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Kỳ thi kiểm tra học kỳ II môn thi: Tiếng anh lớp 11

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Particularly in suburban areas it is possible to pass row after row of ordinary small houses, each one with its neatly kept patch of grass surrounded by great variety of flowers and shru[r]

(1)KYØ THI KIEÅM TRA HOÏC KYØ I I Moân Thi: Tieáng Anh Thới gian: 60 phút Naêm hoïc 2007- 2008 Lớp 11 Mã đề: 357 IV Choose the word that has a different sound in bold a machine b reach c researcher d cheap a marked b loved c stopped d laughed a challenge b launched c psycholigical d achievement a foot b moon c would d look a glasses b maps c attacks d bathes a cosmonaut b certainty c conquest d congratulate V Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one 7/ Fossil Fuels will be exhausted within a relatively short time a comparatively b shortly c rapidly d disadvantageously 8/ Can we never know precisely what would happen in space? a interestedly b approximately c amusingly d exactly 9/ Do it right now, ……………… ? a will you b shall you c you d don’t you 10/ In 1961 Yuri Gagarin lifted _into space aboard the Vostok a off b up c on d of 11/ Let’s go for a long walk, ………….? a will be b shall we c don’t you d you 12/ I’d lost my key, so I …………… the door when I got home a could lock b wasn’t able to lock c couldn’t unlock d was able to unlock 13/ When Mr.Lee was younger, he………….work in the garden for hours a has got to b should be able to c can d could 14/ _my sister _ I like keeping fish a Either / or b Neither / nor c Both/ and d Not only/ but also 15/ Nothing went wrong, ? a it b did it c don’t it d didn’t it 16/ …………… I first met my girlfriend a It was in London that b It was in London where c It was London that d It was London which 17/…………… on the phone a It is his mother whom is b It was his mother whom is c It was his mother who is d It is his mother who is 18/ Post office is a place you can buy stamps, mail letters and packages, and receive mail a that b which c where d in which 19/ It’s the best film has ever been made about madness a which b whom c whose d that 20/ She is one of the few people _ I look up a who b whom c that d to whom 21/ They have changed the date _the furniture is to be delivered a on which b that c whose d which Lop10.com (2) 22/ Neither my brothers nor I interested in playing sports a are b am c have d has 23/ The teacher has not yet arrived a who I wrote to you b I wrote to you about him c whom I wrote to you about him d I wrote to you about 24/ It turned out that we _rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours a hadn’t b should have c needn’t have d mustn’t 25/ She was in her driving test What a pity her! a successful b successive c unsucessful d success 26/ The _at the football match became violent when their team lost a spectators b groups c observers d customers 27/ The existence of the planet Pluto was not _until this century a invented b explored c discovered d identified VI Error Identification 28 The air was so polluted in the city center I can hardly to breathe A B C D 29 Not a very good film, isn’t it A B C D 30 It is the English exam that was most worried about by the students A B C D 31 I suppose we could neither watch TV this evening or go out for a snack A B C D 32 He was the first man to leaving the burning building A B C D III From the four or phrases a, b, c or d choose the one that best completes the sentence 33 Because Mars is farther from the Sun than , Mars takes longer to complete a revolution a is from Earth b Earth is c what is Earth d is it Earth 34 _ by meteorties whose impact formed craters of all size a The surface of the moon was shaped b The moon whose surface shaped c The surface of the shaped moon d The surface was forming the shape of the moon 35 The doctor insited that his patient a that he not work too hard for three months b take it easy for three months c taking it easy inside of three months d.to take some vacation for three months 36 Unlike fossil fuels, which can be used only once, wind and solar power energy a are renewable sources b the sources are renewable c for renweable sources d renewable sources 37 together in one place, they form a community a When people who live b When people living c Whenever people live d Whenever living people II Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer England is famous for its garden, and most people like gardening This is probally one reason why so many people prefer to live in houses rather than in flats Particularly in suburban areas it is possible to pass row after row of ordinary small houses, each one with its neatly kept patch of grass surrounded by great variety of flowers and shrubs Enthusiasts of the gardening get a great deal of helpful advice from the television and magazines 38 The passage point out that, because many English people are fond of gardening, _ a they don’t want to lve in suburban areas b they grow flowers but not grass and fruit trees Lop10.com (3) c they can spare little time for the television d houses are more popular than flats 39 The passage stresses that people interested in gardening _ a find it necessary to move out to distant rural areas b need large gardens in order to get satisfaction c are supplied with information and guidance by both the television and the press d get very little encouragement from the media 40 The passage is concerned with a the enthusiasm of the people in England for gardens and gardening b the problems of gardening in suburban areas c the new techniques in gardening d the increasing demand for new varieties of the flowers and shrubs I Choose the word or phrase a, b, c, or d that best fits the blank space in the following passage The 16th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou, China from November 12, 2010 to Noveber 27, 2010 Guangzhou is also the (41) city in Chian to _(42) _ the games after Beijing in 1990 Forty-one events are scheduled to be _(43) _, making the most events to be competed in (44) _ of the Asian Games Four cities were bidding for this (45) at the early days of March 2004 They were Amman, Guangzhou, Kuaala Lumpur and seoul Howevr, Seoul withdrew after _(46) the short span of time (47) the 2002 (in Busan, South Korea) and the 2010 event With the withdrawal of Amman, soon after Seoul, Kuala Lumpur also (48) _the bid after the country’s Sports Minister refused for the high (49) _ of hosting the games With Guangzhou left, the Oympic Council of Asia announced the city won the vid to host tha Asian games _(50) _ July 1, 2004 41 a two b second c twice d couple 42 a keep b serve c host d pick 43 a competed b established c organized d shown 44 a history b historical c historic d historically 45 a thing b item c present d event 46 a seeing b watching c considering d looking 47 a among b between c in d from 48 a left b dropped c quit d missed 49 a sum b pay c money d cost 50 a on b in c at d for Lop10.com (4)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 22:08



