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Bài ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh khối 11 - Review

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Give people appetizers like Greek mezze or Spanish tapas, so they don’t get hungry if they have to wait.. Serve the delicious meal, sit down with your guests and have a good time – you’v[r]

(1)REVIEW I Pronunciation: Pick out the word whose underlined part in pronounced differently from that of the other words: a gossip b dangerous c village d passenger 10 a glad b geography c glass d give a chicken b children c chorus d chime 11 a hour b happy c husband d hold a house c hour c honey d hockey 12 a ghost b house c hit d heat a game b danger c village d change 13 a rhythm b ghost c rhino d help a honest b exhaust c hour d hook 14 a artist b organ c urgent d orange a cheese b chorus c chaos d character 15 a rain b artist c rock d read a hair b honesty c holiday d house 16 a half b calm c talk d tall a church b orchid c orchestra d psychology 17 a could b would c should d spell a heir b honesty c historic d honorable 18 a calm b salad c glass d lunch II Choose the best answer: I haven’t seen you for _ How are things? (ages, long time, eras, long) Joanna looks _ in her new dress (nicely, nice, like nice, such nice) I write home once a week because I want to _ with my family (see, touch, keep in touch, neglect) I think the old woman was very angry as she (made a fuss, make a move, make a decision, make a choice) when she saw a rubbish in front of her house A good friend should not be (quick – witted, warm – hearted, selfish, open minded) I like the room because it’s warm and cosy (inviting, comfortable, unpleasant, protected) I’m sorry for (doing, raising, having, making) such a fuss about the noise Jim is just (an acquaintance, a colleague, a workmate, a figure) I met on holiday I was very (embarrassing, embarrassed, embarrassment, embarrassingly) when my mom kept calling me “Honey” in front of my friends 10 Light refreshments will be served at the party (alcohol, sweets, supper, food and drinks) 11 Today he is on the (annual, anniversary, date, annually) of his wife’s death 12 He is so (generous, generosity, generously, general) in giving help III Give the right form of the verbs: I hope (go) to university next year Instead of (excite) about the good news, Tom seemed to be different She was watching TV when the phone (ring) Tom appreciated (serve) breakfast in bed when he wasn’t feeling well Mary didn’t expect (ask) to John’s party I finally finished (cook) at 7:00 p.m and served dinner Mr Wilson always remembers (park) in the garage so that the driveway is free for other cars Julia’s children are used to (pick up) after school every day They don’t have to walk home 10 The nurse suggested (take) two aspirins 11 It (snow) when I (leave) home this morning 12 By the time he (be) 25, he (mark) million pounds 13 After I (finish) work, I (watch) TV 14 I (not hear) the joke before, I (laugh) a lot 15 When we (come out) of the restaurant, we saw that our car (disappear) 16 What you (do) at o’clock yesterday afternoon? 17 Which hotel you (stay) in when you (lose) your passport? 18 She couldn’t take the photograph very well because she (not ring) her glasses 19 A lot of people (wait) for the 7.30 bus last night 20 I (not watch) the film because I (see) it before IV Rewrite each sentences, beginning as shown: Would you like to go to the beach? Do you fancy… Why don’t we wait for the bus? He suggested … There’s something burning in the kitchen I can smell… Would you care for a drink? How about… Shall we go for a ride? What about… Why don’t we stay at home for a change? I suggested… Shall we invite our friends on Sunday? Do you consider… Would you please give me a hand? Would you mind… Please don’t interrupt me all the time? Would you mind… Lop11.com (2) 10 It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour It’s better to avoid… 11 Could we go to the cinema? She suggested… 12 It’s true that I was driving too fast She admitted… 13 I didn’t break into the shop He denied… 14 Shall we get married? They decided… 15 Can I carry your bag for you? He offered … 16 Let’s meet at o’clock They arrange… V Reading: A Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank: MARIA’S HOMECOMING When the bus (36) in a small square, Maria was reading her magazine and didn’t realize that she had arrived at her destination “This is Santa Teresa,” Martin said “You’ve arrived home!” I suppose your cousin will be (37) for us Come on I’ll carry the bags.” Maria thought, “All those years when I (38) in New York, I used to dream if this moment And now it’s real, I can’t believe it! Here I am, I’m really standing in the square.” Santa Teresa was Maria’s birthplace, but she often left the town at the age of six She had some (39) of the town, and some photos, but did she belong here still? She didn’t know Nobody was waiting in the square Perhaps her cousin Pablo hadn’t received Maria’s letter “What are we going to now?” asked Martin “There isn’t (40) a hotel here!” 36) A reached B got C stooped D came 37) A expecting B waiting C welcoming D receiving 38) A was living B have lived C live D am living 39) A recall B memories C thinking D remembering 40) A even B hardly C too D very B Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question PREPARING A DINNER PARTY Giving a dinner party is a wonderful way of entertain people You can also make new friends and give others the chance to get to know each other better It needs planning, though First, make a guest list, with different kinds of people and a mixture of women and men Don’t invite couples because they aren’t so much fun When you know who can come, find out what they like to eat and drink Note down any who are vegetarians, or who can’t eat or drink certain things for religious seasons Then plan their menu Include a first course, a choice of main courses and a dessert, plus lots of people’s favourite drinks The next thing to is the shopping Make sure buy more than enough of everything, and that someone can help you carry it! On the day, start cooking early Give people appetizers like Greek mezze or Spanish tapas, so they don’t get hungry if they have to wait Serve the delicious meal, sit down with your guests and have a good time – you’ve earned it! 36) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the purpose of giving a dinner party? A to entertain people B to make new friends C to get people to know more about their host and hostess D to help people to know each other better 37) when giving a dinner party, you should NOT invite A husbands and wives B those who are vegetarians C both women and men D those who can’t eat or drink certain things 38) The menu should include these EXCEPT A a first course B a supper C a dessert D main courses 39) According to the passage, starters should be served A because the guests want to have a good time together B because the guests like eating them C because the guests want to eat them while having to wait D because the guests may be hungry while having to wait 40) What should you while the guests are having their evening meal? A Stand beside the guests without doing anything B Sit down with the guests and have a good time C Sit down with the guests to show your politeness D Only serve the guests with the food Lop11.com (3)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 22:10

