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Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh khối 11 - Period 64 đến period 68

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Unit 11: Sources of Energy then do task 2 -gives instructions “ study the key words: nuclear power, solar energy …Then go back to the passage and locate the keys words, then read around [r]

(1)Unit 11: Sources of Energy Date of teaching: Period : 64 Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY Part: Reading AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Language content : + To introduce Ss to the passage about sources of energy + To provide Ss with some new words relating to the topic  Language function: + Reading the passage for specific information and guessing meaning in context  Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - develop their reading comprehension - use the information they have read to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different sources of energy Language: a) Vocabulary: Geothermal, windmills, infinite, … b) Grammar : no structure Skills: Reading Method: Communicative approach Techniques/ activities: pair work, group work, questions – answer, summarizing, gap-filling Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pictures Procedures:  Stabilization: (1m) a Warm- up: + Greets the Ss + Has a short chat with the Ss b Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance  Checking up previous lesson: (5ms) -Asks Ss to combine these sentences using appropriate relative pronouns with prepositions The flat is an old part of the city I have just moves to this flat The meeting was very interesting I went to the meeting -Gives feedback The keys: The flat to which I have just moved is an old part of the city The meeting to which I went was very interesting  Presentation of the new material: (35ms)  Time 4ms Teacher’s activities I Lead-in -asks Ss to name some sources of energy they know Students’ activities The content of the lesson -name some sources of energy sources of energy -gives feedback -listen and answer Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (2) Unit 11: Sources of Energy -makes a question: “What we need energy for? -gives feedback “We need energy to live and work/ to cook meals/ to light/ to run machines/…” -tells the aim of the lesson: Sources of energy 6ms II Before you read -asks Ss to look at the pictures in the textbook and tell anything about the pictures ( What sources of energy is each of the picture? / How can the make energy?) -gives feedback -sets a situation:” You are going to read a passage about sources of energy And then you some tasks bellow” -introduces some new words: New words: + geothermal heat : ( Picture) + windmill: ( Picture) + solar panel: ( Picture) + infinite (a): (Synonym)unlimited + potential (a) ( Translation) -checks understanding of the new words 17ms III While you read  Task -asks Ss to read the passage silently then task -gives instructions” read through the sentences and identify part of speech of the words to fill in each blank Then choose the most suitable word from the box to fill in the blank, paying attention to their right form” -asks Ss to work individually to the task -lets Ss the task in ms -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: released 2.alternative energy limited exhausted  Task -asks Ss to scan the passage and -listen and answer the teacher’s questions Unit 11: -listen and answer -listen to the teacher SOURCES OF ENERGY Part: Reading -look at the pictures in the textbook and answer -listen and answer -listen to the teacher Content -listen and guess the meaning of the new words -copy down the new words in their note-books -listen and answer -listen to the teacher’s instructions -work individually to the task in the allotted time New words: + geothermal heat : + windmill: + solar panel: + infinite (a): )- unlimited + potential (a)  Task The keys: released 2.alternative energy limited exhausted -give their answers -listen and answer -listen to the teacher’s Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (3) Unit 11: Sources of Energy then task -gives instructions “ study the key words: nuclear power, solar energy …Then go back to the passage and locate the keys words, then read around the sentences carefully to find out the answers” -asks Ss to work individually and the task -lets Ss the task in ms -asks Ss to compare their answers with their friends -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: (At the end of the lesson plan)  Task -gives instructions “ skim the questions to understand them and underline the key words/ question words then decide what information needed to find in the text Read the part carefully to find the answers” -asks Ss to work in pairs, read and answer the questions -lets Ss the task in ms -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: Our major source of energy comes from fossil fuels Five sources of energy are mentioned in the text I think….(it’s up to the students) IV After you read 8ms -asks Ss to work in pairs -gives instructions” read the summary and work out which part of speech is required for each blank, then work out which information to be filled” -lets Ss prepare in 3minutes -goes around to offer help -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: energy one fuels limited instructions -work individually and the task in the allotted time -compare their answers with their friends -give their answers -listen and answer  Task -listen to the teacher’s instructions -work in pairs and answer the questions -do the task in the allotted time -give their answers -listen and answer  Task Answer the questions: The keys: Our major source of energy comes from fossil fuels Five sources of energy are mentioned in the text I think… Is the most potential -work in pairs -listen to the teacher’s instructions Summary -do the task in the allotted time -give their answers -listen and answer Lesson Plan - English 11 The keys: energy one fuels limited alternative sources unlimited environment Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (4) Unit 11: Sources of Energy alternative source  Homework: (4ms) Asks Ss to: name some sources of energy and tell advantages and disadvantages of them  Preparation for the next lesson: Asks Ss to prepare part: “Speaking”  Self –evaluation: Task 2: The key: Sources of Advantages Disadvantages energy It’s unlimited( it can It can be very dangerous Nuclear power provide electricity for the world’s needs for hundreds of years) It’s valuable It is available in a few places Geothermal in the world heat It is not only plentiful and It’s possible during the day Solar energy finite but also clean and time safe It is clean and unlimited There is no wind energy if the Wind power (there is lots of it) wind does not blow It is clean and unlimited It is expensive Water power (water power gives energy without pollution) Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (5) Unit 11: Sources of Energy Date of teaching: Period : 65 Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY Part: Speaking AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Language content : + To enable Ss to use appropriate language to talk about advantages and disadvantages of using alternative sources of energy sources  Language function: + Talking about advantages and disadvantages of energy sources  Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:  + use the required language to talk about advantages and disadvantages of using alternative sources of energy sources + use the required language to talk about the use of alternative sources of Energy in the future Language: a) Vocabulary: hydroelectricity enormous, renewable, … b) Grammar : no structures Skills: Speaking Method: Communicative approach Techniques/activities: pair work, group works, discussion, role- play Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk Procedures:  Stabilization: (1m) a Warm- up: Greets the Ss b Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance  Checking up previous lesson: (5ms) - Calls on one student to go to the b/b and asks him/ her to give these words in E.L địa nhiệt (geothermal heat ) khong giới hạn (infinite) tiềm (potential) Question: “ How many sources of energy are mentioned in the text? What are they?” (-> There are sources of energy mentioned in the text: + Nuclear power + Solar energy + Water energy + Wind power + Geothermal heat ) - Give feedback and marks  Presentation of the new material: (34ms)  Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (6) Unit 11: Sources of Energy Time 5ms Teacher’s activities I Lead-in -distributes Ss the handouts and asks them to reorder the letters into meaningful words related to energy sosifl seult ralos genery teraw rowep wpero inwd eraluncn owerp lamrehtoeg ygener -gives feedback The keys: 9ms 20ms Students’ activities -get the handout Unit 11: -listen and answer Fossil fuels solar energy Water power Wind power Nuclear power Geothermal heat -makes a question: “What are the advantages and disadvantages of these sources of energy?” -gives feedback -tells the aim of the lesson: Talking about advantages and disadvantages of various sources of energy II Pre- Practice  Task -asks Ss to read through the statements and explains the new words + hydroelectricity (n) Eg: Vinh Son hydroelectricity -asks Ss to work individually and the task -lets Ss in minutes -asks Ss to compare their answers with their friends -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: D D D A D A D III Practice  Task -asks Ss look through the dialogue -explains some new words if The content of the lesson SOURCES OF ENERGY Part: Speaking -listen and answer the question Content -listen and answer -listen to the teacher  Task + hydroelectricity (n) -read through the statements and guess the meaning of the new word -copy down the new words in their note-books -work individually and the task in the allotted time The keys: D D D A D A D -compare their answers with their friends -give their answers -listen and answer -listen to the teacher’s instructions -listen and take notes Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (7) Unit 11: Sources of Energy necessary ( Run out / abundant ) -reminds Ss of the expressions to ask for and give opinions, agree or disagree with someone Expressions: * Asking for opinion: + What you think about ? + What’s your opinion about…? + Do you have any opinions about ? … * Expressing opinion: + I think/ believe… + In my opinion… + I feel * Expressing agreements: + I agree + I think so, too + That’s right * Expressing disagreements: + That might be true, but + Well, maybe, but… -introduces “ useful language” -asks Ss to work in pairs and talk about the ads and disads, using the prompts in task -lets Ss in minutes -calls on some pairs to stand up and perform -gives feedback  Task -asks Ss to work in groups and discuss their belief on the increasing use of alternative sources in the future -lets Ss prepare the task in 5ms -goes around to offer help -calls on some representative to represent -gives feedback -  Task New words: + enormous(a) + renewable (a) -listen and take notes -listen to the teacher’s instructions -prepare the task in the allotted time -stand up and perform -listen and answer -listen to the teacher’s instructions -work in groups -prepare the task in the allotted time -present in front of the class * Asking for opinion: + What you think about ? + What’s your opinion about…? + Do you have any opinions about ? … * Expressing opinion: + I think/ believe… + In my opinion… + I feel * Expressing agreements: + I agree + I think so, too + That’s right * Expressing disagreements: + That might be true, but + Well, maybe, but…  Task -listen and answer  Homework: (5ms) Asks Ss to write in their notebooks: -write a report on how to use sources of energy economically  Preparation for the next lesson: Asks Ss to prepare part: “Listening”  Self –evaluation: Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (8) Unit 11: Sources of Energy Date of teaching: Period : 66 Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY Part: Listening AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Language content: + To encourage Ss to listen to a monologue about sources of energy + To help Ss practice listening  Language function: Listening for specific and for detailed information  Educational aim: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + develop extensive listening skills + use the acquired language to talk about different kinds of energy Language: a) Vocabulary : ecologist, fertilize, resources… b) Grammar : no structures Skills: Listening- Speaking Method: Communicative approach Techniques/activities: group work, question-answer, multiple choice, gap-filling Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, tape Procedures:  Stabilization: (1m) a Warm- up: + Greets the Ss b Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance  Checking up previous lesson: (5ms) Checking up in lead-in part  Presentation of the new material: (35ms)  Time 6ms Teacher’s activities I Lead-in -show out some picture and asks Ss to name what kid of energy in each picture Picture Picture Picture Picture 1: 2: 3: 4: Students’ activities -look at the pictures and answer The content of the lesson Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY wind energy gas electricity solar energy Part: Listening Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (9) Unit 11: Sources of Energy -makes some questions: Which sources of energy you use in your house? Is energy important to our life? How important? -gives feedback -sets a situation” You are going to listening to a talk about the importance of energy and how to use it carefully” -tells the topic of the lesson: Sources of energy II Before you listen 6ms -teaches new words Teach word by word following the principles and steps of teaching words New words: + ecology (n) (Translation) -> ecologist (n) (The person who study ecology) + resources (n) Eg: Coal, oil, gas … are natural resources + fertilizer (n) (Picture) -> fertilize (v) Eg: If the soil is fertilized and protected, more trees will grow -checks understanding of the new words -sets the situation: “You are going to listen about sources of energy Listen and some tasks below” 15ms III While you listen  Task -gives instructions “ read the statements carefully and identify the key words in each option and the differences between them, then work out what information you need to concentrate on while listening and guess the answers” -explains some new words if any -plays the tape the first time -asks Ss to give their answers -plays the tape the second time to check their answers -gives feedback The key: -listen and answer the teacher’s questions -listen and answer -listen to the teacher -listen and guess the meaning of the new words and take notes Content New words: + ecology (n) -> ecologist (n) + Nitrogen (n): (N) + Oxygen (n): (O2) + Carbon dioxide (n): CO2) -listen and answer -listen to the teacher  -read the statements in task and guess the answers Task The keys: D C D A C -listen and take notes -listen to the tape and the task -give their answers -listen and answer Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (10) Unit 11: Sources of Energy D C D A C  Task -gives instructions” read the passage carefully, identify the word you need to fill in each blank and guess the answers” -has Ss to listen to the tape and the task -asks Ss to give their answers -plays the tape again -asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback(T may play the tape to check their answers) The key: Unlimited atmosphere may gasses amount IV After you listen 8ms -asks Ss to play game” Jumble sentences” (The words are at the end of the lesson plan) -asks Ss to the task below Sources of energy Coal Geo – Heat Petro Solar E Oil Wind E Gas Nonrenew -listen to the teacher’s instructions -guess the answers -listen to the tape and the task -give their answers -listen to the tape again -share their answers with their partners -give their answers -listen and answer -take notes in their notebooks  Task The keys: Unlimited atmosphere may gasses amount -listen to the teacher’s instructions -play game - the task Renew        * For good Students: ask Ss to discuss the following : “ What should we to contribute to the saving of energy?” -work in groups and discuss -do the task in minutes -stand up and speak out -lets Ss to prepare in minutes -calls on some representatives to -listen and answer stand up and speak out -gives feedback  Homework: (4ms) Asks Ss to write in their notebooks: + write sentences about what benefit people get from the sources of energy  Preparation for the next lesson: Asks Ss to prepare part: “Writing”  Self –evaluation: Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (11) Unit 11: Sources of Energy The chart: Jumbled words coal loac emulotrep lio petroleum oil diwn gynere sag salor gynere wind energy gas solar energy Mothergale thea geothermal heat Date of teaching Period : 67 Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY Part: Writing AIMS AND OBJECTIVES    Language content: To provide Ss with practice writing description Language function: Practicing writing descriptions of chart Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + interpret the chart and write a description of information from the chart Language: a) Vocabulary : b) Grammar : the simple past tense Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (12) Unit 11: Sources of Energy Skills: Writing Method: Communicative approach Techniques/activities: Explanation, question- answer, gap- filling Teaching aids needed: Textbooks, board, chalk, pare board Procedures:  Stabilization: (1m) a Warm- up: + Greets the Ss b Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance  Checking up previous lesson:(no checking because the teacher wants to save time So that Ss can have more time to practise writing)  Presentation of the new material: (39ms) Time 4ms 8ms Teacher’s activities I Warm up -shows out a chart and asks Ss to say something about it -gives feedback -tells the aim of the lesson: Writing description of chart II Pre-Writing -asks Ss to study the chart and complete the passage -asks Ss to compare their answers -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: 117 coal smallest -asks Ss to answer the following the questions Students’ activities -look at the chart -listen and answer -listen to the teacher -study the chart and the task -compare their answers Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY Part: Writing -give their answers -listen and answer -listen and answer the teacher's questions + What is the topic of the chart? + Does it describe the past, the present or the future? + Which made up the largest amount of consumption: petroleum, coal, or nuclear and hydroelectricity? + Which consumption ranked the second? + Which made up the smallest amount of consumption? -gives feedback Suggested answers: + The chart shows the energy consumption in Highland in 2000 + It describes the past + Petroleum…of consumption + Coal ranked the second + Nuclear & Hydroelectricity The content of the lesson Content Writing description of chart  -listen ad answer Task The keys: 117 coal smallest Answer the following the Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (13) Unit 11: Sources of Energy III While-writing 20ms -ask Ss to study the chart in 2005 -asks Ss to answer the questions above -asks Ss to give their answer -gives feedback -asks Ss to look at the chart and the two tasks again -asks Ss to write the description of the chart individually -reviews some expressions like: Eg: -study the chart in 2005 -answer the questions -give their answer -listen ad answer -look at the chart and the two tasks again -work individually and write -listen and take notes * make up the largest/ smallest percentage * This is followed by * This ranks first/ second… *The chart shows the present situation -> simple present tense * The chart shows the past events > simple past tense * Topic sentence -> simple present tense 7ms    + What is the topic of the chart? + Does it describe the past, the present or the future? + Which made up the largest amount of consumption: petroleum, coal, or nuclear and hydroelectricity? + Which consumption ranks second? + Which made up the smallest amount of consumption? Suggested answers: + The chart shows the energy consumption in Highland in 2000 + It describes the past + Petroleum…of consumption + Coal ranked the second + Nuclear & Hydroelectricity + Verb tenses: -lets Ss the task in 15 ms -goes around to observe and offer help IV Post writing -selects some of Ss’ paper sheets and hang them on the b/b -has Ss correct their friends’ mistakes on the b/b -gives feedback * T draw Ss’ attention to the format of the paragraph ( topic sentences, supporting ideas/ examples, linking words, concluding sentence …) questions -do the task in the allotted time -hand in the paper sheets -look at their friends’ work -correct their friends’ mistakes -listen and answer Homework: (5ms) Asks Ss to correct the mistakes and write the complete paragraph in their note books Preparation for the next lesson: Asks Ss to prepare par: “Language Focus” Self –evaluation: Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (14) Unit 11: Sources of Energy _ Date of teaching: Period : 68 Unit 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY Part: Language Focus AIMS AND OBJECTIVES  At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + distinguish the sounds / r / ,/ spl / and / spr/ and pronounce them exactly + use relative clauses replaced by participles and To-inf correctly and appropriately to solve communicative tasks Vocabulary: The words with the sounds / r / ,/ spl / and / spr/ / in: shrimp, split, spring,… Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (15) Unit 11: Sources of Energy Structure: Relative clauses replaced by participles and To-inf Procedures: I Warm- up (5ms) -greets Ss -has a short chat with Ss II Checking up Previous knowledge( no checking) III Content of the lesson (35ms)  Pronunciation -asks Ss to give words with the sounds / r / ,/ spl / and / spr/ as much as possible -has Ss read aloud the words -tells the aim of the task : the sounds / r / ,/ spl / and / spr/ -introduces some more in the text book -has Ss listen and repeat the words -calls some Ss to stand up and repeat -helps Ss practice the sentences -calls some Ss to stand up and practice them -gives feedback  Grammar Revision and Exercises I A Revision 1: Relative clauses replaced by present participles -asks Ss to combine the following sentences, using relative pronouns The girl is my friend The girl is dancing with your brother -gives feedback The keys: The girl who / that is dancing with your brother is my friend -asks Ss to rewrite this sentence into another way -gives feedback The girl dancing with you brother is my friend Present participle -asks Ss to give any comments on the second sentence  Relative pronoun functioning as subjects can be replaced by present participle (active Verbs) -gives another example in the textbook B Exercises 1: -gives instructions -lets Ss exercise in ms -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: The boy playing the piano is Bend Do you know the woman coming toward us? The people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (16) Unit 11: Sources of Energy II A Revision Relative clauses replaced by past participles -asks Ss to combine the following sentences, using relative pronouns I found him sitting at the table The table was covered with papers -gives feedback The keys: I found him sitting at the table which / that was covered with papers -asks Ss to rewrite this sentence into another way -gives feedback I found him sitting at the table covered with papers Past participle -asks Ss to give any comments on the second sentence  Relative pronoun functioning as objects can be replaced by past participle (passive verbs) -gives another example in the textbook B Exercises 2: -gives instructions -lets Ss exercise in ms -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: The ideas presented in that book are interesting I come from a city located in the Southern part of the country They live in a house built in 1890 III A Revision Infinitive phrases -asks Ss to look at the following sentences and give comments He’s the oldest athlete ever to win an Olympic gold medal Who was the first person to climb Everest without oxygen She was the only scientist to have won Nobel prize -gives feedback The structures: In the superlative form: The + Adj- est / most - Adj + N + To-Inf It is used with : The first/ second / ….last / only + N + To-Inf -gives another example in the textbook B Exercises 3: -gives instructions -lets Ss exercise in ms -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: John was the last man to reach the top The last person to leave the room must turn off the light The first person to see is Mr Smith … IV Home work (5ms) -asks Ss to write in their note-books: Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (17) Unit 11: Sources of Energy + all the exercises in the exercise note-book + Rewrite the following sentences, using participle clauses The children who attend that school receive a good education The live in a house that was built in 1980 The fence which surrounds our house is made of wood -asks Ss to prepare “ Test yourself D” V Teacher’ s comments  Self –evaluation: Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (18)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 23:30

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