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In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with diseases, high costs, and politics, the Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by allo[r]


PRACTICE TEST 43 I Make the correct choice:

1.Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:

a adventure b advice c advertise d advance

2 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:

a blood b food c wood d good

3 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:

a forks b lasers c biscuits d whips

4 Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the rest:

a dangerous b mountainous c curious d adventurous

5 Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the rest:

a militant b company c invaluable d military

6 They _ working all through the night, and finished at nine this morning

a put off b kept on c turned down d went out

7 The picnic still _ despite the bad weather

a went ahead b went away c went off d.went back

8 He is with vitamin C every day

a taken b rejected c infected d injected

9 The atmosphere absorbs much of the radiation from the sun

a takes off b takes up c takes in d takes on

10 AIDS is a newly discovered and very _ disease

a danger b dangerous c endanger d dangerously

11 These chemicals are poisonous They can cause if taken into the body

a death or illness b dead or ill c dead or illness d death or ill 12 In Vietnam, _ Day is on September 2nd.

a Women’s b Teachers’ c Independence d Mother’s

13 People becomes more militant smoking in public places

a than b with c in d about

14 Not long ago, I was introduced a famous artist

a with b to c about d for

15 The planets of our _ systems are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

a sunny b sun c solar d sunshine

16 Vietnamese teenagers are used to being dependent their parents

a on b of c with d for

17 Toys are necessary for the mental _ of children

a strength b warmth c undergrowth d growth

18 There many wonderful developments in this century

a was b has been c have been d is

19 Charlie Chaplin, was a comedian, was best known for his work in silent movies

a who b he c whom d that

20 If Peter , he would come

a is invited b was invited c would be invited d had been invited 21 The weather is to go for a picnic

a so good that b good enough for us c as good as d too well 22 Peter doesn’t like films.- _

a Either does his sister b Neither does his sister c His sister does, too d His sister doesn’t, neither 23 I would like to have my car

a repair b to repair c repairing d repaired

24 My car needs _

a to repair b repairing c to be repairing d repair

25 On holiday I always _ on the beach when the weather is fine

a.lie b.was c lay d.am

26 The teacher’s salary is as high _

a as the doctor b as the doctor’s c than the doctor d than the doctor’s 27 When you at the airport tomorrow, you _ by a friend of mine

a arrive / will be met b will arrive / will be met c will arrive/ will meet d arrive / will meet 28 _ unprepared for the examination, you will surely get bad marks

a Because of b Due to c Being d Having

29 He _ playing football five years ago

a begins b began c begun d has begun

30 by my Jack London, the story represents the American love for adventure

a.Written b.Writing c.To write d.To be written

II Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 31 There is a seven-o’clock train leaves every morning.

a b c d


33 Unless you don’t take my advice, you won’t be successful in your future career a b c d

34.I am surprising at how much he smokes; I’m not used to it a b c d

35 Jack London is known as one of the great novelist of the world a b c d III Read the passage and make the correct choice:

Lenin was born in April, 1870 in Simbirsk His father died (36) he was sixteen years old In September 1887 he entered Kazan University and he was arrested (37) participating in student protests and was expelled from the University Then he (28) to study the literature of earlier generations of Russian Revolutionaries (39) study law He gained the license to practise law in 1892 One year later, he became (40) in Marxism In April 1899, his book titled “The development of Capitalism in Russia” was published

36.a because b when c although d during

37.a by b because c for d in spite of

38.a began b finished c looked forward d practised

39.a in order to b but c so d and

40.a rich b interested c keen d successful

IV Read the following passage and choose the best answer:

In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with diseases, high costs, and politics, the Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by allowing ships to pass through the fifty-mile canal zone instead of travelling some seven thousand miles around Cape Horn It takes a ship approximately eight hours to complete the trip through the canal and costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars, one-tenth of what it would cost an average ship to round the Horn More than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year

The French initiated the project; but sold their rights to the United States The latter will control it until the end of the twentieth century when Panama takes over its duties

41.Officially, ships began to pass through the Panama Canal . a.thirty-nine years ago b.in 1920

c.in 1959 d.when they began to face with diseases, high costs and politics 42.Ships can pass through the canal zone _.

a.in some eighteen hours b.in one-tenth of an hour c.in about eight hours d.in approximately eighty hours 43.How much would it cost an average ship to round the Horn?

a.fifteen thousand dollars b.fifty thousand dollars

c.five thousand dollars d.one hundred and fifty thousand dollars 44 Which country will control the Canal until the end of the 20th century?

a.The United States b.France c.Panama d.The Horn

45 The phrase ‘ take over’ is closest in meaning to _

a control b replace c allow d join

V Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 46 They left very early in the morning They didn’t want anybody to see them

a They left very early in the morning so that they couldn’t see them b They left very early in the morning so that nobody could see them c They left very early in the morning so as not to see them.

d They left very early in the morning so that anybody could see them. 47 He collects stamps He likes it

a He is fond of liking to collect stamps b He is keen to collect stamps

c Collecting stamps interests him d He is interesting in collecting stamps 48 My father doesn’t smoke any more

a My father is used to smoking b My father never used to smoke c My father didn’t use to smoke any more d My father used to smoke a lot VI Choose the best sentence made from the given cues:

49 finally / decide / go back / shop / buy / shirt

a Finally, he decided to go back to the shop to buy the shirt

b Finally, deciding to buy the shirt made him to go back to the shop c Finally, he was deciding to go back to the shop for the bought shirt d Finally, the decision to buy the shirt coming back to him

50 know / where / she / live / now?

a Where she lives now is your knowledge? b No one knows where she is living now, don’t they? c Do you know where she lives now? d Is it known about where does she live now? How to pronounce the final –S or –ES in plural nouns:

 / s / : When the nouns end in : f , k , p , t : (cliffs, desks, shops, plates…)

Ngày đăng: 28/05/2021, 22:16

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