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Revision 12 – Part IV unit ten - Endangered species practice test 1

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Read the following extracts from the book descriptions and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each question.. The Roman Emperor Claudius writes the inside story of his public life.[r]

(1)REVISION 12 – PART IV UNIT TEN - ENDANGERED SPECIES PRACTICE TEST A PHONETICS I Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others A plant B danger C animal D dam A species B causes C industries D agencies A endanger B verge C conserve D diversity A thousand B around C sound D young A thousand B threaten C other D think II Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others A species B danger C drainage D reduce A habitat B endanger C extinction D appearance A primary B diversity C seriously D benefit A pollution B disappear C addition D awareness 10 A protect B preserve C product D destroy B VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I Choose the most suitable word or phrase (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence 11 What John says true but I very much doubt it A may be B will be C shall be D should be 12 By cutting down trees, we the natural habitat of birds and animals A damage B harm C hurt D injure 13 At the end of the winter, the price of winter clothes in the shops usually A lowers B drops C sinks D reduces 14 The by-laws say that all dogs be kept on a lead in the park A ought B need C must D have 15 A man's pay usually .on the number of hours he works in a week A results B starts C depends D follows 16 If you keep trying you might to it A succeed B discover C understand D manage 17 Lack of sleep can have a noticeable .your performance at work A impact on B effect on C affect on D A or B 18 Many plant and animal species are thought to be on the of extinction A verge B way C mood D state 19 The famine caused widespread of life A lack B loss C shortage D death 20 Despite the bad weather, he get to the airport in time A could B couldn't C was able to D almost 21 This book will you with all the information you need A provide B offer C give D assign 22 There has been an accident on the motorway, long delays A result in B resulting in C result from D resulting from 23 The giant panda is now A in danger of becoming extinct B an endangered species C is becoming extinction D A or B 24 Different conservation efforts have been in order to save endangered species A taken B made C given D done 25 Alan and Susie an argument They're not speaking to each other A must have B might have C must have had D may have II Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting 26 I'm not sure where Matthew is He can be playing squash 27 You'll be leaving college soon You may think about your future ÔN TẬP 12 CĂN BẢN IV ~ Lop11.com (2) 28 Mark have to get the car repaired There's something wrong with the brakes 29 The Bactrian, or Asian camel can identified by its two humps 30 It is well-known fact that camels can go for extended periods without water III Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one 31 There'll be a bus later on, but we might as well walk A We are quite ready to walk B We would much prefer to wait for the bus C We'll have to walk because the bus is late D We think we will be late if we walk 32 May I suggest Monday'for our trip to Bristol? A I think we must go to Bristol on Monday B I think we would be allowed to go to Bristol on Monday C I think Monday is the only day we can manage for the trip D I think Monday would be a good day for us to go to Bristol 33 Mrs Smith said, "Sam may have gone to the library." A Mrs Smith knew Sam had gone to the library B Mrs Smith wasn't sure where Sam had gone C Sam was allowed to go to the library D Sam had certainly not gone to the library 34 Nobocty could possibly believe the story he told us A The story he told us was magical B It's possible that he told an unreal story C The story he told us was beyond belief D It's possible that he told a real story 35 It's not necessary for you to the test A You needn't the test B You don't need to the test C You don't have to the test D All are correct C READING I Read the passage below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space SAVING THE TIGER In 1973, when the tiger appeared to be facing (36) the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Indian Government agreed to set up "Operation Tiger" - a campaign to (37) this threatened creature They started by creating nine special parks (38) that tigers could live in safety The first was at Ranthambhore, a region which was quickly (39) into a desert because too much of the grass was being eaten by the local people's cattle (40) the time there were just fourteen tigers left there The government had to clear twelve small villages, which (41) moving nearly 1,000 people and 10,000 cattle so the land could be handed back to nature Today, Ranthambhore is a very different place, with grass tall enough for tigers to (42) in, and there are now at least forty of them in the park, wandering freely about Other animals have also benefited For example, (43) , are many more deer and monkeys than before The people who were moved are now living \n better conditions They live in new villages away from the tiger park, with schools, temples and fresh water (44) There are now sixteen such tiger parks in India and the animal's future looks a little (45) 36 A extinction 37 A assist 38 A such 39 A altering 40 A At 41 A faced 42 A conceal 43 A these 44 A provision 45 A safely B disappearance B.save B too B made B In B meant B elude B those B reservoir B safer C loss C aid C so C formed C By C made C hide C they C supplies C safety D death D survive D by D turning D On D considered D exist D there D source D more safe II Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question Dinosaurs were reptiles that lived during a period of earth's history called the Mesozoic Era, which is also known as the Age of Reptiles The first dinosaurs appeared more than 200 million years ago For many millions of years, they dominated the land with their huge size and strength Then about 65 million years ago, they died out rather suddenly, never to re-emerge The word "dinosaurs" comes from two Greek words meaning "terrible ÔN TẬP 12 CĂN BẢN IV ~ Lop11.com (3) lizard" Dinosaurs were not lizards, but their appearance could be truly terrifying The', biggest ones weighed more than ten times as much as mature elephant and nearly equaled the' size of most modern-day whales The famous kinds of dinosaurs, including the brontosaur and tyrannosaurus rex, reached 80 to 90 feet in length Not all dinosaurs were giants, however; some were actually not larger than a chicken Scientists still not know what caused dinosaurs to disappear One theory involves a change in the earth's climate It is believed that temperatiires dropped significantly towards the end of the Cretaceous Period Too large to hibernate and not having fur or feathers for protecting, it is possible that the climate became too chilly for dinosaurs In contrast, other species having protection, such as the mammals and birds, were able to survive 46 What is the best title for this passage? A The History of Earth B The Metabolism of Dinosaurs C Earth fs Largest Reptiles D The Domination of the Land 47 It can be inferred from the passage that the Age of Reptiles lasted about A 200 million years B 135 million years C 80 million years D 65 million years 48 In line 6, the author uses the phrase "never to re-emerge" to indicate that the dinosaurs A went into hiding B lost their way C became extinct D never died out 49 According to the passage, what is true about the size of dinosaurs? A It was rather uniform B It guaranteed their survival C It made them the largest creatures ever on earth D It varied quite greatly 50 The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses A another theory about the disappearance of dinosaurs B other changes in climate C the ability of mammals to survive D the protection of other species ******************* PRACTICE TEST I Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others A threatened B provided C identified D disappeared A globe B commerce C biologist D loss A destruction B product C vulnerable D humans A benefit B extinct C temperature D wetland A commercial B chemical C agriculture D conserve II Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others A animal B medicine C development D government A exploitation B disappearance C conservation D temperature A several B protection C different D habitat A commercial B valuable C mankind D agency 10 A available B extinction C survival D introduce B VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I Choose the most suitable word or phrase (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence 11 Put some oil on that tight nut; that the trick A might B must C had to D could 12 The most serious problem of modern times is that man is destroying the natural ……of the earth and transforming huge areas into wasteland A resources B sources C sorts D origins 13 Only by reproducing at a tremendous rate many plant and animal species manage … in the sea A surviving B to survive C living D to be alive 14 The life of a spy is fraught with A endanger B danger C dangerous D dangerously 15 I hear Emma's been offered a place at university She be really pleased A can B might C may D must 16 Before Alexandre Fleming discovered penicillin, many people died A infected with simple bacteria B from simple bacterial infections C infections were simple bacteria D infecting of simple bacteria ÔN TẬP 12 CĂN BẢN IV ~ Lop11.com (4) 17 As the drug took the patient became quieter A force B influence C action D effect 18 Don't leave paraffin heaters in a draught or where they're …… A dangerously knocked over B in danger knocked over C in danger of being knocked over D in danger of knocking over 19 The tenant be prepared to decorate the property in accordance with the terms of the agreement A may B ought C must D have to 20 He had to leave early, he? A didn't B mustn't C hasn't D shouldn't 21 Hair colour is one of the most obvious characteristics to be used to people A recognise B identify C realise D define 22 Many people like the slow of life in the countryside A step B pace C speed D space 23 Wild animals are almost everywhere A serious threatened B seriously threaten C seriously threatened D serious threaten 24 I don't think you are of how much this means to me A aware B realised C known D understood 25 I can't find my purse anywhere; I must it at the cinema A leave B have been leaving C be leaving D have left II Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting 26 (A) Some conservationists (B) attempt to save (C) rarity domestic farm animals, (D) such as the Tamworth pig 27 Because of habitat (A) lose, (B) there are (C) fewer Asian elephants than African (D) elephant 28 (A) The most desert animals (B) avoid the extreme midday (C) heat by (D) feeding at night 29 I (A) don't have to forget my key, (B) or I (C) won't (D) get in 30 (A) As we had (B) plenty of (C) food, we (D) mustn't go to the supermarket III Choose the one option (A, B, C or D) corresponding to the best sentencE that is made up from the sets of words and phrases given 31 Ed / not need / register / new course A Ed did not need to register for the new course B Ed did not need register fpr the new course C Ed need not to register for the new course D Ed need not register the new course 32 You /do exact / manager /tell A You have to exactly the manager tells you B You must tell the manager to exactly C You must exactly what the manager tells you D You must exact what the manager tells you 33 It /rain /later /take / umbrella A It's going to rain; why not take an umbrella later? B It might rain later so take an umbrella C It will rain sooner or later to take an umbrella D It could rain, so take art umbrella later 34 Louis / have difficulty /get / new table / car A Louis had difficulty getting the new table in the car B Louis had difficulty to get the new table in the car C Louis had difficulty with getting the new table in the car D Louis had difficulty for getting the new table in the car 35 When /1 / be / school /1 / not / wear / uniform A When I was at school, I had not to wear a uniform B When I was at school, I mustn't wear a uniform C When I was at school, I didn't have to wear an uniform D When I was at school, I didn't have to wear a uniform C READING I Read the passage below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space THE THREAT TO THE ENVIRONMENT ÔN TẬP 12 CĂN BẢN IV ~ Lop11.com (5) Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in danger Many (36) of animals are threatened, and could easily become (37) if we not make an effort to protect them There are many (38) for this In some cases, animals are hunted for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies Some birds, such as parrots, are caught (39) and sold as pets For many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat - the (40) where they live - is disappearing More (41) is used for farms, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open (42) than there once were Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better (43) , but these chemicals pollute the environment and (44) wildlife The most successful animals on earth - human beings - will soon be the only Ones left, unless we can (45) this problem 36 A marks 37 A disappeared 38 A reasons 39 A lively 40 A spot 41 A earth 42 A spaces 43 A products 44 A spoil 45 A answer B more B vanished B causes B alive B point B land B air B fields B harm B calculate C species C empty C results C for life C place C soil C up C herbs C wound C solve D forms D extinct D effects D for living D site D area D parts D crops D wrong D explain II Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question Scientists believe they now have scientific evidence to prove that ecosystems work better when there is a greater variety of species within them This biodiversity is being lost destroying natural mechanisms that could repair the damage caused by man Findings show that losing plants and animals is not only reducing our quality of life but actually endangering our very existence We cut down rich rain-forests and replace them with one species plantations, such as pine and eucalyptus We plough up meadows rich in different grasses and herbs and replace them with one grass, for instance rye or wheat When a natural ecosystem is simplified the basic processes in the ecosystem are altered arid even damaged Without their biodiversity they are not able to serve as the natural cleaners of our planet No longer are they able to absorb the carbon dioxide that is being produced in excess The result is global warming, caused by the increase in the "greenhouse effect", and ultimately, or even sooner, there will be a change in the wprld's climate 46 Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A How Ecosystems Work Better B The Loss of Biodiversity C The Variety of Species D Natural Mechanisms 47 Which of the following is NOT a species used to replace a rich ecosystem? A Herbs B Pine C Eucalyptus D Rye 48 What is the purpose of paragraph 2? A To show natural mechanisms at work B To give examples of the loss of biodiversity C To give examples of variety of species D To show how ecosystems can work better 49 What, according to the passage, might be the final result of the simplification of natural ecosystems? A The basic processes are altered B There is loss of biodiversity C There, is global warming D There is a change in the climate 50 What is the author's attitude to the loss of biodiversity? A Indifferent B Negative C Positive D Neutral ******************* ÔN TẬP 12 CĂN BẢN IV ~ Lop11.com (6) UNIT ELEVEN – BOOKS PRACTICE TEST A PHONETICS I Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others A same B taste C swallow D page A sleep B keep C pleasure D people A too B book C look D good A described B picked C swallowed D informed A words B reviewers C describes D types II Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others A subject B swallow C story D digest A example B holiday C careful D interest A describe B chapter C wonder D easy A understand B television C entertain D introduce 10 A imaginary B advantageous C information D incredible B VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I Choose the most suitable word or phrase (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence 11 My parents they will move to the seaside when my father retires next year A think B thinking C will think D thought 12 I couldn't resist reading the book even I was very, sleepy A though B although C however D otherwise 13 .that the hope for cancer control may lie in the use of vaccine A To believe B It is believed C Believing D The belief 14 I went to some pictures by a new painter the other day A watch B see to C look at D visit 15 My,room mate's handwriting is very bad, so he had me his paper for him Jast night A to type B type C to have typed D typed 16 The book is so interesting that I can't A put down it B put it down C put down D be put down 17 Would you be to hold the door open? A too kind B as kind C kind enough D so kind 18 What you mean, he's watching television? He's to be washing the car A hoped B expected C supposed D thought 19 Children are in watching cartoon films A interested B keen C fond D concerned 20 The j thing about travelling by train rather than by car is that you can sleep or read during the journey A enjoyment B enjoyed C enjoying D enjoyable 21 I wonder who drank all the milk yesterday It have been Jane because she was out all day.' A must B could C needn't D can't 22 Books in the home are a wonderful of knowledge and pleasure A source B resource C list D sum 23 Reviewers describe books ' "hard-to-put-down", or "hard-to-pick-up-again" A as B for C into D in 24 Books are still a cheap to get knowledge and entertainment A means B way C method D measure 25 A fine tomb, , marks the grave of the poet Chaucer A which in the fifteenth century was erecting B erecting in the fifteenth century C erected in the fifteenth century D being erected in the fifteenth century II Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting 26 Passive (A) smoking is (B) define as the exposure of (C) nonsmokers to (D) environmental tobacco smoke ÔN TẬP 12 CĂN BẢN IV ~ Lop11.com (7) 27 Estimates (A) for scientists (B) suggest that only one percent of the world's (C) extinct animals and plants have been (D) identified 28 Many (A) opinions have (B) voiced on the likely (C) effects of the (D) computer 29 Many (A) disabled children cannot (B) derive full (C) enjoyment from toys (D) make for nondisabled children 30 On February 21, 1995, the (A) oldest person in the world, (B) a French woman (C) was named Jeanne Calment, (D) celebrated her 120th birthday III Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one 31 He last had his car repaired weeks ago A He hasn't had his car repaired for weeks C He had not repaired his car for weeks then 32 John lent me this book A This book was lent to me by John C This book is lent to me by John 33 They had seen the man in a parking lot A The man was seen in a parking lot C The man was to be seen in a parking lot 34 People say that prevention is better than cure A It is said that prevention is better than cure C Prevention is to have said to be better than cure 35 My mother gave a watch to me A My mother was given a watch by me C A watch was given my mother by me B He had repaired his car § weeks before D He didn't have any repair to his car in weeks B I lent this book to John D I was lent by John this book B The man has been seen in a parking lot D The man had been seen in a parking lot B Prevention is said to be better than cure D A and B are correct B A watch was given to me by my mother D A watch was given to my mother by me C READING I Read the passage below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space BOOKS Nearly all the discoveries that have been (36) through the ages can be found in books The invention of the book is one of humankind's (37) achievements, the importance of (38) cannot be overestimated Books are very adaptable, (39) us with both entertainment and information The production of books (40) in Ancient Egypt, though not in a form that is (41) to us today The books read by the Romans, (42) , have some similarities to the ones we read now Until the middle of the 15th century, in Europe, all books were written (43) isry were oiren Beautifully illustrated and always rare and expensive With printing (44) the possibility of cheap, large-scale publication and distribution of books, (45) knowledge more widespread and, accessible 36 A made 37 A largest 38 A whose 39 A giving 40 A arose 41 A known 42 A however 43 A with 44 A began 45 A getting B done B greatest B that B offering B carried out B recognised B though B by B appeared B causing C achieved C giant C which C meeting C began C.considered C therefore C in C existed C making D attained D huge D who's D providing D set D belonged D also D on D came D leaving II Read the following extracts from the book descriptions and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question Book A The Roman Emperor Claudius writes the inside story of his public life Men classed him as a pitiful fool But the actions he describes.are far from foolish Reluctantly crowned Emperor, he appears as a man whose errors ÔN TẬP 12 CĂN BẢN IV ~ Lop11.com (8) came from good nature and innocence It is the common people and the common soldiers who help him to repair the damage done by the Emperor Caligula by conquering Britain, and who stand by him in his final hard judgement on his unfaithful wife Book B A fortune-teller once told Mary (as the author calls herself in this book): 'You are going to be loved by people you've ever seen and never will see' That statement came true when she published her delightful and exact record of country life at the end of the last century - a record in which she describes the fast - dissolving England of farm - worker and country tradesman and colours her picture with the cheerful courage and the rare pleasures that marked a self-sufficient world of work and poverty Book C 'Leave it to my man, Johnson,’ Cecil used to say, whether the problem was the colour of a shirt, the shape of a hat, the style of a coat What did it matter if Johnson tended to take charge of his life and that without his approval his employer could not even grow a moustache? Was he not always there for him to lean on in moments of difficulty? And such moments were frequent in the leisured life of Cecil and his friends in the London of the first motor buses Book D The novel is the story of a man for whom both real life and university research have lost their meaning Separated from his over-emotional wife, Gerald Middleton is painfully aware that the centre of his life is empty But the world is reaching out for him again Gerald is the only person still alive who was present when Bishop Eorpwald's grave was opened and the strange wooden figure found which has offended, puzzled and fascinated students of early English history for years But he also keeps another even worse secret 46 Which book will probably be light and humourous? A Book A B Book B C Book C D Book D 47 Which book seems to be set in the present day? A Book A B Book B C Book C D Book D 48 From the information given here, the Emperor Claudius appears to have been A a foolish ruler B an ambitious man C a successful general D a forgiving husband 49 Gerald Middleton appears to be a A professor of history B private detective C writer of crime stories D university student 50 What was the relationship between Johnson and Cecil? A Johnson ordered Cecil to things B Johnson never questioned orders C Cecil depended on Johnson D Cecil paid Johnson well ****************** PRACTICE TEST A PHONETICS I Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others A live B time C imagine D interest A pages B stories C watches D advises A wonderful B belong C holiday D song A enjoyed B tasted C digested D demanded A work B world C information D word II Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others A important B imagine C specially D description A replace B affair C complete D picture A personality B information C conservation D imagination A journey B survive C wilderness D notice ÔN TẬP 12 CĂN BẢN IV ~ Lop11.com (9) 10 A result B problem C faithful D partner B VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I Choose the most suitable word or phrase (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence 11 Java Man, who lived before the first Ice Age, is the first manlike animal A Generally believed it is B It is generally believed that C Believed generally is D That is generally believed 12 is one of my favourite leisure activities A To reading books B Reading books C Books to read D The reading books 13 I doubt the book is worth reading A when B since C whether D so that 14 I this book to all who enjoy an exciting story A praise B approve of C compliment D recommend 15 I had my hair by my brother A to cut B cut C cutting D be cut 16 The , document describes the new regulations A enclosed B enclose C enclosing D being enclosed 17 I think access to cinemas and theatres is the main of city life A attraction B amenity C leisure D recreation 18 the dollar as its monetary unit in 1878 A It was adopted by Canada B Adopted by Canada C Canada adopted D The Canadian adoption of 19 places which attract so many art lovers as Florence, Italy A Fewer B As few C There are few D That fewer 20 Our son is very on detective stories A interested B keen C fond D concerned 21 "What should I tell the mechanic?" ~ "The oil needs " A to change B to be changed C change D changing it 22 The hole in the side indicated that the crate had been during shipment A hurt B injured C wounded D damaged 23 Because of their convenience, cellular phones and other portable phones have become popular A widespread B widely C wide D widening 24 Dark glasses are sometimes worn to the eyes from strong sunlight A protect B care C ensure D keep safe 25 The , the first daily newspaper in the United States, first appeared in 1783 A Pennsylvania Evening Post is two pages long B Pennsylvania Evening Post was C two-page Pennsylvania Evening Post D two-page Pennsylvania Evening Post's II Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting 26 (A) Drying food (B) by means of solar energy (C) is an ancient process (D) applying wherever food and climatic conditions make it possible 27 It should not be (A) assume that (B) the lower the price, (C) the happier the (D) buyer 28 (A) There is estimated that (B) the Orion nebula contains (C) enough matter to form 10,000 (D) stars 29 The main routes (A) used by the pony express (B) was equipped with (C) stops providing stables, (D) lodging, and food 30 Measles (A) have not (B) yet been (C) eradicated (D) up to now III Choose the one option (A, B, C or D) corresponding to the best sentence that is made up from the sets of words and phrases given 31 Pat /teach /drive / when /he /young A Pat taught to drive when he was young C Pat was thought to teach to drive when he was young 32 suspect / think/leave /country A The suspect is thought of leaving the country C The suspect left the country he thought 33 Miss Smith /appall /student /grammar A Miss Smith was appalled by her students' grammar B Paul was taught to drive when he was young D Pat taught me driving when he was young B The suspect is thought to have left the country D Leaving the country, the suspect was thought so ÔN TẬP 12 CĂN BẢN IV ~ Lop11.com (10) B Miss Smith was appalling by her students' grammar C Miss Smith was appalled with her students' grammar D Miss Smith was appall by her students'grammar 34 Kate /have /car/service / tomorrow A Kate is having her car to service tomorrow C Kate is having her car serviced tomorrow 35 say / oil / healthy / butter A People say that oil is healthier than butter C Oil is said not to be healthy than butter B Kate is having her car service tomorrow D Kate is having her car serving tomorrow B It is said that oil is healthier than butter D A and B are correct C READING I Read the passage below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space AUDIOBOOKS - BOOKS ON CASSETTE In the modern world, there is a wealth of leisure activities to choose from Entertainment industries (36) for your leisure time You can watch TV, listen to music, go to an art gallery or concert or, of course, read a book Sometimes it seems that reading is (37) because, even if you're a fast reader, it can take a (38) amount of time to finish a novel, for example But in the (39) world, time is something that can be in short supply Book publishers haven't been (40) a product which needn't (41) to realize this and are now selling as much of your time but still tells you an excellent story The new product is the audiobook - cassette recordings of shortened novels, often read by well-known personalities or the authors themselves Audiobooks are (42) new but people are becoming morel aware of them and sales are increasing all the time One of the attractions of audiobooks is that they're (43) listening to the radio, only better You can listen to what you want when you want, and you won't ever (44) anything Much of their appeal lies in their flexibility They (45) .you to other things while you're listening, such as driving or doing the housework For some people, audiobooks can be a much more enjoyable way of gaining knowledge than reading 36 A chase 37 A neglected 38 A plentiful 39 A current 40 A behind 41 A take up 42 A partly 43 A as 44 A pass 45 A grant B compete B declined B broad B new B slow B fill out B approximately B same B lack B allow C oppose C lessened C considerable C present C delayed C go through C roughly C like C miss C spare D pursue D disposed D lasting D modern D overdue D pass by D relatively D both D lose D afford II Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question Books which give instructions on how to things are very popular in the United States today Thousands of these How-to books are useful: in fact, there are about four thousand books with titles that begin with the words 'How-to" One book may tell you how to earn more money, another may tell you how to save or spend it, and another may explain how to give your money away Many How-to books give advice on careers They tell you how to choose a career and how to succeed in it If you fail, however, you can buy the book How to Turn Failure into Success If you would like to become very rich, you can buy the book How to Make a Millionaire If you never make any money at all, you may need a book called How to Live on Nothing One of the most popular types of books is one that helps you with personal problems If you want to have a better love of life, you can read How to Succeed in Love Every Minute of Your Life If you are tired of books on happiness, you may prefer books which give step-by-step instructions on how to redecorate or enlarge a house Why have How-to books become so popular? Probably because life has become so complex Today people have far more time to use, more choices to make, and more problems to solve How-to books help people deal with modern life ÔN TẬP 12 CĂN BẢN IV ~ 10 Lop11.com (11) 46 From the first paragraph, we know How-to books are A only about four thousand copies B on money C very helpful in life D needed a lot 47 The passage tells us that How-to books sell well on how A to succeed in career B to solve personal problems C to deal with business D to make money 48 If you often read How-to books, you A will be sure to get something you need B will not know how to help yourself in life C will become a man in life D needn't think any more in the world 49 Which of the following opinions about How-to books is not mentioned in the passage? A How-to books are among the best sellers' in the world B How-to books are useful in many ways C How-to books give advice on careers D How-to books help people with personal problems 50 How-to books appear only because A people have more free time to spend than before B people meet more problems than their parents C people may have more choices from How-to books than any other books D modern life is more difficult to deal with **************************** To be continued … ÔN TẬP 12 CĂN BẢN IV ~ 11 Lop11.com (12)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 22:22

