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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period 64 đến Period 69

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Sources Advantages Disadvantages Nuclear unlimited dangerous Solar Plentiful Not strong and infinite, enough at clean present Water clean expensive Wind Clean, safe not always available [r]

(1)Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Date of planning: Period 64: Reading Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY *** A OBJECTIVES: I Knowledge: - Helping students to understand the importance of saving energy and using alternative sources of energy - Helping students to use the words related to the sources of energy through reading and writing Vocabulary: fossil fuels, alternative, nuclear energy, geothermal heat/energy, solar power/panel, potential, to release, to create, exhausted, limited, plentiful, infinite II Skills: Speaking, writing, reading B PROCEDURE: I Settlement: Checking attendance II Checking: III New lesson: Reading Teacher's activities Students' activities WARM UP: (5 minutes)  Teacher may use the pictures in the Unit 11  Students look at the pictures on the board Textbook page 124, or provides some mores (or in their books) and try to distinguish the pictures on cardboard or by projector Al the sources of energy pictures should show different kinds of producing energy, such as wind power, solar  Exchange with their partners and match the words given with the right pictures energy, hydroelectric plant, etc  Write the words of different sources of energy on the board and ask students to match the words with the right pictures  Listen to the teacher's comments and repeat the words  Check the results and correct them if necessary PRE-READING: (10 minutes)  Teacher explains some important words using pictures or giving meaning (some words need to be translated into Vietnamese, especially to students of lower-level classes)  Students get to understand these words: fossil fuels; alternative; solar panel; dam; nuclear; available; potential; limited; unlimited  Students copy the words in their notebooks after the teacher's correction on the board  Teacher ask these questions and has students work in groups before giving their answers:  Students work in groups discussing the teacher's questions - What we need energy for? Suggested answers - We need energy to light and warm our Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com (2) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 - What kind of energy is the most popular in Vietnam? WHILE READING: (25 minutes)  Teacher has students listen to the recording of the passage two times, and then read it in silence (Teacher should go round to check and give help where necessary.)  Teacher has students work in pairs and complete Task (pp 125 - 126, Textbook) houses, run automobiles and other machines, operate factories, and so on - The most popular kind of energy in Vietnam is from oil We also use power produced by hydroelectric plants  Students listen to the recording and then read the text in silence  Students discuss Task with their partners Suggested answers released alternative energy limited exhausted  Teacher has students work in pairs studying  Students discuss the table with their the table in Task (pp 126, Textbook) and then partners and try to find the answers to Task discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Suggested answers the sources of energy Teacher should give them help (vocabulary) where necessary Sources Advantages Disadvantages Nuclear unlimited dangerous Solar Plentiful Not strong and infinite, enough at clean present Water clean expensive Wind Clean, safe not always available Geothermal Clean Not available  Teacher has students read the passage again then ask them to work in groups in order to work out the answers to theses questions: How many sources of energy are mentioned in the passage? What are they?  Students reread the text and group work to find the answers Suggested answers These sources of energy are mentioned in the passage: fossil fuels, nuclear, geothermal, solar, water, and wind power In your opinion, which one is the most potential? Why? In my opinion, solar energy is the most potential because it is clean, safe and not expensive, and people can get it almost everywhere on earth (There can be different answers to this question.) POST-READING: (5 minutes)  Teacher has students work in pairs and complete the summary of the text on pages Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com  Students read the summary and discuss the completion with their partners (3) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 126&127 in Textbook Suggested answer energy one fuels limited alternative sources unlimited environment IV Consolidation: Summarize the main point of the lesson V Homework: Write a short paragraph to express their own choice of the alternative source of energy including some reasons for their choice Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com (4) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Date of planning: Period 65: Speaking Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY *** A OBJECTIVES: I Knowledge: Getting students to give the reasons of using alternative sources of energy and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of alternative sources of energy Vocabulary: abundant, enormous, plentiful, renewable, convenient, polluted, limited, nonrenewable, exhausted Expressions: I think/believe that … Why you think so? I know it is … However, it is … II Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading B PROCEDURE: I Settlement: Checking attendance II Checking: III New lesson: Speaking Teacher's activities Students' activities WARM UP: (5 minutes)  Teacher asks these questions one after another and  Students may discuss the questions has students discuss with their partners before giving with their partners to find out the answers answers Suggested answers Can you tell me some sources of energy? Which source of energy is the most popular in Vietnam? Is it clean or polluted? Is it limited or unlimited? Is it safe or dangerous? PRE-SPEAKING (5 minutes) Teacher sticks the pictures on the board or shows them on the projector Ask students to match the following words with each picture: Students may discuss the pictures with their partners before giving answers: Picture A : Solar energy Picture B : Wind energy Picture C : Fossil fuel (oil) Picture D : Water energy Picture E : Fossil fuel (coal) Picture F : Geothermal energy Picture G : Nuclear energy Wind energy Solar energy Geothermal energy Fossil fuel (coal) Nuclear energy Water energy Fossil fuel (oil) Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên fossil fuels, solar energy, wind energy, water energy, … Fossil fuels are perhaps the most popular This kind of energy is polluted and limited Lop11.com (5) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11  Solar energy Picture A: Picture B:  wind energy Picture C:  fossil fuel (oil) Picture D: Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên  water energy Lop11.com (6) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Picture E:  fossil fuel (coal) Picture F:  geothermal energy Picture G:  nuclear energy WHILE-SPEAKING: (20 - 25 minutes) Task Teacher has students work in pairs reading the information in the table and then discussing the advantages and disadvantages After that, have some pairs report their work in front of the class The teacher gives comments if necessary Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com Students work in pairs and then report their answers to the class by reading them aloud (7) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Fossil fuels will be exhausted within a relatively short time Geothermal heat is available only in a few places in Suggested answers D D the world 6.A If the wind does not blow, there is no wind energy D Water power provides energy without pollution A nuclear reactor releases radiation which is dangerous to the environment Solar energy is not only plentiful and unlimited but also clean and safe It is expensive to build a dam for hydroelectricity Task  Teacher should have students practise speaking these words first: Enormous Plentiful Available Unlimited Renewable Convenient Dangerous Polluted Exhausted Limited Non-renewable Unsafe  Have students read the example in Task (page 128) then act out and role-play with one or two students Model: A I think / believe that wind power can be an alternative source of energy B Why you think / believe so? A Because our major sources of energy are running out while the wind is abundant and unlimited B I know it is also clean and safe to environment However, it is not available when there is no wind  Teacher should ask them to pay attention to the expressions: I think that … I believe that … Why you think so? I know it is … However, it is … Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com D D A  Students practice in pairs: A I think that nuclear power can be an alternative source of energy B Why you think so? A Because our major sources of energy are running out while the nuclear power is unlimited B I know it can provide enough electricity for the world’s needs for hundreds of years However, a nuclear reactor releases radiation which is dangerous to the environment A I believe that solar energy can be an alternative source of energy B Why you believe so? A Because our major sources of energy are running out while the sun releases large amount of energy every day B I know it is not only plentiful and infinitive but also clean and safe However, it is only possible during the daytime A I think that waterpower can be an alternative source of energy B Why you think so? A Because our major sources of energy are running out while the wind is unlimited (8) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11  Have students work in pairs practising the dialogue, changing the sources, and using the words given to give the reasons Task 3: Teacher has students work in groups to prepare a report on which source they think is the most potential Then ask the representative of some groups to report to the class Give comments and correct mistakes where necessary POST SPEAKING: (5 minutes)  Teacher has each students write a short description of several alternative sources of energy Ask some of them to read their description to the class B I know waterpower provides energy without pollution However, it is expensive to build a dam for hydroelectricity A: I think that more and more people will use the solar energy B: Why you think so? A: Because it’s available, unlimited and easy to use C: But it’s expensive and we can only have it at specific time of the year A: I hope that the progress of science and technology will help to overcome this problem B: That’s right and then we don’t have to worry about the shortage of energy C: And our life will be more comfortable with cheap simple devices run on the solar energy Task 3: Students work in groups and discuss the different sources of energy Each group should introduce a representative to talk to the class  Students may refer to the text of Unit 11 in their books before writing the description IV Consolidation: Summarize the main point of the lesson V Homework: Write about the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy as an alternative source of energy Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com (9) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Date of planning: Period 66: Listening Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY *** A OBJECTIVES: I Knowledge: Help students understand more about sources of energy II Skills: Speaking, writing, reading B PROCEDURE: I Settlement: Checking attendance II Checking: III New lesson: Listening Teacher’s activities Students’ activities WARM UP - Work in groups - Divide the class into small groups ( about ten - List as many kinds of energy as possible groups) - Ask the groups to list as many kinds of energy as - Write the words on the board possible After four minutes, the group with the most words will be the winner and get good marks BEFORE YOU LISTEN - Work in pairs - Ask students to work in pairs and list some - List some sources of energy they use in their sources of energy they use in their house house Suggest some words: petroleum, gas, coal, electricity, solar panel - Listen and repeat the words: - Ask students to listen and repeat the words Ecologist Resources Renewable Fossil fuels Unlimited - Ask students to guess the situation of the Fertilized listening task T: From what you see in the listen and repeat, can you guess what the listening text is about? St.: I guess it’s the sources of energy Some ecologists can give some information about fossil fuels They may warn us that some sources are limited and which one is renewable, … WHILE YOU LISTEN Task Read the questions and answers - Ask students to read the questions and answers Listen to the tape and get the main idea for about some minutes - Play the tape the first time, ask students to get Listen twice, and then choose the correct the main idea of the listening task answers - Play the tape twice, ask students to choose the - Compare the answers with the others Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com (10) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 best answers - Ask some students to give their answers - Ask students to compare the answer with the others - Do the corrections Task - Ask students to read the passage carefully - Ask them to guess the missing words if they can - Play the tape three times Ask students to compare the answers with a partner Do the corrections AFTER YOU LISTEN - Ask students to work in groups - Ask students to look at the table and decide which group these sources of energy belong to renewable or non-renewable - Walk around to give help - Check the answers in front of the whole class Answers: D C D A C - Read the passage carefully - Guess the missing words if possible - Listen and fill in the missing words - Compare the answer with a partner Answers: unlimited atmosphere may gases amount Sources of Non-renewable renewable energy  Coal  Geothermal heat  Petroleum  Solar energy  Oil  Wind energy  Gas IV Consolidation: Summarize the main point of the lesson V Homework: - Ask students to name five renewable and then nonrenewable sources of energy - Prepare new lesson (Writing) Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com (11) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Date of planning: Period 67: Writing Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY *** A OBJECTIVES: I Knowledge: Students will be able to interpret and describe information from a chart of energy consumption in a region II Skills: Speaking, writing, reading B PROCEDURE: I Settlement: Checking attendance II Checking: III New lesson: Writing Teacher’s activities Students’ activities WARM UP - Students answer - Teacher asks students some questions  What we need energy for?  What kind of energy we have in our country?  Is there nuclear power or hydroelectricity in our country? PRE-WRITING - Students work in pairs and Task complete the table - Teacher asks students to look at the chart of energy consumption in Highland in 2000 and in 2005 - Teacher asks students to complete the table Amount Coal Nuclear & Petroleum Total Hydroelectricity Year 2000 2005 40 45 20 75 57 50 117 170 - Teacher asks students to read the passage - Teacher explains difficult words and structure figure (n): an amount in number make up (v): form as can be seen: as we can see - Students read the passage then take notes - Teacher asks students to fill in the gaps with the information from the chart - Students work in pairs and fill in the gaps Suggested answers 117 coal smallest Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com (12) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 WHILE-WRITING Task - Teacher asks students to look at the chart again - Teacher asks students to answer some questions  Which is the total amount of energy consumption in 2005?  Which is the smallest amount of energy consumption?  Which is the largest amount of energy consumption in 2005? - Teacher asks students to write the description of the trends of energy consumption in the year 2005 in Highland - Teacher corrects students’ mistakes POST-WRITING Task - Teacher asks students to write the description of the trends of energy consumption in the year 2000 and in 2005 in Highland - Students as directed - Students answer the questions - Students practise writing in groups - Students practise writing in groups IV Consolidation: Summarize the main point of the lesson V Homework: Prepare the next lesson: Language Focus Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com (13) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Date of planning: Period 68: Language Focus Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY *** A OBJECTIVES: I Knowledge: - Pronouncing the cluster consonant sounds /r/, /spl/ and /spr/ in single words - Reviewing the relative clauses replaced by to infinitives and participles - The words that refer some fields of sources of energy II Skills: Speaking, writing, reading B PROCEDURE: I Settlement: Checking attendance II Checking: III New lesson: Language Focus Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities WARM-UP Students close books, look at the T shows some pictures : pictures, read, repeat and guess the sounds which they’ll study Shrimp, Spring, Splice T reads and has Sts Repeat: - Shrimp is my favourite seafood - Today is a splendid spring day - In spring, people often go to the shrine PRONUNCIATION Presentation Demonstrate the sounds /r/, /spl/ and /spr/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly Help Ss to distinguish these three sounds Read the sounds in every word Listen and repeat Students listen and repeat the /r/ /spl/ /spr/ sounds, words after T shred splash spring shrill split spray shrimp spleen spread shrine splutter sprightly Practice Play the tape and ask them to repeat Call on some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly in front Students listen to the tape and of the class repeat the sounds, words, sentences after T {chorally & individually) Ask Sts to work in pairs and practise the sentences GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Presentation Setting the scenes: Write the sentences on board: Study these pair of sentences and say if they are the Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com (14) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 same or different in meanings  The man who spoke to John is my brother - The man speaking to John is my brother  The Sport Game, which was held in India in 1951, was the first Asian Games - The Sport Game, held in India in 1951, was the first Asian Games  Yuri Gagarin was the first man who flew into space - Yuri Gagarin was the first man to fly into space Sts Look at the board and give their recognition Give question for these sentences Ask Sts to compare these sentences and discuss them with a friend Sts Look at the board and give their Remarks remarks - The same in meanings - Different in structures - Active → V-ing phrase Individual work - Passive → V-ed / V-pp phrase - the first/ the last + to infinitive phrase Ask Sts to the exercise 1/ p 171 independently: Make necessary corrections Practice Rewrite the following sentences , using a present participle phrase The boy playing the piano is Ben Do you know the woman coming toward us? The people waiting for the bus … The scientist researching the causes of … The fence surrounding our house … We have an apartment overlooking the park Ask Sts to exercise /p.132 in pairs Make necessary corrections Practice Rewrite the following sentences , using a past participle phrase The ideas presented in that book are interesting …a city located in the southern part of the country …a house built in 1890 The photographs published in the newspaper… The experiment conducted at the University of … Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com Sts practice exercise individually and in group work Sts read their sentences aloud in front of the class Sts practice exercise individually and in group work Sts read their sentences aloud in (15) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 ….a hospital sponsored by the government Ask Sts to exercise /p.132 in pairs Make necessary corrections Practice Rewrite the following sentences , using an infinitive phrase John was the last man to reach the top … The last person to leave the room must … The first person to see is Mr Smith 4……the second person to be killed in that way The first person to catch the ball… front of the class Sts practice exercise individually and in group work Sts read their sentences aloud in front of the class IV Consolidation: Summarize the main point of the lesson V Homework: Do the exercises 3, p 72,73 in exercise book Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com (16) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 Date of planning: Period 69: Test yourself D TEST YOURSELF D *** A OBJECTIVES: I Knowledge: By the end of this period Ss will be able to know how to practice, exercises (Recall all important knowledge that they’ve learnt in order to finish all exercises) II Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening B PROCEDURE: I Settlement: Checking attendance II Checking: III New lesson: Test yourself D Teacher’s activities Students’ activities LISTENING - Listen to teacher and understand how to Listen to the passage about water conservation and practice complete the following sentences - Listen to teacher * Ask Ss listen and complete the sentences: - Do as required - Get Ss to listen carefully and then find a partner to Expected answers check their answers with cannot live it rains planting vegetation hold back the water dry seasons READING Read the passage and answer the questions Expected answers * Ask Ss to read the passage and then answer the Air, water and soil are necessary to the following questions survival of all living things - Check with the whole class and provides Badly polluted air can cause illness, and corrective feedback even death Polluted water kills fish and other marine life Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available for growing food Because much pollution is caused by things that benefit people For example, exhaust from automobiles causes a large percentage of air pollution; but the automobile provides transportation for millions of people They would have to stop using many things that benefit them Governments can pass and enforce laws that require businesses and individuals to stop or cut down on certain polluting PRONUNCIATION and GRAMMAR activities Listen and put a tick () in the right box, paying attention to the pronunciation of the underlined part Expected answers Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com (17) Tan Lam High School Lesson plan English 11 of the word - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and tick the answer - Give feedback Complete each of the following sentences, using the correct form (to infinitive or participle) of the verbs in the box sneeze smash shrimp spread Expected answers living ringing to leave to drink invited blown WRITING Write a paragraph of 120 words about the measures Expected answers to protect the environment, using the cues given We are trying to find solutions to below environmental pollution problem People should stop cutting trees for timber Instead, they should plant more trees and forests They should reduce using cars and motorbikes that cause noise and air pollution We should prevent farmers from using fertilizers and pesticides that damage the soil People should not leave litter on the land and in the water We should prohibit factories from dumping industrial waste into rivers and lakes It is high time governments over the world had measures that require companies and individuals tot stop or cut down on polluting activities IV Consolidation: Summarizes the main points of the lesson V Homework: - Ask Ss to revise and redo all exercises - Prepare for one period test Teacher in charge: Đặng Hồng Liên Lop11.com (18)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 01:55
