nature of their choices is not as important as the fact that both women make the. choices themselves ..[r]
(1)DRAMA II Modern Drama
Thought provoking aspects…
I Characters’ development during the play (female characters)
Mrs Linde
II Ibsen’s Doll’s House is anther
representation of “the Social Lie and Duty” III Critical Analysis of Language (Dialogues)
(3)(4)Feminine representation of development…
She like
s having people depend o
n her, and
independence d oes not seem
(6)(7) Ibsen seems to feel that the
nature of their choices is not as important as the fact that both women make the
(8)Thinking Call!
Do you find any development of the male characters?
Torvald Krogstad
(9)(10) Do you think Ibsen’s Doll’s House is anther return to
his favorite subject, “the Social Lie and Duty”?
Do we find any relation between both?