The delegation task is in finding the right persons and giving them the. right work.[r]
Prof Dr Mohammad Majid Mahmood
"If you have a difficult task, give it to a lazy man – he will find an easier way to it" –
(4)Most human resources and business
Most human resources and business
professionals understand this but it is
professionals understand this but it is
alarming how few are able to
alarming how few are able to
implement it Why is this?
implement it Why is this?
Human Resources are the most
important asset of any
Delegation is the process that makes
management possible, because
management is the process of getting results accomplished through others
Unless you delegate tasks to your
subordinates, your team will become inefficient and demoralized
"I not only use all the brains I have, but all I can borrow."
Information technology explosion, Increased mergers,
Heightened competition, and
Higher expectations of nearly every customer
it just isn't possible to still be that one person in control of everything Bringing in others to manage is an absolute necessity for survival now
You must perform only "essential activities" that give the company its
competitive advantage
Learn to do less and manage more
The delegation task is in finding the right persons and giving them the
Following activities are sensitive & should not be delegated:
Hiring Firing
(10)Advantages of Delegation
Positive aspects of delegation include:
Higher efficiency
Increased motivation
Develops the skills of your team
Better distribution of work through the group