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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 35 - Unit 6: Competitions - C: Listening

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Ask Ss to relisten the dialogue ans answer the questions Run through Check if Ss remember the content of the dialogue Pair work Play the tape Listen Check if Ss understand Play the tape [r]

(1)Week: 12 Unit : Competitions C- LISTENING Period: 35 I- objectives: Aim: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to listen about the summary history of a Marathon in Boston in the United States - From that they can develop extensive listening skills Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to history of a Marathon in Boston like : race, formally, official champion, distance, female, Mc Dermott, athletic, clock, association, Kuscsik ,… Structures: The narrative statements II Teaching aids: p ictures , posters ,tapescript, handout… III Anticipated problems: Sts may not have sufficient vocbulary to talk about the topic V- Procedures: 1- Organization:(2’) - Greeting and checking the sts’ attendance 2- Checking the old lesson:(10') * Sts exercise in the speaking part (rearrange the sentences of a conversation between Nam and Lan ) 3- New lesson (30’) Teacher’ s acts Students’ acts Content Sup Show the pictures I/ Warm-up: and ask the questions Ask Ss to answer the Listen Do as directed questions about the pictures Group work Lop11.com (2) Elicit Model Listen Repeat Notice the pronuciation Copy down Ask Ss to read the questions in task Run through the questions Play the tape Go around for checking Play the tape again Check Play the tape again Whole class Listen Pair work Ask Ss to relisten the dialogue ans answer the questions Run through Check if Ss remember the content of the dialogue Pair work Play the tape Listen Check if Ss understand Play the tape again Give feedback Have Ss work in Group work groups Go around for help Call on some Ss to present in front of the class Whole class Answering questions 1.What are they doing? Have you ever taken part in the marathon race? Do you know the Boston Marathon? II/ Pre-listening:  Pre-teach Vocabulary: -athletic /æθ’letik/ (adj): thuộc điền kinh -formally /’fɔmlli/ Adv: cách chính thức -clock /klɔk/ (v): bấm -join /dɔɔin/ (v) = take part in: tham gia -association /əsousi’ei∫n/ (n): hội  Checking: R & R III/ While-listening:  Task 1: True / False statements Listen to the dialogue about the Boston Marathon and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)  Correct answers: 1.T – It is held every year in the USA T – It began in 1897 F – not “… 15 minutes” -> “… 50 minutes…” F – not “in 1957 -> “1967” T – 34 countries F (not “runners have to pass the center of Boston” -> “Runners have to go through 13 towns during the race The race ends in the center of Boston”)  Task 1: Answer the questions Listen again and answer the following questions  Correct answers: New York 1972 women 6164 runners IV/ Post-listening: Discussion Name some of famous runners in Vietnam and say what is special about them Lop11.com (3) V/ Wrapping: Summarise the main points Lop11.com (4)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 01:49


