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Bài phụ đạo khối 11 năm 2009

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According to Malthus, what could be the usual limitations of population growth.. What do most experts recommend in order to solve problems of overpopulation?[r]

(1)BÀI PHỤ ĐẠO KHỐI 11 ~ Thứ Tư, 25-11-2009 I Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words A population A world A thrive A afraid A lazy A clothes A cricket A service B probably B resource B those B of B all B both B crowd B reserve C among C support C throw C fruit C lay C breath C certain C conserve D solve D floor D think D frozen D late D strength D crash D consider II Complete the sentences with suitable words or phrases in the box a birth control e deserted i international b modernization f resources j figures c populous g limit k available d overpopulation h research l trend It is vital that food is made to the famine areas They are doing some fascinating into the language of dolphins A big company like Phương Trang has huge of money and skills The of wearing jeans and cowboy hats has been coming back There is a of thirty minutes for the reading test All papers must be sent in at the end of thirty minutes The of the 100-year-old sewage and water systems will cost millions of pounds I like to go swimming early in the morning, when the swimming pool is largely Can you read the again ? Is it a three oh eight or an eight oh three ? The province declared independence several years ago, but it remains unrecognized by the community 10 Of the country's most pressing social problems is the 11 China is the world's most country It has the world's largest population 12 Safe methods for family planning have been encouraged to apply to control the birthrate III Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the words in parentheses The population of the world has been faster and faster (increase) Lack of water will stunt the plant's [làm chậm phát triển] (grow) People without had to pay for their own repairs (insure) The local .are listed in the newspaper (entertain) You're very to be alive after that accident (luck) He has so much in learning English (difficult) Our school is in with another school in Da Teh I like all her novels, but her latest is good (compete) (particular) IV Fill in the blank with a suitable word to complete the passage China is the most populous country of the world Its (1) is approximately 1.3 billion people, which is almost 22% of the (2) population The population density is high in the southeast: 43 percent of the land contains most of its population A quarter of the population (3) China is in the middle and lower parts of the Yangtze River [Dương Tử Giang], and the population density (4) 663 people per square kilometre Shanghai is China's largest city, (5) population density reaches 2,118 people per square kilometer China's population growth rate has (6) in the past years, although its population is still increasing In the 1970s, the government started to implement birth (7) programs to the people: late marriage, late childbearing, a one-child family, and a four-year period between two (8) in the countryside where each couple may have more than one child, According to the report of Major Figures of Population of China, the annual growth rate of China's population (9) from 25.83% (in 1070) down to 11.21% (in 1994) and to 8.77% (in 1999) in the past 20 years This should be (10) a great success V Read the passage and the exercises below A.The population of the world has increased more in modern times in all other ages of history combined [kết hợp] World population totaled about 500 million in 1650 It doubled in the period from 1650 - 1850 Today the population is more than five billion Estimates [tính toán] based on research by the United Nations indicate that it will more than double in the twenty-five years between 1915 and the year 2000, reaching seven billion by the turn of [vào đầu (thế kỉ)] the century B No one knows the limits [hạn chế] of population that the earth can support Thomas Malthus, an English economist, developed a theory [lý thuyết] that became widely accepted in the nineteenth century He suggested that because world population tended [có xu hướng] to increase more rapidly than the food supply, a continual strain [áp lực liên tục] was exerted [tác động] upon available resources Malthus cited [dẫn ra] wars, famines [nạn đói], epidemics [nạn dịch] and other disasters [tai họa] as the usual limitations of population growth C With recent advances in science and technology, including improved agricultural methods and great strides [bước nhảy vọt] in medicine, some of the limiting factors in population growth have been lessened, with obvious [rõ rệt] results International organizations have put forward [đề nghị] several recommendations [lời đề nghị] to alleviate [làm giảm sút] the problem of overpopulation, including an increase in food production, general economic development in target areas, and a decrease in birth rates Most experts agree that it will be necessary to combine all three recommendations in an effort to affect a lasting [lâu dài] solution Lop11.com (2) Questions According to the passage, how much is the earth's population estimated to reach by the turn of the century ? According to the passage, why has overpopulation been caused ? According to Malthus, what could be the usual limitations of population growth ? What most experts recommend in order to solve problems of overpopulation ? Which organization mentioned in the reading is doing the research on population ? VI Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same Hurry up or we'll be late for the last bus Unless Dad didn't have much money in the bank, so Mum was very worried If Anyone who wants to become a doctor has to study hard If you She can't buy the dictionary because she doesn't have enough money If "If I were you, I'd go to the police," she said She said London, the capital of England, has over million inhabitants London, which The job she's applied for is very interesting The job for Linh no longer needed his computer and he sold to the junk dealer [lái buôn ve chai / buôn đồng nát] Linh sold his computer, “If you had come here ten minutes ago, you would have met her,” Tâm said to me Tâm 10 Start early so that we can arrive at the airport in time If we VII Using the given information, make conditional sentences Use if I don't ride the bus to school every morning because it's always so crowded The schoolchildren sowed some seeds, but they forgot to water them so they didn't grow [gieo hạt] Stop talking or you won't understand the lesson The wind is blowing hard, so we won't take the boat out for a ride My sister didn’t answer the phone because she was studying I feel better now because the doctor talked to me about my health yesterday Because Dad doesn't have enough free time, he can't help Mum with the housework Thanh is very tired today because she didn't get any sleep last night I didn't prepare for today's lesson So it is difficult for me to understand the teacher's explanation 10 I don't want them to be upset [bực mình], so I've decided not to tell them what happened 11 Minh failed his driving test last week because he was very nervous [bồn chồn, lo lắng] 12 Start right now or we'll be late for the last bus home 13 Sinh doesn't know what he has to for homework because he was absent from school on Friday 14 Oanh and Yến weren't paying attention, so they didn't see the exit sign 15 Dad is working on two jobs right now, so he doesn't have time to help you with your cooking 16 He got up late this morning, so he missed the first two classes 17 Read the questions carefully or you will make incorrect answers 18 Because Mum was sick, she could the cooking for us all 19 Ask his permission or he may be upset 20 Without the sun there would be no life on the earth VIII Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of words or phrases, sentences that together make up a complete letter Dear Mrs Hillary Clinton, I write / tell / how much / enjoy / few hours / spend / you and your family / yesterday evening I / be / England / since / beginning / September / and / this / first invitation / dinner / American family I / find / conversation / most interesting / and glad / practise English I / also like / congratulate / you / excellent / cooking I / very grateful / all / helpful information / give / courses / English I / hope / find / suitable school / next few days You / give / best wishes / husband and children? Thank you / again / extremely / pleasant evening I / forward / see / next month Yours sincerely, Thẩm Tâm Vy Lop11.com The End (3)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 22:23

