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Thiết kế bài dạy Tiếng Anh 11 - Tuần 4

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WHILE – WRITING : 3’-5’ - Asks sts to use the chart to fill the information about their past experiences to make an outline for their writing individually?. - Walks around the class and [r]

(1)Date of preparing: August 25st, 2014 Date of teaching: Septenber 2nd, 2014 Week: Period: 10 Unit : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Section : Speaking I/ OBJECTIVES : Formation of behavior: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to: Identify structures that are used to talk about past experiences and their influences on one’s life, e.g.; Use these structures to talk about a past experience and how it affects their life Skill: Speaking about past experiences Language focus: Grammar: present perfect and past simple, structure with “make” Vocabulary: The words are related about personal experiences II/ PREPARATION : Teacher : textbook , lesson plan Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes IV / PROCEDURE : Class order : (1’) Greeting , Checking attendance Checking up : (3’-5’)T asks sts some words and questions New lesson : ACTIVITIES CONTENT Teacher Students I Warm-up: (3’-5’) - asks sts some questions: Have you had some personal experiences ? - Listen carefully and How you fell when you meet a famous film answer all the teacher's star? questions How you feel if you fail the exam? How you feel if someone give you a very nice present in the early morning? Lead to new lesson “talk about past experiences and their influences on one’s life” II PRE- SPEAKING: (3’-5’) -Asks sts read the requirement -Has them dicuss in groups the way to this task -calls on some present their own opinion in front of the class III WHILE – SPEAKING : (8’-10’) -Asks sts to skim the exercise -Lets sts the task in pairs Gáo án 11 - Read the requirement, Task 1: Ask sts read the requirement and discuss the way to Answers : d c a b e - study the exercise and work in groups to finish it - Some ss stand up and in front of the class Task 2: : Have you ever? How did it happen?, When did it happen? How did it affect you? - Work in pairs to discuss the way to rearrangement the dialogue - Practise speaking with these information Keys; Lop11.com GV: Nguyễn Văn Năm (2) -Walks around and help sts with some new words in pairs - Exchanges the roles Some pairs practise in front of the class Anothers listen and comment - introduces the situation: Sts A talking to her friend about one of her past experiences and how it affected her The lines in their conversation are jumbled Put them in correct order, then practise the dialogue Notes sts to use the past simple tense to retell and ask sts to pay attention to the way of asking about the experience like : IV POST - SPEAKING - Listen to teacher : (13’-15’) -Walks around the class carefully offer ideas and comments when sts need help -Then select some pairs at - Work in pairs to talk random and have them about the experiences play roles in front of the class -Has sts work in pairs to talk their own experiences -Gives some suggestions of situation to sts like : Failed an exam, be serious ill, travell apart of the country, win a prize… Walk around the class offer ideas and comments when sts need help -Calls on some pairs to speak their experiences in front of the class -Listens and ask the other sts to comment -Then give a comment b d h a e g c f Task Sts A: Have you ever failed an exam? Sts B: What exam did you failed? Sts A: I failed in an entrance exam to TuKy High School Sts A: Why did you fail the exam? Sts B: Well, I didn't study well for it Sts A : How did the experience affect you? Sts B: It taught me the lesson and made me work harder Sts C: Have you ever travelled to another part of the country? Sts D: Yes, I did it last smmer Sts C: Where did you travell? Sts D: I went to Samson seaside Sts C: How did you travell? Sts D: Well, by coach Sts C: Who did you go with? Sts D: My family Sts C: How did the experience affect you? Sts D: It made me love my country more Consolidation: (2’) Asks sts to talk about their experiences Homework:(1’) talk about the past experience and how they affected their life Gáo án 11 Lop11.com GV: Nguyễn Văn Năm (3) and prepare the next period.( Unit 2: listening) * Experience from the period: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… * Supplement: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….………………… Date of preparing: August 26st, 2014 Date of teaching: Septenber 3rd, 2014 Week: Period: 11 Unit : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Section : Listening I/ OBJECTIVES : Formation of behavior: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to develop such listening microskills as listening for specific information and taking notes while listening Skill: Listening for specific information and comprehension questions Language focus: Grammar: Use past simple Vocabulary: Words related to memorable experiences II/ PREPARATION : Teacher : textbook , lesson plan Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes IV / PROCEDURE : Class order : (1’) Greeting , Checking attendance Checking up : (3’-5’) asks sts some questions New lesson : ACTIVITIES CONTENT Teacher Students I WARM UP: (3’-5’) - look at the picture and - asks sts to look at the + How you fell when you see a fire? picture in the book and asks answer the questions them some questions + What would you if you see a fire? II BEFORE YOU LISTEN: (6’-8’) - Ask sts to observe the picture in 27 pages - Has them dicuss in groups the picture's content call on some present their own opinions in front of the class Then ask sts some questions: - asks sts to repeat the provided words and explain Gáo án 11 Lead to new lesson - Observe the picture and dicuss its content in groups.Then present in front of the class What you see in the picture? + What is happening? (The house is burning./ The house is on fire./… Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? + What is she doing? - Answer all teacher's questions ( She’s talking a little girl out of the burning house ) - Listen to teacher carefully And practise - memory - to scream Lop11.com /'mem r bl/ (adj) / skri:m/ (v) GV: Nguyễn Văn Năm (4) the words if necessary - introduces and explains the new words reading new words in chorus Guess the meaning of these words by imagining - to embrace - to escape - to protect - appreciate - complain / im'breis/ (v) / is'keip / (v) / pr tekt/ (v) / pri'si eit/ (v) / 'k mplein/ (v) III WHILE YOU LISTEN: (13’-15’) - Has sts read the sentences in the task to make sure that they understand the task clearly - Plays the tape the first time - Asks sts to the task individually - Plays the tape the second time Ask sts to compare their answers with a partner - Calls on some sts to check their answers - Plays the tape the third time and stop in the right answers to check the last time Task 2: - Calls on some to present in front of the class - Listens and explain the situation again - Has sts read the summary of story to make sure that sts understand the task clearly - Ask sts whether they can guess the answers by remembering or not - Plays the the first time Call some sts to check - Plays the tape the second time Ask sts to compare their answers with a partner - Calls on some sts to check their answers - Plays the tape the third time and stop in the right answers to check the last time Task 1: Introduce the situation; Christina is being intervewed about the most unforgetable experience in her life Listen to the intervew and then decide whether statements are True (T) or False (F) Keys: T ( a business woman) F (not years - 13 years) F (not because of the light - because of the gas stove) F (not reading a book - sleeping) T (her mother came and rescured her) -Listen to teacher carefully -Read the sentences in the task carefully -Listen to the tape three times and the task individually and in pairs Task 2: Ask sts to read the situation and dicuss the way to the task in groups Keys: small everything family replaced took love - Study the situation and discuss the way to the task - Some present the own opinion of the way to the task - Read the summary carefully Guess the answers - Listen to the tape three times and the task in pairs and individually III AFTER YOU LISTEN (6’-7’) - Asks sts some questions Gáo án 11 What is the name of programme? 2.What does Christina ? Lop11.com GV: Nguyễn Văn Năm (5) about Christina to make sts understand about the tape more clearly: What was her most unforgetable experience? When did it happen? Why did it happen? What was she doing at that time? Who did rescure her ? How it affected her? Answers: Unforgetable experience 's programme A business woman That was her house burned down Thirteen years ago B/c she forgot to turn the gas stove She was sleeping at that time Her mother rescured her It helped her to grow up and it taught her to appreciate her family more than things - Discuss the teacher's questions in groups Then some pairs practise in front of the class - Aks sts to dicuss these questions in groups And call on some pairs to practise asking and answering in front of the class - Listens and givecorrections Consolidation: (2’) Asks sts to tell about the listening Homework:(1’) Learn the lesson and prepare the next period.( Unit 2: writing) * Experience from the period: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… * Supplement: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….………………… Date of preparing: August 27st, 2014 Date of teaching: Septenber 4th, 2014 Week: Period: 11 Unit : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Section : Writing I/ OBJECTIVES Formation of behavior: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to: write a personal letter to describe their past experiences Skill: Writing Language focus: Grammar: Use past simple Vocabulary: Words related to memorable experiences II/ PREPARATION : Teacher : textbook , lesson plan Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes IV / PROCEDURE : Class order : (1’) Greeting , Checking attendance Checking up : (3’-5’) Call on some Ss to answer the questions about the previous lesson or write new vocabulary New lesson : Gáo án 11 Lop11.com GV: Nguyễn Văn Năm (6) ACTIVITIES Teacher I WARM UP : (3’-5’) - Explains the way to - Asks sts to work in groups Then call on some sts to present their answer in front of the class - Calls on another to comment And give the correct answers I PRE-WRITING: (10’) - Gives sts a handout -Explains the way to - Asks sts to work in groups - Has sts read the letter and fill the information in the chart - Walks around the class , offer ideas and comments when sts need help - Then call on some sts to present their answers in front of the class CONTENT Students - Take the handout, listen to teacher carefully, the handout in groups and some stand up to present in front of the class Give sts a handout Handout: Complete the following senteces, using the adjectives in the box Proud jealous embarrassed angry sad frightened He was very …… When his father appeared on TV with the Prime Minister He was very …… When his beat friend went out with the girl he really liked He was very … when he sent her a birthday present on the wrong day He was very …… When someone stole his money He was very …… When heard that his aunt died He was very …… When he saw those big dogs running toward him Answer : proud jealous embarrassed angry sad frightened - Work in groups to complete the chart basing on the letter's content Handout : Read the letter carefully Dear Hellen, Last night I had a scary dream I was walking along a empty street late at night Suddenly a lion appeared at the end of the street He rran toward me his big mouth open and sharp teeth.He roared and jumped up me I screamed and awoke I'm still frightened now.By the way, how are you? Do you still have a nightmare as before? I think we hve a similar problems now Write to me as soon as possible Your friend, Daisy Answer: the frightened experience last night the writer was walking along a emty street late at night the lion ran toward the writer with his big mouth open and sharp teeth He roared and jumped up her She was frightened - Calls on another to comment And give the correct answers Gáo án 11 Lop11.com GV: Nguyễn Văn Năm (7) II WHILE – WRITING : (3’-5’) - Asks sts to use the chart to fill the information about their past experiences to make an outline for their writing individually - Walks around the class and provide help when they need - Has sts compare their outline with a partner - Calls on some sts to read their information loudly in front of the class - Listens and provide more information to sts if necessary Complete the chart: Name of experience When it happened Where it happened How it happened How the experience affected the writer - Use the chart to fill the information about the past experiences to make an outline for the writing individually Practise writing outline individually with the information in the chart (3) (4) (5) Content: Which is the interesting / boring parts? Are there enough details? Are there any sentences which you don't understand? Orgarnization: Is it coherent? Are you sure there is a topic sentence for each paragraph? Are there any setences out of place? Grammar/ spelling: Do any problems about grammar or spelling exist? Take some of sts' writing to check in the whole of class (13’-15’) - Takes some of sts' writing to check in the whole of class (2) Practise writing individually - Asks sts to practise writing individually - Walks around the class , offer ideas and comments when sts need help III AFTER WRITING : - asks sts to work in pairs to correct their writings Then give a note with a content of checking in a whole class: (1) - Compare the writing to anothers - Then take the note of checking Observe to the corrections of some the others' writing Give commentations Consolidation: Homework:(1’) - Write a short paragraph about your father and prepare the next period.( Unit 2: language focus) * Experience from the period: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… * Supplement: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….………………… Gáo án 11 Lop11.com GV: Nguyễn Văn Năm (8) Date of preparing : 26/08/2011 Date of teaching : 02/09/2011 week:4 period : INFINITIVE WITH TO I/ OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to consolidate skills and knowledge about infinitive with to they have learnt II/ PREPARATION : Teacher : textbook , lesson plan Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes IV / PROCEDURE : ( 5’-6 ‘) Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance Checking up : Tasks sts to remind the tenses , to write forms and examples New lesson : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities content T asks sts to remind the infinitive Sts remind the infinitive with to I/ Before you review : (10’-12’) with to and give examples infinitive là động từ Sts write them on the board T calls on some sts to give + is used to express a purpose Ex : I’m learning English to get a good example on the board job Sts copy + is used after adjectives Ex : I’m T corrects pleased to see you + is used after interrogative pronouns : what, who, where, how, Ex : Tell me what to + is used after indefinite pronouns : something, nothing, anybody,… Ex : He has nothing to + is used after some verbs : Ex : I want to buy that house advise s.o to encourage s.o to remind invite permit allow warn 8.require Gáo án 11 Lop11.com GV: Nguyễn Văn Năm (9) T asks sts to rewrite sentences and calls on some sts to write them on the board T corrects Sts rewrite sentences individually sts write them on the board sts copy T asks sts to make sentences with the cues T calls on some sts to write their sentences on the board and corrects Sts work in groups Sts write them on the board Sts copy order 10 force 11 ask 12.expect 13 would like 14 want 15 need II/ While you review : (14’-16’) Rewrite these sentences with the words given you will need to change some words Why did he make that remark ? It was very rude I enjoyed going by train It was safer I’m pleased I saw him again It was very surprise Long gave me 50,000 dong It was very generous KEYS: That was a very rude remark to make It was safer to go by train It was quite a surprise to see him again That was very generous of Long to give me 50,000 dong III/ After You Review : (6’-8’) make these sentences with the cues remind me + lock expect you + be ask him + help encourage me + try want you + be Keys : She remind me to lock the door I expect you to be on time I asked him to help us He encouraged me to try again I want you to be happy V/ CONSOLIDATION : 2’ Summarises the main points of the lesson Gáo án 11 10 Lop11.com GV: Nguyễn Văn Năm (10) VI/ HOME WORK: 2’ - learnt by heart new words and these exercises -prepare next part Gáo án 11 Lop11.com GV: Nguyễn Văn Năm (11)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 23:17