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English test 34 tài liệu ôn thi đại học, tiếng Anh – Khối D

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According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world EXCEPT Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn của bộ GD - ĐT... the Norman invasion?[r]

(1)Xuan truong high school Teacher: Do Hong Tuyen ‹Mobile phone: 0982 986 679 ENGLISH TEST 34 Tài liệu ôn thi đại học, tiếng Anh – Khối D  Address: Xuan bac – Xuan Truong – ND I Ngữ âm Chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại câu A politics A Japan A conference A consequently A argument A treatment A affirm A effort A physiology 10 A contribution B imaginary B astronaut B profile B announcement B definite B prevent B rely B distinguished B economics B appropriate C result C unfortunate C initiate C arrival C museum C intelligent C infection C available C nominate C opportunity D annoyed D approximate D project D reception D permanent D acquire D remedy D luxurious D competition D anniversary Chọn từ có phần gạch phát âm khác các từ còn lại A evening A light A farm A both A park A nature A faithful A country A new 10 A with B key B fine B card B bottle B farm B pure B failure B cover B sew B library C envelope C knife C bare C Scotland C warm C picture C fairly C economical C few C willing D secret D principle D marvelous D cotton D marmalade D culture D painted D ceiling D nephew D if II Ngữ pháp và từ vựng Chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) để hoàn thành câu sau It was very difficult for the inspector to what recommendations he should make.(realize/ settle/ solve/ decide) This is not the right to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listen.(moment/ situation/ opportunity/ circumstance) The job of student lodgings officer a great many visits to landladies.(concerns/ offers/ asks/ involves) It is knowledge in the village that Mr and Mrs Thorne quarrel violently several times a week.(common/ complete/ normal/ usually) All students leaving college at the end of term must leave their addresses so that letters can be sent .(forward/ through/ on/ to/ I’m happy I expect every one who works here to be happy too.(since/ then/ and/ but) “My daughter, Mary, tries to to see me at least once a week,” Mrs Jones told the social worker (call up/ go up/ come on/ drop in) Driving in London is supposed to be confusing but I didn’t find it at difficult.(all/ first/ once/ least) Yesterday the naval authorities the reports in Friday’s newspapers that they had exploded three bombs near an unknown submarine.(published/ confirmed/ restarted/ agreed) 10 I wouldn’t of going to a party I hadn’t been invited to.(intend/ rely/ dream/ depend) 11 In the old days, people believed that the world was flat and ships would fall off the .(boundary/ edge/ border / limit) 12 They had never come _ such a beautiful little village before.(off/ along/ at/ across) 13 There weren’t any in the factory for bilingual secretaries.(situations/ spaces/ vacancies/ offer) 14 Unfortunately his illness turned out to be extremely so he was kept in isolation.(influential/ infectious/ individual/ inoffensive) 15 What milkshake you want- strawberry, chocolate or orange?(taste/ kind/ flavour/ type) 16 A chicken can up to three eggs a day.(lie/ lay/put/ place) 17 The nurse was on in the hospital all night.(work/ alarm/ duty/ service) 18 I we meet outside the cinema tomorrow at 8.30.(think/ suggest/ consider/ recommend) 19 playing professional basketball, she also enjoys tennis.(Besides/ Moreover/ apart/ Together) 20 She him of flying to her.(threatened/ blamed/ criticized/ accused)  Hoàn thành câu sau với dạng thích hợp từ ngoặc I am sorry about my , but I hate being kept waiting (PATIENT) I’m looking for a gift for an old lady (SUIT) It was quite _ to order so much food (NECESSARY) The judge told him it was _ to drink and drive, and banned him for a year (RESPONSIBLE) This poem shows the wonderful _ of the poet (SENSITIVE) It was a _ episode in the country’s history (SHAME) They celebrate their on 4th July (DEPEND) Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (2) The gas from the chemical factory was extremely _ (HARM) The restaurant is now under new _ (MANAGE) 10 The government has planned to increase the rate of _ among young people (EMPLOY) 11 He was given a light sentence because of his _ (YOUNG) 12 I am tire of your _ behavior When are you going to grow up? (CHILD) 13 You could hardly think she has two girls She just looks so young (TEEN) 14 She divorced him because of his to the children (KIND) 15 The evening was spent playing and talking (ENJOY) 16 The keys were locked inside the car; _, a side window was open (LUCK) 17 He was turned down for the job because he was not (QUALIFY) 18 In parts of the country the _ situation is terrible As many as 20% of the working population is without a job (EMPLOY) 19 The world of computers is extremely (COMPETE) 20 The government is expected to take against the level (ACT) III Kyõ naêng 1/ Kỹ đọc Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) cho chỗ trống Trees for Life Trees are amongst the biggest and longest-living things on the Earth, some dating back longer than the oldest buildings But (1) _ being nice to look at, trees also (2) _ an important role in improving the quality of our lives On a world-wide (3) _, forests help to slow down the effects of global warming by using up the gas (4) _ as carbon dioxide and giving (5) _ the oxygen we need to breathe At local neighbourhood level, trees also (6) important environmental benefits They offer shade and shelter, which in (7) _ reduces the amount of energy needed to heat and cool (8) _ buildings; at the same time, they also remove other impurities from the air we breathe Urban trees are especially important because for many people they provide the only daily (9) _ with the natural world What’s (10) _ urban trees also provide home for birds, small animals and butterflies (11) _ the trees we would lose the pleasure of seeing these creatures in our cities Regrettably, (12) _, trees in cities are now coming under (13) _ There is a limit to the level of pollution they can (14) _ and, down at street level, their roots are being seriously (15) _ by the digging needed to make way for modern telephone, television and other cables A as far as B as long as C as soon as D as well as A play B show C act D serve A scale B size C range D area A called B known C titled D referred A in B away C up D out A bring B make C take D find A turn B place C order D reach A opposite B close C next D nearby A junction B touch C contact D taste 10 A more B else C most D other 11 A Throughout B Beyond C Without D Outside 12 A therefore B whilst C however D despite 13 A risk B threat C danger D warning 14 A stand in for B face up to C put up with D face back on 15 A concerned B disturbed C interfered D involved Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) cho câu Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication English as we know it to day emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion of 1066 Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and hadn’t extended even, as Wales, Scotland or Ireland However, during the course of the next two centuries, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work Thus, small enclaves of English speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking and diplomacy Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English Two thirds of the world’s science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non- native speakers, constituting the largest number of non- native users than any other language in the world What is the main topic of this passage? A The number of nonnative users of English B The French influent on the English language C The expansion of English as an international language D The use of English for science and technology Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England? A In 1066 B Around 1350 C Before 1600 D after 1600 According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world EXCEPT Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (3) A the slave trade B the Norman invasion C missionaries The word “enclaves” in line could be best replaced by which of the following? A communities B the Norman invasion C regions The word “proliferated” in line is closest in meaning to which of the following? A prospered B organized C disbanded D colonization D countries D expanded For 150 years scientists have tried to determine the solar constant, the amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth Yet, even in the most cloud-free regions of the planet, the solar constant cannot be measured precisely Gas molecules and dust particles in the atmosphere absorb and scatter sunlight and prevent some wavelengths of the light from ever reaching the ground With the advent of satellites, however, scientists have finally been able to measure the Sun’s output without being impeded by the Earth’s atmosphere Solar Max, a satellite from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), has been measuring the Sun’s output since February 1980 Although a malfunction in the satellite’s control system limited its observation for a few years, the satellite was repaired in orbit by astronauts from the space shuttle in 1984 Max’s observations indicate that the solar constant is not really constant after all 10 The satellite’s instruments have detected frequent, small variations in the Sun’s energy output, generally amounting to no more than 0.05 percent of the Sun’s mean energy output and lasting from a few days to a few weeks Scientists believe these fluctuations coincide with the appearance and disappearance of large groups of sunspots on the Sun’s disk Sunspots are relatively dark regions on the Sun’s surface that have strong magnetic fields and a temperature about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the rest of the Sun’s surface Particularly large fluctuations in the solar constant have coincided with sightings of large sunspot groups In 1980, for example, Solar Max’s instrument, registered a 0.3 percent drop in the solar energy reaching the Earth At that time a sunspot group covered about 0.6 percent of the solar disk, an area 20 times larger than the Earth’s surface Long-term variations in the solar constant are more difficult to determine Although Solar Max’s data have indicated a slow and steady decline in the Sun’s output, some scientists have thought that the satellite’s aging detectors might have 20 become less sensitive over the years, thus falsely indicating a drop in the solar constant This possibility was dismissed, however, by comparing Solar Max’s observations with data from a similar instrument operating on NASA’s Nimbus weather satellite since 1978 What does this passage mainly discuss? A The launching of a weather satellite B The components of the Earth’s atmosphere C The measurement of variations in the solar constant D The interaction of sunlight and air pollution Why does the author mention “gas” and “dust” in the first paragraph? A They magnify the solar constant B They are found it varying concentrations C Scientific equipment is ruined by gas and dust D They interfere with accurate measurement of the solar constant Why is not possible to measure the solar constant accurately without a satellite? A The Earth is too far from the Sun B Some areas on Earth receive more solar energy than others C There is not enough sunlight during the day D The Earth’s atmosphere interferes with the sunlight The word “scatter” in line is closest in meaning to _ A disperse B capture C transform D hit The word “it” in the second paragraph refers to the _ A malfunction B atmosphere C satellite D orbit The word “detected” in the third paragraph is closest meaning to _ A estimated B disregarded C registered D predicted According to the passage, scientists believe variations in the solar constant are related to _ A sunspot activity B unusual weather patterns C increased levels of dust D Fluctuations in the Earth’s temperature Why did scientists think that Solar Max might be giving unreliable information? A Solar Max did not work for the first few years B The space shuttle could not fix Solar Max’s instruments C Solar Max’s instruments were getting old D Nimbus interfered with Solar Max’s detectors The phrase “This possibility” in the last paragraph refers to the likelihood that the _ A solar constant has declined B Nimbus satellite is older than Solar Max C solar constant cannot be measured D instruments are providing inaccurate data 10 The attempt to describe the solar constant can best be describes as _ A an ongoing research effort B an issue that has been resolved C a question that can never be answered D historically interesting, but irrelevant to contemporary concerns 2/ Kyõ naêng vieát Chọn phương án (A/B/C/D) ứng với từ/cụm từ có gạch chân cần phải sửa câu The instructor advised the students for the procedures to follow in writing the term paper A B C D Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship, she has the highest grades A B C D The new technique calls for heat the mixture before applying in to the wood A B C D The pilot and the crew distributed the life preservers between the twenty frantic passengers A B C D A- five- thousand- dollars reward was offered for the capture of the escaped criminals A B C D Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (4) How the Earth is in the shadow of the moon, we see an eclipse of the sun A B C D The children’s television program called Sesame Street was seeing 84 countries in 1989 A B C D Some research suggests what is a link between the body’s calcium balance and tooth decay A B C D Luther Burbank earned the funds to go west by sale his new ideas about growing potatoes A B C D 10 Louisa may Alcott infused her own life into the character of Jo in book Little Women A B C D Chọn phương án (A/B/C/D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần với câu có sẵn sau đây They have told us that Galileo invented the telescope A We were told that the telescope was invented by Galileo B We have been told that the telescope was invented by Galileo C Galileo was told to have invented the telescope D Galileo has been told that the telescope was invented I am not sure which point of view you are taking on this problem A I am not sure what your viewpoint on this problem is B I am sure you have no point of view on this problem C I am not sure whether you have any point of view on this problem D If you have any point of view on this problem, please make me be sure I can’t imagine people beating him at sport in school A People can’t imagine beating him at sport in school B I can’t imagine him being at sport by all the students in school C I can’t imagine him being beaten at sport in school D Nobody can be imagined being beaten at sport by him in school They have never elected any woman President of the United States A No woman has ever been elected President of the U.S B Women have ever been allowed to be elected President of the U.S C No woman President of the U.S has ever been mentioned D Women will never become President of the U.S If only I got one more mark 10, I would be given a prize by my parents A I hope to have one more mark 10 so as to receive a prize by from parents B I didn’t get enough marks 10, and didn’t receive a prize C I got one more mark 10 and receive a prize D I would never receive a prize because I have only one mark 10 Viết lại câu cho ý nghĩa không thay đổi “Why didn’t I get a computer before?” thought the office manager The office manager wondered “You’d better not lend him any more money, Mary,” said Tom Tom advised Mary I started work for the company a year ago.I’ve been Susan felt sick, because she ate four cream cakes If Susan My suit needs to be cleaned before this interview.I must “You stole my best cassette, Amanda!” said William William accused Because of the rough sea, the ferry couldn’t sail The rough sea Please check for damage before signing the delivery note Don’t Rose can’t possibly grow in such poor ground It is impossible 10 Your car might break down on the rough mountain road, so take plenty of spare parts In case 11 “You damaged my bicycle, John!” said Margaret Margaret accused 12 It is only one hundred years since the birth of D.H Lawrence, the famous novelist D.H Lawrence 13 John Speke failed to find the source of the River Nile.John 14 Maria didn’t apply for the job in the library and regrets it now Maria wishes 15 Helen wanted to know the name of Shirley’s hairdresser’s Helen said, “Shirley, where ” 16 This furniture is so old that it’s not worth keeping.This is 17 Handicapped people find shopping in supermarkets difficult It’s 18 Why don’t you meet to discuss the pay offer?I suggest 19 Without this treatment, the patient would have died If he 20 Although he didn’t speak Dutch, Bob decided to settle in Amsterdam In spite The end Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (5) 21 No one has challenged his authority before.This is the first time _ 22 “If Brian doesn’t train harder, I won’t select him for the team,” said the manager The manager threatened 23 Her arrival was completely unexpected.She took it 24 You’ll certainly meet lots of people in your new job You are 25 I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting Rather _ 16 I only recognized him when he came into the light Not until 17 That rumour about the politician and the construction contract is absolutely false There is 28 One runner was too exhausted to complete the last lap of the race One runner was so _ 29 My mother was the most warm-hearted person I’ve ever known I’ve _ 30 My advisor recommended this course.This course was The end và chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) cho câu Trv 64 2160 dong ngia 156 2160 Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (6)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 04:07

