By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise introducing someone, listen and tick the pictures they hear, look and write the sentences, sing the song fluently.. Warm up: Greetin[r]
(1)WEEK 1
Tuesday, September 14th 2020 INTRODUCTION A Aim:
By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to know about the importance of English, classroom rules, commands
B Preparation:
- Teacher: Text book, lesson plan,
- Students: Textbooks, notebooks, reference books C Procedure:
I Organization: - Greeting
- Checking attendance II Warm-up:
* Chatting:
- Introduce teacher’s name and chat with sts about name in Vietnamese III New lesson:
-Activity 1: The importance of English
- In groups of 4, sts discuss the importance of English -Activity 2: Classroom rules
- Teacher says about the classroom rules in Vietnamese During lesson
- Pay attention to the lesson, give ideas - Practise in English
- Join to activities during the lesson At home
- Learn by heart vocabulary, grammar and write examples - Read the dialogue
- Do exercises in the workbook - Prepare next lesson
Activity 3: Classroom commands
- Teacher use TPR – Sts look, listen and act
Stand up, sit down, open the book, close the book, come in, go out, come here, come back to (turn) your seat, look, listen, repeat, read, write, sing
IV Consolidation: Game: Simon says
Teacher explains the rules of the game and makes sure sts understand that they must hear “Simon says…” to perform the action If not, they should nothing Teaching date: Tuesday, September 15th 2020
(2)Lesson1: ( 3) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practice to greet and self-introduce themselves
Students practice skills: speaking, listening and reading and writing B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Hello I’m Khang T asks some ps to reply II New lesson
1 Look, listen and repeat. *Set the sense:
Hello I’m Mai Hi, Mai I’m Nam T models, Ps listen and repeat
Ps look at the picture and listen to the radio T asks ps to repeat the dialogue
Ps work in pairs practice Note: hello/ hi: xin chào
Hello/ Hi I am + tên ( Xin chào Tôi ) Eg: Hello/ Hi I am Nam
Use: To greet and introduce someone’s name 2 Point and say.
T have ps look at the pictures ask them to identify the characters in the pictures T asks ss repeat the phrases a few times
Call on a pair and ask them to pretend to be Nam and Mai to act out the greeting exchange
Ps practices in pairs
Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class The rest of the class observe and give comments
T makes a few questions to check pupils the comprehension of the language Whole ss repeat the phrases in chorus
3 Let’s talk.
Ask ps to practice with their friends
Point to each character and say their names ask ps what these characters say Have ps fill in the gaps and write on the board
Hello I’m Nam
Get ps to repeat the sentences in a few times Get ps to work in pairs
Call some pairs to act out in front of the class Eg: Huy: Hello I’m Huy
III Home link
Learn vocabularies by heart, say Hello and your name to your friends Wednesday, September 16th 2020
(3)By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practice to greet and self-introduce themselves
B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Hello I’m Van Anh T asks some ps to reply II New lesson
4 Listen and tick.
SS look at four pictures and guess
T calls ss to write the guessing on the board T opens cassette two times
SS listen and find the correct answer Call ss to write the answer on the board T and class check again
Answer: 1…… 2…… 5 Let’s write.
T writes the dialogue on the board I’m, Hello 1.Mai: ……I’m Mai
Nam: Hi, Mai………Nam
2.Miss Hien: Hello……….Miss Hien
Class:……….,Miss Hien Nice to meet you T asks ps to work in pairs to discuss
T calls on some ss to complete on the board Others watch and comment
Have the whole the class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their production Answer: Hello
I’m Nam I’m Hello 6 Let’s sing Hello
T plays the recording for ps to listen when they are reading the song Play the recording again for the ps to repeat each line of the rhyme Do the same many times when ps sing regularly
Call on a group of six to the front of the class As they repeat, have three of them repeat each line of the song, the other three the action
Ps practice to sing in group
Call on one group to perform the song at front of the class III Home link
Learn vocabularies by heart,
Say Hello and your name to your friends
Teaching date: Friday, September 18th 2020
Period 04 Unit 1: HELLO!
(4)By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practice to ask and answer about the health, using How are you? And I’m fine thanks And you?
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Call some individuals to come to the front to greet the class and say their names Call three ss to sing the Song The Hello
T and class remark II New lesson * Vocabulary:
you: How: Fine: Thank you (thanks): Bye: And you:
1 Look, Listen and repeat.
Elicit the names of the characters in the first picture and explain what they say Have pupils repeat the language a few times
Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Do chorus and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking Play the recording for pupils to listen and say along
Call three pairs to practice in front of class Note : Ask and answer about the health - How are you?
- I’m fine, thanks / Fine, thank you Ps practice the note after writing on the notebook * Saying Goodbye: to their teachers or adults Saying Bye: to their friends or peers
2 Point and say.
To practice saying How are you ?and replying with Fine, thanks/thank you Elicit his/her name in each picture
Point to the first picture and elicit the words to fill the gaps Put the sentences on the board
Divide the class into two groups to choral and individual repetition Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Get pp to work in pairs Check as a class 3 Let’s talk:
Using their own names to practice more with their friends Elicit the words to fill the gaps
Put the sentences on the board and choral and individual repetition Get pp to work in pairs Go around to offer help, if necessary
Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of class III Home link
Learn vocabularies, notes by heart, Practice to ask and answer about the health
Week 2
(5)By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practice to ask and answer about the health,
and say goodbye using Goodbye/bye B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
T asks, ss answer T: How are you? Student:………… II New lesson
4 Listen and number.
Tell pupils that they are going to listen and number the correct boxes Show ps how to number the boxes Do the first question as an example to make the task clear
Elicit what happening in the picture
Play the recording three times, the task and check their answers Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Key: a.4 b.3 c.2 d.1
5 Read and complete.
Tell ps that they are going to read and fill the gaps with appropriate words Give ps time to the task and go around to offer help Get ps to work in pairs Get ps to swap and check their answers before checking as a class
Divide the class in two groups and get them to read aloud each character’s lines respectively
Key: 1.Goodbye 2.Bye 3.Fine 4.Thank you 6 Let’s write:
Tell ps that they are going to read and fill the gaps Elicit the words to fill the gaps Give ps time to their writing
Tell ps to swap and check their answers before calling different pairs to read aloud the sentences
Write the correct sentences on the board for ps to copy down into their notebooks Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue
Key: how 2.fine, thanks III Home link
Do exercise page 4,5 on workbook Prepare Lesson 3(1.2.3)
(6)By the end of the lesson ss will be able to pronounce the sounds of the letters b and h in the words: bye and hello respectively.
B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Say hi/ hello to ps then ask them to ask and answer about the health II New lesson
1.Listen and repeat
Put the phonics b and h on the board and say them a few times Ask ps to repeat after the recording
Ask ps to say the words and the sentences, paying attention to the target phonics letters
Do choral repetition of the words and sentences until ps feel confident b bye Bye, Nam
h hello Hello, Nam 2 Listen and write.
Let ps read the text in silence before starting the dictation
Have ps swap the check and check their answer before checking as a class
Write the correct answers on the board for the ps to copy down in to their notebook
Get ps to work n pairs and practice saying the sentences Bye , Nam
Hello, Mai 3 Let's chant.
Have ps read the chant and check comprehension Follow the procedure in Teaching the unit components in the Introduction
Play the tape a few times for ps to choral and individual repetition Show pa how to chant àn the actions
Call two groups of four to give a demonstration
Get groups of ps to sit face to face and practice chanting and doing the actions Go around to offer help
Call two ps to go to the front of the class to chant and the actions The rest of the class claps along to the rhythm of the chant
III Home link
Learn vocabularies by heart, Ask and answer about the health
A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to read and match the sentences to the sentences, write to complete the Sentences and make name cards
Teaching aids: paper, pens, colored pencils, B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps to read the chants in the perious lesson II New lesson.
4 Read and match.
Now you are going to read all the sentences in two columns by drawing a line between them
You have to read in silence in about two minutes Give a model
Ps the matching teacher goes around to offer help Keys: d a b c Do choral and individual repetition of the sentences 5 Read and write
Have ps look at the text in the book and asks them identify the words they have to fill
T tells ps the duty that they are going to do: read the sentences to get the information in order to complete
Ps the exercises individually
Have ps trade their answers in pairs for correction Have ps give some answers (3 ps)
The rest of the class listen and give comments
Have the whole the class read each sentence to reinforce their production Keys: Hello I'm Nice How Fine 6 Project.
Make name cards for you and your friends
Have ps look at the pictures to identify the characters in the pictures
T tells ps that they are going to read and get the information to write the missing word
Ps individually complete the dialogues Ps compare their answers with tablemate
Asks some ps to read aloud the answers, others listen and give comments Have ps present to their friends
III Home link
Complete the exercises in your workbook
Lesson 1: ( - - 3) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practice to ask and respond to the question: What’s your name?
B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps to greet and introduce their name Hello I’m ………
II New lesson * Vocabulary name: bạn your: bạn is: ( to be)
Checking: Slap the board 1.Look, listen and repeat. *Set the sense:
Hello I’m Mai Hi, Mai I’m Nam T models, Ps listen and repeat
Ps look at the picture and listen to the radio T asks ps to repeat the dialogue
Ps work in pairs practice Note: What’s your name? My name’s ………
Use: To ask and respond someone’s name Note: What’s = What is
My name’s = My name is 2 Point and say.
T have ps look at the pictures ask them to identify the characters in the pictures T asks ss repeat the phrases a few times
Call on a pair and ask them to pretend to be Nam and Mai to act out the greeting exchange
Ps practices in pairs
Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class The rest of the class observe and give comments
T makes a few questions to check pupils the comprehension of the language Whole ss repeat the phrases in chorus
3 Let’s talk.
Ask pupils to ask and answer the question: What’s your name? My name’s III Home link
Learn vocabulary by heart,
Say Hello and your name to your friends
Week 3
(9)Unit 2: WHAT’S YOUR NAME? Lesson 1: ( - - 6) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practice to greet and self-introduce themselves
B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask and respond someone’s name What’s your name?
My name’s ……… II New lesson
4 Listen and tick.
SS look at four pictures and guess
T calls ss to write the guessing on the board T opens cassette two times
SS listen and find the correct answer Call ss to write the answer on the board T and class check again
Answer: a b 5 Look and write.
T writes the dialogue on the board T asks ps to work in pairs to discuss
T calls on some ss to complete on the board Others watch and comment Have the whole the class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their production Answer: My name’s
Mai, My name’s 6 Let’s sing The alphabet song
Now I know my ABCs
Next time will you sing with me?
T plays the recording for ps to listen when they are reading the song Play the recording again for the ps to repeat each line of the rhyme Do the same many times when ps sing regularly
Call on a group of six to the front of the class As they repeat, have three of them repeat each line of the song, the other three the action
Ps practice to sing in group
Call on one group to perform the song at front of the class III Home link
Learn vocabularies by heart
Say Hello and your name to your friends
Wednesday, September 30th 2020 Unit 2: WHAT’S YOUR NAME?
(10)A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practice to ask and answer What’s your name? and know how to spell their names
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Call some individuals to come to the front to greet the class and say their names Call three ss to sing The Alphabet song
T and class remark II New lesson
1 Look, Listen and repeat.
Elicit the names of the characters in the first picture and explain what they say Have pupils repeat the language a few times
Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking Play the recording for pupils to listen and say along
Call three pairs to practice in front of class
Note : Use to ask and answer how to spell someone’s name - How you spell your name?
- Say the letters in someone’s name (L- I- N - D – A.) Ps practice the note after writing on the notebook
2.Point and say.
To practise saying How you spell your name? and replying with the letters Elicit his/her name in each picture
Point to the first picture and elicit the words to fill the gaps Put the sentences on the board
Divide the class into two groups to choral and individual repetition Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Get pp to work in pairs Check as a class 3.Let’s talk.
Using their own names to practise more with their friends Elicit the words to fill the gaps
Put the sentences on the board and choral and individual repetition Get pp to work in pairs Go around to offer help, if necessary
Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of class III Home link
Learn vocabularies, by heart, Practice to ask and answer about the health
Thursday, October 1st 2020
(11)By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise to listen and number the pictures, read and match the dialogues with the suitable pictures
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
T asks ss answer T: How you spell your name? Student:…………
II New lesson
4 Listen and number.
Tell pupils that they are going to listen and number the correct boxes Show ps how to number the boxes
Do the first question as an example to make the task clear Elicit what happening in the picture
Play the recording three times, the task and check their answers Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Key: a.4 b.2
c.1 d.3 5 Read and complete.
Tell ps that they are going to read and fill the gaps with appropriate words Give ps time to the task and go around to offer help Get ps to work in pairs Get ps to swap and check their answers before checking as a class
Divide the class in two groups and get them to read aloud each character’s lines respectively
Key: Goodbye Bye Fine 4.Thank you 6 Let’s write:
Tell ps that they are going to read and fill the gaps Elicit the words to fill the gaps
Give ps time to their writing
Tell ps to swap and check their answers before calling different pairs to read aloud the sentences
Write the correct sentences on the board for ps to copy down into their notebooks Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue
Key: Pupils spell their names III Home link
Do exercise in workbook Prepare Lesson 3(1.2.3)
Friday, October2nd 2020 Unit 2: WHAT’S YOUR NAME?
Lesson 3: ( ) A Aim
(12)B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Say hi/ hello to ps then ask them to ask and answer about the health II New lesson
1.Listen and repeat
Put the phonics b and h on the board and say them a few times Ask ps to repeat after the recording
Ask ps to say the words and the sentences, paying attention to the target phonics letters
Do choral repetition of the words and sentences until ps feel confident m Mai My name’s Mai. p Peter Hello, Peter 2 Listen and write.
Let ps read the text in silence before starting the dictation
Have ps swap the check and check their answer before checking as a class
Write the correct answers on the board for the ps to copy down in to their notebook
Get ps to work n pairs and practice saying the sentences Hello, ………
My name’s ……… Keys: Peter Mai 3 Let's chant.
What’s your name?
Have ps read the chant and check comprehension Follow the procedure in Teaching the unit components in the Introduction
Play the tape a few times for ps to choral and individual repetition Show pa how to chant and the actions
Call two groups of four to give a demonstration
Get groups of ps to sit face to face and practice chanting and doing the actions Go around to offer help
Call two groups to the front of the class to chant and the actions The rest of the class claps along to the rhythm of the chant
III Home link
Learn vocabularies by heart
Ask and answer about the health
Week 4
Monday, October 5th 2020
(13)By the end of the lesson ss will be able to read and match the sentences to the sentences, write to complete the sentences and make name cards
Teaching aids: paper, pens, colored pencils, B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps to read the chants in the perious lesson II New lesson
4 Read and match.
Now you are going to read all the sentences in two columns by drawing a line between them
You have to read in silence in about two minutes Give a model
Ps the matching teacher goes around to offer help Keys: b d a c Do choral and individual repetition of the sentences 5 Read and complete
Have ps look at the text in the book and asks them identify the words they have to fill
T tells ps the duty that they are going to do: read the sentences to get the information in order to complete
Ps the exercises individually
Have ps trade their answers in pairs for correction Have ps give some answers (3 ps)
The rest of the class listen and give comments
Have the whole the class read each sentence to reinforce their production Keys: My Hi How What’s name’s 6 Project.
Work in groups Interview your classmates What’s your name?
My name’s ………
Tell ps that thay are going to collect the names of the classmates and write them on a sheet of paper
Example: Quan collects his classmates’ names: Trung, Diep, Nga, Allow ps time to carry out the projects in class
Call individual ps to the front of the class to present the collected names and spell them
Finally, tell ps to to post their work on the wall of the classroom
Asks some ps to read aloud the answers, others listen and give comments Have ps present to their friends
Have the whole class sing the alphabet song Have them say the What’s your name? chant III Home link.
Practise spelling your names and exercises in the workbooks Wednesday, October 7th 2020
(14)By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise to use the words and phrases related to the topic introduction, using : This is………
Students practice skills: speaking, listening and reading Materials: CD, books
B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps to greet and introduce their name Hello I’m ………
II New lesson * Vocabulary this: đây, is: ( tobe)
Checking: Slap the board 1 Look, listen and repeat.
*Set the sense: Tell ps that they are going to practice introducing someone, using “This is + name.”
T models, Ps listen and repeat
Ps look at the picture and listen to the radio T asks ps to repeat the dialogue
Ps work in pairs practise Note: This is Linda.
Use: To introduce someone 2 Point and say.
T have ps look at the pictures ask them to identify the characters in the pictures T asks ss repeat the phrases a few times
Call on a pair and ask them to pretend to be Nam and Mai to act out the greeting exchange
Ps practice in pairs
Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class The rest of the class observe and give comments
T makes a few questions to check pupils the comprehension of the language Whole ss repeat the phrases in chorus
3 Let’s talk.
Tell, ps that they are going to practise more with their friends Give a few second for ps to look at the picture and read the text
Elicit the words to fill the gaps Write sentences on the board and have ps repeat them a few time
Get ps to work in groups of four, using the character’s names in the box or their own names
Call a group of four to the front of the class to act out the introduction III Home link.
Learn vocabulary by heart, exercises in workbook
Thursday, October 8th 2020 Unit 3: THIS IS TONY
(15)By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise introducing someone, listen and tick the pictures they hear, look and write the sentences, sing the song fluently - Students practice skills: speaking, listening and reading
- Materials: CD, books B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps to introduce someone This is ……… II New lesson
4 Listen and tick.
SS look at four pictures and guess
T calls ss to write the guessing on the board T opens cassette two times
SS listen and find the correct answer Call ss to write the answer on the board T and class check again
Answer: a b 5 Look and write.
T writes the dialogue on the board T asks ps to work in pairs to discuss
T calls on some ss to complete on the board Others watch and comment Have the whole the class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their production Answer: This is; Hello, Nam
This is; Hello, Phong 6 Let’s sing How are you?
Hello, Peter How are you?
I’m fine, thank you How are you? Thank you, Peter I’m fine , too Let’s go to school together
How are you Nam, Quan and Mai Thank you, Miss Hien, we’re fine
T plays the recording for ps to listen when they are reading the song Play the recording again for the ps to repeat each line of the rhyme Do the same many times when ps sing regularly
Call on a group of six to the front of the class As they repeat, have three of them repeat each line of the song, the other three the action
Ps practise to sing in group
Call on one group to perform the song at front of the class III Home link
-Learn vocabulary by heart
- Prepare lesson 2(1.2.3)
Thursday, October 8th 2020 Unit 3: THIS IS TONY.
(16)By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise to ask and answer about someone, using Is this/ that + (name)?
Students practice skills: speaking, listening and reading Materials: CD, books
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
-Call some ps to come to the board and introduce someone ( Mai, Nam, Linda, Tony, Peter, Tom)
-Ask class to sing the song How are you? T and class remark
II New lesson
1 Look, Listen and repeat.
Elicit the names of the characters in the first picture and explain what they say Have pupils repeat the language a few times
Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Do chorus and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking Play the recording for pupils to listen and say along
Call three pairs to practice in front of class Note : Use to ask and answer about someone
- Is this / that Tony? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t.
Ps practice the note after writing on the notebook 2.Point and say.
a b c d To practise saying Is this / that ………?
Elicit his/her name in each picture
Point to the first picture and elicit the words to fill the gaps
Divide the class into two groups to choral and individual repetition Get pp to work in pairs Check as a class
3.Let’s talk:
Using their own names to practise more with their friends Elicit the words to fill the gaps
Put the sentences on the board and choral and individual repetition Get pp to work in pairs Go around to offer help, if necessary
Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of class III Home link
(17)Week 5
Monday, October 12th 2020 Unit 3: THIS IS TONY.
Lesson2: (4 6) A Aim.
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise to listen and number the pictures, read and match the dialogues with the suitable pictures
Students practice skills: speaking, listening and reading Materials: CD, books
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Ask ps to ask and answer the question about someone Is this / that ……….?
II New lesson
(18)Tell pupils that they are going to listen and number the correct boxes Show ps how to number the boxes Do the first question as an example to make the task clear
Elicit what happening in the picture
Play the recording three times, the task and check their answers Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Key: a.3 b.2 c.1 d.4
5 Look, read and write.
Tell ps that they are going to read and fill the gaps with appropriate words Give ps time to the task and go around to offer help Get ps to work in pairs Get ps to swap and check their answers before checking as a class
Divide the class in two groups and get them to read aloud each character’s lines respectively
Key: Yes, it is No, it isn’t Yes, it is 4.No, it isn’t 6 Let’s play Line - up
Tell ps that they are going to play the Line – up game
Teacher divide the class in to two groups: A and B and have them sit on the chair facing the rest of the class
Give each group word cards which from different sentences Eg: This is Lan This is Lan
The group has the words this, is, Lan and a full stop will stand up and move the words into a line to show the sentence in the correct order
The group B still sits on the chairs If they stand up, they will lose the game Some sentences: This is Linda
Is that Tony? That is Peter III Home link
Do exercise in workbook Prepare Lesson 3(1.2.3)
Wednesday, October 14th 2020 Unit 3: THIS IS TONY.
Lesson3: ( ) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to pronounce the sounds of the letters t and y in the words: Tony and yes respectively.
B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps ask and answer the question about someone Is that……… ?
II New lesson
1 Listen and repeat
Put the phonics t and y on the board and say them a few times Ask ps to repeat after the recording
Ask ps to say the words and the sentences, paying attention to the target phonics letters
(19)t Tony Is that Tony? y yes Yes, it is 2.Listen and write.
Let ps read the text in silence before starting the dictation
Have ps swap the check and check their answer before checking as a class
Write the correct answers on the board for the ps to copy down in to their notebook
Get ps to work n pairs and practice saying the sentences That is………
………… , it is Keys: Tony Yes
2 Let's chant Is that Nam?
Have ps read the chant and check comprehension Follow the procedure in Teaching the unit components in the Introduction
Play the tape a few times for ps to choral and individual repetition Show pa how to chant àn the actions
Call two groups of four to give a demonstration
Get groups of ps to sit face to face and practice chanting and doing the actions Call two groups to the front of the class to chant and the actions
III Home link
Say the sounds t and y Do exercise in workbook
Wednesday, October 14th 2020 Unit 3: THIS IS TONY.
Lesson3: ( ) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to read and match the sentences to the sentences, write to complete the sentences and draw their friend
Teaching aids: paper, pens, colored pencils, B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps to read the chants in the perious lesson Is that Nam? II New lesson.
4 Read and complete.
Have ps look at the text in the book and asks them identify the words they have to fill
T tells ps the duty that they are going to do: read the sentences to get the information in order to complete
(20)Have ps trade their answers in pairs for correction The rest of the class listen and give comments
Have the whole the class read each sentence to reinforce their production Keys: This Hello that isn’t Do choral and individual repetition of the sentences
5 Look, read and write
Have ps look at the pictures in the book and asks them identify the words they have to fill
T tells ps the duty that they are going to do: read the sentences to get the information in order to complete
Ps the exercises individually
Have ps trade their answers in pairs for correction The rest of the class listen and give comments
Have the whole the class read each sentence to reinforce their production Keys: Mai Nam Phong Linda Peter 6 Project.
Work in individual, choose a friend and draw a picture of him/ her Have ps look at the pictures to identify the characters in the pictures Call some ps to the front of the class to present their drawings
Have ps work in pairs, ask and answer about them, using Is that……? And the answer: Yes, it is / No, it isn’t
III Home link
Finish exercises in workbook
Thursday, October 15th 2020
Lesson1: (1 - - 3) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise to ask and answer questions about someone, using Who’s that? – It’s……
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Ask ps to chant the perious lesson Is that Nam?
Play game: Guess the words II New lesson
1 Look, listen and repeat.
Set the sense: Tell ps that they are going to practice introducing some one, using Who’s that? It’s ………
T models, Ps listen and repeat
Ps look at the picture and listen to the radio T asks ps to repeat the dialogue
(21)Note: Who’s that? It’s Tony. (name)
Use: To ask and answer about someone 2 Point and say.
T have ps look at the pictures ask them to identify the characters in the pictures T asks ss repeat the phrases a few times
Call on a pair and ask them to pretend to be Nam and Mai to act out the greeting exchange
Ps practises in pairs
Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class The rest of the class observe and give comments
T makes a few questions to check pupils the comprehension of the language Whole ss repeat the phrases in chorus
3 Let’s talk.
Tell ps that they are going to practise more with their friends Give a few second for ps to look at the picture and read the text
Elicit the words to fill the gaps Write sentences on the board and have ps repeat them a few time
Get ps to work in groups of four, using the character’s names in the box or their own names
Call a group of four to the front of the class to act out the introduction III Home link
Learn vocabularies by heart, exercises in workbook Prepare Lesson (4.5.6)
Week 6
Wednesday, October 21st 2020
Lesson1: ( - - 6) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise introducing someone, listen and tick the pictures they hear, look and write the sentences, sing the song fluently B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps to introduce someone That is ……… II New lesson
4 Listen and tick.
SS look at four pictures and guess
T calls ss to write the guessing on the board T opens cassette two times
SS listen and find the correct answer Call ss to write the answer on the board T and class check again
(22)T writes the dialogue on the board T asks ps to work in pairs to discuss
T calls on some ss to complete on the board Others watch and comment Have the whole the class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their production Answer: Who’s
Who’s that 6 Let’s write.
T plays the recording for ps to listen when they are reading the text Play the recording again for the ps to repeat each line of the rhyme Do the same many times when ps sing regularly
Call on a group of six to the front of the class As they repeat, have three of them repeat each line of the sentences, the other three the action
Ps practise to sing in group
Call on one group to perform the sentences at front of the class Key: It is Mary
It is Peter It is Linda III Home link
Learn vocabularies by heart, Do exercises in workbook
Week 6
Wednesday, October 21st 2020
Lesson2: ( - - 3) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise to ask and answer about someone, using How old are you? And I’m ……… years old
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Call some ps to come to the board and introduce someone Ask class to sing the song How are you?
T and class remark II New Lesson. * Vocabulary:
How / years old / yes / no 1 Look, Listen and repeat.
Elicit the names of the characters in the first picture and explain what they say Have pupils repeat the language a few times
Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Do chorus and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking Play the recording for pupils to listen and say along
(23)Note : Use to ask and answer about someone - How old are you ……… ?
I’m ……… eight years old
Ps practice the note after writing on the notebook 2 Point and say.
To practise saying Is this / that ………? Elicit his/her name in each picture
Point to the first picture and elicit the words to fill the gaps Put the sentences on the board
Divide the class into two groups to choral and individual repetition Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Get pp to work in pairs Check as a class 3 Let’s talk.
Using their own names to practise more with their friends Elicit the words to fill the gaps
Put the sentences on the board and choral and individual repetition Get pp to work in pairs Go around to offer help, if necessary
Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of class III Home link.
Learn vocabularies, notes by heart, Practice to ask and answer about the health
Thursday, October 22nd 2020
Lesson 2: ( – - 6) A Aim.
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise to listen and number the pictures, read and match the dialogues with the suitable pictures
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Ask ps to ask and answer the question about someone How old are you?
I’m ……… years old II New lesson.
4 Listen and number.
Tell pupils that they are going to listen and number the correct boxes Show ps how to number the boxes Do the first question as an example to make the task clear
Elicit what happening in the picture
Play the recording three times, the task and check their answers Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Key: six seven eight ten
(24)Tell ps that they are going to read and fill the gaps with appropriate words Give ps time to the task and go around to offer help Get ps to work in pairs Get ps to swap and check their answers before checking as a class
Divide the class in two groups and get them to read aloud each character’s lines respectively
Key: 10 10 6 Let’s sing
Let’s count from one to ten
T plays the recording for ps to listen when they are reading the song Play the recording again for the ps to repeat each line of the rhyme Do the same many times when ps sing regularly
Call on a group of six to the front of the class As they repeat, have three of them repeat each line of the song, the other three the action
Ps practise to sing in group
Call on one group to perform the song at front of the class III Home link
Do exercise in workbook Prepare Lesson 3(1.2.3)
Thursday, October 22nd 2020
Lesson3: ( – - ) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to pronounce the sounds of the letters f and s in the words: five and six respectively.
B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps ask and answer the question about someone Is that……… ?
II New lesson.
1 Listen and repeat
Put the phonics f and sy on the board and say them a few times Ask ps to repeat after the recording
Ask ps to say the words and the sentences, paying attention to the target phonics letters
Do choral repetition of the words and sentences until ps feel confident f five I’m five years old. s six I’m six years old 2 Listen and write.
Let ps read the text in silence before starting the dictation
Have ps swap the check and check their answer before checking as a class
Write the correct answers on the board for the ps to copy down into their notebook Get ps to work n pairs and practice saying the sentences
(25)I’m ……… years old Key: five six
3 Let's chant.
How old are you?
Have ps read the chant and check comprehension Follow the procedure in Teaching the unit components in the Introduction
Play the tape a few times for ps to choral and individual repetition Show pa how to chant àn the actions
Call two groups of four to give a demonstration
Get groups of ps to sit face to face and practice chanting and doing the actions Go around to offer help
Call two groups to the front of the class to chant and the actions The rest ò the class claps along to the rhythm of the chant
III Home link
Say the sounds t and y Do exercise in workbook
Monday, October 26th 2020
Lesson 3: ( - - ) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to read and match the sentences to the sentences, write to complete the sentences and draw their friend
Teaching aids: paper, pens, coloured pencils, B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps to read the chants in the perious lesson Is that Nam? II New lesson.
4 Read and match.
Have ps look at the text in the book and asks them identify the sentences they have to match together
T tells ps the duty that they are going to do: read the sentences to get the information in order to match
Ps the exercises individually
Have ps trade their answers in pairs for correction The rest of the class listen and give comments
Have the whole the class read each sentence to reinforce their production Key: c a b
Do choral and individual repetition of the sentences 5 Look, read and write
(26)T tells ps the duty that they are going to do: read the sentences to get the information in order to complete
Ps the exercises individually
Have ps trade their answers in pairs for correction The rest of the class listen and give comments Key How old / I’m
How old / I’m / years old 6 Project.
You are going to interview four classmates to get their names and ages Use the questions: What’s your name? and How old are you?
Name Age
III Home link
Finish exercises in workbook
Wednesday, October 28th 2020
Lesson1: (1 - - 3) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to introduce one’s friend and responding to the instruction, using This is my friend + (name)
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Ask ps to chant the perious lesson How old are you?
II New lesson.
1 Look, listen and repeat.
*Set the sense: Tell ps that they are going to practice introducing some one, using This is my friend … ………
T models, Ps listen and repeat
Ps look at the picture and listen to the radio T asks ps to repeat the dialogue
Ps work in pairs practice
Note: This is my friend …………
Use: To introduce someone’ friend 2 Point and say.
T have ps look at the pictures ask them to identify the characters in the pictures T asks ss repeat the phrases a few times
Call on a pair and ask them to pretend to be Nam and Mai to act out the greeting exchange
Ps practice in pairs
(27)T makes a few questions to check pupils the comprehension of the language Whole ss repeat the phrases in chorus
Peter Tony Mai Mary
3 Let’s talk.
Tell, ps that they are going to practice more with their friends Give a few second for ps to look at the picture and read the text
Elicit the words to fill the gaps Write sentences on the board and have ps repeat them a few time
Get ps to work in groups of four, using the character’s names in the box or their own names
Call a group of four to the front of the class to act out the introduction III Home link.
Learn vocabularies by heart, exercises in workbook
Wednesday, October 28th 2020
Lesson1: ( - - 6) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise introducing someone, listen and tick the pictures they hear, look and write the sentences, sing the song fluently B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps to introduce someone That is ……… II New lesson.
4.Listen and tick.
SS look at four pictures and guess
a b
a d
T calls ss to write the guessing on the board T opens cassette two times
SS listen and find the correct answer Call ss to write the answer on the board T and class check again
Answer: b a 5 Look and write.
(28)T asks ps to work in pairs to discuss
T calls on some ss to complete on the board Others watch and comment Have the whole the class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their production Answer: This is , Hello
my friend , Hello 6 Let’s sing.
The more we are together
T plays the recording for ps to listen when they are reading the text Play the recording again for the ps to repeat each line of the rhyme Do the same many times when ps sing regularly
Call on a group of six to the front of the class As they repeat, have three of them repeat each line of the sentences, the other three the action
Ps practise to sing in group
Call on one group to perform the sentences at front of the class III Home link.
Learn vocabularies by heart,
Do exercises in workbook Thursday, October 29th 2020
Lesson2: ( 3) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise to ask and answer about someone, using Are they your friend? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Ask ps to sing the song: The more we are together II New lesson.
* Vocabulary: They: họ
1 Look, Listen and repeat.
Elicit the names of the characters in the first picture and explain what they say Have pupils repeat the language a few times
Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking Play the recording for pupils to listen and say along
Call three pairs to practice in front of class Note : Use to ask and answer about someone Are they your friend?
Yes, they are No, they aren’t ( are not) Ps practice the note after writing on the notebook
2.Point and say. To practise saying :
Are they your friend? + Yes, they are. - No, they aren’t. Elicit his/her name in each picture
(29)- Divide the class into two groups to choral and individual repetition - Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Get pp to work in pairs Check as a class 3.Let’s talk.
Using their own names to practise more with their friends Elicit the words to fill the gaps
Put the sentences on the board and choral and individual repetition Get pp to work in pairs Go around to offer help, if necessary
Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of class III Home link.
- Learn vocabularies, notes by heart
- Practice to ask and answer about the health
Week 8
Monday, November 2nd 2020
Lesson 2: ( 6) A Aim.
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise to listen and number the pictures, read and match the dialogues with the suitable pictures
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Ask ps to ask and answer the question about someone Is this / that ……….?
II New lesson.
4 Listen and number.
Tell pupils that they are going to listen and number the correct boxes
a b c d
Show ps how to number the boxes Do the first question as an example to make the task clear
Elicit what happening in the picture
Play the recording three times, the task and check their answers Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Key: d a b c
5 Read and complete.
Tell ps that they are going to read and fill the gaps with appropriate words Give ps time to the task and go around to offer help
Get ps to work in pairs
(30)Divide the class in two groups and get them to read a loud each character’s lines respectively
Key: name nine And friends 6 Write about you and your friends
Write about you and your friends
Tell ps that they are going to write abouth themselves and their friends
Give a few seconds for them to read the text Check ps’ comprehension by asking some questions
1 What’s your name? How old are you?
3 What are your friends’ names?
Give ps time to their writing and the share with their partner Call some ps to read aloud their answers
III Home link
Wednesday, November 4th 2020
Lesson 3: ( ) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to pronounce the sounds of the letters a and e in the words: Tony and yes respectively.
B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps ask and answer the question about someone Is that……… ?
II New lesson
1.Listen and repeat
Have Ss open the book page 34, draw their attention to the letters colored differently in the words that and Yes
Produce the sound of the letter a and e
Have Ss repeat the focused sounds a few times Play the recording twice and ask Ss to repeat
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors
Call on someone to pronounce
Have the whole class recite the chant to reinforce their pronunciation 2 Listen and write.
Let ps read the text in silence before starting the dictation
Have ps swap the check and check their answer before checking as a class
Write the correct answers on the board for the ps to copy down in to their notebook
Get ps to work n pairs and practice saying the sentences Answer: 1.that 2.Yes
3 Let's chant.
Who’s that?
(31)Play the tape a few times for ps to choral and individual repetition Show pa how to chant àn the actions
Call two groups of four to give a demonstration
Get groups of ps to sit face to face and practice chanting and doing the actions Go around to offer help
Call two groups to the front of the class to chant and the actions The rest of the class claps along to the rhythm of the chant
*Language focus: Specific sounds learnt in the Student Book
- Explain how the game is played The class is divided into or teams of or 10 pupils Say “ Stand up when you hear the sound /a/ , and sit still if you hear /e/” following the chant What’s your name?
III Home link
Say the sounds t and y Do exercise in workbook
Wednesday, November 4th 2020
Lesson 3: ( ) A Aim
By the end of the lesson pupils will able to review asking and answering questions about friends
- Develop reading and speaking skills
Teaching aids: paper, pens, coloured pencils, B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps to read the chants in the perious lesson: Who’s that? II NEW LESSON
4 Read and match.
Have ps look at the text in the book and asks them identify the words they have to fill
T tells ps the duty that they are going to do: read the sentences to get the information in order to complete
Ps the exercises individually
Have ps trade their answers in pairs for correction The rest of the class listen and give comments
Have the whole the class read each sentence to reinforce their production Keys: c d b a
Do choral and individual repetition of the sentences 5 Circle the correct words.
Whole class Books open Turn to Page 35 of the Student Book Show the chart and have Ss look
Ask Ss about the task
Ask them to complete the sentences Get Ss to write their answer on the chart Check and correct mistakes
(32)Answer: friend 2.they 3.Peter and Mary 4.aren't 6 Project.
Instruct Ss how to make an interview about their classmates’ names Ask Ss to work in group to this task
Ask Ss to finish at home and show them on front of the class next lesson Work in individual, choose a friend and draw a picture of him/ her Have ps look at the pictures to identify the characters in the pictures Call some ps to the front of the class to present their drawings
Have ps work in pairs, ask and answer about them, using Is that……? And the answer: This is +( name)
III Home link
Thursday, November 5th 2020 REVIEW 1(P1) A Aims.
By the end of the period, Students will be able to practise and revise the topic, the language competences, the language knowledge(phonics, vocabulary, sentence patterns) and the language skill( listening, speaking, reading, writing) they have learnt from Unit to Unit 10
Students practice skills: speaking, listening and reading and writing Objectives: puppets, recording and pictures, cards.
B Procedures: I Warm up:
Call three ss chant What you at break time? II Review
1 Listen and tick.
SS look at four pictures and guess
T calls ss to write the guessing on the board T opens cassette two times
SS listen and find the correct answer Call ss to write the answer on the board T and class check again
Answer: 1.b a a 4 b 5 b 2 Listen and number.
Tell pupils that they are going to listen and number the correct boxes Show ps how to number the boxes Do the first question as an example to make the task clear
Elicit what happening in the picture
Play the recording three times, the task and check their answers Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Answer: a b.2 c.1 d.3
3 Read and complete.
Tell pupils that they are going to read the text and fill the gaps
(33)Give ps time to the task
Get ps to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Do the choral and individual repetition of the text
Answer: Hello Nam friends nine 3 Read and match.
Answer: 1.e 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.c 5 Look and say.
Key: a Hello/ Hello, Marry; b How are you? / And you?/Fine, thanks b How old are you? / I’m b they your / they are
IV Home link
Say Hello and your name to your friends
Monday, November 9th 2020
Short Story: CAT AND MOUSE 1 A Aims.
By the end of the period, Students will be able to read, listen and understand a short story
Students practice skills: speaking, listening and reading and writing Objectives: puppets, recording and pictures, cards.
B Procedures I Warm up.
Call three ss chant What you at break time? II Story.
1 Read, listen to the story.
Ask sts to look at the pictures and answer some questions - Who’s this? It’s Cat
- Who’s this? It’s Mouse
- Who are they? They are Mimi and Miu
- What can you see in the pictures? A chair, a door, a window Play the tape and have sts listen to the story
2 Complete the conversation.
Ask sts to read, discus and fill the gaps.( work in pair) Give sts five minutes to the task
Check sts’ answers
Key: I’m are you very well your I’m meet you you spell
3 Work in pairs Have a similar conversation with a partner Use your name. Work in pairs Have a similar conversation with a partner Use your name
Ask sts to sit face to face and make a dialogue Go around and help if necessary
Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue Correct the pronunciation
4 Match the questions and the answers. Show the questions and answers on the board Have sts read the questions and the answers
(34)Teacher models first Number match with c Call a few pair to read the dialogue aloud Key: 1.c 3.d
2.c 4.b III Home link. Read the story again
Make a new dialogue with your friend Prepare Unit
Thursday, November 12th 2020 UNIT 6: STAND UP!
Lesson 1: ( 3) A Aims.
By the end of this lesson, students can use the words and phrases related to Classroom instructions Give and respond the classroom instructions
Develop writing, reading skill. B Procedures
I Warm up
T asks some pairs to greet and introduce oneself II New lesson.
Good morning: chào buối sáng Sit down: ngồi xuống
Be quiet: yên lặng Sorry: xin lỗi Come here: tới
Don’t talk : đừng nói chuyện Open your book: mở sách
Close your book: gấp sách lại Check vocabulary: what and where 1 Look, listen and repeat.
Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture what they are saying Set the scene “you are going to listen to Mr Loc and his students greet Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the tape twice
T asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two times
Have whole class repeat all the phrases a few times to reinforce their pronunciation
Model sentences: Stand up, please Don’t talk
2 Point, say and the actions.
Have Ss look at the pictures a ,b.c and d
Ask them to identify the characters in the pictures and what they should say Have Ss repeat the lines a few times
(35)3 Let's talk.
Have Ss look at the pictures on page 40 and identify the characters in the pictures Fill in the speech bubbles with the correct phrases prompted by Ss
Have Ss to repeat the sentences in the bubbles a few times before let them practice freely
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary Call on a pair to demonstrate at the front of the class
Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation III Home link
Learn all vocabulary Prepare new lesson
WEEK 10 Monday, November 16th 2020
Lesson 1: ( 6) A Aims
By the end of this lesson, students can use the words and phrasesrelated to Classroom instructions Give and respond the classroom instructions
Develop writing, reading skill. B Procedures
I Warm up:
T asks some pairs to greet and introduce oneself II New lesson.
4 Listen and tick
Have Ss look at Pictures on Page 41
Identify the characters and guess what they must
Set the scene: “you are going to listen to the recording, match the information they hear to the pictures and tick the box in the appropriate picture.
1st:Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are looking the
pictures in their books
2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and tick the correct pictures.
3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their answers.
Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction
Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text Feedback: a c c
5 Look and write
Have Ss look at Pictures and guess what they say Have Ss to work in pairs to the exercise
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary / correct typical pronunciation errors
Call on a pair to demonstrate at the front of the class Write all into their notebooks
Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation Answer: your book quite
(36)6.stand up
6 Let's Play Simon says……
Play the game Simon says, following the procedure in the Activities Bank in the Introduction
Have a group of six give a demonstration before starting the game
Get pupils to play the game in groups Go around to off er help, if necessary Have pupils sing the The more we are together song to end the activity
III Home link
Do exercises in the workbook
Prepare lesson two Tuesday, November 17th 2020 UNIT 6: STAND UP!
Lesson2: ( 3) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise asking for and giving permission using May I…? and Yes, you can / No, you can’t
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Greet Ss and have them reply Walk around the class to ask some instructions Sit down, please Open your book, please
II New lesson. *Vocabulary: May: có thể,có lẽ
come in : mời vào speak : nói go out : write : viết Checking vocabulary: Slap the board 1 Look, Listen and repeat.
Elicit the names of the characters in the first picture and explain what they say Have pupils repeat the language a few times
Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking Play the recording for pupils to listen and say along
Call three pairs to practice in front of class Note : May I + (V)?
Yes, you can/ No, you can’t
Ps practice the note after writing on the notebook 2 Point and say.
Have Ss look at the pictures and introduce four characters: T models the dialogue (use a picture)
a Come in/ yes b go out/ yes
c speak/no d write/ no
Point to the first picture and elicit the words to fill the gaps Put the sentences on the board
Divide the class into two groups to choral and individual repetition Repeat the procedure with the second picture
3 Let’s talk.
(37)Get pp to work in pairs Go around to offer help, if necessary Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of class
III Home link.
Learn vocabularies, notes by heart, Practice to ask and answer about the health
Wednesday, November 18th 2020 UNIT 6: STAND UP!
Lesson2: ( 6) A Aims.
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise to listen and number the pictures, read and match the dialogues with the suitable pictures
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Ask ps to ask for permission and others give the permission May I…….?
II New lesson
4.Listen and number.
Tell pupils that they are going to listen and number the correct boxes.Show ps how to number the boxes Do the first question as an example to make the task clear
Elicit what happening in the picture
Play the recording three times, the task and check their answers Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class
Answers: a.4 b.1 c.2 d.3 5.Read and match.
Introduces the topic “you are going to read the sentences to get the information in order to match with the picture”
Ask Ss to predict “What is what”
1st reading: Ss read the sentences individually and check their prediction.
2nd reading: Ss the task (match the sentence with a appropriate respond.)
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction
Call on some Ss to report their answers Others listen and comment Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the sentences
Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation
Answers: 1.c 2.d 3.a 4.b 6 Let’s write.
Tell ps that they are going to read and fill the gaps Elicit the words to fill the gaps Give ps time to their writing
Tell ps to swap and check their answers before calling different pairs to read aloud the sentences
(38)Answers: come in 2.sit down 3.close my book my book III Home link
Do exercise in workbook Prepare Lesson 3(1.2.3)
Wednesday, November 18th 2020 UNIT 6: STAND UP!
Lesson 3: ( ) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to pronounce the sounds of the letters c and d in the words: come and down respectively.
B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps to ask for permission and others give the permission May I…….?
II New lesson
1.Listen and repeat
Put the phonics c and d on the board and say them a few times Ask ps to repeat after the recording
Ask ps to say the words and the sentences, paying attention to the target phonics letters
Do choral repetition of the words and sentences until ps feel confident c come May I come in? d down May I sit down? 2 Listen and write.
Let ps read the text in silence before starting the dictation
Have ps swap the check and check their answer before checking as a class
Write the correct answers on the board for the ps to copy down in to their notebook
Get ps to work n pairs and practice saying the sentences May I in?
May I down? Keys: come sit 3 Let's chant.
Come in and sit down
Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the song in their books
Have Ss circle all the words containing the focused sounds in the song Have Ss listen and sing along ( times)
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors
(39)Practice more the structure Do the exercises
Prepare Part 4.5.6
Monday, November 23rd 2020 UNIT STAND UP!
Lesson 3 ( ) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to read and match the sentences to the sentences, write to complete the sentences and make name cards
Teaching aids: paper, pens, coloured pencils, B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps to read the chants in the prerious lesson II New lesson
4 Read and match.
Now you are going to read all the sentences in two columns by drawing a line between them
You have to read in silence in about two minutes Give a model
Ps the matching teacher goes around to offer help
Keys: c e b d a Do choral and individual repetition of the sentences
5 Look, read and write.
T introduces the topic “you are going to read the sentences to get the information in order to match with the respond ”
Ask Ss to predict “What is what”
1st reading: Ss read the sentences individually and check their prediction.
2nd reading: Ss the task (match the sentence with a appropriate respond.)
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction
Call on some Ss to report their answers Others listen and comment Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the sentences
Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation Answer: 1.sit quite
go out / Yes, you can stand up can't 6 Project.
Work in groups Write and put the instructions they have learn and put them in a box Then they pick some instructions and act them out
Eg: One pupil picks and says: Open your book! Class acts
Have ps play a game: Simon says using the instructions and end the class with the Come in and sit down song
III Home link
(40)Do exercises in your workbook Sing the song fluently
Wednesday, November 25th 2020 UNIT 7: THAT’S MY SCHOOL
Lesson 1: ( 3)
A Aims By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about school facilities using That is the ( school facilities)
Develop writing, reading skill B Procedures
I Warm up
Play the game: Simon says II New lesson.
classroom: phòng học gym: phòng thể dục library: thư viện
computer room : phịng vi tính playground: sân chơi big: lớn small: nhỏ
Check vocabulary: what and where 1 Look, listen and repeat.
Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture what they are saying Set the scence “you are going to listen about school facilities” Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the tape twice T asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two times
Have whole class repeat all the phrases a few times to reinforce their pronunciation
Note: To introduce the school: That's That's = that is :
Eg: That’s my classroom That’s my library
2 Point, say and the actions Have Ss look at the pictures a ,b.c and d
Ask them to identify the characters in the pictures and what they should say Have Ss repeat the lines a few times
Ask Ss to practice making and responding to introductions using picture a and b Monitor the activity, check the pronunciation
3 Let's talk.
Have Ss look at the pictures on page 40 and identify the characters in the pictures Fill in the speech bubbles with the correct phrases prompted by Ss
Have Ss to repeat the sentences in the bubbles a few times before let them practice freely
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary Call on a pair to demonstrate at the front of the class
(41)III Home link
- Prepare new lesson (4.5.6)
Wednesday, November 25th 2020 UNIT 7: THAT’S MY SCHOOL
Lesson 1: ( 6)
A.Aims: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to practice listening and write about school facilities Sing the song “This is the way we go to school”
B Procedures. I Warm up:
T asks some pairs to greet and introduce oneself II New lesson.
4 Listen and tick.
Have Ss look at Pictures on Page 41
Identify the characters and guess what they must
Set the scence: “you are going to listen to the recording, match the information they hear to the pictures and tick the box in the appropriate picture.
1st:Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are looking the
pictures in their books
2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and tick the correct pictures.
3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their answers.
Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction
Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text Feedback: b c a
5 Look, read and write.
Have Ss look at Pictures and guess what they say Have Ss to work in pairs to the exercise
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors
Call on a pair to demonstrate at the front of the class Write all into their notebooks
Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation Answer: classroom library computer gym 6 Let's sing
This is the way we go to school This is the way we go to school Go to school, Go to school, This is the way we go to school So early in the morning
This is the way we go to school Go to school, Go to school. This is the way we go to school So early in the morning
III Home link.
Do exercises in the workbook Prepare lesson two
Thursday, November 26th 2020
UNIT 7: THAT’S MY SCHOOL Lesson 2: ( 3) A Aim.
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask and answer questions about school facilities Develop listening, reading and writing skill
B Procedure I Warm up
Reorder the letters
*Vocabulary: beautiful : đẹp new: old : cũ large: lớn look at: nhìn vào
Checking vocabulary: Slap the board. 1 Look, listen and repeat.
Elicit the names of the characters in the first picture and explain what they say Have pupils repeat the language a few times
Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking Play the recording for pupils to listen and say along
Call three pairs to practice in front of class Note : Is your school big? Yes, it is
Is your classroom big? No, it isn’t It’s small. 2 Point and say.
Have Ss look at the pictures and introduce four characters: T models the dialogue (use a picture)
a school, new/ yes b gym, big/ yes
c library, old/no d playground, large/ no Examples: a Is the school new? Yes, it is
Have ps to repeat the sentences in the bubbles a few times
Point to the first picture and elicit the words to fill the gaps Put the sentences on the board
Divide the class into two groups to choral and individual repetition Repeat the 3 Let’s talk.
Have Ss look at the pictures on page 42 and identify the characters in the pictures T gives some cues: a classroom/ ( small)/ big
b library/ big
c gym/ (large)/ small d computer room/new
Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of class
(43)Monday, November 30th 2020
Lesson2: ( 6) A Aim.
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise to listen and number the pictures, read and match the dialogues with the suitable pictures
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Ask ps to ask for permission and others give the permission May I…….?
II New lesson
4 Listen and number.
Tell pupils that they are going to listen and number the correct boxes Show ps how to number the boxes Do the first question as an example to make the task clear
Elicit what happening in the picture
Play the recording three times, the task and check their answers Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class
Answers: a.3 b.1 c.4 d.2 5 Read and circle.
Introduces the topic “you are going to read the sentences to get the information in order to match with the picture”
Ask Ss to predict “What is what”
1st reading: Ss read the sentences individually and check their prediction.
2nd reading: Ss the task (match the sentence with a appropriate respond.)
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction
Call on some Ss to report their answers Others listen and comment Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the sentences
Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation
Answers: big small new big 6 let’s write.
Tell ps that they are going to read and fill the gaps Elicit the words to fill the gaps Give ps time to their writing
Tell ps to swap and check their answers before calling different pairs to read aloud the sentences
Write the correct sentences on the board for ps to copy down into their notebooks Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue
Answers: Yes, it is No it isn't No, it isn't Yes, it is
III Home link
Do exercise in workbook
Wednesday, December 2nd 2020
(44)Lesson 3: ( ) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to pronounce the sounds of the letters g and l in the words: gym and look respectively.
B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps some questions about their school Is your school big?
Is your English room big? II New lesson
1 Listen and repeat
Put the phonics c and d on the board and say them a few times Ask ps to repeat after the recording
Ask ps to say the words and the sentences, paying attention to the target phonics letters
Do choral repetition of the words and sentences until ps feel confident g gym The gym is old. l look Look at the school 2 Listen and write.
Let ps read the text in silence before starting the dictation
Have ps swap the check and check their answer before checking as a class
Write the correct answers on the board for the ps to copy down in to their notebook
Get ps to work n pairs and practice saying the sentences The school is large
at the library Keys: gym Look 3 Let's chant.
Is your school new?
Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the song in their books
Have Ss circle all the words containing the focused sounds in the song Have Ss listen and sing along ( times)
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors
Call on a group to sing the song The others clap their hands Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of language Have the whole class sing to reinforce their pronunciation III Home link
Practice more the structure
Do the exercises Prepare Part 4.5.6 Practice Lesson 3(4.5.6)
Wednesday, December 2nd 2020
(45)A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to read and match the sentences to the sentences, write to complete the sentences and make name cards
Teaching aids: paper, pens, coloured pencils, B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
Ask ps some questions about their school Is your school big?
Is your English room big? II New lesson
4 Read and match.
Now you are going to read all the sentences in two columns by drawing a line between them
You have to read in silence in about two minutes Give a model
Ps the matching teacher goes around to offer help Keys: d c a b Do choral and individual repetition of the sentences 5 Read and complete.
T introduces the topic “you are going to read the sentences to get the information in order to match with the respond ”
Ask Ss to predict “What is what”
1st reading: Ss read the sentences individually and check their prediction.
2nd reading: Ss the task (match the sentence with a appropriate respond.)
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction
Call on some Ss to report their answers Others listen and comment Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the sentences
Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation Answer: 1.playground It
classroom nice
6 Project Write the names of the rooms in the school. School
III Home link
Remember the instructions Do exercises in your workbook Prepare Unit
Thursday, December 3rd 2020
UNIT 8: THIS IS MY PEN Lesson 1: ( 3)
A Aims By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about school facilities using That is the ( school facilities)
(46)Develop writing, reading skill B Procedures
I Warm up
Play the game: Simon says II New lesson.
- pen : bút
- rubber: bút chì - schoolbag: cặp sách - pencil: bút chì - peccil case: hộp bút - notebook:
- pencil sharpener: gọt bút chì Check vocabulary: what and where 1 Look, listen and repeat.
Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture what they are saying Set the scene “you are going to listen about school facilities”
Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the tape twice T asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two times
Have whole class repeat all the phrases a few times Note: Khi giới thiệu đồ dùng:
That's my pen/ That’s my pencil That's = that is :
2 Point, say and the actions
Have Ss look at the pictures a ,b.c and d
Ask them to identify the characters in the pictures and what they should say Have Ss repeat the lines a few times
Ask Ss to practice making and responding to introductions using picture a and b Monitor the activity, check the pronunciation
3 Let's talk.
Have Ss look at the pictures on page 40 and identify the characters in the pictures Fill in the speech bubbles with the correct phrases prompted by Ss
Have Ss to repeat the sentences in the bubbles a few times before let them practice freely
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary Call on a pair to demonstrate at the front of the class
Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation III Home link.
Pratice speaking This is my……./ That is my……… Prepare new lesson Lesson 1(4.5.6)
Monday, December 7th 2020 UNIT 8: THIS IS MY PEN
Lesson 1: ( )
(47)B Procedures I Warm up:
T asks some pairs to greet and introduce oneself II New lesson.
4 Listen and tick.
Have Ss look at Pictures on Page 41
Identify the characters and guess what they must
Set the scene: “you are going to listen to the recording, match the information they hear to the pictures and tick the box in the appropriate picture.
1st:Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are looking the
pictures in their books
2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and tick the correct pictures.
3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their answers.
Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction
Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text Feedback: b c a
5 Look, read and write.
Have Ss look at Pictures and guess what they say Have Ss to work in pairs to the exercise
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary / correct typical pronunciation errors
Call on a pair to demonstrate at the front of the class Write all into their notebooks
Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation Answer: ruler, is rubber, it is
6 Let's play Slap the board.
Tell sts that they are going to play a game of Slap the board
Put the words of school thing on the board and elicit the meaning for each words Call two teams of four to the board and start the game
Put the scores of the groups on the board
Wednesday, December 9th 2020 UNIT 8: THIS IS MY PEN
Lesson 2: ( 3) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask and answer questions about school facilities Develop listening, reading and writing skill
(48)I Warm up. Greeting Reorder the letters.
beautiful : Đẹp new: old : cũ large: lớn look at: nhìn vào Checking vocabulary: Slap the board.
1 Look, listen and repeat.
Elicit the names of the characters in the first picture and explain what they say Have pupils repeat the language a few times
Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking Play the recording for pupils to listen and say along
Call three pairs to practice in front of class Note : Is your school big? Yes, it is
Is your classroom big? No, it isn’t It’s small. 2 Point and say.
Have Ss look at the pictures and introduce four characters: T models the dialogue (use a picture)
a school, new/ yes b gym, big/ yes
c library, old/no d playground, large/ no Examples: a Is the school new? Yes,it is
Have Ss to repeat the sentences in the bubbles a few times
Point to the first picture and elicit the words to fill the gaps Put the sentences on the board
Divide the class into two groups to choral and individual repetition Repeat the procedure with the second picture
3.Let’s talk.
Have Ss look at the pictures on page 42 and identify the characters in the pictures T gives some cues: a classroom/ ( small)/ big
b library/ big
c gym/ (large)/ small d computer room/new
Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of class III Home link
Thursday, December 10th 2020 UNIT 8: THIS IS MY PEN
Lesson 2: ( 6) A Aim.
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practise to listen and number the pictures, read and match the dialogues with the suitable pictures
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
(49)May I…….? II New lesson.
4.Listen and number.
Tell pupils that they are going to listen and number the correct boxes Show ps how to number the boxes Do the first question as an example to make the task clear
Elicit what happening in the picture
Play the recording three times, the task and check their answers Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class
Answers: a.3 b.1 c.4 d.2 5 Read and circle.
Introduces the topic “you are going to read the sentences to get the information in order to match with the picture”
Ask Ss to predict “What is what”
1st reading: Ss read the sentences individually and check their prediction.
2nd reading: Ss the task (match the sentence with a appropriate respond.)
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction
Call on some Ss to report their answers Others listen and comment Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the sentences
Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation
Answers: big small new big 6 Let’s write.
Tell ps that they are going to read and fill the gaps Elicit the words to fill the gaps Give ps time to their writing
Tell ps to swap and check their answers before calling different pairs to read aloud the sentences
Write the correct sentences on the board for ps to copy down into their notebooks Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue
Answers: Yes, it is No it isn't No, it isn't Yes, it is
III Home link
Do exercise in workbook
Friday, December 11th 2020 UNIT 8: THIS IS MY PEN
Lesson3: ( ) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to pronounce the sounds of the letters r and th in the words: ruler and these respectively.
B Procedure
I Warm up: KIM’S GAME
(50)1 Listen and repeat
Put the phonics r and th on the board and say them a few times Ask ps to repeat after the recording
Ask ps to say the words and the sentences, paying attention to the target phonics letters
Do choral repetition of the words and sentences until ps feel confident r ruler Those are rulers.
th these These are pens 2 Listen and write.
Let ps read the text in silence before starting the dictation
Have ps swap the check and check their answer before checking as a class
Write the correct answers on the board for the ps to copy down in to their notebook
Get ps to work n pairs and practice saying the sentences These are my ………
Are ……….your books? Keys: rulers
these 3 Let's chant.
Look! Look! Look!
Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the song in their books
Have Ss circle all the words containing the focused sounds in the song Have Ss listen and sing along ( times)
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors
Call on a group to sing the song The others clap their hands Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of language Have the whole class sing to reinforce their pronunciation III Home link.
Practice more the structure
Do the exercises Prepare Part 4.5.6
Monday, December 12th, 2020 UNIT 8: THIS IS MY PEN
Lesson3: ( ) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to read and match the sentences to the sentences, write to complete the sentences and make name cards
Teaching aids: paper, pens, coloured pencils, B Procedure
I Warm up: Greeting
(51)II New lesson 4 Read and match.
Now you are going to read all the sentences in two columns by drawing a line between them
You have to read in silence in about two minutes Give a model
Ps the matching, teacher goes around to offer help Keys: b d a c Do choral and individual repetition of the sentences 5 Read and write.
T introduces the topic “you are going to read the sentences to get the information in order to match with the respond”
Ask Ss to predict “What is what”
1st reading: Ss read the sentences individually and check their prediction.
2nd reading: Ss the task (match the sentence with a appropriate respond.)
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction
Call on some Ss to report their answers Others listen and comment Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the sentences
Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation Answer: name This is
These are, pens, notebooks
That is those are 6 Project Write the names of the rooms in the school. School
III Home link
Remember the instructions Do exercises in your workbook
Wednesday, December 16th 2020
UNIT 9: WHAT COLOUR IS IT? Lesson 1: ( 3) A Aims.
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask answer about someone’s school things, using Is this/ Is that + school things
Develop writing, reading skill B Procedures
I Warm up
Ask ss to the chant: Lool! Look! Look! II New lesson
1 Look, listen and repeat.
Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture what they are saying school
(52)Set the scene “you are going to listen about school facilities” Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the tape twice T asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two times
Have whole class repeat all the phrases a few times to reinforce their pronunciation Note: Ask answer about someone’s school things
I this/ Is that your + tên đồ dùng học tập? Yes, it
No, it isn’t 2 Point and say.
Have Ss look at the pictures a ,b.c and d a. desk/ yes
b. Pencil sharpener /no c. pen/ yes
d. pencil case/ no
Ask them to identify the characters in the pictures and what they should say Have Ss repeat the lines a few times
Ask Ss to practice making and responding to introductions using picture a and b Monitor the activity, check the pronunciation
3 Let's write.
Have Ss look at the pictures on page 58 and identify the characters in the pictures Fill in the speech bubbles with the correct phrases prompted by Ss
Have Ss to repeat the sentences in the bubbles a few times before let them practice freely
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary Call on a pair to demonstrate at the front of the class
Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation III Home link
Learn all vocabulary Do exercises in the workbook
Thursday, December 17th 2020
UNIT 9: WHAT COLOUR IS IT? Lesson 1: ( 6)
A Aims: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to practice listening and write about school facilities Sing the song “This is the way we go to school”
B Procedures
I Warm up: Matching
desk bút pencil sharpener bàn
pen gọt bút chì pencil case hộp bút II New lesson.
(53)Have Ss look at Pictures on Page 59
Identify the characters and guess what they must
1st:Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are looking the
pictures in their books
2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and tick the correct pictures.
3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their answers.
Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction
Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text Feedback: b a 3.b
5 Look, read and write.
Have Ss look at Pictures and guess what they say Have Ss to work in pairs to the exercise
Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary / correct typical pronunciation errors
Call on a pair to demonstrate at the front of the class Write all into their notebooks
Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation Answer: pen, it is
pencil case, it isn’t school bag, it is book, it is
6 Let's write
Tell ps that they are going to read and fill the gaps Elicit the words to fill the gaps Give ps time to their writing
Tell ps to swap and check their answers before calling different pairs to read aloud the sentences
Write the correct sentences on the board for ps to copy down into their notebooks Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue
Key: school bag, School bag, it is, Pencil case, pencil case, it isn’t III Home link
Do exercises in the workbook
Friday, December 18th 2020
Lesson2: (1 3) A Aim
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask and answer questions about colour Develop listening, reading and writing skill
B Procedure
I Warm up Greeting
Slap the board
(54)blue red green white yellow brown orange grey black purple 1 Look, listen and repeat.
Elicit the names of the characters in the first picture and explain what they say Have pupils repeat the language a few times
Repeat the procedure with the second picture
Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking Play the recording for pupils to listen and say along
Call three pairs to practice in front of class Note : What colour is / are your ?
It's They're
2. Point and say.
Have Ss look at the pictures and introduce four characters: What colour is / are your ?
It's They're Have Ss to repeat the sentences in the bubbles a few times
Point to the first picture and elicit the words to fill the gaps Divide the class into two groups to choral and individual repetition Repeat the procedure with the second picture
3 Let’s talk.
Have Ss look at the pictures on page 42 and identify the characters in the pictures T gives some cues: a school bag
b books c notebooks
d pencil sharpeners e rubbers
f pen
Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of class III Home link Practice talking
Prepare new lesson Lesson 2(4.5.6)