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answer about what they have to do evveryday at 5a.m, 6 a.m, 2p.m, 5p.m , using the structure given as a cue -call some pairs to practice before the class -ask the others to remark -corre[r]

(1)Week : 21 Period : 63 Preparing date : Teaching date : Lesson 11 : Ask and answer II / (?) I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to : -ask and answer about what the people have to -complete a dialogue 1.Knowledge : -Language : What / does + S + have to do….? S + have to / has to… Do/ Does + S + have to …….? Yes , S + do/does -Vocabulary : prepare , hand in , clearly 2.Skills : -Main-skills : speaking , writing -Sub-skills : listening , reading II.Methods and techniques : Eliciting , explaining , guessing , gap-filling , reading-comprehension , pairwork , individual , groupwork III.Teaching aids : textbook , poster IV.Procedure : Teacher’s & students’activities Contents *Check-up : -call two sts to write two sentences using the structures : be going to / have to ( has to ) -ask the others to remark -correct and give marks Ask and answer II * Structures : *Presentation : -introduce the structures -ask sts to give some examples .What / does + S + have to do….? S + have to / has to… Do/ Does + S + have to …….? Yes , S + do/does No, S + don’t / doesn’t Ex: What does she have to at 7a.m everyday ? She has to clean the house Do you have to clean the house everyday ? Yes , I Lop11.com (2) *Note : -prepare (v) : chuẩn bị *Practice : + Activity : What you have to at a.m everyday ? -ask sts to work in pairs , ask and I have to …… answer about what they have to evveryday at 5a.m, a.m, 2p.m, 5p.m , using the structure given as a cue -call some pairs to practice before the class -ask the others to remark -correct if necessary +Activity : -introduce the situation of the passage -elicit some new words -drill reading -read it once and ask sts to listen -ask them work in pairs , ask and answer about what Hanh’s mother asked her to have to before she takes the exam , using the structure given as a cue -call some pairs to practice before the class -ask the others to remark -give feedback Does she have to ……? Yes , she does *Note : -clearly (adv) : rõ ràng -hand sth in ( v) : nộp bài a Does she have to read the questions carefully ? b.Does she have to try to get the correct answers quickly ? c.Does she have to write her paper clearly ? d Does she have to read it again before handing in ? +Activity : (?) -introduce the situation of the -going to finish -have to dialogue -ask sts to work in pairs , complete - going to rain -have to the dialogue -call some pairs to practice before the class -ask the others to remark -give feedback -ask sts to copy it on their notebooks Lop11.com (3) *Production : -stick the poster on the board and ask sts to practice writing -let them compare with their partners -call some sts to write on the board -ask the others to remark -correct if necessary *More exercise : 1.What / Lan / have to / / at p.m everday ? ( homework) they / have to / preapare / lunch ? ( Yes) 3.What / you / have to / / at p.m everyday ? ( wash dishes ) Nam /have to / clean / house / everday ? ( No) *Key : 1.What does Lan have to at p.m everyday ? She has to her homwork 2.Do they have to prepare lunch ? Yes , they 3.What you have to at p.m everyday ? I have to wash dishes 4.Does Nam have to clean the house everyday ? No, he doesn’t V.Homework : -learn by heart new words and structures -prepare the next part VI.Comments : Sts practice well Lop11.com (4)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 23:52


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