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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period 76 đến period 78

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*Production : -ask sts to give some examples using “used to” -call some sts to write on the board -ask the others to remark -correct V.Homework : -learn by heart new words and structures[r]

(1)Week : 26 Period : 76 Preparing date : Teaching date : Leson 13 : Ask and answer II / (?) I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to : -ask and answer about what were happening in the pictures and a passage -complete a dialogue 1.Knowledge : -Language : What + was / were + S + V-ing… when S + V2(ed)….? -> S + was / were + V-ing … (What did + S + + when + S + was / were + V-ing …?) -Vocabulary : notice , fire , look out of , neighbour 2.Skills : -Main-skills : speaking , writing -Sub-skills : listening , reading II.Methods and techniques : Eliciting , explaining , guessing , gap-filling , reading-comprehension , asking and answering , pairwork , individual III.Teaching aids : textbook IV.Procedure : Teacher’s & students’activities Contents *Check-up : -call one student to write the structure of the past continous tense when having an other action indicated and give two examples -ask the others to remark -correct and give mark *Presentation : -introduce the structures -ask sts to give some examples Ask and answer II * Structures : What was / were + S + V-ing…when S + V2(ed)….? -> S + was / were + V-ing … (What did + S + + when + S + was / were + V-ing …?) Ex: What was she doing when he came ? What did she when her youner brother was Lop11.com (2) watching TV ? *Practice : + Activity : -ask sts to work in pairs , ask and answer about the pictures above , using the structure given as a cue -call some pairs to practice before the class -ask the others to remark -correct if necessary a.What were they doing when it started to rain ? -> They were playing on the swings b What was he doing when it started to rain ? ->He was feeding some pigeons c.What were they doing when it started to rain ? -> They were watching a pop concert d.What were they doing when it started to rain ? -> They were looking at the flowers +Activity : -introduce the situation of the passage -read it once and ask sts to listen -ask them work in pairs , ask and answer about the passage -call some pairs to practice before the class -ask the others to remark -give feedback a.What was Ba’s father doing when he got home ? ->He was reading b.What was Ba’s grandfather doing when he got home ? ->He was doing the gardening c.What was Ba’s sister doing when he got home ? -> She was doing her homework d.What was Ba’s mother doing when he got home ? -> She was cooking dinner +Activity : -introduce the situation of the dialogue -explain some new words and drill reading -ask sts to work in pairs , complete the dialogue -call some pairs to practice before the class -ask the others to remark -give feedback -ask sts to copy it on their notebooks (?)2 *Note : -notice ( v) : chú ý , để ý - fire (n) : cháy -look out of (v) : nhìn ngoài -neighbour (n) : hàng xóm *Key : -were doing -was reading -was looking -were doing -were sleeping V.Homework : -learn by heart new words and structures -prepare the next part Lop11.com (3) VI.Comments : Sts don’t practice filling in the dialogue well Lop11.com (4) Week : 26 Period : 77 Preparing date : Teaching date : Lesson 13 : (?) 3,4 + Words & Phrases I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson sts will be : -answers the questions about a passage -translate Vietnamese sentences into English -review new words and structures they’ve learnt before 1.Knowledge : -Language : past continuos -Vocabulary : pack , journey 2.Skills : -Main-skills : writing , reading -Sub-skills : listening , speaking II.Methods and techniques : Eliciting , explaining , reading-comprehension , translating , pairwork , individual ,groupwork III.Teaching aids : textbook , sub-boards IV.Procedure : Teacher’s & students’activities Content *Warm-up : -chat to sts -introduce the new lesson *Presentation : -elicit the situation ot the passage -elicit some new words -drill reading (?)3 +Note : - pack (v) : gói , xếp - journey (n) : hành trình *Practice : +Activity : -read the passage once and ask sts to listen -ask them to work in pairs , answer the question given -call some sts to write the answers on the board and some pairs to practice asking & answering loudly -ask the others to remark -give feedback +Key : 1.The sun was shining , his mum was cooking breakfast and his dad was packing clothes for the journey 2.People were standing in a queue for tickets 3.Yes , it was Lop11.com (5) +Activity : -ask sts to work in groups of five or six , translate Vietnamese sentences into English and then write the sentences on the subboards -stick the sub-boards on the board and ask the whole class to check -give feedback (?)4 1.When I went to the zoo , everybody was standing in a queue for tickets 2.When I was watching TV , my friend came 3.What were they doing when you came ? 4.When we were going to school , it started to rain 5.I was having breakfast at a.m yesterday 6.What were you doing at p.m yesterday ? +Activity : -read the words and phrases once and ask sts to repeat in chorus -call some sts to read again -ask them to close their books and check some words & phrases -ask the others to remark -correct if necessary Words & Phrases: V.Homework : -learn by heart new words -prepare the next lesson VI.Comments : Sts don’t translate Vietnameses sentences into English fluently Lop11.com (6) Week : 26 Period : 78 Preparing date : Teaching date : Lesson 14 : Good old days - Dialogue / Stop and look I I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to : -know more about some new words and structures -practice the dialogue 1.Knowledge : -Language : used to -Vocabulary : former , used to , detective story , choose , methodology , attend 2.Skills : -Main-skills : speaking -Sub-skills : writing , reading , listening II.Methods and techniques : Eliciting , explaining , guessing , asking and answering , pairwork , individual III.Teaching aids : textbook , pictures IV.Procedure : Teacher’s and students’activities Content *Warm-up : -give some pictures about the good old days ( go fishing , go swimming , play skipping rope , play marbles , play blindman’s bluff …) and introduce the new lesson *Presentation : -ask sts to look at the picture in the book and guess the situation -read the dialogue once and ask sts to listen -elicit some new words and structures -drill reading *Vocabulary : -former (a) : cũ , trước đây -used to (v) : thường -detective story (n) : truyện trinh thám -choose – chose – chosen (v) : chọn lựa -attend (v) : tham dự -methodology (n) : phương pháp luận *Structure : +Use : dùng “used to” để diễn tả thói quen quá khứ +Form : S + used to + Vinfinitive……… .S + didn’t + use to + Vinfinitive… .Did + S + use to + Vinfinitive……? Lop11.com (7) Yes , S + did / No, S + didn’t *Practice : +Activity : -read the dialogue again and ask sts to listen -ask sts to practice it in pairs -call some pairs to practice before the class -ask the others to remark -correct if necessary *T/F statements +Activity : -ask sts to close their books -stick the poster on the board and ask sts to the task -let them compare with their partners -call some sts to give their answers before the class -ask the others to remark -give feedback Statements 1.Tom and John weren’t former classmates 2.They used to sit next to each other when they were in the eighth form 3.Tom was often late and sometimes he didn’t his homwork 4.John used to read detective stories and spent a little time on his homework 5.Tom is a policeman now 6.John became a teacher of French in 1971 7.John is going to attend a summer course on methodology +Key : 1.F 5.T +Activity : -ask sts to find out the sentences in the dialogue using the structure “used to” -ask them to write them on the board -ask the others to remark -correct if necessary 2.F 6.F Used to : -We used to sit…… -I used to read……… Lop11.com 3.T 7.T T F 4.F (8) *Production : -ask sts to give some examples using “used to” -call some sts to write on the board -ask the others to remark -correct V.Homework : -learn by heart new words and structures -practice the dialogue again -prepare the next part VI.Comments : Sts don’t practice fluently They understand the lesson well Lop11.com (9)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 23:32
