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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 5: Ilitteracy - Period 26: Reading

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Trường THPT Đồng Hói... Maybe the teacher is a border - eradication [i,rædi'kei∫n] n: nhổ rễ,xóa bỏ soldier.[r]

(1)UNIT 5: ILITTERACY Period 26 READING Date A OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : - understand about the programme of " Universalisation of Primary Education " and "Illiteracy Eradication" in Vietnam - develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and skimming for specific ideas, identifying main ideas, and identifying meaning in context - use the information they have read to discuss illiteracy issues B METHODS: Integrated, mainly communicative approaching C TEACHING AIDS: Pictures, poster, handouts and real objects D PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES I WARM UP Word association - Deliver handouts with the groups of four words - Ask Ss to write down the common words in each group - Ask Ss to find out the key words which is formed by the initial letters of all the words they have found * Lead – in : What is the “ illiterate “ ? When you don’t know how to read or write, you are illiterate Our lesson today will help you know about illiteracy in Viet Nam over the last few years II PRESENTATION Pre- reading a, Discuss about the pictures - Ask Ss to look at the picture on the page 56 and practice in pair to describe the pictures - Call on some pairs to act out in front of the class - Correct and give comments b Vocabulary : - universalisation [,ju:ni'və:səlaizei sn] (n): - illiterate [i'litərit] (a): mù chữ, thất học UNIT STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Handouts: beetle, ant, mosquito, butterfly -> insect shelf, reference, book, lend -> library bag, suitcase, briefcase, haversack ->luggage wages, pay, salary, earnings -> income trunk, leaf, branch, bark -> tree lash, glasses, tear, blind -> eyes mouth, bank, flow, water -> river lion, tiger, dog, cat -> animal cup, bag, pour, green -> tea 10 air, ozone layer, land, move -> earth The key word : ILLITERATE Expected answers : 1.This is the class for ethnic minority children ILITTERACY Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Trường THPT Đồng Hói Lop11.com (2) TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - illiteracy [i'litərəsi](n) : nạn mù chữ, thất học Maybe the teacher is a border - eradication [i,rædi'kei∫n] (n): nhổ rễ,xóa bỏ soldier He is working as a volunteer teacher - relevant: ['reləvənt] (a): thích đáng; có liên 3.The children are listening very quan attentively to their teacher -struggle: ['strʌgl](n): đấu tranh; The class takes place in a ( to struggle against ) vùng vẫy; vật lộn; đấu mountainous area in a morning tranh Expected answers : While – reading : 1.Phæ cËp gi¸o dôc tiÓu häc a, Task Find the Vietnamese equivalent - Ask Ss to work individually, then exchange their Héi khuyÕn häc ViÖt Nam Xo¸ mï ch÷ answers with other Ss Kü thuËt canh t¸c - Call on some Ss to give their answers Kế hoạch hoá gia đình - Give feedback Expected answers : b, Task : Finding the main ideas -Ask Ss to read through the exercise and it D Option A is too general in groups - Call on some present and another comment, and Option B& C are too specific Expected answers : ask them to explain their option 94% of the population - Correct and give feedback the campaign for illiteracy c, Task : Answer the questions eradication - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of 600 in 2000 and 800 in 2001 They willingly / voluntarily spent the class their vacations teaching ethnic - Correct and give feedback minority illiterate people to read 3, Post – reading : Discussion and write - Divide the class into small groups Illiteracy will soon be eradicated - Ask the Ss to discuss the questions “ How to help Suggested answers: illiterate people in disadvantaged areas to read and Many people children and adult in write ? “ - Remind Ss of some structures that can be used disadvantaged areas not have a for suggestions “ perhaps we could”, “ we chance to go to school To help them participate in the society , might want to ” “ How about ” along with other things ( e.g - Go around to check and offer help - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of improving their knowledge of their rights and responsibility ) we need the class to teach them how to read and write - Correct and give feedback We could this by : * providing individuals assistance to students * Giving financial rewards to families that send * opening schools/ upgrading schools in these areas their children to school * sending teachers / volunteer III SUMMARY AND HOMEWORK teachers there Summarize the reading passage * buying books for students … Prepare for Speaking UNIT ILITTERACY Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Trường THPT Đồng Hói Lop11.com (3) UNIT 5: ILITTERACY Period 27 SPEAKING Date: …………………… A OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : - talk about schooling and literacy related problems - offer solutions to these problems B METHODS: Integrated, mainly communicative approaching C TEACHING AIDS: Pictures, poster, handouts and real objects D PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES I WARM UP: Network - Ask Ss to write the problems they often Expected answers : encounter at schools - cutting classes - making noise - cheating - teasing - forgetting doing homework problems - answering the teachers’ questions badly - being late for class - Lead – in : Do you meet these problems in your class ? and how you solve problems ? -> Today we will discuss the problems your class cope with and offer some solutions to these problems II PRESENTATION Pre- speaking * Task 1: Ask Ss read the requirement - Have them discuss in groups the way to this task - Call on some present their own opinions in front of the class - Check with the whole class - Give feedback While - speaking: Task 2: Substitution Drill - Introduce the task and call two pairs to read aloud the sample dialogue UNIT Expected answers b - g a - e d - f c - j i - h ILITTERACY Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Trường THPT Đồng Hói Lop11.com (4) TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES - Elicit the structures that are used to ask for and give suggestions - Write the structures on the board : * Asking for opinion: + What you think we need to / could/ should/ might want to ? + What you think about .? + What’s your opinion about ? + What you have in mind ? *Giving suggestions : + Maybe we can + We might want to + Probably we should + We could - Ask Ss to read the requirement and discuss the way to the task - Work with a student to give a model : - Call on some to present in front of the class - Make correction and give comments STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES A model T : Many student can’t buy all the required text books What you think we should to help them ? S : I think we should ask the school headmaster to provide free textbooks for students from low income families T : We should also collect used textbooks for school library Suggested answers * Class size : large ( over 50 ) , so Ss don’t get enough individual attention from the teachers Ss don’t feel close because they often work in their own groups rather than Post – speaking : Task - Introduce the task : Ss are going to work work with the whole class together to identity the problems of their own * Desks: not enough, so – share classroom and offer solutions one , there is hardly enough space - Ask Ss to look at the given cues, elaborate on them and elicit some more problems, of for everyone possible from the Ss * Poorly equipped : no electric fan / - Ask Ss to work in groups lights, broken windows/ doors So - Call on some to present in front of the class it’s dark and cold in winter and hot - Make correction and give final comments in summer No learning facilities such as TV, Overhead Projector , computers, so teachers III SUMMARY AND HOMEWORK and - Write a paragraph about a school problem and students rely on textbooks and the one or two solutions to it blackboard for the lesson - Prepare part C UNIT ILITTERACY Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Trường THPT Đồng Hói Lop11.com (5) UNIT 5: ILITTERACY Period 28 LISTENING Date A OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : - listen about a results of a school survey carried out in Perth, Western Australia - develop extensive listening skills - use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks B METHODS: Integrated, mainly communicative approaching C TEACHING AIDS: Pictures, poster, handouts and real objects D PROCEDURE: : TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES I WARM UP - Deliver handouts with the words that have something in common but there is one that is different - Ask Ss to underline the word that is different in each numbered one - Ask Ss to rearrange the initial letters of the words to find the word which means : an investigation of the opinion , behavior of a particular group of people - Lead – in : Have you ever done a survey ? Our listening lesson today is about survey in a city in Western of Australia It’s Perth II PRESENTATION Pre – listening * Vocabulary : - maturity [mə'tjuəriti](n), tính trưởng thành - academic [,ækə'demik](a) nhà trường, trường cao đẳng học viện; (thuộc) trường đại học có tính chất học thuật - effective [i'fektiv](a) có hiệu quả; có hiệu lực; - self- respect [,self ri'spekt] (n) lòng tự trọng, - Play the tape and then ask Ss to repeat after the tape in chorus and individually UNIT STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Handouts : elephant ,donkey ,horse, lion -> Elephant packet, tin, box, vase -> Vase 3.potato,carrot,tomato,Raspberry -> Raspberry 4.beer, soda, coke, yoghurt -> Yoghurt sister , doctor, student, teacher, -> Sister tennis, swimming, uniform, football -> Uniform -> E,V,R,Y,S,U -> SURVEY Listen to the teacher and the tape Repeat the words ILITTERACY Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Trường THPT Đồng Hói Lop11.com (6) TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES - Correct errors, if necessary - Check that Ss know the meaning of the words While – listening a, Task 1: Multiple – choice - Ask Ss to read through all the statements to find out what they might hear, - Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and choose the best option to complete each sentence - Ask Ss to individually then compare the answer with a partner - Play the tape again, have students listen and check the answers - Call some Ss to give the answers - Checks and gives feedback b, Task 2: Answer the questions - Have Ss to read through all the questions in Task 2, identify the information they need to look for in each questions - Play the tape again for the Ss to listen and answer the questions, ask Ss to note down the answers - Get Ss to check the answers with partners - Call Ss to give answers, correct and give feedback STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Expected answers : D B B C In perth Western Australia 80% They felt that they should be allowed to have a say in the school decision making Expected answers : Textbooks are essential teaching and learning materials in any program and syllabus Having good textbooks is very important A good textbook provides students with adequate knowledge, skills and practice and therefore they don’t need to look anywhere for these A good textbook also guides students how to learn and helps them study effectively on their own However, I think a good teacher Post – reading ; Discussion - Ask Ss to work in group to discuss the might be more important than question “Which you think is more essential having good textbooks because a for better learning – good teachers or good good teacher can turn a poor quality textbook into an interesting and textbooks? stimulating one In fact, a good - go around to check and offer help teacher can even replace the - Call on some Ss to report their peers’ ideas textbook , motivate students to learn - Listen and take note of their errors , and train them to use self – study - Give feedback skills so that they can take responsibility for their own learning III SUMMARY AND HOMEWORK Summarize the main idea - Prepare part D UNIT ILITTERACY Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Trường THPT Đồng Hói Lop11.com (7) UNIT 5: ILITTERACY Period 29 WRITING Date A OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : - identify language to be used for describing the tables, - write a paragraph based on the information in the tables B METHODS: Integrated, mainly communicative approaching C TEACHING AIDS: Pictures, poster, handouts and real objects D PROCEDURE: : TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES I WARM UP Match these expressions with the correct B graphs a A fluctuate gradually decrease slightly increase remain the same c drop sharply rise considerably - Deliver handouts and ask Ss to work in group - Call some Ss to give their answers e - Correct and give feedback II PRESENTATION Pre-writing: * Activity Task 1: Gap – filling - Ask Ss to read the passage and choose the suitable word from the box to fill in each blank - Tell Ss to compare the answers in pairs - Check with the class * Activity :Elicit the language use : + Verb tenses : - Present situation-> the present simple - past events -> the simple past UNIT STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES b d f feedback 1–d;2–f;3–e;4–b;5–c;6–a varied who different dramatically rise number between for ILITTERACY Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Trường THPT Đồng Hói Lop11.com (8) TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES + Expressions : Sample writing : - The table shows that The table describes the literacy rates - The table describes in different regions of the Sunshine - The table presents country from 1998 to 2007 Generally, except for Highlands, where the rates slightly decreased between these years, Lowlands and Midlands both witnessed a rise In Lowlands, for example, the rates While – writing were 50% , 53% and 56% in 1998, Task 2: Writing 2002, and 2004 in 2007, the rate - Asks Ss to study carefully outline and sharply rose to 95% which was a remarkable progress Midlands saw information below - Can using outline in task a less dramatic change, however - Then describe the table The rate went up gradually from - After that, asks Ss to exchange their writing 70% and 75% in 1998 and 2002 to 80% and 85 % in 2004 and 2007 Unlike these two regions, Highlands Post - Writing - Feedback to students’ writing - Collects some of Ss’ works to give feedback -Should draw Ss’ attentions to the organization of description and the language use , especially the verb tenses witnessed a gradual decrease in the rate of literacy of its population In 1997 the rate was 50% ; however, it decreased by 5% in 2002 and continued to go down in the III SUMMARY AND HOMEWORK following years, reaching only 30% Rewrite the paragraph in 2007 Obviously, this region needs to improve its literacy rate - Prepare part UNIT ILITTERACY Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Trường THPT Đồng Hói Lop11.com (9) UNIT 5: ILITTERACY Period 30 LANGUAGE FOCUS Date A OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : - distinguish the clusters / pl /,/ bl /,/ pr/ , / br/ , and /pronounce the words an sentences containing these sounds correctly - understand reported speech with infinitives and use these structures to solve communicative tasks B METHODS: Integrated, mainly communicative approaching C TEACHING AIDS: Pictures, poster, handouts and real objects D PROCEDURE: : TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES I WARM UP Odd one out - Hang on a chart with the following words: wear please hair bull wool prune brandy flower hour come some blame - In the group of three words, two words rhyme and one doesn’t Ask Ss to work in group to circle the one that is different - Give feedback -> Introduce the clusters / pl /, / bl / ,/ pr/ / br/ STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Expected answers: please prune brandy blame - Read - Work in pairs Chart : “ Turn left after the bridge “, the woman said to me II PRESENTATION -> The woman told me to turn left Pronunciation after the bridge Activity 1: Listen and repeat : “ You should go to the doctor “, - Read all words in columns in textbook and my friend said ask Ss to repeat -> My friend advised me to go to - Call some Ss to read the doctor Activity 2: Practice reading sentences “ Can you help me “ , Linda said -Ask Ss to practice reading sentences in to me textbook in pairs -> Linda asked me to help her - Correct if necessary “ Do you play the piano ? “ ”Yes,my mother taught me “, Ann Grammar Reported speech with To – Inf said a, Examples : -> Ann said her mother taught her -Hang on a chart with the following sentences to play the piano - Ask Ss to complete sentences UNIT ILITTERACY Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Trường THPT Đồng Hói Lop11.com (10) TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Correct and give feedback -Elicit some more reporting verbs and present Exercise Complete sentences : the reported speech with To – inf They promised to come back again *We often report orders, requests, warnings, The lifeguard advised us not to swim too far from the shore advice , invitation using the structures : John asked Peter to close the S + V + O + To – Inf window The teacher encouraged Eric to - reporting verbs : ask, tell, invite, advise, join the football team * We often report offers, promises, threats John promised to give it to him next day using the structures : My mum wanted Lan to become a doctor S + V + To – Inf My sister reminded me to lock - reporting verbs : offer, promise, threaten, the door before going to school His boss advised him to go home and rest for a while b Practice : Exercise Exercise Write the sentences, - Ask Ss to exercises provided in the books using the given words : - Have them individually, and then compare He advised me not to drink too the answers with the partners much beer - Call Ss to give the answers She invited me to come and see - Correct and give feedback her whenever I want John wanted me not to smoke in Exercise his car - Ask Ss to exercises provided in the books - Have them individually, and then compare the answers with the partners He told Sue to give him her phone number He reminded me to give the book - Call Ss to give the answers back to Joe - Correct and give feedback He promised not to it again He agreed to wait for me John asked me to lend him some III SUMMARY AND HOMEWORK - Prepare Unit money UNIT ILITTERACY Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Trường THPT Đồng Hói Lop11.com (11) UNIT ILITTERACY Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11- Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Trường THPT Đồng Hói Lop11.com (12)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 00:50

