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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2009 - Unit 7: World population

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Pre-speaking : - Ask students to read through the causes - Let them work in pairs to order the causes and explain their -Do the task 1 in pairs -Work in pairs and order the order -Call o[r]

(1)Period: UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION Date of preparation: Date of teaching: A Objectives: Educational aim: students should know about world population Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand more about the world population - New words: Words related to world population Skills: Guessing meaning in context, and passage comprehension B Method: Integrated, mainly communicative C Teaching aids: Textbook, some photos of music D Procdure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up: Class work - Ask Ss to listen to the song and answer the Listen and answer the questions questions:  Thượng đế buồn * What is the name of this song?  Trần Tiến * Who composed it?  Overpopulation causes poorness and * What is the topic of this song? unhappiness - Give answer and lead to new lesson Pre - reading: a Vocabulary: double (v) /'dʌbl/ :nhiều gấp hai lần, gấp đôi Copy down limit (v) / 'limit/ :giới hạn, hạn chế (n) ranh giới, hạn định (using picture) raise animals /reiz 'æniməl / :nuôi động vật figure (n) / 'figə/ : số birth-control method /bз:θ kən'trəul 'meθəd/: phương pháp hạn chế sinh đẻ family planning (n)/'fæmili 'plæniη/:kế hoạch hoá gia đình (using the world map) Third World /'θз:d 'wз:ld/ : các nước kém phát triển b Guiding question: - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and then answer The population of the world has been the question: increasing faster and faster * How has the population of the world been increasing? While - reading: Individual work a Task 1: Fill each blank with a suitable Compare with their partner word:  Answer key: - Ask Ss to the exercise individually Although method - Compare the answer with their partner increases resources - Give feedback figures limit international control Lop11.com (2) b Task 2: Lucky map - Divide the class into groups - Each group takes turn to choose the map - If it is a question, that team have to answer the question and get mark for the correct answer - If it is a lucky number, that team will get marks - Which team has the higher mark is the winner Post - reading: • Look at the clip and discuss these points in groups: - countries which have the largest population in Asia - Some problems of overpopulation Give some more problems you know - Give some solutions for these problems - Divide the class into groups - Give the handouts - Ask them to complete the handout as quickly as they can - Give feedback - Decide the winner (quickest and most correct answer) Home – work : - Learn vocabulary - Prepare the next lesson Play the game Answer key: YEAR NUMBER 10,000 B.C 10 million 1750 625 million 1850 1,300 million 1950 2,510 million 1985 4,760 million 2000 6,600 million By the year 2015, the population of the world is expected to be over billion Some scientists say it can, but others say it can’t No, they don’t They can’t limit the size of their families because they know of no safe way to have fewer children Group work  Answer key: - countries which have the largest population in Asia Rank Country Population China 1,313,180,218 India 1,100,000,000 Indonesia 232,998,000 Pakistan 158,352,000 - Some problems of overpopulation Give some more problems you know * shortage of work * poor working condition * pollution * traffic jam * poor living condition * poor education condition * crime * lack of heath care system * lack of resources - Give some solutions for these problems * family planning * one child policy * fine strictly * educate people Lop11.com (3) Period: UNIT 7: SPEAKING Date of preparation: Date of teaching: A Objectives: Educational aim: Students should know how to talk about problems of overpopulation and offering solutions Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students could identify causes to population explosion and facing overpopulated countries - New words: words related to the topic Skills: talking about the causes of population explosion ,problems of population booms and solutions to these problems B Method: Integrated, mainly communicative C Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures D Procdure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm –up: - Teacher asks students some questions: - Give answers - Is population explosion a big problem nowadays? - What are some causes of population explosion? - Look at Task and give your opinion - Introduce Task and give the meaning of some news words (if necessary) Pre-speaking : - Ask students to read through the causes - Let them work in pairs to order the causes and explain their -Do the task in pairs -Work in pairs and order the order -Call on some students to give their answer in front of the causes ,explain their order class - Listen to students and correct mistakes While - speaking: a Task 1: - Give answers - die at birth - Work in pairs - be aware of - Give their presentation - religion - insurance - Ask students to Task in pairs - Give feedback and correct mistakes if necessary - Many people believe that Suggested answers having a large family is a form - People are not properly educated There are a lot of of insurance They think that people especially in remote areas who have little when they are old, their children education So they aren’t interested in news or what is will look after them happening around them or in the world - People aren’t aware of population explosion They don’t think that all big families will lead to explosion Lop11.com - Fewer children die at birth thanks to medical care and advanced technology in (4) - People believe that having many children means happiness b Task 2: - Ask students to Task in pairs Example: People in these countries have poor living conditions - Ask some pairs to present their ideas in front of class - Give remarks c Task 3: - Ask students to Task (group work ) Example In order to control the population growth, the government should encourage people to use birth control methods - Ask students to report in front of class - Give remarks Some suggestions In order to control the population growth, the government should these things: The government should raise an awareness of the problems of overpopulation The government should implement reward and punishment policies, carry out population education programmes and family planning programmes The government should encourage people to use birth control methods Post - speaking: Task - Ask students to complete the table - Ask some students to talk about the problems of overpopulation and solutions in front of the class Homework: - Ask students to part B in the workbooks - Ask students to prepare Part C- Listening and homework Lop11.com medicine - Religion doesn’t encourage people to have fewer children - Pair work - Perform in front of class Some suggestions People in these countries have poor living conditions or lowliving standard There isn’t enough food for all people in these countries These countries lack schools, teachers and hospitals - Group work - Perform in front of class - Close the books - Work in groups - The students are called stand up and tell loudly Problems - Solutions - (5) Period: UNIT 7: L ISTENING Date of preparation: Date of teaching: A Objectives: Educational aim: Students should know to talk about the world population Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson Students will be able to develop such listening micro-skill as listening for specific information - New words: Words related to the topic Skills: - Comprehension questions - Listening and deciding on choosing the best answer B Method: Integrated, mainly communicative C Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures D Procdure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm – up: Game: Bingo - Have students list the populous countries population - Play the game - Note down their names on the board (about 10 or more) - List the populous countries - Ask students to take out a piece of paper and copy down - Take out a piece of paper and countries from the list on the board copy down from the list on the - Choose countries by marking them board - Right after the T marks the last country, any students who have all the same choices as the t will say “ Bingo” and they win the game - Checking sts understanding of the instructions - Ask students to start the game Pre – listening: Discussion: - Ask sts to work in pairs to discuss the following questions: Do you think that the Third world has high population - Work in pair and discuss the density? question Do you think that our world is overpopulated? - Call on some sts to present their answer - Ask other sts to add more ideas Pre- teaching vocabulary: - Before eliciting vocabulary, help sts pronounce the words given in the textbook Eliciting vocabulary : Matching - Work individually and match calculate (v) a all the people who were born at Expected answers: rank (v) about the same time 1.d 2.b 3.e 4.c 5.a illiteracy (v) b to have a position on scale implement (v) c to carry out generation (n) d to guess sth by using all the information available e the state of not knowing how to read or how to write Checking : jumbled words Lop11.com (6) Write the words with jumbled letters on the board 2n + 2e + g + a+ I+ t + o+ r = ? (generation) 2c + 2l + y + c + e + r + a+ t = ? (illiteracy) 2c + 2l + 2a + t + e+ u = ? (calculate) k+n+r+a =? (rank) 2m + 2e + I +p + l + n +t = ? (implement) - Divide the class into teams, ask students from each team, one by one to go the board to write the correct words - Within minute, which group has more correct words will be the winner - Declare the winner Introduce the listening : you will hear an interview in which Dr Brown a world population on expert, talk about the world population Liten to the interview and the tasks that follow Predicting activity: (task 1, p 84,85) - Ask sts to read the statements and the questions carefully and underling the words that make them different - Get sts to get the answer to each question - Call on some pair to get their prediction While – listening: Activity : Multiple choice - Have the sts listen to the interview once for sts to the task - Get students to compare their answer with their partner - Check the answer with the whole class If many sts cannot answer the question, play the tape one or two more times and pause at the key answer for them to catch Activity : Questions – Answers - Check if sts can answer the question in task with listening again - Have the sts read through the questions, underling the keywords - Ask sts to predict the answer - Let sts listen to the tape again to answer the questions by noting down the answers ( only the main points not full sentences) - Have the sts check their answer with the partner - Check with the whole class - Play the tape again and pause at the difficult point if sts cannot answer the question Lop11.com - Work in group and write the words with jumbled letters on the board - Read the statements and the questions carefully an underline the key words - isten the tape and task - Compare their answer with a partner Keys: 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B - Listen again and answer the questions Expecting answer : According to the expert, by the year 2010, the population of the world is / will be over billion He says that the population growth rates in some parts of the world are not the same The population grows more quickly in some parts of the world than others According to the expert, the reason for a fall in the death rates is the improvement of public health services and medical care the problems (which) (7) population explosion causes to the world , particularly to developing countries are shortage of food, lack of hospitals and schools, illiteracy, and poor living conditions The expert offers solutions they are : - To educate people to make them aware of the danger of having more children - To provide safe, inexpensive birth-control methods - To strictly implement a family planning policy - To exercise strict and fair reward and punishment policies Post – listening: Summarizing (group of ) (worksheet) - Have each in the group summarize the text based on the cues given before listening more time in 5’ Population expert – Fall in death rates - world population – Problems: food, hospital - over billion by 2010 illiteracy, living conditions - Rate of population growth –aware of the danger - Not the same : Latin, birth-control method Africa – Fair aware & punishment Asia policies - Have sts listen to the tape once or twice to check the tape once or twice to check their summary - Get sts to compare their work with their group to have the best summary - Call on some sts to read their summary in front of the class and give good mark for the good presentation - Give feedback Home – work : - Have sts find the other forms of the vocabulary given and make sentences with them - Ask sts to rewrite the summary into their notebooks Lop11.com - Work in group and as directed (8) Period: UNIT 7: WRITING Date of preparation: Date of teaching: A Objectives: Educational aim: Students should write descriptions of pie charts Knowledge: Students learn how to write descriptions of a chart - Language: students should interpret statistics on population from a chart - New words: Words related to the topic Skills: Writing descriptions of pie charts B Method: Integrated, mainly communicative C Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures D Procdure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm – up : Continent recognition - Divide the class into teams - Work in group - Copy, cut and shuffle the continents and their names (see - Match the continent with their appendix) Make enough sts for the class working in pairs names or groups of or - Give each group a set of cards and tell them they have to match the continents with their names minutes - Ask the representative of each group to go to the board and write down their answers - The group who write faster and has more correct answers will be the winner - Check sts’ understanding of instructions and have sts start the game - Declare the winner Lead in: - Questions : According to you, which continent has the largest population and which one has the smallest population ? - Introduction: In order to know about the distribution of world population by region, let’s study the chart on p.86 carefully then write a paragraph of 100-120 words, describing the information in the chart Pre – writing: Activity 1: Discovering the distribution - Have Ss open their books working in pairs, one asks the - Work in pairs ask and answer the information in the chart and the other answers (textbook, p questions Expected answers: 86) Suggested ideas: The distribution of world What is the topic of the chart ? population How many regions are there? There are regions Which continent has the largest population ? South Asia Which continent has the smallest population ? Oceania Is the population of Europe larger or smaller than larger Lop11.com (9) Africa - Check the answer with the whole class Activity : Reordering (worksheet) - Ask sts to work in pairs, looking at the chart, reading the sentences and putting them in the logical order North America is home to 514 million (8%) Asia accounts for over 60 % of the world population with almost 3.8 billion people Europe’s 710 million make up 11% of the world’s population Africa follows with 840 million people, 12% of the world population The chart shows the distribution of world population in 2005 Generally, the world population is distributed unevenly through regions China and India alone comprise 20% and 16% respectively - Call on sts to read the sentences in the order they arrange and check with the class Activity 3: Questions and answer - Make questions about the outline and the useful language of a chart description How many parts are there in a chart description ? What are they? What should we put in each part ? (see) appendix) How should we put the figures, in random, or in logical order? What information should we pay attention to a chart ? Should we use personal language or impersonal language ? Which of the following statements should we use ? a We can see that b I could realize that c As can be seen from the chart d It can be seen from the chart that What are the expressions that are often used in the chart describing ? (Ask sts to refer to the textbook) Some more expressions: - Globally, - the chart shows that - The chart describes that - The chart presents - According to the chart, it can be seen that - From the chart, it can be seen that - in the chart Lop11.com - Work in pairs Expected answer: 5-6-2-7-4-3-1 The chart shows the distribution of world population of world population in 2005 Generally, the world population is distributed unevenly through regions Asia accounts for over 60% of the world population with almost 3.8 billion people China and India alone comprise 20% and 16% respectively Africa follows with 840 million people, 12% of the world population Europe’s 710 million make up 11% of the world’s population North America is home to 514 million (8%) and South America to 371 million (5.3%) - Work individually and as directed (Expected answers: or 3: introduction- body- conclusion) (Caption words, time reported, general, trend, ) (impersonal language) ( Expected answers :c, d) (10) - In sum , - Comprise = account for percent - follow - Make up percent of the Outlining: Introduction Tell the chart is about (time, location, things described in the chart) Eg: the chart shows the distribution of world population in 2005 2.Body - Begin with a sentence to sum up the overall trend Eg: Generally, the world population is distributed unevenly through regions - Describe the chart in detail (in a logical order) Eg: in the example above, the regions are presented according to percentage of the population Asia is ranked first because it has the largest percentage and South America is ranked last because it has the smallest percentage Conclusion Summarize the main points ( optional) While – writing: Describing a chart - Ask sts to write a paragraph of 100 – 120words, describing the information in the chart, based on the analysis of the chart above - Remain sts of the organization of a chart description and the useful language given - Revise the comparative and superlative forms the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and nouns (if necessary) – get sts to work in pairs and correct each other’s writing - Move around and to control and give help Post – writing: Feedback on sts’ writing - Call on some sts to go and copy their writing on the board - Ask other sts to give comments Home – work : - Have sts review the outline of a chart description - Rewrite the paragraph base on the T’s and other sts’ suggestions and corrections Lop11.com - Copy them down - Write a paragraph (11) Period: UNIT 7: LANGUAGE FOCUS Date of preparation: Date of teaching: I Objectives: Educational aim: Ss should be aware of the importance of pronouncing correctly and using conditional type 1, and and conditional in reported speech in daily life Knowledge: a General knowledge: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - pronounce and distinguish the sounds / kl /, / gl /, / kr /, / gr /, / kw / correctly - understand and use conditional type 1, 2, and conditional in reported speech b Vocabulary: quarrel, apply for, situation Skills: Integrated skills II Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative III Techniques: Questions and answers, repetition, pair work, explanation, gap filling and practice IV Teaching aids: Textbook, charts, pictures and chalks IV Procedure: Teacher’s activities 1.Warm-up : Kim’s game - Divides the class into four groups A, B, C and D - Shows Ss pictures - Gives Ss 30 seconds to look through these pictures - Takes away the pictures - Asks each group to write down the things they see in the pictures as many as possible - Asks each group to read aloud their words Which group has more correct words will be the winner - Gives feedback - Gives feedback - Leads to the lesson: Today we will learn how to pronounce the sounds / kl /, / gl /, / kr /, / gr / and / kw / Student’s activities - Divide - Look through the pictures - Write down - Read aloud Key: The pictures are about: clown groom queen glass ice-cream clock crab grass - Listen - Fill in Pronunciation 2.1 Presentation - Divides the board into columns labeling with / kl /, / gl / kl / / gl / / kr / / gr/ / kw / /, / kr /, / gr / and / kw / and asks Ss to fill in each column with suitable words they have just found clock glass crab grass queen - Asks Ss to add more words that they know to the five clown icegroom lists cream - Helps Ss pronounce these sounds by demonstrating them - Add more clearly and correctly - Reads through these above words and the words - Listen to the T’s pronunciation containing the five sounds on page 87 Lop11.com (12) - Reads again and asks Ss to repeat - Calls on some Ss to read aloud - Asks for peers’ comments - Gives feedback - Listen 2.2 Practice - Models the dialogue with a S - Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs within 2’ - Goes around and provides help when necessary - Calls on some pairs to act out in front of the class - Asks other Ss to gives corrections - Gives feedback Grammar 3.1 Revision of conditional types 1, and a Presentation: - Hangs a chart of a table on the board and asks Ss to fill in the table with the structure of main and if clauses and the use of each types of conditional Type 1- Real If clause Simple present 2- Unreal in present Past subjunctive ( be were) Past perfect 3- Unreal in the past - Repeat - Read aloud - Gives comments - Listen - Read the dialogue with the T - Practise in pairs - Act out - Gives corrections - Listen - Fill in Main clause Will/ can/ may/ shall + V-inf Would/ could/ should/ might + V-inf Would/ could/ should/ might + have+ PP - Asks Ss to make some sentences of conditional types 1, and - Calls on some Ss to write down their sentences on the board - Asks for peers’ comments - Gives feedback b Practice * Exercise and - Has Ss put the verbs in brackets into the correct form - Goes around and provides help if necessary - Asks Ss to compare the answers with their partner - Calls on some Ss to read aloud the answers and write them down on the board - Asks for peers’ comments - Gives feedback Lop11.com - Make sentences If I have time, I’ll help you If I were the King, you would be the queen If he had studied hard, you would have passed his exam - Give comments - Listen - Give the correct form - Compare - Read aloud and write down * Exercise 1: would drive could choose is will take (13) * Extra exercise: Sentence completion - Divides the class into groups of - Delivers each group a handout of some uncompleted sentences and asks them to complete them by adding the missing clause Which group have the first and correct answers will become the winner I will tell you the truth if…….……… If I were you, …………… If I had had enough money, ……… If it is nice tomorrow, ……………… What would happen if………… I would have gone swimming if………… - Gives feedback 3.2 Conditional in reported speech a Presentation: - Gives Ss a chart of three examples “If you finish before 4.30, I come and pick you up,” he said to me He told me (that) if I finished before 4.30, he would come and pick me up “I could see my parents everyday If I live in Hue,” Hoa said Hoa said (that) she could she her parents everyday if she lived in Hue “I wouldn’t have begun to learn Russian if I had known the difficulties,” the man said to her The man said to her (that) he wouldn’t have begun to learn Russian if he had known the difficulties - Asks Ss: “When the direct speech is a conditional sentence, which type that we have to change, which types we don’t have to change?” - Corrects Ss’ answers and gives the correct answers: Type Type Types 2, The same b Practice: - Has Ss to the exercise by changing conditional sentences into reported speech - Goes around and provides help when necessary - Asks Ss to check the answers with their partner - Calls on some Ss to read aloud the answers and write them down on the board Lop11.com closed will come * Exercise 2: had been told had realized wouldn’t have been would have bought had studied - Give comments - Listen - Divide into groups of - Complete the sentences - Listen and take notes - Look at the chart - Answer - Listen and take note - Change into reported speech - Check with the partners - Read aloud and write down The man told her that he would come to see her if he had time He asked her what she would say if someone stepped on her feet They told me that if it didn’t rain they would go out with me (14) The man asked the woman what she would if she were a billionaire The man said to me that if I had asked him, he would have lent me his motorbike The man said to his daughter that he would be very disappointed if she didn’t come The boy told the girl that he was sure they would understand if she explained the situation to them - Gives comment - Listen and take note - Asks for peers’ comments - Gives feedback - Make conditional sentences * Extra practice: Use the given information to make conditional sentences If I had been hungry, I would have I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t eat anything eaten something The accidents happened because the driver in front The accidents wouldn’t have stopped so suddenly happened if the driver in front hadn’t I didn’t know that Lan had to get up early, so I didn’t stopped so suddenly If I had known Lan had had to get up wake her up Mary wasn’t injured in the crash because she was early, I would have woken her up Mary would have been injured in the wearing seat belt I didn’t meet you last night, so I couldn’t tell you the crash if she hadn’t been wearing seat belt truth Because Alan never eats breakfast, he always overeats If I had met you last night, I could at lunch have told you the truth Jack was late to his own wedding because his watch If Alan always ate breakfast, he was ten minutes slow wouldn’t have overeaten at lunch I don’t ride the bus to work every morning because it’s Jack wouldn’t have been late to his always so crowded wedding if his watch hadn’t been 10 minutes slow I would ride the bus to work every morning if it were not always so crowded Homework: + Only use preps before - Asks Ss to: + learn the form and use of the conditionals types 1, and + make conditional sentences + prepare for the next lesson: Unit 8- Reading % that whom /w Lop11.com (15) Lop11.com (16)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 07:21
