Expressing gratitude
Trang 1List of tables, graphs and figures
Table 1 The 5 general functions of speech acts…………………… … 9
Figure 1 Possible strategies for doing FTAs ……… 14
Table 2 Mean ratings of social factors by English subjects ……………… 35
Table 3 Mean ratings of social factors by English and Vietnamese subjects …… 36
Table 4 Use of sub-acts with respect to + P (sit 1, lecturer) ……… ……… 46
Table 5 Use of sub-acts with respect to + P (sit 2, speech) ………………… 48
Table 6 Use of sub-acts with respect to = P (sit 6, money) … …………… 52
Table 7 Use of sub-acts with respect to = P (sit 9, books) ……….……………… 56
Table 8 Use of sub-acts with respect to - P (sit 11, phone number) ……….58
Table 9 Use of sub-acts with respect to - P (sit 12, phone number) ……….59
Table 10 Use of sub-acts with respect to - R (sit 1, sit 9, sit 11) … ……………… 63
Table 11 Use of sub-acts with respect to + P (sit 2, sit 6, sit 12) ………65
Table 12 Common strategies by ES and VL in gratitude expressions……….70
Graph 1 Use of sub-acts with respect to + P (sit 1, lecturer) …… ……… …………46
Graph 2 Use of sub-acts with respect to + P (sit 2, speech) ……………… 48
Graph 3 Use of sub-acts with respect to = P (sit 6, money) ……………….….……52
Graph 4 Use of sub-acts with respect to = P (sit 9, books) …………….…………56
Graph 5 Use of sub-acts with respect to - P (sit 11, phone number) ……….58
Graph 6 Use of sub-acts with respect to - P (sit 12, phone number) ……….59
Graph 7 Use of sub-acts with respect to - R (sit 1, sit 9, sit 11) ……… …… 63
Graph 8 Use of sub-acts with respect to - R (sit 2, sit 6, sit 12) ……… .…….66