After you read -work in pairs For advanced students -listen to the teacher’s -asks Ss to work in groups and instructions discuss about the British leisure activities and Vietnamese leisu[r]
(1)Unit 14: Recreation _ _ Date of teaching: Period : 82 Unit 14: RECREATION Part: Reading AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Language content : + To introduce Ss to the passage about recreation + To provide Ss with some new words relating to the topic Language function: + Reading the passage for specific information and guessing meanings of the words in context Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - develop their reading comprehension - use the information they have read to discuss the related topic Language: a) Vocabulary: dull, pastime, snooker, dart, bricklaying, engrave, … b) Grammar : no structure Skills: Reading Method: Communicative approach Techniques/ activities: pair work, group work, questions – answer, multiple choice Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pictures Procedures: Stabilization: (1m) a Warm- up: + Greets the Ss + Has a short chat with the Ss b Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance Checking up previous lesson: (5ms) -Calls on a student to come to the b/b and make complete sentences from the ones that they were given last period word / he / it / in / was / that / loved / sailing / the / most December / was / met / in / we / it / that / first John / it / window / today / was / the / that / broke scholarship / was / it / the / won / who / Lan -Gives feedback The keys: It was sailing that he loved most in the world (Object focus ) It was in December that we first met (Adverbial focus ) It was today that John broke the window (Adverbial focus ) It was Lan who won the scholarship (Subject focus ) Presentation of the new material: (35ms Time 4ms Teacher’s activities I Lead-in -divides Ss into small groups -asks Ss to play game” Competition game- Leisure activities” -gives instructions” look at the pictures of leisure activities and Students’ activities The content of the lesson -sit in group Unit 14: -listen to the teacher’s instructions Lesson Plan - English 11 RECREATION Part: Reading Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (2) Unit 14: Recreation work out which activities is described in each picture Which group finishes first and has the biggest number of correct answers will be the winner” -conducts the game -tells the aim of the lesson: 6ms Recreation II Before you read -asks Ss to look at the activities above and guess which of these leisure activities British people often in their free time -gives feedback -sets a situation:” You are going to read a passage about leisure activities British people often in their free time And then you some tasks bellow” -introduces some new words: New words: + dull (a) : ( Synonym) = boring + pastime (n): leisure activities + snooker: (n) ( Translation) + pool (n) ( Translation) + dart: (n) ( Translation) + bricklaying (n): (Example) + engrave (v) ( Translation) -checks understanding of the new words 17ms III While you read Task -asks Ss to read the passage silently then task -gives instructions” the words/ phrases in italics in the following sentences all appear in the passage Read the sentences and go back to the passage to locate and read around the italicized words/ phrases so that you can guess their meaning Then read the three choice given and work out which one is the closed in meaning to the words/ phrases” -asks Ss to work individually to the task -lets Ss the task in ms -asks Ss to discuss their answers -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: _ _ -play the game -listen to the teacher -look at the activities and answer -listen and answer -listen to the teacher -listen and guess the meaning of the new words -copy down the new words in their note-books Content New words: + dull (a) : = dull + pastime (n): leisure activities + snooker: (n) + pool (n) + dart: (n) + bricklaying (n): + engrave (v) -listen and answer -listen to the teacher’s instructions -work individually to the task in the allotted time -discuss the answers -give their answers -listen and answer Lesson Plan - English 11 Task The keys: A B B A B A Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (3) Unit 14: Recreation A B B A B A Task -listen to the teacher’s -gives instructions “ skim the instructions questions to understand them and underline the key words/ question words then decide what information needed to find in the text Read the part carefully to find the answers” -work in pairs and answer the -asks Ss to work in pairs, read questions and answer the questions -do the task in the allotted time -lets Ss the task in ms -give their answers -asks Ss to give their answers -listen and answer -gives feedback The keys: Because without them people will become dull/ bored Football and rugby in winter, and cricket and athletics in summer Walking and swimming … 8ms IV After you read -work in pairs (For advanced students) -listen to the teacher’s -asks Ss to work in groups and instructions discuss about the British leisure activities and Vietnamese leisure activities and then compare them -prepare the task in the allotted time -lets Ss prepare in minutes -present in front of the class -goes around and offer help -calls on some representatives in -listen and answer front of the class and present -gives feedback Homework: (4ms) Asks Ss to write in their notebooks: + learn the lesson well + summarize the content of the reading passage Preparation for the next lesson: Asks Ss to prepare part: “Speaking” Self –evaluation: Lesson Plan - English 11 _ _ Task Answer the questions: The keys: Because without them people will become dull/ bored Football and rugby in winter, and cricket and athletics in summer Walking and swimming Because this is a new kind of entertainment which gives them pleasure Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (4) Unit 14: Recreation _ _ _ Date of teaching: Period : 83 Unit 14: RECREATION Part: Speaking AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Language content : + To enable Ss to use appropriate language to about entertainment activities Language function: + Expressing agreements and disagreements Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + Express agreements and disagreements about entertainment activities and stating the reasons Language: a) Vocabulary: old vocabulary b) Grammar : no structures Skills: Speaking Method: Communicative approach Techniques/activities: pair work, group works, role- play Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk Procedures: Stabilization: (1m) a Warm- up: Greets the Ss b Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance Checking up previous lesson: (5ms) - Calls on one student to go to the b/b and asks him/ her to give these words in E.L chạm trổ, khắc (engrave ) xây gạch (bricklaying) đần độn, chậm hiểu (dull) - Question: “ What are your leisure activities? Why you like them” (->It’s up to the Ss ) - Give feedback and marks Presentation of the new material: (34ms) Time 5ms Teacher’s activities I Lead-in -sets situations and asks Ss whether they agree or not and state the reasons why: S1 “Playing football is very good for our health” S2 “Only men can play the guitar” -gives feedback -tells the aim of the lesson: Expressing agreements and disagreements Students’ activities The content of the lesson -listen and answer Unit 14: -listen and answer -listen to the teacher Lesson Plan - English 11 RECREATION Part: Speaking Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (5) Unit 14: Recreation II Pre- Practice 9ms Task -gives instructions -asks Ss to work in pairs, read the expressions and task -lets Ss in minutes -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback -introduces some more _ -listen to the teacher’s instructions -work in pairs and the task in the allotted time Content -give their answers -listen and answer -listen and take notes Agreements: + + + + you are right I agree… I think so, too that’s right, and Task Agreements: + + + + Disagreements: you are right I agree… I think so, too that’s right, and Disagreements: + well, maybe but… + that might be true, but… + well, I don’t think so, I think… 20ms _ III Practice Task + -reads through the conversation -asks Ss t work in pairs and -listen to the teacher practice it -work in pairs and practice it -calls some pairs to practice in front of the class -practice in front of the class -gives feedback -asks Ss to work in groups to -listen and answer continue the discussion -listen to the teacher’s ( when you discuss with your instructions groups members they have to show their agreements and disagreements and give the reasons You should use the expressions give in the previous activity) -explains some new words if necessary -listen and take notes -lets Ss in minutes -prepare the task in the allotted -goes around and offer help time Task -perform in front of the class -calls on the representative of each group to come to the front and report their discussion -listen and answer -gives feedback Homework: (5ms) Asks Ss to write in their note books + practice more at home + learn by heart the expressions Preparation for the next lesson: Lesson Plan - English 11 + well, maybe but… + that might be true, but… + well, I don’t think so, I think… Task + Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (6) Unit 14: Recreation Asks Ss to prepare part: “Listening” Self –evaluation: _ _ Date of teaching: Period : 84 Unit 14: RECREATION Part: Listening AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Language content: + To encourage Ss to listen to a monologue about camping + To help Ss practice listening Language function: Listening for specific and for detailed information Educational aim: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + develop extensive listening skills + use the acquired language to talk about advantages of a camping holiday Language: a) Vocabulary : freestyle, gymnast, gymnasium… b) Grammar : no structures Skills: Listening- Speaking Method: Communicative approach Techniques/activities: question-answer, True- False statements, discussions Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, tape Procedures: Stabilization: (1m) a Warm- up: + Greets the Ss b Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance Checking up previous lesson: (5ms) Calls on students to stand up and practice again the conversation they learnt in previous lesson Give feedback Presentation of the new material: (35ms) Time 6ms Teacher’s activities I Lead-in -asks Ss to play game “ Hangman” -gives instructions” The rule is each time T gives a secret word and the groups will take turn to guess it by telling what letters they think there are in this word If Ss choose a letter that appears one or more times in the secret word, the letters and their positions will be revealed and Ss can keep on guessing the next letter On the other hand, if Ss guess a letter that is not in the secret word, then a piece of the Students’ activities -listen to the teacher’s instructions The content of the lesson Unit 14: RECREATION Part: Listening Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (7) Unit 14: Recreation man being hanged will be added to the gallows and they will lose their turn to the other group Ss will get one point for each secret letter they can guess correctly When the game is over, T will count how many points each group has and the group with more points will be the winner” The secret word: HOLIDAY -conducts the game -makes questions: Where you often spend your holiday? Whom you often go with? How you like it? -gives feedback -tells the topic of the lesson: Camping holiday 6ms II Before you listen -asks Ss : Who are they in the picture? What are they doing? Where are they? What is the weather like? -gives feedback -lets Ss repeat the words -introduces some new words + camping ground (n) area for camping + trash (n): rubbish + wilderness (n): (Translation) + waterfalls (n): Cam Ly waterfalls in Da Lat + depressed (a): ( Synonym): sad + solitude (a) state of being alone + dirt bike ( Translation) -sets the situation: “You are going to listen to three students talk about how they would like to spend their holiday Listen and some tasks below” III While you listen 15ms Task -gives instructions “read through the statements carefully to understand them and underline key words and work out what information they need to concentrate on while listening” -explains some new words if any -plays the tape the first time Lesson Plan - English 11 _ _ Content New words: -play the game -listen and answer the teacher’s questions -listen and answer -listen to the teacher + camping ground (n) area for camping + trash (n): rubbish + wilderness (n): + waterfalls (n): Cam Ly waterfalls in Da Lat + depressed (a): sad + solitude (a) state of being alone + dirt bike -listen and answer the teacher’s questions -listen and answer -repeat the words -listen and guess the meaning of the new words and take notes -listen to the teacher Task The keys: T T F T F T -read the statements in task -listen and take notes -listen to the tape and the Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (8) Unit 14: Recreation _ _ -asks Ss to give their answers task -plays the tape the second time to -give their answers check their answers -gives feedback -listen and answer The key: T T F T F T Task -listen to the teacher’s -gives instructions” read Task instructions through the questions, identify the information you need to look The keys: for in each question Underlined -guess the answers Riding their dirt bike in the some key words/ questions words desert, taking showers in and guess the answers” waterfalls and swimming in -listen to the tape and the -has Ss to listen to the tape and lakes and rivers task the task In sleeping bags or tents -give their answers -asks Ss to give their answers -listen to the tape again -plays the tape again Because more and more -share their answers with their people are coming to these -asks Ss to compare their partners answers with their partners places -give their answers -asks Ss to give their answers … -listen and answer -gives feedback(T may play the -take notes in their note-books tape to check their answers) The key: Riding their dirt bike in the desert, taking showers in waterfalls and swimming in lakes and rivers In sleeping bags or tents Because more and more people are coming to these places … IV After you listen (For advanced students) 8ms -listen to the teacher’s -asks Ss to work in groups and instructions discuss the following: -work in groups and the “What campers/ tourists should to protect the wilderness/ the task campground” -do the task in the allotted time -lets Ss in minutes -goes around to check and help -calls on some representatives in -present in front of the class front of the class to perform -listen and answer -gives feedback Homework: (4ms) Asks Ss to write in their notebooks: + list three advantages of a camping holiday and a write a paragraph about that Asks Ss to prepare part: “Writing” Self –evaluation: Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (9) Unit 14: Recreation _ _ Date of teaching: Period : 85 Unit 14: RECREATION Part: Writing AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Language content: To provide Ss with practice writing about a camping holiday Language function: Practicing writing descriptions Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + describe a camping holiday Language: a) Vocabulary : b) Grammar : past tenses Skills: Writing Method: Communicative approach Techniques/activities: explanation, question- answer, brainstorming Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pare board Procedures: Stabilization: (1m) a Warm- up: + Greets the Ss b Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance Checking up previous lesson:(no checking because the teacher wants to save time So that Ss can have more time to practise writing) Presentation of the new material: (39ms) Time 4ms Teacher’s activities I Warm up -divides SS into groups -asks Ss to pay game “ Competition- game”- “ What should be prepared for a camping trip?” -explains the activity:” Image that your class is going to Hoan Lap Lake for a camping for days Discuss and work out the things you should prepare for the camping trip After minutes, which groups has the most suitable things will be the winner” Expected answers: Things to bring: food, drinks, Students’ activities The content of the lesson -brainstorm and write down Unit 14: RECREATION -listen and answer Lesson Plan - English 11 Part: Writing Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (10) Unit 14: Recreation tent, shovel, blanket, whistle, compass, … -tells the aim of the lesson: Describing a camping holiday II Pre-Writing 8ms -asks Ss to look at the picture and guess the activities -gives feedback -asks Ss to task 1: Match the activities with the pictures -asks Ss to give their answers The keys: g a b c f d h i e 20ms III While-writing -gives instructions (in the text book) -asks Ss to work in groups to brainstorm the ideas of the writing -summarizes the main points + Introduction: Write 1/2 sentences about the time and place of the camping trip + Body: Describe the camping trip in details: the time they set up, what activities they did, and the time they came back from the campground + Conclusion: write about their feeling of the trip 7ms _ _ -listen to the teacher -look at the picture and guess the activities -listen to the teacher’s instructions -give their answers -listen and take notes -listen to the teacher’s instructions - work in groups to brainstorm the ideas of the writing -listen and take notes - Content Describing a camping holiday Tasks The keys: g a b c f d h i e -reminds Ss of the verb tenses (the past tenses) the task in the allotted -lets Ss the task in 15 ms time -goes around to observe and offer help IV Post writing -hand in the paper sheets -selects some of Ss’ paper sheets and hang them on the b/b -look at their friends’ work -has Ss correct their friends’ -correct their friends’ mistakes on the b/b mistakes -gives feedback -listen and answer * T write Ss’ typical errors on the b/b and elicits self and peer correction T provides correction only when Ss are not able to correct the errors Homework: (5ms) Asks Ss to correct the mistakes and write the complete paragraph in their note books Preparation for the next lesson: Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (11) Unit 14: Recreation Asks Ss to prepare par: “Language Focus” Self –evaluation: _ _ _ Sample Writing: Last week our class went to Ba Vi for a two-day camping holiday Our bus left the school very early, at a.m on Saturday morning so that we could have more time to play When we arrived at the campground, we quickly put up the two big umbrella tents After that some of us went around to watch wildlife in the forest Some of our classmates who had been in the place before went swimming in the lake At around 10 a.m, we gathered near the tent and cooked our food over the open fire After lunch, we had a short rest At about p.m , we went fishing in the hope that we could catch some fish for our dinner Luckily, we caught three big fishes We cooked and had dinner together happily After that, we put up a big fire to prepare for the evening activities We sang and danced around the camp fire At 11 p.m, we went to sleep in the tents The boys slept in the blue tent, and the girls stayed in the red one We all slept soundly The next morning, we woke up early After a light breakfast, we organized some games with funny and surprising prizes After lunch, some of us went around the place while others took a nap in the tents We got on the bus to leave the campsite at p.m on Sunday afternoon The camping trip has had a great impression on us After the trip, our classmates seem to understand more about one another We hope we can have another chance to go camping again Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (12) Unit 14: Recreation _ _ Date of teaching: Period : 86 Unit 14: RECREATION Part: Language Focus AIMS AND OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + distinguish the sounds / ts /, / dz / , / t t / and / d d / and pronounce them exactly + use “ both… and, not only … but also, either … or, neither … nor” and “cleft sentences in passive” correctly to the exercises and appropriately to solve communicative tasks Vocabulary: The words with the sounds / ts /, / dz / , / t t / and / d d /: sits, reads, watched, bridged,… Structure: + both… and, not only … but also, either … or, neither … nor + cleft sentences in passive” Procedures: I Warm- up (5ms) -greets Ss -has a short chat with Ss II Checking up Previous knowledge( no checking) III Content of the lesson (35ms) Pronunciation -writes these words on the b/b, and asks Ss to read them aloud: lots friends pitched managed / ts / / dz / /t t/ /d d/ -asks Ss to give words with the sounds / ts /, / dz / , / t t / and / d d / as much as possible -has Ss read aloud the words -tells the aim of the task : the sounds / ts /, / dz / , / t t / and / d d / -introduces some more in the text book -has Ss listen and repeat the words -calls some Ss to stand up and repeat -helps Ss practice the sentences -calls some Ss to stand up and practice them -gives feedback Grammar Revision and Exercises I A Revision 1: both… and, either … or, neither … nor -asks Ss to rewrite this sentence into another ways: Tom likes apples and Mary likes apples, too Tom doesn’t like apples Mary doesn’t like apples, too -gives feedback The keys: Both Tom and Mary like apples Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (13) Unit 14: Recreation _ Or: Not only Tom but also Mary likes apples Neither Tom nor Mary likes apples -asks Ss to give any comments on the two sentences NOTES: Correlative Conjunctions Not only …………….but also Either ……………….or -> The verb will agree with the second subject Neither ………………nor Eg: Neither Tom nor the boys like music Neither the boys nor Tom likes music -gives another example in the textbook _ B Exercises 1: -gives instructions” Combine the following sentences using Both … and, either … or, neither … nor” -lets Ss exercise in ms -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: Both Jim and Carol are on holiday George neither smokes nor drinks Neither Jim nor Carol has (got) a car … II A Revision Cleft sentences in the passive -asks Ss to change into cleft sentence The boy hit the dog in the garden It was the dog that the boy hit in the garden -rewrite the sentence into another way It was the dog that was hit in the garden (by the boy) Cleft sentence in the passive -gives another example in the textbook B Exercises 2: -gives instructions” Change the sentences into cleft sentences in the passive” -lets Ss exercise in ms -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: It was Christina who was given a lot of flowers by Fan It was the policeman who was asked for direction to the post office It was his house that was talked a lot about It was a bicycle that was bought for him for his birthday … IV Home work (5ms) -asks Ss to write in their note-books: + all the exercises in the exercise note-book + Change the sentences into cleft sentences in the passive The woman answered the man rudely The boy played ping pong the whole afternoon The girl give the boy a special gift on his birthday -asks Ss to prepare “ Test Yourself F” Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (14) Unit 14: Recreation V Teacher’ s comments _ _ Self –evaluation: _ Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong (15)