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READING COMPREHENSION (unit 1) The family in the Britain is changing. The once typical British family headed by two parents has undergone (1) …… changes during the twentieth century. In particular there has been a rise the (2) …… of single-person households, which increased from 18 to 29 percent of all households between 1971 and 2002. By the year 2020, it is estimated that there will be (3)…… single people than married people. Fifty years ago this would have been socially (4) …… in Britain. In the past, people got married and (5) …… married. Divorce was very difficult, expensive and took a long time .Today, people’s (6)…… on marriage are changing. Many couples, mostly in their twenties or thirties, live together (cohabit) (7) …… getting married. Only about 60% of these couples will eventually get married. In the past, people married before they had children, but now about 40% of children in Britain are born to(8) …… (cohabiting) parents. In 2000, around a quarter of unmarried people between the ages of 16 and 59 were cohabiting in Great Britain. Cohabiting (9) …… are also starting families without first being married. Before 1960 this was very (10)…… , but in 2001 around 23 percent of births in the UK were to cohabiting couples. 1. A/ slight B/ rapid C/ slow D/ substantial 2. A/ amount B/ number C/ size D/ form 3. A/ many B/ much C/ more D/ less 4. A/ popular B/ mysterious C/ terrible D/ unacceptable 5. A/ stayed B/ respected C/ ignored D/ cared 6. A/ attitudes B/ views C/ prejudices D/ criticisms 7. A/ by B/ after C/ before D/ without 8. A/ loved B/ married C/ unmarried D/ divorced 9. A/ youngsters B/ couples C/ mothers D/ irregular (unit 2) Most Americans eat three meals (1) ……the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast begins between 7:00 and 8:00am, lunch between 11:00 am and noon, and dinner between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. On Sundays "brunch" is a (2)…….of breakfast and lunch, typically beginning at 11:00 am. Students often enjoy a "study break" or evening snack around 10:00 or 11:00 pm. Breakfast and lunch tend to be light meals, with only one (3)… Dinner is the main meal. (5) ……. breakfast Americans will eat cereal with milk which are often mixed (4) …. in a bowl, a glass of orange juice, and toasted bread or muffin with jam, butter, or margarine. Another common breakfast meal is scrambled eggs or (6) … omelet with potatoes and breakfast meat (bacon or sausage). People who are on (7) ……eat just a cup of yogurt. Lunch and dinner are more (8) …….When eating at a formal dinner, you may be overwhelmed by the number of utensils. How do you (9) ……. the difference between a salad fork, a butter fork, and a dessert fork? Most Americans do not know the answer (10) …….But knowing which fork or spoon to use first is simple: use the outermost utensils first and the utensils closest to the plate last. 1.A/ in B/. for C/. on D/. during 2.A/ addition B/ connection C/ combination D/ attachment 3.A/ course B/ food C/ menu D/ goods 4.A/ For B/ In C/ At D/ With 5.A/ each other B/ together C/ one another D/ others 6A/ a B/ an C/ the D/ no article 7A/holiday B/ engagement C/ diet D/ duty 8A/ vary B/ variety C/ varied D/ variously 9A/ say B/ talk C/ speak D/ tell 10A/ too B/ either C/ so D/ neither (unit 3) A gesture is an action that sends a message from one person to another (1)…… using words. We use gesture to communicate with others. There are some gestures that have completely different meaning (2)…… on when and where they are used. When an American wants to show that something is OK or good, he (3)…… his hand and makes a circle with his thumb and forefinger. The circle sign has only one meaning for him. He might be surprised to learn that in other countries it can mean something very(4)…… In Japan, for instance, it is the gesture for money. In France it means “zero” or “worthless”. (5) …… differences can lead to all kinds of misunderstanding (6)…… foreigners meet. But why is it that the (7) …….gesture has so many different meanings ? When some people want to show something is exact or precise, they make a sign to show that they are (8)…… something between the tips of their thumb and forefinger. In this way they make a circle with their fingers. Many people from all over the world do this when they want to make a specific (9) …… as they are speaking. People later started using this signal to mean “ exactly right” or “perfect”. This was (10) …… the famous OK sign was born. 1. A/ by B/ with C/ without D/ as 2. A/ depending B/ basing C/ mentioning D/ counting 3. A/ uses B/ raises C/ waves D/ keeps 4. A/ attractive B/ interesting C/ extraordinary D/ different 5. A/ many B/ from C/ such D/ for 6. A/ if B/ when C/ where D/ because 7. A/ simple B/ usual C/ kind D/ same 8. A/ holding B/ giving C/ putting D/ rolling 9. A/ suggestion B/ statement C/ point D/ view 10. A/what B/ where C/ when D/ how (unit 4) Education is important in England. English children are requyred by law to have an education until they are (1) …… years old. Education is (2)…… for all children from 5 to 18. About 94 percent of pupils in the UK receive free education from public funds, while 6 percent attend (3) …… fee paying schools. In general, children start school on the first day of (4) …… after they turn 5. At the age of 11, they move on to (5)…… high schools, known as secondary schools. At the age of 11, students write a(n) (6)…… called the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). All students are tested (7) …… mathematics, English literature, English composition, chemistry, biology, physics, history or the Classics, one (8)…… language, and one other subject, such as art or computer studies. After completing the GCSE, some students leave school, others go on to(9)…… college, (10)…… others continue at high school for two more years and take a further set of standardized exams, known as A levels, in three or four subjects. These exams determine whether a student is eligible. 1. A/ 15 B/ 16 C/ 17 D/ 18 2. A/ compulsory B/ perfect C/ free D/ voluntary 3. A/ dependent B/ supported C/ forced D/ independent 4. A/ year B/ term C/ course D/ stage 5. A/ regular B/ normal C/ unusual D/ special 6. A/ competition B/ contest C/ examination D/ test 7. A/ on B/ at C/ for D/ in 8. A/ different B/ modern C/ foreign D/ traditional 9. A/ technique B/ technical C/ technology D/ technological 10. A/ when B/ which C/ whilst D/ why (unit 5) Higher education includes teaching, research and social services, activities of universities, and within the (1) …… of teaching, it includes both undergraduate level and the graduate (or post graduate level). In the United Kingdom post-secondary school education (2)…… the level of higher education is referred to as further education. Higher education in that country (3) …… involves work towards a degree-level or foundation degree qualification. In most developed countries a high (4)…… of the population (up to 50%) now enter higher education at some time in their lives. Higher education is therefore very important to national (5) …… both as a significant in its own right, and as a source of trained and educated (6)…… for the rest of the economy. There are two types of higher education in UK: higher general education and higher (7) …… education. Higher education in the United States (8)…… refers to post-secondary institution that offer associate degrees, baccalaureate degrees, master’s degree or Ph. D degrees or (9) …… .Such institution may offer (10) …… certificates which indicate completion of a set of courses comprising some body of knowledge, but the granting of such certificates is not the primary purpose of the institution. 1. A/ level B/ range C/ realm D/ circle 2. A/ as B/ above C/ behind D/ below 3. A/ generally B/ hardly C/ rarely D/ never 4. A/ number B/ quantity C/ percentage D/ proportion 5. A/ cultures B/ politics C/ economics D/ industries 6. A/ person B/ personal C/ personality D/ personne 7. A/ technical B/ physical C/ vocational D/ agricultural 8. A/ basically B/ specially C/ obviously D/ certainly 9. A/ equivalents B/ certificates C/ qualifications D/ diplomas 10. A/ degree B/ non-degree C/ legal D/ illegal (unit 6) If you want to look for a job, the first thing you should do is to ask your friends, family and former colleagues if they know any job (1)…… in your area of interest. You can also check the help-wanted section of your local newspaper. Trade magazines and smaller community newspaper often publish job (2)…… as well. Many Websites post job opportunities. You cannot only use Websites (3)…… main purpose is to provide job listings, but also (4) …… the sites of professional association in your field and the sites of businesses you would like to work for. These sites often have a web page devoted (5)…… job openings. Much like a trade show, a job fair brings prospective (6) …… together in one place. You can talk to representatives from several different companies all on the (7)…… day. Job fairs are often (8)…… in the newspaper, in the job section. Look into job placement services in your area. They offer many services, including career counseling , (9)…… to find job openings and a place where you can work. (10) …… , businesses specializing in job placement services are often listed in the phone box. 1. A/ centres B/ places C/ opportunitiesD/ requirements 2. A/ openings B/ listings C/ sites D/ fields 3. A/ which B/ how C/ when D/ whose 4. A/ think B/ search C/ discuss D/ choose 5. A/ in B/ on C/ for D/ to 6. A/ employees B/ employers C/ managers D/ experts 7. A/ other B/ different C/ same D/ good 8. A/ listed B/ printed C/ marked D/ advertised 9. A/ Bases B/ tendencies C/ resources D/ methods 10. A/ However B/ Therefore C/ Nevertheless D/ Otherwise (unit 7) The open policy mean that our country is open to investment, trade, and technical and economic cooperation with other countries on the basis of (1) …… and mutual benefit. The purpose of open policy is to acquire advanced technology and management skills so as to promote our (2)…… and modernization. (3)…… the implementation of the policy, we can learn advanced technology and management skills from abroad; make (4)…… use of foreign capitals to set up great enterprises; (5)…… useful and healthy ideas and new knowledge of the modern civilization; and broaden our views and raise our level of (6)…… . But in the (7)…… of opening to the outside world, some negative (8) …… will inevitably appear. There is no doubt that to open the country to the outside world brings about both positive and negative (9)……. .But we can try our best to reduce the negative influence to the (10) …… extent. 1. A/ solidarity B/ friendship C/ loyalty D/ equality 2. A/ prosperity B/ civilization C/ development D/ industrialization 3. A/ On B/ From C/ Through D/ During 4. A/ only B/ full C/ half D/ partial 5. A/ absorb B/ state C/ accept D/ inherit 6. A/ competition B/ competence C/ opposition D/ contradiction 7. A/ time B/ period C/ era D/ process 8. A/ events B/ elements C/ reasons D/factors 9. A/ results B/ resources C/ sides D/ aspects 10. A/ most B/ least C/ last D/ farthest (unit 8) What sort of life will you be living 39 years from now ? Scientists have looked (1)… the future and they can tell you. It will be the age of press-button transportation. Rocket belts will (2) …a man’s stride to 30 feet, and bus-type helicopters will travel along (3)… air skyways. There will be moving plastic-covered (4)… individual hoppicopters , and 200 m.p.h. monorail trains operating in all large cities. By the year 2020, five percent of the world’s population will have (5)…… into space. Many will have visited the moon and (6)…… Our children will learn (7)…… TV, recorders and teaching machines. They will get (8)…… to make them learn faster. We shall be healthier, too. There will be (9)…… common colds, cancer, tooth decay or mental illness. Medically induced growth of amputated limbs will be possible.(10)…… will be in the middle stages of research, and people will live, healthily, to 85 or 100. 1. A/ at B/ up C/ over D/ into 2. A/ cover B/ increase C/ decrease D/ tighten 3. A/ crowded B/ wide C/ comfortable D/ polluted 4. A/ roads B/ streets C/ railways D/ pavements 5. A/ travelled B/ looked C/ emigrated D/ immigrated 6. A/ beyond B/ behind C/ more D/ further 7. A/ on B/ from C/ with D/ by 8. A/ vaccines B/ aspirins C/ capsules D/ pills 9. A/ no B/ a few C/ many D/ much 10. A/ Rejuvenation B/ Renewal C/Renovation D/ Modernization (unit 9) The Middle East and North Africa are one of the driest regions on earth. Nearly two-thirds of the region is desert. The Sahara Desert of northern Africa is the largest desert in the world. Desert air (41) ____ little moisture, so few clouds form over the land. Without clouds to block the sun, temperatures may reach as (42) ____ as 125°F during the day. At night, without the clouds to contain the heat, the temperature can fall to as low as 125°F. Extreme temperatures (43) ____ with little rainfall make desert life difficult for people, plants, and animals. (44) ____, some life forms have adapted to even the most severe desert (45) ____, Camels are able to survive long periods without food or water. Many desert plants have long, shallow (46) ____ systems. This allows the plants to reach out to collect water over great distances. Other desert plants have taproots. Taproots grow very deep (47) ____ they can tap sources of underground water. Plant life in the desert is usually spread out over great distances. This is (48) ____ deserts are often described as barren, or lifeless. When many people think of a desert they often think of endless miles of hot sand, but a desert does not have to be hot or sandy. Most of the land of the Middle East and North Africa is hot, dry desert land, (49) ____ some deserts look very different. Most of Antarctica is a desert but there is no sand on the continent and the climate of Antarctica is (50) ____ coldest on earth. 1. A / contains B/comprises C/ consists D/ includes 2. A / much B/ far C/ long D/ high 3. A/ locate B/ combine C/ explore D/ separate 4. A / Therefore B/ So C/ However D/ But 5. A/ environment B/ place C/ society D/ atmosphere 6. A/ leave B/ bark C/ root D/ branch 7. A/ as B/ because D/ but D/ so 8. A/ what B/ why D/ how D/ when 9. A/ since B/ as C/ so D/ but 10. A/ a B/ an C/ the D/ Ø (unit 10) Considered human’s closest (1)…… , great apes are among the world’s most fascinating species.(2)…… , they are also among its most threatened. Great apes of Africa and Asia could face (3)…… in the next few decades if (4) …… is not done to conserve them. Africa’s great apes-gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos-live in war-torn regions and are threatened by hunting for the commercial (5)…… trade . But they also have to (6)…… with extensive habitat loss and diseases such as Ebola. Asia’s only great ape, the orangutan, is also (7) …… much of its habitat to (8)…… and deliberate burning to make way for agriculture and oil palm plantations. Building on more than 40 years of experience (9) …… .great ape conservation, WWF is using (10) …… strategies in the field, while helping governments develop comprehensive conservation policies. 1. A/ friends B/ companions C/ relatives D/ associates 2. A/ Certainly B/ Commonly C/ Suddenly D/ Unfortunately 3. A/ threat B/ danger C/ destruction D/ extinction 4. A/ many B/ more C/ less D/ no 5. A/ bush-meat B/ fresh-meat C/ frozen-meat D/ white meat 6. A/ follow B/ suit C/ contend D/ concern 7. A/ keeping B/ destroying C/ affecting D/ losing 8. A/ erosion B/ hunting C/ storm D/ deforestation 9. A/ on B/ in C/ with D/ for 10. A/ innovative B/ violent C/ strong D/ flexible (unit 11) Books are written to provide knowledge and good (1)……. The mind. By putting ourselves under the (2)…… of superior mind, we improve our mental powers. (3)……. good books we learn that people are everywhere the same, in all ages, and in all classes. This knowledge (4)……. our love of others and helps us to live in peace with them. We also understand that the world was made not only for man alone but for every (5)…… that can feel hunger and thirst, warmth and cold. Though it may be (6) …… for us to travel throughout the world and see the things happening today, it’s not possible for us to see not only (7)…… the most remote regions of the world today, but also into the world in which our (8)…… lived. However, not all books are (9)…… reading. Some books are too simple or too difficult; Other are not in our (10)…… .As tie limits us to reading only a few very small number of the millions of books in the world, we have to choose carefully only those that suit us best. Moreover, we must try to apply to practise what we learn from books. 1. A/ enlarge B/ enrich C/ encircle D/ encode 2. A/ interaction B/ improvement C/ influence D/ presence 3. A/ In B/ With C/ Upon D/ Through 4. A/ change B/ improve C/ remain D/ restore 5. A/ bacterium B/ animal C/ creature D/ entity 6. A/ simple B/ difficult C/ possible D/ impossible 7. A/ in B/ into C/ outside D/ on 8. A/ parents B/ families C/ relatives D/ ancestors 9. A/ suitable B/ worth C/ available D/ accessible 10. A/ interest B/ field C/ need D/ care (unit 12) Windsurfing is a surface water sport using a windsurf board, also commonly called a (1)…… , usually two to five meters long and powered by a (2)…… sail. The rig is connected to the board by a free-rotating flexible joint called the Universal Joint(U-Joint). Unlike a rudder-steered (3)…… a windsurfer is (4)…… by the tilting and rotating of the mast and sail as well as tilting and carving the board. The sport (5)…… aspects of both sailing and surfing, along with certain athletic aspects (6)…… with other board spots like skateboarding, snowboarding, waterskiing, and wakeboarding. (7)…… it might be considered a minimalist version of a sailboat, a windsurfer offers experiences that are (8)…… speed record for sailing craft; and, windsurfers can (9)…… jumps, inverted loops, spinning maneuvers, and other “ freestyle” (10) …… that cannot be matched by any sailboat. 1. A/ board B/ sailboard C/ windsurfer D/ all are correct 2. A/ small B/ large C/ single D/ full 3. A/ boat B/ sailboat C/ sail boarding D/ sailing board 4. A/ steered B/ directed C/ shown D/ guided 5. A/ refers B/ notices C/ combines D/ develops 6. A/ connected B/ shared C/ involved D/ dealt 7. A/ Because B/ Therefore C/ however D/ Although 8. A/ in B/ on C/ outside D/ inside 9. A/ perform B/ display C/ create D/ provide 10. A/ changes B/ moves C/ activities D/ performances (unit 13) The (1) …… Southeast Asian Games (also known as Sea Games) was held in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand from December 6 to December 16, 2007 .This is the most (2)…… and most protested game in the history of Sea Games. Many evidences were (3)…… against Thai fraudulence like a Thai male field hockey player, Surathep Wisawathiron became the (4)…… athlete tested positive for using methyltestosterone. Also, the Thai gymnast athlete, Panaporn Kosol tested positive for steroid. In the game, Philippines also staged a massive walkout due to the (5)…… judging of Thai judges in (6) …… of the competitions especially in the boxing, taekewondo and swimming events. The Thai Olympic Committee planned the event to (7)…… with the commemoration of 80 th birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Officials studied the possibility of doing the events in multiple venues like what was done in (8) …… and the Philippines. It was the (9) …… time Thailand has hosted the Sea Game. Thailand had hosted the 1959 (inaugural games), 1967, 1975, 1985 and 1995 Sea Game. The 2007 games were to be hosted in (10)…… . 1. A/ 21 st B/ 22 nd C/ 23 rd D/ 24 th 2. A/ controversial B/ unusual C/ approval D/ fair 3. A/ said B/ thought C/ believed D/ proved 4. A/ first B/ second C/ last D/ only 5. A/ good B/ sound C/ unfair D/ careless 6. A/ all B/ most C/ some D/ few 7. A/ combine B/ involve C/ concern D/ coincide 8. A/ Malaysia B/ Indonesia C/ Vietnam D/ Laos 9. A/ second B/ third C/ fifth D/ sixth 10. A/ Philippines B/ Myanmar C/ Singapore D/ Thailand (unit 14) The World Health Organization is one of the (1)…… agencies of the United Nations, its constitution formally coming into(2)…… on the first World Health Day (7 April 1984), when it was ratified by the 26 th member state. As well as Coordinating international efforts to monitor outbreaks of (3)…… diseases, such as SARS, malaria, and AIDS, the WHO also (4)…… programs to prevent and treat such diseases. The WHO supports the development and (5)…… of safe and effective vaccines, pharmaceutical diagnostics, and drugs. After years of fighting smallpox, the WHO (6)…… in 1979 that the disease had been (7)…… the first disease in history to be eliminated by human effort. The WHO is nearing (8)…… in developing vaccines against malaria and schistosomiasis and aims to eradicate polio within the next few years. The organization has already endorsed the world’s (9)…… Zimbabwe (from October 3, 2006), making it an international (10) …… . 1. A/ former B/ later C/ original D/ new 2. A/ rule B/ force C/ regulation D/ law 3. A/ dangerous B/ incurable C/infectious D/ strange 4. A/ introduces B/ sponsors C/ shows D/ makes 5. A/ production B/ storage C/distribution D/ management 6. A/ declared B/ rumoured C/ reported D/ revealed 7. A/ limited B/ prevented C/ destroyed D/ eradicated 8. A/ establishment B/ development C/ improvement D/ success 9. A/ first B/ second C/ only D/ last 10. A/ requyrement B/ condition C/ level D/ standard (unit 15) Role and responsibilities of Vietnamese women in family and society in the 21 st century as well as ways to help them (1)…… opportunities were discussed in Hanoi on March.8 . At the talks VWU President Ha Thi Khiet highlighted Vietnamese women’s (2)…… to the country’s development course as well as their (3)…… adaption to international integration and development. (4)…… , Vietnamese women account for 50 percent of the country’s population and (5)…… percent of the workforce. Vietnam ranks (6)…… in Asia in terms of the rate of the Vietnamese female (7)…… in the national assembly at 27.315 percent. Women account for 20 percent of the staff working in People’s Councils at all (8) …… nationwide. They (9)…… held the post of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the People’s Councils and the People’s Committees in two-thirds of the country’s provinces. Female ministers make (10) …… 11.29 percent of the Government cabinet. Many female athletes have won medals at national and international competitions and many female scientists have been honoured inside and outside the country for their practical studies. 1. A/ take B/ access C/ create D/ lose 2. A/ discoveries B/ achievements C/ foundations D/ contributions 3. A/ slight B/ slow C/ quick D/ deep 4. A/ Formerly B/ Currently C/ Obviously D/ Luckily 5. A/ 12 B/ 22 C/ 32 D/ 52 6. A/ first B/ second C/ third D/ last 7. A/ members B/ leaders C/ deputies D/ employees 8. A/ fields B/levels C/ aspects D/ parts 9. A/ always B/ hardly C/ also D/ still 10. A/ out B/ off C/ for D/ up (unit 16) The ASEAN Economic Community shall be the end-goal of economic integration (1)…… as outlined in the ASEAN Vision 2020. Its goal is to create a stable, prosperous and highly (2) …… ASEAN economic region in which there is a (3)…… flow of goods, services, investment and a free flow of capital, (4)…… economic development and reduced (5)…… and socio-economic disparities in year 2020. The ASEAN Economic Community shall establish ASEAN as a single (6)…… and production base, turning the diversity that characterizes the region(7)…… opportunities for business complementation and making the ASEAN a more dynamic and stronger (8)…… of the global supply chain. ASEAN’s strategy shall (9)…… of the integration of ASEAN and enhancing ASEAN’s economic (10)…… . 1. A/ plans B/ measures C/ tendencies D/ policies 2. A/ cooperative B/ creative C/ competitive D/ effective 3. A/ rapid B/ regular C/ strong D/ free 4. A/ equitable B/ suitable C/ comfortable D/ reasonable 5. A/ violence B/ unhappiness C/ poverty D/ unemployment 6. A/ area B/ place C/ position D/ market 7. A/ in B/ into C/ to D/ towards 8. A/ segment B/ element C/ factor D/ unit 9. A/ include B/ comprise C/ consist D/ contain 10.A/ competitiveness B/ struggle C/ influence D/ challenge (unit 1) 1D 2B 3C 4D 5A 6B 7D 8C 9B 10A (unit 2) 1D 2C 3A 4A 5B 6B 7C 8C 9D 10B (unit 3) 1C 2A 3B 4D 5C 6B 7D 8A 9C 10D (unit 4) 1B 2C 3D 4B 5A 6C 7D 8B 9B 10C (unit 5) 1C 2D 3A 4D 5C 6D 7C 8B 9A 10B (unit 6) 1C 2A 3D 4B 5D 6B 7C 8A 9C 10D (unit 7) 1D 2C 3C 4B 5A 6B 7D 8D 9A 10B (unit 8) 1D 2B 3A 4D 5C 6A 7B 8D 9A 10A (unit 9) 1A 2D 3B 4C 5A 6C 7D 8B 9D 10C (unit 10) 1C 2D 3D 4B 5A 6C 7D 8D 9B 10A (unit 11) 1B 2C 3D 4B 5C 6C 7B 8D 9B 10A (unit 12) 1D 2C 3B 4A 5C 6B 7D 8C 9A 10B (unit 13) 1D 2A 3D 4A 5C 6B 7D 8C 9D 10C (unit 14) 1C 2B 3C 4B 5C 6A 7D 8D 9A 10D (unit 15) 1B 2D 3C 4B 5D 6A 7C 8B 9C 10D (unit 16) 1B 2C 3D 4A 5C 6D 7B 8A 9C 10A . proportion 5. A/ cultures B/ politics C/ economics D/ industries 6. A/ person B/ personal C/ personality D/ personne 7. A/ technical B/ physical C/ vocational. Rejuvenation B/ Renewal C/Renovation D/ Modernization (unit 9) The Middle East and North Africa are one of the driest regions on earth. Nearly two-thirds

Ngày đăng: 24/11/2013, 08:11

