born and continuously developed and improved Information technology is a key to achieve competitive advantages and has been developing rapidly in recent years In order to provide customers efficient banking services, information technology and the internet become more and more important for banks to delivery banking services Banks have begun to setup their own web portal to provide internet service and gain the advantages of unlimited time, area, fewer cost, and more customers from internet banking The service quality plays an important role for banks to compete Therefore, it is important to utilize good service quality in order to differentiate itself from other service providers Although the form of internet services is different from that of traditional services, service quality is still the core competitiveness of internet banking In view of development, service quality is a crucial issue in internet banking Service quality is one of most heavily researched constructs in the field of service marketing In Vietnam, the situation in recent years showing the tendency of using electronic services over internet is becoming prevalent, the conveniences brought about by internet banking are great For the banks, the initial investments of technology can be expensive but the benefits on human resource' investment are not small Internet banking help banks reduce the cost for staffs, offices, printings, storage For customers, they will be satisfied by the speed of services, saving the cost and time, reducing paper procedures from the bank In this tendency toward customers, BIDV in general and BIDV So Giao Dich branch in particular is one of pioneers in developing electronic banking services as Internet Banking, Home Banking; Phone Banking; Mobile Banking and recently as BIDV iBank With the modern technicalbanking infrastructure, BIDV is holding many opportunities to the application of advanced technology in automatic operations and offering BIDV iBank to customers BIDV So Giao Dich 1Branch is a major and leading branch of BIDV Being aware of the importance of service quality to satisfy customer and get their loyalty, BIDV So Giao Dich Branch has been applying modern technology in improve performance of Internet Banking service Up to now, BIDV IBank has been attracting more and more customers by the benefits of the service The number of customers registered this service has been increasing over the year However, the satisfaction of customers toward BIDV IBank service quality in So Giao Dich branch seems to be not high, the rate of customer registering BIDV iBank financial packages is still low This put urgent need for the author for assessing the situation to give out measures aiming to improve service quality to enhance customer satisfaction, attract more customers, push up the rate of BIDV iBank usage, raise the trust of customer toward BIDV So Giao Dich Branch service With above reasons, the author decides to choose the topic "Improving service quality of BIDV iBank at BIDV So giao dich 1Branch" for mater thesis Literature review 2.1 Research on the world Jun et.al (2001) in research on " The key determinants of internet banking service quality: a content analysis " focus on the issues associated with internet banking service quality Identified a total of 17 dimensions of internet banking service quality which can be classified into three broad categories: customer 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Nam/Nữ Khách hàng thuộc nhóm tuổi 21 - 30 tuổi/31 - 40 tuổi/41 - 50 tuổi/51 - 60 tuổi/trên 60 tuổi Lĩnh vực công ty khách hàng ang hoạt ộng là? Thương mại/S n xu t/Vận t i/Viễn thông/B t ộng s n/Công nghệ thông tin Nông nghiệp/Y tế/Giáo dục/Tài chính, Ngân hàng Quy mơ doanh thu hàng năm công ty quý khách nằm mức nào? Dưới 10 tỷ/10 tỷ - 50 tỷ/50 tỷ - 100 tỷ/100 tỷ - 1000 tỷ/Trên 1000 tỷ Quý khách ã sử dụng gói dịch vụ ây dịch vụ iBank BIDV? Phi tài chính/Tài chính/Kiểm sốt dịng tiền Điều ây kích thích quý khách muốn sử dụng dịch vụ iBank BIDV nhiều hơn? Dịch vụ ơn gi n dễ thao tác/B o mật cao/Miễn phí giao dịch/Các chức áp ứng hiệu qu nhu cầu Điều ây khó khăn quý khách sử dụng dịch vụ iBank BIDV ? Khơng gặp khó khăn gì/Khó ăng nhập/Khó tìm kiếm thơng tin/Khó thực giao dịch/Khó yêu cầu hỗ trợ Quý khách sử dụng dịch iBank BIDV với tần su t ây? Hàng ngày/2 ến lần tuần/1 lần tuần/1 lần tháng Quý khách thực giao dịch hàng tháng với dịch vụ iBank BIDV? Dưới 100 lần/Từ 100 ến 300 lần/300 ến 600 lần/600 ến 1000 lần/Trên 1000 lần Khối lượng tiền giao dịch hàng tháng thông qua dịch vụ iBank BIDV Quý khách kho ng bao nhiêu? Dưới tỷ VND/Từ tỷ ến 10 tỷ VND/Từ 10 tỷ ến 100 tỷ VND/Từ 100 tỷ ến 1000 tỷ VND/Trên 1000 tỷ VND 74 B ng hỏi thang o từ – với thang iểm ược ánh từ (Hồn tồn khơng ồng ý) -> (Không ồng ý phần) -> (Trung lập) -> (Đồng ý phần) -> (Hoàn toàn ồng ý) Factors Questions Các chức mà dịch vụ iBank BIDV cung c p áp ứng ầy ủ nhu cầu tơi Service content Dịch vụ iBank BIDV có chức ộc áo em lại nhiều giá trị cho tơi mà ngân hàng khác khơng có Tơi truy cập website/ứng dụng iBank BIDV dễ dàng Tơi dễ dàng tìm kiếm thứ cần website/ứng dụng iBank BIDV Ease to use Tôi khơng gặp khó khăn ể h c sử dụng website/ứng dụng iBank BIDV Code Agreed level CON1 CON2 EASE1 EASE2 EASE3 C u trúc nội dung website dễ dàng ể theo dõi EASE4 Efficiency & Acurancy Readiness Security Thời gian thực dịch vụ r t xác EFF1 Các giao dịch trực tuyến ược thực xác EFF2 EFF3 EFF4 Dịch vụ ược cung c p nhanh chóng thơng qua website Dịch vụ thực ầy ủ cam kết với khách hàng Website dịch vụ iBank luôn sẵn sàng hoạt ộng tơi cần Ngân hàng ph n hồi nhanh chóng với yêu cầu Ngân hàng xử lý kịp thời v n ề gặp ph i thực giao dịch Tôi dễ dàng g i iện ến tổng ài cán hỗ trợ chi nhánh ể ược hỗ trợ cần Website có chuyên viên chăm sóc trực tuyến ể ph n hồi thắc mắc Ngân hàng không sử dụng thông tin cá nhân vào b t mục ích khơng ược tơi cho phép REA1 REA2 REA3 REA4 REA5 SER1 Tôi c m th y yên tâm/an toàn thực giao dịch SER2 75 thông qua dịch vụ iBank BIDV Reputation Tôi không gặp trường hợp bị ánh cắp tiền hay SER3 thông tin cá nhân thực giao dịch Tôi c m th y r t tho i mái/tự tin sử dụng dịch vụ REPU1 iBank BIDV Ngân hàng tiếng có uy tín cao ngành REPU2 Tơi hài lịng với ch t lượng dịch vụ iBank BIDV SQ1 Tôi tiếp tục sử dụng dịch vụ iBank BIDV SQ2 Service quality vài năm tới Tôi giới thiệu bạn bè, người thân sử dụng dịch vụ SQ3 ây 76 5 APPENDIX II Table 1: Cronbach alpha result Scale Mean Scale if Item Variance if Corrected Item- Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted Dimension Deleted Cronbach's Alpha if Item Service content: α=0,908; N=2 CON1 3.77 1.082 0.833 CON2 4.03 0.93 0.833 Ease of use: α=0,953; N=4 EASE1 11.77 8.944 0.873 0.943 EASE2 11.87 9.085 0.868 0.944 EASE3 11.87 9.154 0.854 0.948 EASE4 11.8 8.855 0.951 0.919 Efficiency and acuarcy: α=0.967; N=4 EFF1 12.7 7.53 0.92 0.96 EFF2 12.53 8.26 0.94 0.95 EFF3 12.67 7.54 0.94 0.95 EFF4 12.4 8.32 0.88 0.97 Readiness: α=0.95; N=5 REA1 16.3 14.08 0.81 0.95 REA2 16.27 13.24 0.9 0.93 REA3 16.27 13.1 0.92 0.93 REA4 16.33 13.47 0.89 0.93 REA5 16.57 13.98 0.79 0.95 Security: α=0.958; N=3 77 SER1 8.8 3.41 0.9 0.94 SER2 8.77 3.36 0.97 0.9 SER3 8.63 3.69 0.86 0.97 Reputation: α=0.953; N=2 REPU1 4.37 0.93 0.91 REPU2 4.27 0.89 0.91 Service quality: α=0.953; N=2 SQ1 8.4 3.49 0.931 0.946 SQ2 8.27 3.306 0.938 0.937 SQ3 8.4 3.007 0.915 0.96 Table KMO and Bartlett's Test result KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Sphericity 0.79 Approx Chi-Square 1014.993 78 df 190 Sig Table 3: Total Variance Explained test result Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared Initial Eigenvalues % of Component Total Variance Cumulative % Loadings Loadings % of % of Total Variance Cumulative Cumulative % Total Variance % 15.985 79.923 79.923 15.985 79.923 79.923 9.983 49.915 49.915 1.203 6.017 85.94 1.203 85.94 7.205 36.026 85.94 0.571 2.853 88.793 0.484 2.42 91.213 0.438 2.189 93.402 0.244 1.22 94.623 0.225 1.125 95.748 0.215 1.074 96.822 0.18 0.9 97.722 10 0.111 0.553 98.275 11 0.103 0.515 98.79 12 0.082 0.41 99.2 13 0.051 0.256 99.456 14 0.034 0.171 99.627 15 0.03 0.15 99.777 16 0.017 0.087 99.864 17 0.012 0.062 99.925 18 0.009 0.046 99.971 19 0.004 0.021 99.992 20 0.002 0.008 100 6.017 79 Table Rotated Component Matrixa test result Component REPU2 0.899 0.321 SER2 0.895 0.354 SER1 0.873 0.355 EFF1 0.862 0.377 REPU1 0.855 0.392 EFF2 0.805 0.493 EFF4 0.782 0.512 SER3 0.751 0.542 EFF3 0.743 0.552 EASE1 0.742 0.536 REA1 0.73 0.526 CON1 0.721 0.497 REA2 0.716 0.606 REA5 0.245 0.878 REA4 0.337 0.859 EASE2 0.466 0.794 CON2 0.488 0.752 EASE3 0.493 0.736 EASE4 0.628 0.732 REA3 0.615 0.702 80 Table 5:Model Summaryb test result R Model R Adjusted R Std Error of Square Durbin- Square the Estimate Watson 0.875 0.31676 2.086 940a 0.884 Table 6: ANOVAa test result Sum of Mean Model Squares df Square Regression 20.565 10.283 Residual 2.709 27 0.1 Total 23.274 29 F Sig 102.483 000b Table 7: Coefficientsa test result Model Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity Coefficients Coefficients Statistics B Std Error Beta t Sig (Constant) 0.251 0.28 reliability 0.765 0.134 0.774 5.701 customer_friendliness_cooked 0.401 0.13 0.575 3.097 0.005 Tolerance VIF 0.234 4.271 0.234 4.271 0.895 0.379 81 ... service quality of iBank service in BIDV So Giao Dich Branch H4: There is positive relationship between perception of Readinessof iBank service and service quality of iBank service in BIDV So Giao Dich. .. on evaluating service quality of iBank at BIDV So Giao Dich Branch, the study will recommend the solutions to improve the quality of iBank at BIDV So Giao Dich Branch in particular and BIDV in... suitable solutions to improve iBank service quality at BIDV So Giao Dich Branch Subject and scope of the study 4 .1 Subject of the study Subject of the study are iBank service atBIDV So Giao Dich Branch

Ngày đăng: 04/04/2021, 19:57

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